[MANUAL] English:
[zend.git] / documentation / manual / en / module_specs / Zend_Controller-Router-Route-Chain.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!-- Reviewed: no -->
3 <sect3 id="zend.controller.router.routes.chain">
4     <title>Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Chain</title>
6     <para>
7         <classname>Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Chain</classname> is a route which allows
8         to chain multiple routes together. This allows you to chain
9         hostname-routes and path routes, or multiple path routes for example.
10         Chaining can be done either programatically or within a configuration
11         file.
12     </para>
14     <note>
15         <title>Parameter Priority</title>
17         <para>
18             When chaining routes together, the parameters of the outer route
19             have a higher priority than the parameters of the inner route. Thus
20             if you define a controller in the outer and in the inner route,
21             the controller of the outer route will be selected.
22         </para>
23     </note>
25     <para>
26         When chaining programatically, there are two ways to achieve this. The
27         first one is to create a new
28         <classname>Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Chain</classname> instance and then
29         calling the <methodname>chain()</methodname> method multiple times with all routes
30         which should be chained together. The other way is to take the first
31         route, e.g. a hostname route, and calling the <methodname>chain()</methodname>
32         method on it with the route which should be appended to it. This
33         will not modify the hostname route, but return a new instance of
34         <classname>Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Chain</classname>, which then has both
35         routes chained together:
36     </para>
38     <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
39 // Create two routes
40 $hostnameRoute = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Hostname(...);
41 $pathRoute     = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(...);
43 // First way, chain them via the chain route
44 $chainedRoute = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Chain();
45 $chainedRoute->chain($hostnameRoute)
46              ->chain($pathRoute);
48 // Second way, chain them directly
49 $chainedRoute = $hostnameRoute->chain($pathRoute);
50 ]]></programlisting>
52     <para>
53         When chaining routes together, their separator is a slash
54         by default. There may be cases when you want to have a different
55         separator:
56     </para>
58     <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
59 // Create two routes
60 $firstRoute  = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route('foo');
61 $secondRoute = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route('bar');
63 // Chain them together with a different separator
64 $chainedRoute = $firstRoute->chain($secondRoute, '-');
66 // Assemble the route: "foo-bar"
67 echo $chainedRoute->assemble();
68 ]]></programlisting>
70     <sect4 id="zend.controller.router.routes.chain.config">
71         <title>Chain Routes via Zend_Config</title>
73         <para>
74             To chain routes together in a config file, there are additional
75             parameters for the configuration of those. The simpler approach is
76             to use the <property>chains</property> parameters. This one is simply a list
77             of routes, which will be chained with the parent route. Neither the
78             parent- nor the child-route will be added directly to the router but
79             only the resulting chained route. The name of the chained route in
80             the router will be the parent route name and the child route name
81             concatenated with a dash (-) by default. A simple config in <acronym>XML</acronym>
82             would look like this:
83         </para>
85         <programlisting language="xml"><![CDATA[
86 <routes>
87     <www type="Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Hostname">
88         <route>www.example.com</route>
89         <chains>
90             <language type="Zend_Controller_Router_Route">
91                 <route>:language</route>
92                 <reqs language="[a-z]{2}">
93                 <chains>
94                     <index type="Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Static">
95                         <route></route>
96                         <defaults module="default" controller="index"
97                                   action="index" />
98                     </index>
99                     <imprint type="Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Static">
100                         <route>imprint</route>
101                         <defaults module="default" controller="index"
102                                   action="index" />
103                     </imprint>
104                 </chains>
105             </language>
106         </chains>
107     </www>
108     <users type="Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Hostname">
109         <route>users.example.com</route>
110         <chains>
111             <profile type="Zend_Controller_Router_Route">
112                 <route>:username</route>
113                 <defaults module="users" controller="profile" action="index" />
114             </profile>
115         </chains>
116     </users>
117     <misc type="Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Static">
118         <route>misc</route>
119     </misc>
120 </routes>
121 ]]></programlisting>
123         <para>
124             This will result in the three routes <command>www-language-index</command>,
125             <command>www-language-imprint</command> and
126             <command>users-language-profile</command> which will only match based on
127             the hostname and the route <command>misc</command>, which will match with
128             any hostname.
129         </para>
131         <para>
132             The alternative way of creating a chained route is via the
133             <property>chain</property> parameter, which can only be used with the
134             chain-route type directly, and also just works in the root level:
135         </para>
137         <programlisting language="xml"><![CDATA[
138 <routes>
139     <www type="Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Chain">
140         <route>www.example.com</route>
141     </www>
142     <language type="Zend_Controller_Router_Route">
143         <route>:language</route>
144         <reqs language="[a-z]{2}">
145     </language>
146     <index type="Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Static">
147         <route></route>
148         <defaults module="default" controller="index" action="index" />
149     </index>
150     <imprint type="Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Static">
151         <route>imprint</route>
152         <defaults module="default" controller="index" action="index" />
153     </imprint>
155     <www-index type="Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Chain">
156         <chain>www, language, index</chain>
157     </www-index>
158     <www-imprint type="Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Chain">
159         <chain>www, language, imprint</chain>
160     </www-imprint>
161 </routes>
162 ]]></programlisting>
164         <para>
165             You can also give the <property>chain</property> parameter as array instead
166             of separating the routes with a comma:
167         </para>
169         <programlisting language="xml"><![CDATA[
170 <routes>
171     <www-index type="Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Chain">
172         <chain>www</chain>
173         <chain>language</chain>
174         <chain>index</chain>
175     </www-index>
176     <www-imprint type="Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Chain">
177         <chain>www</chain>
178         <chain>language</chain>
179         <chain>imprint</chain>
180     </www-imprint>
181 </routes>
182 ]]></programlisting>
184         <para>
185             When you configure chain routes with <classname>Zend_Config</classname> and
186             want the chain name separator to be different from a dash, you
187             need to specify this separator separately:
188         </para>
190         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
191 $config = new Zend_Config(array(
192     'chainName' => array(
193         'type'   => 'Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Static',
194         'route'  => 'foo',
195         'chains' => array(
196             'subRouteName' => array(
197                 'type'     => 'Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Static',
198                 'route'    => 'bar',
199                 'defaults' => array(
200                     'module'      => 'module',
201                      'controller' => 'controller',
202                      'action'     => 'action'
203                 )
204             )
205         )
206     )
209 // Set separator before adding config
210 $router->setChainNameSeparator('_separator_')
212 // Add config
213 $router->addConfig($config);
215 // The name of our route now is: chainName_separator_subRouteName
216 echo $this->_router->assemble(array(), 'chainName_separator_subRouteName');
218 // The proof: it echoes /foo/bar
219 ]]></programlisting>
220     </sect4>
221 </sect3>
222 <!--
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