[MANUAL] English:
[zend.git] / documentation / manual / ru / module_specs / Zend_Service_Yahoo.xml
1 <sect1 id="zend.service.yahoo">
2     <title>Zend_Service_Yahoo</title>
3     <sect2 id="zend.service.yahoo.introduction">
4         <title>Введение<!--Introduction--></title>
5         <para>
6             <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo</code> является простым программным интерфейсом
7             (API) для использования многих программных интерфейсов
8             портала Yahoo! (Yahoo! REST API). <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo</code>
9             позволяет искать через Yahoo! Web search, Yahoo! News, Yahoo! Local
10             и Yahoo! Images. Для того, чтобы использовать Yahoo! REST API, вы
11             должны иметь ID приложения Yahoo!.
12             Чтобы получить ID приложения, заполните и отправьте
13             <ulink url="http://api.search.yahoo.com/webservices/register_application">форму заявки на получение ID приложения</ulink>.
14 <!--
15             <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo</code> is a simple API for using many
16             of the Yahoo! REST APIs.
17             <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo</code> allows you to search Yahoo!
18             Web search, Yahoo! News, Yahoo! Local, Yahoo!
19             Images. In order to use the Yahoo! REST API, you must have a
20             Yahoo! Application ID. To obtain an Application ID, please complete
21             and submit the
22             <ulink url="http://api.search.yahoo.com/webservices/register_application">Application ID Request Form</ulink>.
23 -->
24         </para>
25     </sect2>
26     <sect2 id="zend.service.yahoo.websearch">
27         <title>Поиск веб-страниц с помощью Yahoo!<!--Searching the Web with Yahoo!--></title>
28         <para>
29             <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo</code> дает возможность поиска веб-страниц
30             через Yahoo! с помощью метода <code>webSearch()</code>. Этот метод
31             принимает строку запроса в качестве первого параметра и
32             массив опций в качестве необязательного второго параметра.
33             За полной информацией и списком поддерживаемых опций см.
34             <ulink url="http://developer.yahoo.net/search/web/V1/webSearch.html">документации
35             Yahoo! Web Search</ulink>. Метод <code>webSearch()</code> возвращает
36             объект <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_WebResultSet</code>.
37 <!--
38             <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo</code> enables you to search the Web with Yahoo!
39             using the <code>webSearch()</code> method, which accepts
40             a string query parameter and an optional second parameter
41             as an array of search options. For full details and an option list, please visit the
42             <ulink url="http://developer.yahoo.net/search/web/V1/webSearch.html">Yahoo! Web Search
43             Documentation</ulink>. The <code>webSearch()</code> method returns a
44             <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_WebResultSet</code> object.
45 -->
46         </para>
47         <example>
48             <title>Поиск веб-страниц через Yahoo!<!--Searching the Web with Yahoo!--></title>
49             <programlisting><![CDATA[<?php
50 require_once 'Zend/Service/Yahoo.php';
51 $yahoo = new Zend_Service_Yahoo("YAHOO_APPLICATION_ID");
52 $results = $yahoo->webSearch('PHP');
53 foreach ($results as $result) {
54     echo $result->Title .'<br />';
56 ?>]]>       </programlisting>
57         </example>
58     </sect2>
59     <sect2 id="zend.service.yahoo.imagesearch">
60         <title>Поиск изображений через Yahoo!<!--Finding Images with Yahoo!--></title>
61         <para>
62             Вы можете искать изображения через Yahoo!, используя метод <code>imageSearch()</code>
63             класса <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo</code>. Этот метод принимает строку запроса
64             в качестве первого параметра  и
65             массив опций в качестве необязательного второго параметра.
66             За полной информацией и списком поддерживаемых опций см.
67             <ulink url="http://developer.yahoo.net/search/web/V1/webSearch.html">документацию
68             Yahoo! Image Search</ulink>.
69 <!--
70             You can search for Images with Yahoo using <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo</code>'s <code>imageSearch()</code>
71             method. This method accepts a string query parameter and an optional array of search options, as for the
72             <link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.websearch"><code>webSearch()</code> method</link>. For full details
73             and an option list, please visit the
74             <ulink url="http://developer.yahoo.net/search/image/V1/imageSearch.html">Yahoo! Image Search
75             Documentation</ulink>.
76 -->
77         </para>
78         <example>
79             <title>Поиск изображений через Yahoo!<!--Finding Images with Yahoo!--></title>
80             <programlisting><![CDATA[<?php
81 require_once 'Zend/Service/Yahoo.php';
82 $yahoo = new Zend_Service_Yahoo("YAHOO_APPLICATION_ID");
83 $results = $yahoo->imageSearch('PHP');
84 foreach ($results as $result) {
85     echo $result->Title .'<br />';
87 ?>]]>       </programlisting>
88         </example>
89     </sect2>
90     <sect2 id="zend.service.yahoo.localsearch">
91         <title>Поиск торговых и сервисных предприятий по местонахождению через Yahoo!<!--Finding Local Businesses and Services with Yahoo!--></title>
92         <para>
93             Вы можете искать торговые и сервисные службы по местонахождению через Yahoo!,
94             используя метод <code>localSearch()</code>. За полной информацией
95             см. <ulink url="http://developer.yahoo.net/search/local/V1/localSearch.html">документацию Yahoo! Local Search</ulink>.
96 <!--
97             You can search for local businesses and services with Yahoo! by using the <code>localSearch()</code> method.
98             For full details, please see the
99             <ulink url="http://developer.yahoo.net/search/local/V1/localSearch.html">Yahoo! Local Search
100             Documentation</ulink>.
102         </para>
103         <example>
104             <title>Поиск торговых и сервисных предприятий по местонахождению через Yahoo!<!--Finding Local Businesses and Services with Yahoo!--></title>
105             <programlisting><![CDATA[<?php
106 require_once 'Zend/Service/Yahoo.php';
107 $yahoo = new Zend_Service_Yahoo("YAHOO_APPLICATION_ID");
108 $results = $yahoo->localSearch('Apple Computers', array('zip' => '95014'));
109 foreach ($results as $result) {
110     echo $result->Title .'<br />';
112 ?>]]>       </programlisting>
113         </example>
114     </sect2>
115     <sect2 id="zend.service.yahoo.newssearch">
116         <title>Поиск через Yahoo! News<!--Searching Yahoo! News--></title>
117         <para>
118             Поиск новостей через Yahoo! News довольно простой —
119             используйте метод <code>newsSearch()</code>, как показано в
120             следующем примере. За подробностями см. <ulink url="http://developer.yahoo.net/search/news/V1/newsSearch.html">документацию Yahoo! News Search</ulink>.
121 <!--
122             Searching Yahoo! News is simple; just use the <code>newsSearch()</code> method, as in the following
123             example. For full details, please see the
124             <ulink url="http://developer.yahoo.net/search/news/V1/newsSearch.html">Yahoo! News Search
125             Documentation</ulink>.
127         </para>
128         <example>
129             <title>Поиск через Yahoo! News<!--Searching Yahoo! News--></title>
130             <programlisting><![CDATA[<?php
131 require_once 'Zend/Service/Yahoo.php';
132 $yahoo = new Zend_Service_Yahoo("YAHOO_APPLICATION_ID");
133 $results = $yahoo->newsSearch('PHP');
134 foreach ($results as $result) {
135     echo $result->Title .'<br />';
137 ?>]]>       </programlisting>
138         </example>
139     </sect2>
140     <sect2 id="zend.service.yahoo.classes">
141         <title>Классы Zend_Service_Yahoo</title>
142         <para>
143             Все следующие классы возвращаются различными средствами поиска Yahoo!.
144             Каждое средство поиска возвращает набор результатов определенного типа,
145             с которым легко производить итерацию. Каждый отдельный результат поиска
146             заключен в объекте. Все классы наборов результатов реализуют интерфейс
147             <code>SeekableIterator</code>, что позволяет легко производить итерацию и
148             извлечение определенного результата.
149 <!--
150             The following classes are all returned by the various Yahoo! searches.
151             Each search type returns a
152             type-specific result set which can be easily iterated, with each result
153             being contained in a type result
154             object. All result set classes implement the <code>SeekableIterator</code>
155             interface, allowing for easy
156             iteration and seeking to a specific result.
158             <itemizedlist>
159                 <listitem><para><link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes.resultset"><code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_ResultSet</code></link></para></listitem>
160                 <listitem><para><link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes.webresultset"><code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_WebResultSet</code></link></para></listitem>
161                 <listitem><para><link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes.imageresultset"><code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_ImageResultSet</code></link></para></listitem>
162                 <listitem><para><link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes.localresultset"><code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_LocalResultSet</code></link></para></listitem>
163                 <listitem><para><link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes.newsresultset"><code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_NewsResultSet</code></link></para></listitem>
164                 <listitem><para><link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes.result"><code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_Result</code></link></para></listitem>
165                 <listitem><para><link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes.webresult"><code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_WebResult</code></link></para></listitem>
166                 <listitem><para><link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes.imageresult"><code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_ImageResult</code></link></para></listitem>
167                 <listitem><para><link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes.localresult"><code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_LocalResult</code></link></para></listitem>
168                 <listitem><para><link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes.newsresult"><code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_NewsResult</code></link></para></listitem>
169                 <listitem><para><link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes.image"><code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_Image</code></link></para></listitem>
170             </itemizedlist>
171         </para>
172         <sect3 id="zend.service.yahoo.classes.resultset">
173             <title>Zend_Service_Yahoo_ResultSet</title>
174             <para>
175                 Каждый из классов, реализующих набор результатов поиска, является
176                 наследником базового класса <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_ResultSet</code>.
177 <!--
178                 Each of the search specific result sets is extended from this base class.
180             </para>
181             <para>
182                 Все наборы результатов поиска возвращают объекты наследников
183                 класса <link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes.result">Zend_Service_Yahoo_Result</link>.
184 <!--
185                 Each of the specific result sets returns a search specific
186                 <link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes.result">Zend_Service_Yahoo_Result</link> objects.
188             </para>
189             <sect4 id="zend.service.yahoo.classes.resultset.totalResults">
190                 <title>Zend_Service_Yahoo_ResultSet::totalResults()</title>
191                 <para>
192                     <methodsynopsis>
193                         <type>int</type>
194                         <methodname>totalResults</methodname>
195                         <void />
196                     </methodsynopsis>
197                 </para>
198                 <para>
199                     Возвращает общее количество результатов поиска.
200 <!--
201                     Returns the number of results returned for the search.
203                 </para>
204             </sect4>
205             <sect4 id="zend.service.yahoo.classes.resultset.properties">
206                 <title>Свойства класса</title>
207                 <table>
208                     <title>Свойства класса Zend_Service_Yahoo_ResultSet</title>
209                     <tgroup cols="3">
210                         <thead>
211                             <row>
212                                 <entry>Имя</entry>
213                                 <entry>Тип</entry>
214                                 <entry>Описание</entry>
215                             </row>
216                         </thead>
217                         <tbody>
218                             <row>
219                                 <entry>totalResultsAvailable</entry>
220                                 <entry>int</entry>
221                                 <entry>
222                                     Общее количество результатов поиска
223                                     <!--Total number of results found.-->
224                                 </entry>
225                             </row>
226                             <row>
227                                 <entry>totalResultsReturned</entry>
228                                 <entry>int</entry>
229                                 <entry>
230                                     Количество результатов в данном наборе
231                                     <!--Number of results in the current result set-->
232                                 </entry>
233                             </row>
234                             <row>
235                                 <entry>firstResultPosition</entry>
236                                 <entry>int</entry>
237                                 <entry>
238                                     Позиция первого результата в данном наборе по
239                                     отношению к общему количеству результатов поиска
240                                     (смещение)
241                                     <!--Position of the first result in this
242                                     set relative to the total number of results.-->
243                                 </entry>
244                             </row>
245                         </tbody>
246                     </tgroup>
247                 </table>
248                 <para>
249                     <link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes">Назад к списку классов<!--Back to Class List--></link>
250                 </para>
251             </sect4>
252         </sect3>
253         <sect3 id="zend.service.yahoo.classes.webresultset">
254             <title>Zend_Service_Yahoo_WebResultSet</title>
255             <para>
256                 <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_WebResultSet</code> представляет
257                 набор результатов поиска веб-страниц через Yahoo! Web Search.
258 <!--
259                 <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_WebResultSet</code> represents a Yahoo! Web Search result set
260                 result set.
262             </para>
263             <note>
264                 <para>
265                     <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_WebResultSet</code> является наследником класса
266                     <link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes.resultset">Zend_Service_Yahoo_ResultSet</link>.
267 <!--
268                     <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_WebResultSet</code> extends <link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes.resultset">Zend_Service_Yahoo_ResultSet</link>
270                 </para>
271             </note>
272             <para>
273                 <link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes">Назад к списку классов<!--Back to Class List--></link>
274             </para>
275         </sect3>
276         <sect3 id="zend.service.yahoo.classes.imageresultset">
277             <title>Zend_Service_Yahoo_ImageResultSet</title>
278             <para>
279                 <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_ImageResultSet</code>  представляет
280                 набор результатов поиска изображений через Yahoo! Image Search.
281 <!--
282                 <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_ImageResultSet</code> represents a Yahoo! Image Search result set
283                 result set.
285             </para>
286             <note>
287                 <para>
288                     <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_ImageResultSet</code> является наследником класса
289                     <link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes.resultset">Zend_Service_Yahoo_ResultSet</link>.
290 <!--
291                     <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_ImageResultSet</code> extends <link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes.resultset">Zend_Service_Yahoo_ResultSet</link>
293                 </para>
294             </note>
295             <para>
296                 <link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes">Назад к списку классов<!--Back to Class List--></link>
297             </para>
298         </sect3>
299         <sect3 id="zend.service.yahoo.classes.localresultset">
300             <title>Zend_Service_Yahoo_LocalResultSet</title>
301             <para>
302                 <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_ImageResultSet</code> представляет
303                 набор результатов поиска торговых и сервисных предприятий
304                 через Yahoo! Local Search.
305 <!--
306                 <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_LocalResultSet</code> represents a Yahoo! Local Search result set
307                 result set.
309             </para>
310             <table>
311                 <title>Свойства класса Zend_Service_Yahoo_LocalResultSet</title>
312                 <tgroup cols="3">
313                     <thead>
314                         <row>
315                             <entry>Имя</entry>
316                             <entry>Тип</entry>
317                             <entry>Описание</entry>
318                         </row>
319                     </thead>
320                     <tbody>
321                         <row>
322                             <entry>resultSetMapURL</entry>
323                             <entry>string</entry>
324                             <entry>
325                                 URL страницы, содержащей карту, на которой отмечены
326                                 все найденные предприятия.
327                                 <!--The URL of a webpage containing a map
328                                 graphic with all returned results plotted on it.-->
329                             </entry>
330                         </row>
331                     </tbody>
332                 </tgroup>
333             </table>
334             <note>
335                 <para>
336                     <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_LocalResultSet</code> является наследником
337                     класса <link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes.resultset">Zend_Service_Yahoo_ResultSet</link>.
338 <!--
339                     <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_LocalResultSet</code> extends <link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes.resultset">Zend_Service_Yahoo_ResultSet</link>
341                 </para>
342             </note>
343             <para>
344                 <link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes">Назад к списку классов<!--Back to Class List--></link>
345             </para>
346         </sect3>
347         <sect3 id="zend.service.yahoo.classes.newsresultset">
348             <title>Zend_Service_Yahoo_NewsResultSet</title>
349             <para>
350                 <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_ImageResultSet</code> представляет
351                 набор результатов поиска новостей
352                 через Yahoo! News Search.
353 <!--
354                 <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_NewsResultSet</code> represents a Yahoo! News Search result set
355                 result set.
357             </para>
358             <note>
359                 <para>
360                     <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_NewsResultSet</code> является наследником
361                     класса <link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes.resultset">Zend_Service_Yahoo_ResultSet</link>.
362 <!--
363                     <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_NewsResultSet</code> extends <link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes.resultset">Zend_Service_Yahoo_ResultSet</link>
365                 </para>
366             </note>
367             <para>
368                 <link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes">Назад к списку классов<!--Back to Class List--></link>
369             </para>
370         </sect3>
371         <sect3 id="zend.service.yahoo.classes.result">
372             <title>Zend_Service_Yahoo_Result</title>
373             <para>
374                 Каждый из отдельных результатов поиска является объектом класса-наследника от
375                 базового класса <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_Result</code>.
376 <!--
377                 Each of the search specific results is extended from this base class.
379             </para>
380             <sect4 id="zend.service.yahoo.classes.result.properties">
381                 <title>Свойства класса</title>
382                 <table>
383                     <title>Свойства класса Zend_Service_Yahoo_Result</title>
384                     <tgroup cols="3">
385                         <thead>
386                             <row>
387                                 <entry>Имя</entry>
388                                 <entry>Тип</entry>
389                                 <entry>Описание</entry>
390                             </row>
391                         </thead>
392                         <tbody>
393                             <row>
394                                 <entry>Title</entry>
395                                 <entry>string</entry>
396                                 <entry>Заголовок результата поиска<!--Title of the Result item--></entry>
397                             </row>
398                             <row>
399                                 <entry>Url</entry>
400                                 <entry>string</entry>
401                                 <entry>URL результата поиска<!--The URL of the result item--></entry>
402                             </row>
403                             <row>
404                                 <entry>ClickUrl</entry>
405                                 <entry>string</entry>
406                                 <entry>URL для ссылки на результат поиска<!--The URL for linking to the result item--></entry>
407                             </row>
408                         </tbody>
409                     </tgroup>
410                 </table>
411                 <para>
412                     <link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes">Назад к списку классов<!--Back to Class List--></link>
413                 </para>
414             </sect4>
415          </sect3>
416          <sect3 id="zend.service.yahoo.classes.webresult">
417             <title>Zend_Service_Yahoo_WebResult</title>
418             <para>
419                 Каждый из результатов поиска веб-страниц является объектом
420                 <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_WebResult</code>.
421 <!--
422                 Each Web Search result is returned as a <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_WebResult</code> object.
424             </para>
425             <sect4 id="zend.service.yahoo.classes.webresult.properties">
426                 <title>Свойства класса</title>
427                 <table>
428                     <title>Свойства класса Zend_Service_Yahoo_WebResult</title>
429                     <tgroup cols="3">
430                         <thead>
431                             <row>
432                                 <entry>Имя</entry>
433                                 <entry>Тип</entry>
434                                 <entry>Описание</entry>
435                             </row>
436                         </thead>
437                         <tbody>
438                             <row>
439                                 <entry>Summary</entry>
440                                 <entry>string</entry>
441                                 <entry>Краткий текст<!--Result summary--></entry>
442                             </row>
443                             <row>
444                                 <entry>MimeType</entry>
445                                 <entry>string</entry>
446                                 <entry>Тип MIME результата<!--Result mimetype--></entry>
447                             </row>
448                             <row>
449                                 <entry>ModificationDate</entry>
450                                 <entry>string</entry>
451                                 <entry>Дата последнего изменения результата в формате UNIX<!--The last modification date of the result as a UNIX timestamp.--></entry>
452                             </row>
453                             <row>
454                                 <entry>CacheUrl</entry>
455                                 <entry>string</entry>
456                                 <entry>Кэш веб-страницы, если есть<!--Yahoo! web cache URL for the result, if it exists.--></entry>
457                             </row>
458                             <row>
459                                 <entry>CacheSize</entry>
460                                 <entry>int</entry>
461                                 <entry>Размер кэша<!--The size of the Cache entry--></entry>
462                             </row>
463                         </tbody>
464                     </tgroup>
465                 </table>
466                 <para>
467                     <link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes">Назад к списку классов<!--Back to Class List--></link>
468                 </para>
469             </sect4>
470          </sect3>
471          <sect3 id="zend.service.yahoo.classes.imageresult">
472             <title>Zend_Service_Yahoo_ImageResult</title>
473             <para>
474                 Каждый из результатов поиска изображений является объектом
475                 <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_ImageResult</code>.
476 <!--
477                 Each Image Search result is returned as a <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_ImageResult</code> object.
479             </para>
480             <sect4 id="zend.service.yahoo.classes.imageresult.properties">
481                 <title>Свойства класса</title>
482                 <table>
483                     <title>Свойства класса Zend_Service_Yahoo_ImageResult</title>
484                     <tgroup cols="3">
485                         <thead>
486                             <row>
487                                 <entry>Имя</entry>
488                                 <entry>Тип</entry>
489                                 <entry>Описание</entry>
490                             </row>
491                         </thead>
492                         <tbody>
493                             <row>
494                                 <entry>Summary</entry>
495                                 <entry>string</entry>
496                                 <entry>Краткий текст<!--Result summary--></entry>
497                             </row>
498                             <row>
499                                 <entry>RefererUrl</entry>
500                                 <entry>string</entry>
501                                 <entry>URL страницы, содержащей найденное изображение<!--The URL of the page which contains the image--></entry>
502                             </row>
503                             <row>
504                                 <entry>FileSize</entry>
505                                 <entry>int</entry>
506                                 <entry>Размер файла изображения в байтах<!--The size of the image file in bytes--></entry>
507                             </row>
508                             <row>
509                                 <entry>FileFormat</entry>
510                                 <entry>string</entry>
511                                 <entry>Формат изображения (bmp, gif, jpeg, png, и т.д.)<!--The format of the image (bmp, gif, jpeg, png, etc.)--></entry>
512                             </row>
513                             <row>
514                                 <entry>Height</entry>
515                                 <entry>int</entry>
516                                 <entry>Высота изображения<!--The height of the image--></entry>
517                             </row>
518                             <row>
519                                 <entry>Width</entry>
520                                 <entry>int</entry>
521                                 <entry>Ширина изображения<!--The width of the image--></entry>
522                             </row>
523                             <row>
524                                 <entry>Thumbnail</entry>
525                                 <entry><link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes.image">Zend_Service_Yahoo_Image</link></entry>
526                                 <entry>Уменьшенная копия изображения<!--Image thumbnail--></entry>
527                             </row>
528                         </tbody>
529                     </tgroup>
530                 </table>
531                 <para>
532                     <link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes">Назад к списку классов<!--Back to Class List--></link>
533                 </para>
534             </sect4>
535          </sect3>
536          <sect3 id="zend.service.yahoo.classes.localresult">
537             <title>Zend_Service_Yahoo_LocalResult</title>
538             <para>
539                 Каждый из результатов поиска торговых и сервисных предприятий
540                 является объектом <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_LocalResult</code>.
541 <!--
542                 Each Local Search result is returned as a <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_LocalResult</code> object.
544             </para>
545             <sect4 id="zend.service.yahoo.classes.localresult.properties">
546                 <title>Свойства класса</title>
547                 <table>
548                     <title>Свойства класса Zend_Service_Yahoo_LocalResult</title>
549                     <tgroup cols="3">
550                         <thead>
551                             <row>
552                                 <entry>Имя</entry>
553                                 <entry>Тип</entry>
554                                 <entry>Описание</entry>
555                             </row>
556                         </thead>
557                         <tbody>
558                             <row>
559                                 <entry>Address</entry>
560                                 <entry>string</entry>
561                                 <entry>Адрес организации<!--Street Address of the result--></entry>
562                             </row>
563                             <row>
564                                 <entry>City</entry>
565                                 <entry>string</entry>
566                                 <entry>Город<!--City in which the result resides in--></entry>
567                             </row>
568                             <row>
569                                 <entry>State</entry>
570                                 <entry>string</entry>
571                                 <entry>Штат<!--State in which the result resides in--></entry>
572                             </row>
573                             <row>
574                                 <entry>Phone</entry>
575                                 <entry>string</entry>
576                                 <entry>Телефон<!--Phone number for the result--></entry>
577                             </row>
578                             <row>
579                                 <entry>Rating</entry>
580                                 <entry>int</entry>
581                                 <entry>Рейтинг<!--User submitted rating for the result--></entry>
582                             </row>
583                             <row>
584                                 <entry>Distance</entry>
585                                 <entry>float</entry>
586                                 <entry>Расстояние от заданного местонахождения<!--The distance to the result from your specified location--></entry>
587                             </row>
588                             <row>
589                                 <entry>MapUrl</entry>
590                                 <entry>string</entry>
591                                 <entry>URL карты<!--A URL of a map for the result--></entry>
592                             </row>
593                             <row>
594                                 <entry>BusinessUrl</entry>
595                                 <entry>string</entry>
596                                 <entry>URL веб-сайта организации, если есть<!--The URL for the business website, if known--></entry>
597                             </row>
598                             <row>
599                                 <entry>BusinessClickUrl</entry>
600                                 <entry>string</entry>
601                                 <entry>URL для ссылки на веб-сайт организации, если есть<!--The URL for linking to the business website, if known--></entry>
602                             </row>
603                         </tbody>
604                     </tgroup>
605                 </table>
606                 <para>
607                     <link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes">Назад к списку классов<!--Back to Class List--></link>
608                 </para>
609             </sect4>
610          </sect3>
611          <sect3 id="zend.service.yahoo.classes.newsresult">
612             <title>Zend_Service_Yahoo_NewsResult</title>
613             <para>
614                 Каждый отдельный результат News Search возвращается в виде объекта
615                 <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_NewsResult</code>.
616 <!--
617                 Each News Search result is returned as a <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_NewsResult</code> object.
619             </para>
620             <sect4 id="zend.service.yahoo.classes.newsresult.properties">
621                 <title>Свойства класса</title>
622                 <table>
623                     <title>Свойства класса Zend_Service_Yahoo_NewsResult</title>
624                     <tgroup cols="3">
625                         <thead>
626                             <row>
627                                 <entry>Имя</entry>
628                                 <entry>Тип</entry>
629                                 <entry>Описание</entry>
630                             </row>
631                         </thead>
632                         <tbody>
633                             <row>
634                                 <entry>Summary</entry>
635                                 <entry>string</entry>
636                                 <entry>Краткий текст<!--Result summary--></entry>
637                             </row>
638                             <row>
639                                 <entry>NewsSource</entry>
640                                 <entry>string</entry>
641                                 <entry>Компания, разместившая статью<!--The company who distributed the article--></entry>
642                             </row>
643                             <row>
644                                 <entry>NewsSourceUrl</entry>
645                                 <entry>string</entry>
646                                 <entry>URL компании, разместившей статью<!--The URL for the company who distributed the article--></entry>
647                             </row>
648                             <row>
649                                 <entry>Language</entry>
650                                 <entry>string</entry>
651                                 <entry>Язык, на котором написана статья<!--The language the article is in--></entry>
652                             </row>
653                             <row>
654                                 <entry>PublishDate</entry>
655                                 <entry>string</entry>
656                                 <entry>Дата размещения новости в формате UNIX<!--The date the article was published as a UNIX timestamp--></entry>
657                             </row>
658                             <row>
659                                 <entry>ModificationDate</entry>
660                                 <entry>string</entry>
661                                 <entry>Дата последнего изменения статьи в формате UNIX<!--The date the article was last modified as a UNIX timestamp--></entry>
662                             </row>
663                             <row>
664                                 <entry>Thumbnail</entry>
665                                 <entry><link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes.image">Zend_Service_Yahoo_Image</link></entry>
666                                 <entry>Уменьшенная копия изображения к статье, если есть<!--Image Thumbnail for the article, if it exists--></entry>
667                             </row>
668                         </tbody>
669                     </tgroup>
670                 </table>
671                 <para>
672                     <link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes">Назад к списку классов<!--Back to Class List--></link>
673                 </para>
674             </sect4>
675          </sect3>
676          <sect3 id="zend.service.yahoo.classes.image">
677             <title>Zend_Service_Yahoo_Image</title>
678             <para>
679                 Все изображения, возвращаемые Yahoo! Image Search и Yahoo! News Search,
680                 представляются как объекты <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_Image</code>.
681 <!--
682                 All images returned either by the Yahoo! Image Search of the Yahoo! News Search
683                 are represented by <code>Zend_Service_Yahoo_Image</code> objects
685             </para>
686             <sect4 id="zend.service.yahoo.classes.image.properties">
687                 <title>Свойства класса</title>
688                 <table>
689                     <title>Свойства класса Zend_Service_Yahoo_Image</title>
690                     <tgroup cols="3">
691                         <thead>
692                             <row>
693                                 <entry>Имя</entry>
694                                 <entry>Тип</entry>
695                                 <entry>Описание</entry>
696                             </row>
697                         </thead>
698                         <tbody>
699                             <row>
700                                 <entry>Url</entry>
701                                 <entry>string</entry>
702                                 <entry>URL изображения<!--Image URL--></entry>
703                             </row>
704                             <row>
705                                 <entry>Width</entry>
706                                 <entry>int</entry>
707                                 <entry>Ширина изображения<!--Image Width--></entry>
708                             </row>
709                             <row>
710                                 <entry>Height</entry>
711                                 <entry>int</entry>
712                                 <entry>Высота изображения<!--Image Height--></entry>
713                             </row>
714                         </tbody>
715                     </tgroup>
716                 </table>
717                 <para>
718                     <link linkend="zend.service.yahoo.classes">Назад к списку классов<!--Back to Class List--></link>
719                 </para>
720             </sect4>
721         </sect3>
722     </sect2>
724 </sect1>
725 <!--
726 vim:se ts=4 sw=4 et: