[MANUAL] English:
[zend.git] / documentation / manual / en / module_specs / Zend_Gdata_Books.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!-- Reviewed: no -->
3 <sect1 id="zend.gdata.books">
4     <title>Using the Book Search Data API</title>
6     <para>
7         The Google Book Search Data <acronym>API</acronym> allows client applications to view
8         and update Book Search content in the form of Google Data <acronym>API</acronym> feeds.
9     </para>
11     <para>
12         Your client application can use the Book Search Data <acronym>API</acronym> to issue
13         full-text searches for books and to retrieve standard book information,
14         ratings, and reviews. You can also access individual users'
15         <ulink url="http://books.google.com/googlebooks/mylibrary/">library collections and
16             public reviews</ulink>. Finally, your application can submit authenticated requests
17         to enable users to create and modify library collections, ratings, labels,
18         reviews, and other account-specific entities.
19     </para>
21     <para>
22         For more information on the Book Search Data <acronym>API</acronym>, please refer to the
23         official <ulink url="http://code.google.com/apis/books/gdata/developers_guide_php.html">PHP
24             Developer's Guide</ulink> on code.google.com.
25     </para>
27     <sect2 id="zend.gdata.books.authentication">
28         <title>Authenticating to the Book Search service</title>
30         <para>
31             You can access both public and private feeds using the Book Search
32             Data <acronym>API</acronym>. Public feeds don't require any authentication, but they are
33             read-only. If you want to modify user libraries, submit reviews or
34             ratings, or add labels, then your client needs to authenticate before
35             requesting private feeds. It can authenticate using either of two
36             approaches: AuthSub proxy authentication or ClientLogin username/password
37             authentication. Please refer to the <ulink
38                 url="http://code.google.com/apis/books/gdata/developers_guide_php.html#Authentication">Authentication
39                 section in the <acronym>PHP</acronym> Developer's Guide</ulink> for more detail.
40         </para>
41     </sect2>
43     <sect2 id="zend.gdata.books.searching_for_books">
44         <title>Searching for books</title>
46         <para>
47             The Book Search Data <acronym>API</acronym> provides a number of feeds that list
48             collections of books.
49         </para>
51         <para>
52             The most common action is to retrieve a list of books that match a
53             search query. To do so you create a <code>VolumeQuery</code> object
54             and pass it to the <code>Books::getVolumeFeed</code> method.
55         </para>
57         <para>
58             For example, to perform a keyword query, with a filter on
59             viewability to restrict the results to partial or full view books, use
60             the <code>setMinViewability</code> and <code>setQuery</code> methods
61             of the <code>VolumeQuery</code> object. The following code snippet prints
62             the title and viewability of all volumes whose metadata or text matches
63             the query term "domino":
64         </para>
66         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
67 $books = new Zend_Gdata_Books();
68 $query = $books->newVolumeQuery();
70 $query->setQuery('domino');
71 $query->setMinViewability('partial_view');
73 $feed = $books->getVolumeFeed($query);
75 foreach ($feed as $entry) {
76     echo $entry->getVolumeId();
77     echo $entry->getTitle();
78     echo $entry->getViewability();
80 ]]></programlisting>
82         <para>
83             The <code>Query</code> class, and subclasses like
84             <code>VolumeQuery</code>, are responsible for constructing feed
85             <acronym>URL</acronym>s. The VolumeQuery shown above constructs a <acronym>URL</acronym>
86             equivalent to the following:
87         </para>
89         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
90 http://www.google.com/books/feeds/volumes?q=keyword&amp;min-viewability=partial
91 ]]></programlisting>
93         <para>
94             Note: Since Book Search results are
95             public, you can issue a Book Search query without authentication.
96         </para>
98         <para>
99             Here are some of the most common <code>VolumeQuery</code>
100             methods for setting search parameters:
101         </para>
103         <para>
104             <code>setQuery:</code> Specifies a search
105             query term. Book Search searches all book metadata and full text for
106             books matching the term. Book metadata includes titles, keywords,
107             descriptions, author names, and subjects.
108             Note that any spaces, quotes or other punctuation in the parameter
109             value must be <acronym>URL</acronym>-escaped. (Use a plus (<code>+</code>) for a space.)
110             To search for an exact phrase, enclose the phrase in quotation marks.
111             For example, to search for books matching the phrase "spy plane", set
112             the <code>q</code> parameter to <code>%22spy+plane%22</code>.
113             You can also use any of the <ulink url="http://books.google.com/advanced_book_search">
114             advanced search operators</ulink> supported by Book Search. For example,
115             <code>jane+austen+-inauthor:austen</code> returns matches that mention
116             (but are not authored by) Jane Austen.
117         </para>
119         <para>
120             <code>setStartIndex:</code> Specifies
121             the index of the first matching result that should be included in the
122             result set. This parameter uses a one-based index, meaning the first
123             result is 1, the second result is 2 and so forth. This parameter works
124             in conjunction with the max-results
125             parameter to determine which results to return. For example, to
126             request the third set of 10 results—results 21-30—set
127             the <code>start-index</code> parameter to <code>21</code> and the
128             max-results parameter to <code>10</code>.
129             Note: This isn't a general cursoring
130             mechanism. If you first send a query with
131             <code>?start-index=1&amp;max-results=10</code> and then send another
132             query with <code>?start-index=11&amp;max-results=10</code>, the
133             service cannot guarantee that the results are equivalent to
134             <code>?start-index=1&amp;max-results=20</code>, because insertions and
135             deletions could have taken place in between the two queries.
136         </para>
138         <para>
139             <code>setMaxResults:</code>
140             Specifies the maximum number of results that should be included
141             in the result set. This parameter works in conjunction with the
142             start-index parameter to determine which
143             results to return. The default value of this parameter is
144             <code>10</code> and the maximum value is <code>20</code>.
145         </para>
147         <para>
148             <code>setMinViewability:</code> Allows you to filter the results according to the books'
149             <ulink
150                 url="http://code.google.com/apis/books/docs/dynamic-links.html#terminology">viewability
151                 status</ulink>. This parameter accepts one of three values: <code>'none'</code>
152             (the default, returning all matching books regardless of
153             viewability), <code>'partial_view'</code> (returning only books
154             that the user can preview or view in their entirety), or
155             <code>'full_view'</code> (returning only books that the user can
156             view in their entirety).
157         </para>
159         <sect3 id="zend.gdata.books.partner_restrict">
160             <title>Partner Co-Branded Search</title>
162             <para>
163                 Google Book Search provides <ulink
164                     url="http://books.google.com/support/partner/bin/answer.py?hl=en&amp;answer=65113">Co-Branded
165                     Search</ulink>, which lets content partners provide full-text search of
166                 their books from their own websites.
167             </para>
169             <para>
170                 If you are a partner who wants to do Co-Branded Search using the
171                 Book Search Data <acronym>API</acronym>, you may do so by modifying the feed
172                 <acronym>URL</acronym> above to point to your Co-Branded Search implementation. if,
173                 for example, a Co-Branded Search is available at the following
174                 <acronym>URL</acronym>:
175             </para>
177             <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
178 http://www.google.com/books/p/PARTNER_COBRAND_ID?q=ball
179 ]]></programlisting>
181             <para>
182                 then you can obtain the same results using the Book Search Data
183                 <acronym>API</acronym> at the following <acronym>URL</acronym>:
184             </para>
186             <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
187 http://www.google.com/books/feeds/p/PARTNER_COBRAND_ID/volumes?q=ball+-soccer
188 ]]></programlisting>
190             <para>
191                 To specify an alternate <acronym>URL</acronym> when querying a volume feed, you can
192                 provide an extra parameter to <code>newVolumeQuery</code>
193             </para>
195             <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
196 $query =
197     $books->newVolumeQuery('http://www.google.com/books/p/PARTNER_COBRAND_ID');
198 ]]></programlisting>
200             <para>
201                 For additional information or support, visit our
202                 <ulink url="http://books.google.com/support/partner/">Partner help center</ulink>.
203             </para>
204         </sect3>
205     </sect2>
207     <sect2 id="zend.gdata.books.community_features">
208         <title>Using community features</title>
210         <sect3 id="zend.gdata.books.adding_ratings">
211             <title>Adding a rating</title>
213             <para>
214                 A user can add a rating to a book. Book Search uses a 1-5
215                 rating system in which 1 is the lowest rating. Users cannot
216                 update or delete ratings.
217             </para>
219             <para>
220                 To add a rating, add a <code>Rating</code> object to a
221                 <code>VolumeEntry</code> and post it to the annotation feed.
222                 In the example below, we start from an empty <code>VolumeEntry</code> object.
223             </para>
225             <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
226 $entry = new Zend_Gdata_Books_VolumeEntry();
227 $entry->setId(new Zend_Gdata_App_Extension_Id(VOLUME_ID));
228 $entry->setRating(new Zend_Gdata_Extension_Rating(3, 1, 5, 1));
229 $books->insertVolume($entry, Zend_Gdata_Books::MY_ANNOTATION_FEED_URI);
230 ]]></programlisting>
231         </sect3>
233         <sect3 id="zend.gdata.books.reviews">
234             <title>Reviews</title>
236             <para>
237                 In addition to ratings, authenticated users can submit reviews or
238                 edit their reviews. For information on how to request previously
239                 submitted reviews, see <ulink
240                     url="#zend.gdata.books.retrieving_annotations">Retrieving annotations</ulink>.
241             </para>
243             <sect4 id="zend.gdata.books.adding_review">
244                 <title>Adding a review</title>
246                 <para>
247                     To add a review, add a <code>Review</code> object to a
248                     <code>VolumeEntry</code> and post it to the annotation
249                     feed. In the example below, we start from an existing
250                     <code>VolumeEntry</code> object.
251                 </para>
253                 <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
254 $annotationUrl = $entry->getAnnotationLink()->href;
255 $review        = new Zend_Gdata_Books_Extension_Review();
257 $review->setText("This book is amazing!");
258 $entry->setReview($review);
259 $books->insertVolume($entry, $annotationUrl);
260 ]]></programlisting>
261             </sect4>
263             <sect4 id="zend.gdata.books.editing_review">
264                 <title>Editing a review</title>
266                 <para>
267                     To update an existing review, first you retrieve the
268                     review you want to update, then you modify it, and
269                     then you submit it to the annotation feed.
270                 </para>
272                 <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
273 $entryUrl = $entry->getId()->getText();
274 $review   = new Zend_Gdata_Books_Extension_Review();
276 $review->setText("This book is actually not that good!");
277 $entry->setReview($review);
278 $books->updateVolume($entry, $entryUrl);
279 ]]></programlisting>
280             </sect4>
281         </sect3>
283         <sect3 id="zend.gdata.books.labels">
284             <title>Labels</title>
286             <para>
287                 You can use the Book Search Data <acronym>API</acronym> to label volumes with
288                 keywords. A user can submit, retrieve and modify labels. See
289                 <ulink url="#zend.gdata.books.retrieving_annotations">Retrieving
290                     annotations</ulink> for how to read previously submitted labels.
291             </para>
293             <sect4 id="zend.gdata.books.submitting_labels">
294                 <title>Submitting a set of labels</title>
296                 <para>
297                     To submit labels, add a <code>Category</code> object
298                     with the scheme <constant>LABELS_SCHEME</constant> to a
299                     <code>VolumeEntry</code> and post it to the annotation feed.
300                 </para>
302                 <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
303 $annotationUrl = $entry->getAnnotationLink()->href;
304 $category      = new Zend_Gdata_App_Extension_Category(
305     'rated',
306     'http://schemas.google.com/books/2008/labels');
307 $entry->setCategory(array($category));
308 $books->insertVolume($entry, Zend_Gdata_Books::MY_ANNOTATION_FEED_URI);
309 ]]></programlisting>
310             </sect4>
311         </sect3>
313         <sect3 id="zend.gdata.books.retrieving_annotations">
314             <title>Retrieving annotations: reviews, ratings, and labels</title>
316             <para>
317                 You can use the Book Search Data <acronym>API</acronym> to retrieve annotations
318                 submitted by a given user. Annotations include reviews, ratings, and
319                 labels. To retrieve any user's annotations, you can send an
320                 unauthenticated request that includes the user's user ID. To retrieve the
321                 authenticated user's annotations, use the value <code>me</code> as the user ID.
322             </para>
324             <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
325 $feed = $books->getVolumeFeed(
326             'http://www.google.com/books/feeds/users/USER_ID/volumes');
327 <i>(or)</i>
328 $feed = $books->getUserAnnotationFeed();
330 // print title(s) and rating value
331 foreach ($feed as $entry) {
332     foreach ($feed->getTitles() as $title) {
333         echo $title;
334     }
335     if ($entry->getRating()) {
336         echo 'Rating: ' . $entry->getRating()->getAverage();
337     }
339 ]]></programlisting>
341             <para>
342                 For a list of the supported query parameters, see the
343                 <ulink url="#zend.gdata.books.query_parameters">query parameters</ulink>
344                 section.
345             </para>
346         </sect3>
348         <sect3 id="zend.gdata.books.deleting_annotations">
349             <title>Deleting Annotations</title>
351             <para>
352                 If you retrieved an annotation entry containing ratings,
353                 reviews, and/or labels, you can remove all annotations
354                 by calling <code>deleteVolume</code> on that entry.
355             </para>
357             <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
358 $books->deleteVolume($entry);
359 ]]></programlisting>
360         </sect3>
361     </sect2>
363     <sect2 id="zend.gdata.books.sharing_with_my_library">
364         <title>Book collections and My Library</title>
366         <para>
367             Google Book Search provides a number of user-specific
368             book collections, each of which has its own feed.
369         </para>
371         <para>
372             The most important collection is the user's My Library, which
373             represents the books the user would like to remember, organize, and
374             share with others. This is the collection the user sees when accessing
375             his or her <ulink url="http://books.google.com/books?op=library">My Library
376                 page</ulink>.
377         </para>
379         <sect3 id="zend.gdata.books.retrieving_books_in_library">
380             <title>Retrieving books in a user's library</title>
382             <para>
383                 The following sections describe how to retrieve a list
384                 of books from a user's library, with or without query
385                 parameters.
386             </para>
388             <para>
389                 You can query a Book Search public feed without authentication.
390             </para>
392             <sect4 id="zend.gdata.books.retrieving_all_books_in_library">
393                 <title>Retrieving all books in a user's library</title>
395                 <para>
396                     To retrieve the user's books, send a query to the
397                     My Library feed. To get the library of the authenticated
398                     user, use <code>me</code> in place of <constant>USER_ID</constant>.
399                 </para>
401                 <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
402 $feed = $books->getUserLibraryFeed();
403 ]]></programlisting>
405                 <para>
406                     Note: The feed may not contain all of the user's books, because
407                     there's a default limit on the number of results returned. For
408                     more information, see the <code>max-results</code> query parameter in
409                     <ulink url="#zend.gdata.books.searching_for_books">Searching for books</ulink>.
410                 </para>
411             </sect4>
413             <sect4 id="zend.gdata.books.retrieving_books_in_library_with_query">
414                 <title>Searching for books in a user's library</title>
416                 <para>
417                     Just as you can <ulink
418                         url="#zend.gdata.books.searching_for_books">search across all books</ulink>,
419                     you can do a full-text search over just the books in a
420                     user's library. To do this, just set the appropriate
421                     paramters on the <code>VolumeQuery</code> object.
422                 </para>
424                 <para>
425                     For example, the following query returns all the books in
426                     your library that contain the word "bear":
427                 </para>
429                 <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
430 $query = $books->newVolumeQuery(
431     'http://www.google.com/books/feeds/users' .
432     '/USER_ID/collections/library/volumes');
433 $query->setQuery('bear');
434 $feed = $books->getVolumeFeed($query);
435 ]]></programlisting>
437                 <para>
438                     For a list of the supported query parameters, see the
439                     <ulink url="#zend.gdata.books.query_pParameters">query parameters</ulink>
440                     section. In addition, you can search for books that have been
441                     <ulink url="#zend.gdata.books.labels">labeled by the user</ulink>:
442                 </para>
444                 <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
445 $query = $books->newVolumeQuery(
446     'http://www.google.com/books/feeds/users/' .
447     'USER_ID/collections/library/volumes');
448 $query->setCategory(
449 $query->setCategory('favorites');
450 $feed = $books->getVolumeFeed($query);
451 ]]></programlisting>
452             </sect4>
453         </sect3>
455         <sect3 id="zend.gdata.books.updating_library">
456             <title>Updating books in a user's library</title>
458             <para>
459                 You can use the Book Search Data <acronym>API</acronym> to add a book to, or remove
460                 a book from, a user's library. Ratings, reviews, and labels are valid
461                 across all the collections of a user, and are thus edited using the
462                 annotation feed (see <ulink
463                     url="#zend.gdata.books.community_features">Using community features</ulink>).
464             </para>
466             <sect4 id="zend.gdata.books.library_book_add">
467                 <title>Adding a book to a library</title>
469                 <para>
470                     After authenticating, you can add books to the current user's library.
471                 </para>
473                 <para>
474                     You can either create an entry from scratch if you
475                     know the volume ID, or insert an entry read from any feed.
476                 </para>
478                 <para>
479                     The following example creates a new entry and adds it to the library:
480                 </para>
482                 <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
483 $entry = new Zend_Gdata_Books_VolumeEntry();
484 $entry->setId(new Zend_Gdata_App_Extension_Id(VOLUME_ID));
485 $books->insertVolume(
486     $entry,
487     Zend_Gdata_Books::MY_LIBRARY_FEED_URI
489 ]]></programlisting>
491                 <para>
492                     The following example adds an existing
493                     <code>VolumeEntry</code> object to the library:
494                 </para>
496                 <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
497 $books->insertVolume(
498     $entry,
499     Zend_Gdata_Books::MY_LIBRARY_FEED_URI
501 ]]></programlisting>
502             </sect4>
504             <sect4 id="zend.gdata.books.library_book_remove">
505                 <title>Removing a book from a library</title>
507                 <para>
508                     To remove a book from a user's library, call
509                     <code>deleteVolume</code> on the <code>VolumeEntry</code> object.
510                 </para>
512                 <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
513 $books->deleteVolume($entry);
514 ]]></programlisting>
515             </sect4>
516         </sect3>
517     </sect2>
518 </sect1>