[MANUAL] English:
[zend.git] / documentation / manual / en / module_specs / Zend_Form-Forms.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <!-- Reviewed: no -->
3 <sect1 id="zend.form.forms">
4     <title>Creating Forms Using Zend_Form</title>
6     <para>
7         The <classname>Zend_Form</classname> class is used to aggregate form elements,
8         display groups, and subforms. It can then perform the following actions
9         on those items:
10     </para>
12     <itemizedlist>
13         <listitem>
14             <para>
15                 Validation, including retrieving error codes and messages
16             </para>
17         </listitem>
19         <listitem>
20             <para>
21                 Value aggregation, including populating items and retrieving both
22                 filtered and unfiltered values from all items
23             </para>
24         </listitem>
26         <listitem>
27             <para>
28                 Iteration over all items, in the order in which they are entered or
29                 based on the order hints retrieved from each item
30             </para>
31         </listitem>
33         <listitem>
34             <para>
35                 Rendering of the entire form, either via a single decorator that
36                 performs custom rendering or by iterating over each item in the form
37             </para>
38         </listitem>
39     </itemizedlist>
41     <para>
42         While forms created with <classname>Zend_Form</classname> may be complex, probably
43         the best use case is for simple forms; its best use is for Rapid
44         Application Development (RAD) and prototyping.
45     </para>
47     <para>
48         At its most basic, you simply instantiate a form object:
49     </para>
51     <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
52 // Generic form object:
53 $form = new Zend_Form();
55 // Custom form object:
56 $form = new My_Form()
57 ]]></programlisting>
59     <para>
60         You can optionally pass in a instance of <classname>Zend_Config</classname> or an array,
61         which will be used to set object state and potentially create new elements:
62     </para>
64     <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
65 // Passing in configuration options:
66 $form = new Zend_Form($config);
67 ]]></programlisting>
69     <para>
70         <classname>Zend_Form</classname> is iterable, and will iterate over elements,
71         display groups, and subforms, using the order they were registered and
72         any order index each may have. This is useful in cases where you wish to
73         render the elements manually in the appropriate order.
74     </para>
76     <para>
77         <classname>Zend_Form</classname>'s magic lies in its ability to serve as a factory
78         for elements and display groups, as well as the ability to render itself
79         through decorators.
80     </para>
82     <sect2 id="zend.form.forms.plugins">
83         <title>Plugin Loaders</title>
85         <para>
86             <classname>Zend_Form</classname> makes use of
87             <classname>Zend_Loader_PluginLoader</classname> to allow developers to specify
88             the locations of alternate elements and decorators. Each has its own
89             plugin loader associated with it, and general accessors are used to
90             retrieve and modify each.
91         </para>
93         <para>
94             The following loader types are used with the various plugin loader
95             methods: 'element' and 'decorator'. The type names are case
96             insensitive.
97         </para>
99         <para>
100             The methods used to interact with plugin loaders are as follows:
101         </para>
103         <itemizedlist>
104             <listitem>
105                 <para>
106                     <methodname>setPluginLoader($loader, $type)</methodname>: $loader is the
107                     plugin loader object itself, while type is one of the types
108                     specified above. This sets the plugin loader for the given type
109                     to the newly specified loader object.
110                 </para>
111             </listitem>
113             <listitem>
114                 <para>
115                     <methodname>getPluginLoader($type)</methodname>: retrieves the plugin loader
116                     associated with $type.
117                 </para>
118             </listitem>
120             <listitem>
121                 <para>
122                     <methodname>addPrefixPath($prefix, $path, $type = null)</methodname>: adds a
123                     prefix/path association to the loader specified by $type. If
124                     $type is <constant>NULL</constant>, it will attempt to add the path to all
125                     loaders, by appending the prefix with each of "_Element" and
126                     "_Decorator"; and appending the path with "Element/" and
127                     "Decorator/". If you have all your extra form element classes
128                     under a common hierarchy, this is a convenience method for
129                     setting the base prefix for them.
130                 </para>
131             </listitem>
133             <listitem>
134                 <para>
135                     <methodname>addPrefixPaths(array $spec)</methodname>: allows you to add many
136                     paths at once to one or more plugin loaders. It expects each
137                     array item to be an array with the keys 'path', 'prefix', and
138                     'type'.
139                 </para>
140             </listitem>
141         </itemizedlist>
143         <para>
144             Additionally, you can specify prefix paths for all elements and
145             display groups created through a <classname>Zend_Form</classname> instance
146             using the following methods:
147         </para>
149         <itemizedlist>
150             <listitem>
151                 <para>
152                     <methodname>addElementPrefixPath($prefix, $path, $type = null)</methodname>:
153                     Just like <methodname>addPrefixPath()</methodname>, you must specify a class
154                     prefix and a path. <varname>$type</varname>, when specified, must be
155                     one of the plugin loader types specified by
156                     <classname>Zend_Form_Element</classname>; see the <link
157                         linkend="zend.form.elements.loaders">element plugins
158                         section</link> for more information on valid
159                     <varname>$type</varname> values. If no <varname>$type</varname> is
160                     specified, the method will assume it is a general prefix for all
161                     types.
162                 </para>
163             </listitem>
165             <listitem>
166                 <para>
167                     <methodname>addDisplayGroupPrefixPath($prefix, $path)</methodname>:
168                     Just like <methodname>addPrefixPath()</methodname>, you must specify a class
169                     prefix and a path; however, since display groups only support
170                     decorators as plugins, no <varname>$type</varname> is necessary.
171                 </para>
172             </listitem>
173         </itemizedlist>
175         <para>
176             Custom elements and decorators are an easy way to share
177             functionality between forms and encapsulate custom functionality.
178             See the <link
179                 linkend="zend.form.elements.loaders.customLabel">Custom Label
180                 example</link> in the elements documentation for an example of
181             how custom elements can be used as replacements for standard
182             classes.
183         </para>
184     </sect2>
186     <sect2 id="zend.form.forms.elements">
187         <title>Elements</title>
189         <para>
190             <classname>Zend_Form</classname> provides several accessors for adding and
191             removing form elements from a form. These can take element object
192             instances or serve as factories for instantiating the element
193             objects themselves.
194         </para>
196         <para>
197             The most basic method for adding an element is
198             <methodname>addElement()</methodname>. This method can take either an object of
199             type <classname>Zend_Form_Element</classname> (or of a class extending
200             <classname>Zend_Form_Element</classname>), or arguments for building a new
201             element -- including the element type, name, and any configuration
202             options.
203         </para>
205         <para>
206             Some examples:
207         </para>
209         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
210 // Using an element instance:
211 $element = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('foo');
212 $form->addElement($element);
214 // Using a factory
216 // Creates an element of type Zend_Form_Element_Text with the
217 // name of 'foo':
218 $form->addElement('text', 'foo');
220 // Pass label option to the element:
221 $form->addElement('text', 'foo', array('label' => 'Foo:'));
222 ]]></programlisting>
224         <note>
225             <title>addElement() Implements Fluent Interface</title>
227             <para>
228                 <methodname>addElement()</methodname> implements a fluent interface; that is
229                 to say, it returns the <classname>Zend_Form</classname> object, and not
230                 the element. This is done to allow you to chain together
231                 multiple addElement() methods or other form methods that
232                 implement the fluent interface (all setters in <classname>Zend_Form</classname>
233                 implement the pattern).
234             </para>
236             <para>
237                 If you wish to return the element instead, use
238                 <methodname>createElement()</methodname>, which is outlined below. Be aware,
239                 however, that <methodname>createElement()</methodname> does not attach the
240                 element to the form.
241             </para>
243             <para>
244                 Internally, <methodname>addElement()</methodname> actually uses
245                 <methodname>createElement()</methodname> to create the element before
246                 attaching it to the form.
247             </para>
248         </note>
250         <para>
251             Once an element has been added to the form, you can retrieve it by
252             name. This can be done either by using the <methodname>getElement()</methodname>
253             method or by using overloading to access the element as an object
254             property:
255         </para>
257         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
258 // getElement():
259 $foo = $form->getElement('foo');
261 // As object property:
262 $foo = $form->foo;
263 ]]></programlisting>
265         <para>
266             Occasionally, you may want to create an element without attaching it
267             to the form (for instance, if you wish to make use of the various
268             plugin paths registered with the form, but wish to later attach the
269             object to a sub form). The <methodname>createElement()</methodname> method
270             allows you to do so:
271         </para>
273         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
274 // $username becomes a Zend_Form_Element_Text object:
275 $username = $form->createElement('text', 'username');
276 ]]></programlisting>
278         <sect3 id="zend.form.forms.elements.values">
279             <title>Populating and Retrieving Values</title>
281             <para>
282                 After validating a form, you will typically need to retrieve the
283                 values so you can perform other operations, such as updating a
284                 database or notifying a web service. You can retrieve all values
285                 for all elements using <methodname>getValues()</methodname>;
286                 <methodname>getValue($name)</methodname> allows you to retrieve a single
287                 element's value by element name:
288             </para>
290             <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
291 // Get all values:
292 $values = $form->getValues();
294 // Get only 'foo' element's value:
295 $value = $form->getValue('foo');
296 ]]></programlisting>
298             <para>
299                 Sometimes you'll want to populate the form with specified values
300                 prior to rendering. This can be done with either the
301                 <methodname>setDefaults()</methodname> or <methodname>populate()</methodname>
302                 methods:
303             </para>
305             <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
306 $form->setDefaults($data);
307 $form->populate($data);
308 ]]></programlisting>
310             <para>
311                 On the flip side, you may want to clear a form after populating
312                 or validating it; this can be done using the
313                 <methodname>reset()</methodname> method:
314             </para>
316             <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
317 $form->reset();
318 ]]></programlisting>
319         </sect3>
321         <sect3 id="zend.form.forms.elements.global">
322             <title>Global Operations</title>
324             <para>
325                 Occasionally you will want certain operations to affect all
326                 elements. Common scenarios include needing to set plugin prefix
327                 paths for all elements, setting decorators for all elements, and
328                 setting filters for all elements. As examples:
329             </para>
331             <example id="zend.form.forms.elements.global.allpaths">
332                 <title>Setting Prefix Paths for All Elements</title>
334                 <para>
335                     You can set prefix paths for all elements by type, or using
336                     a global prefix. Some examples:
337                 </para>
339                 <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
340 // Set global prefix path:
341 // Creates paths for prefixes My_Foo_Filter, My_Foo_Validate,
342 // and My_Foo_Decorator
343 $form->addElementPrefixPath('My_Foo', 'My/Foo/');
345 // Just filter paths:
346 $form->addElementPrefixPath('My_Foo_Filter',
347                             'My/Foo/Filter',
348                             'filter');
350 // Just validator paths:
351 $form->addElementPrefixPath('My_Foo_Validate',
352                             'My/Foo/Validate',
353                             'validate');
355 // Just decorator paths:
356 $form->addElementPrefixPath('My_Foo_Decorator',
357                             'My/Foo/Decorator',
358                             'decorator');
359 ]]></programlisting>
360             </example>
362             <example id="zend.form.forms.elements.global.decorators">
363                 <title>Setting Decorators for All Elements</title>
365                 <para>
366                     You can set decorators for all elements.
367                     <methodname>setElementDecorators()</methodname> accepts an array of
368                     decorators, just like <methodname>setDecorators()</methodname>, and will
369                     overwrite any previously set decorators in each element. In
370                     this example, we set the decorators to simply a ViewHelper
371                     and a Label:
372                 </para>
374                 <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
375 $form->setElementDecorators(array(
376     'ViewHelper',
377     'Label'
379 ]]></programlisting>
380             </example>
382             <example id="zend.form.forms.elements.global.decoratorsFilter">
383                 <title>Setting Decorators for Some Elements</title>
385                 <para>
386                     You can also set decorators for a subset of elements,
387                     either by inclusion or exclusion. The second argument to
388                     <methodname>setElementDecorators()</methodname> may be an array of
389                     element names; by default, specifying such an array will
390                     set the specified decorators on those elements only. You
391                     may also pass a third argument, a flag indicating whether
392                     this list of elements is for inclusion or exclusion
393                     purposes. If the flag is <constant>FALSE</constant>, it will decorate all
394                     elements <emphasis>except</emphasis> those in the passed list.
395                     As with standard usage of the method, any decorators passed
396                     will overwrite any previously set decorators in each
397                     element.
398                 </para>
400                 <para>
401                     In the following snippet, we indicate that we want only the
402                     ViewHelper and Label decorators for the 'foo' and 'bar'
403                     elements:
404                 </para>
406                 <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
407 $form->setElementDecorators(
408     array(
409         'ViewHelper',
410         'Label'
411     ),
412     array(
413         'foo',
414         'bar'
415     )
417 ]]></programlisting>
419                 <para>
420                     On the flip side, with this snippet, we'll now indicate
421                     that we want to use only the ViewHelper and Label
422                     decorators for every element <emphasis>except</emphasis>
423                     the 'foo' and 'bar' elements:
424                 </para>
426                 <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
427 $form->setElementDecorators(
428     array(
429         'ViewHelper',
430         'Label'
431     ),
432     array(
433         'foo',
434         'bar'
435     ),
436     false
438 ]]></programlisting>
439             </example>
441             <note>
442                 <title>Some Decorators are Inappropriate for Some Elements</title>
444                 <para>
445                     While <methodname>setElementDecorators()</methodname> may seem like
446                     a good solution, there are some cases where it may
447                     actually end up with unexpected results. For example,
448                     the various button elements (Submit, Button, Reset)
449                     currently use the label as the value of the button,
450                     and only use ViewHelper and DtDdWrapper decorators --
451                     preventing an additional labels, errors, and hints from
452                     being rendered. The example above would duplicate some
453                     content (the label) for button elements.
454                 </para>
456                 <para>
457                     You can use the inclusion/exclusion array to overcome
458                     this issue as noted in the previous example.
459                 </para>
461                 <para>
462                     So, use this method wisely, and realize that you may
463                     need to exclude some elements or manually change some elements' decorators
464                     to prevent unwanted output.
465                 </para>
466             </note>
468             <example id="zend.form.forms.elements.global.filters">
469                 <title>Setting Filters for All Elements</title>
471                 <para>
472                     In some cases, you may want to apply the same filter to all
473                     elements; a common case is to <methodname>trim()</methodname> all values:
474                 </para>
476                 <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
477 $form->setElementFilters(array('StringTrim'));
478 ]]></programlisting>
479             </example>
480         </sect3>
482         <sect3 id="zend.form.forms.elements.methods">
483             <title>Methods For Interacting With Elements</title>
485             <para>
486                 The following methods may be used to interact with elements:
487             </para>
489             <itemizedlist>
490                 <listitem>
491                     <para>
492                         <methodname>createElement($element, $name = null, $options =
493                             null)</methodname>
494                     </para>
495                 </listitem>
497                 <listitem>
498                     <para>
499                         <methodname>addElement($element, $name = null, $options = null)</methodname>
500                     </para>
501                 </listitem>
503                 <listitem>
504                     <para>
505                         <methodname>addElements(array $elements)</methodname>
506                     </para>
507                 </listitem>
509                 <listitem>
510                     <para>
511                         <methodname>setElements(array $elements)</methodname>
512                     </para>
513                 </listitem>
515                 <listitem>
516                     <para>
517                         <methodname>getElement($name)</methodname>
518                     </para>
519                 </listitem>
521                 <listitem>
522                     <para>
523                         <methodname>getElements()</methodname>
524                     </para>
525                 </listitem>
527                 <listitem>
528                     <para>
529                         <methodname>removeElement($name)</methodname>
530                     </para>
531                 </listitem>
533                 <listitem>
534                     <para>
535                         <methodname>clearElements()</methodname>
536                     </para>
537                 </listitem>
539                 <listitem>
540                     <para>
541                         <methodname>setDefaults(array $defaults)</methodname>
542                     </para>
543                 </listitem>
545                 <listitem>
546                     <para>
547                         <methodname>setDefault($name, $value)</methodname>
548                     </para>
549                 </listitem>
551                 <listitem>
552                     <para>
553                         <methodname>getValue($name)</methodname>
554                     </para>
555                 </listitem>
557                 <listitem>
558                     <para>
559                         <methodname>getValues()</methodname>
560                     </para>
561                 </listitem>
563                 <listitem>
564                     <para>
565                         <methodname>getUnfilteredValue($name)</methodname>
566                     </para>
567                 </listitem>
569                 <listitem>
570                     <para>
571                         <methodname>getUnfilteredValues()</methodname>
572                     </para>
573                 </listitem>
575                 <listitem>
576                     <para>
577                         <methodname>setElementFilters(array $filters)</methodname>
578                     </para>
579                 </listitem>
581                 <listitem>
582                     <para>
583                         <methodname>setElementDecorators(array $decorators)</methodname>
584                     </para>
585                 </listitem>
587                 <listitem>
588                     <para>
589                         <methodname>addElementPrefixPath($prefix, $path, $type = null)</methodname>
590                     </para>
591                 </listitem>
593                 <listitem>
594                     <para>
595                         <methodname>addElementPrefixPaths(array $spec)</methodname>
596                     </para>
597                 </listitem>
598             </itemizedlist>
599         </sect3>
600     </sect2>
602     <sect2 id="zend.form.forms.displaygroups">
603         <title>Display Groups</title>
605         <para>
606             Display groups are a way to create virtual groupings of elements for
607             display purposes. All elements remain accessible by name in the
608             form, but when iterating over the form or rendering, any elements in
609             a display group are rendered together. The most common use case for
610             this is for grouping elements in fieldsets.
611         </para>
613         <para>
614             The base class for display groups is
615             <classname>Zend_Form_DisplayGroup</classname>. While it can be instantiated
616             directly, it is usually best to use <classname>Zend_Form</classname>'s
617             <methodname>addDisplayGroup()</methodname> method to do so. This method takes an
618             array of elements as its first argument, and a name for the display
619             group as its second argument. You may optionally pass in an array of
620             options or a <classname>Zend_Config</classname> object as the third argument.
621         </para>
623         <para>
624             Assuming that the elements 'username' and 'password' are already set
625             in the form, the following code would group these elements in a
626             'login' display group:
627         </para>
629         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
630 $form->addDisplayGroup(array('username', 'password'), 'login');
631 ]]></programlisting>
633         <para>
634             You can access display groups using the
635             <methodname>getDisplayGroup()</methodname> method, or via overloading using the
636             display group's name:
637         </para>
639         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
640 // Using getDisplayGroup():
641 $login = $form->getDisplayGroup('login');
643 // Using overloading:
644 $login = $form->login;
645 ]]></programlisting>
647         <note>
648             <title>Default Decorators Do Not Need to Be Loaded</title>
650             <para>
651                 By default, the default decorators are loaded during object
652                 initialization. You can disable this by passing the
653                 'disableLoadDefaultDecorators' option when creating a display
654                 group:
655             </para>
657             <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
658 $form->addDisplayGroup(
659     array('foo', 'bar'),
660     'foobar',
661     array('disableLoadDefaultDecorators' => true)
663 ]]></programlisting>
665             <para>
666                 This option may be mixed with any other options you pass,
667                 both as array options or in a <classname>Zend_Config</classname> object.
668             </para>
669         </note>
671         <sect3 id="zend.form.forms.displaygroups.global">
672             <title>Global Operations</title>
674             <para>
675                 Just as with elements, there are some operations which might
676                 affect all display groups; these include setting decorators and
677                 setting the plugin path in which to look for decorators.
678             </para>
680             <example id="zend.form.forms.displaygroups.global.paths">
681                 <title>Setting Decorator Prefix Path for All Display Groups</title>
683                 <para>
684                     By default, display groups inherit whichever decorator paths
685                     the form uses; however, if they should look in alternate
686                     locations, you can use the
687                     <methodname>addDisplayGroupPrefixPath()</methodname> method.
688                 </para>
690                 <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
691 $form->addDisplayGroupPrefixPath('My_Foo_Decorator', 'My/Foo/Decorator');
692 ]]></programlisting>
693             </example>
695             <example id="zend.form.forms.displaygroups.global.decorators">
696                 <title>Setting Decorators for All Display Groups</title>
698                 <para>
699                     You can set decorators for all display groups.
700                     <methodname>setDisplayGroupDecorators()</methodname> accepts an array of
701                     decorators, just like <methodname>setDecorators()</methodname>, and will
702                     overwrite any previously set decorators in each display
703                     group. In this example, we set the decorators to simply a
704                     fieldset (the FormElements decorator is necessary to ensure
705                     that the elements are iterated):
706                 </para>
708                 <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
709 $form->setDisplayGroupDecorators(array(
710     'FormElements',
711     'Fieldset'
713 ]]></programlisting>
714             </example>
715         </sect3>
717         <sect3 id="zend.form.forms.displaygroups.customClasses">
718             <title>Using Custom Display Group Classes</title>
720             <para>
721                 By default, <classname>Zend_Form</classname> uses the
722                 <classname>Zend_Form_DisplayGroup</classname> class for display groups.
723                 You may find you need to extend this class in order to provided
724                 custom functionality. <methodname>addDisplayGroup()</methodname> does not
725                 allow passing in a concrete instance, but does allow specifying
726                 the class to use as one of its options, using the
727                 'displayGroupClass' key:
728             </para>
730             <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
731 // Use the 'My_DisplayGroup' class
732 $form->addDisplayGroup(
733     array('username', 'password'),
734     'user',
735     array('displayGroupClass' => 'My_DisplayGroup')
737 ]]></programlisting>
739             <para>
740                 If the class has not yet been loaded, <classname>Zend_Form</classname>
741                 will attempt to do so using <classname>Zend_Loader</classname>.
742             </para>
744             <para>
745                 You can also specify a default display group class to use with
746                 the form such that all display groups created with the form
747                 object will use that class:
748             </para>
750             <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
751 // Use the 'My_DisplayGroup' class for all display groups:
752 $form->setDefaultDisplayGroupClass('My_DisplayGroup');
753 ]]></programlisting>
755             <para>
756                 This setting may be specified in configurations as
757                 'defaultDisplayGroupClass', and will be loaded early to ensure
758                 all display groups use that class.
759             </para>
760         </sect3>
762         <sect3 id="zend.form.forms.displaygroups.interactionmethods">
763             <title>Methods for Interacting With Display Groups</title>
765             <para>
766                 The following methods may be used to interact with display
767                 groups:
768             </para>
770             <itemizedlist>
771                 <listitem>
772                     <para>
773                         <methodname>addDisplayGroup(array $elements, $name, $options
774                             = null)</methodname>
775                     </para>
776                 </listitem>
778                 <listitem>
779                     <para>
780                         <methodname>addDisplayGroups(array $groups)</methodname>
781                     </para>
782                 </listitem>
784                 <listitem>
785                     <para>
786                         <methodname>setDisplayGroups(array $groups)</methodname>
787                     </para>
788                 </listitem>
790                 <listitem>
791                     <para>
792                         <methodname>getDisplayGroup($name)</methodname>
793                     </para>
794                 </listitem>
796                 <listitem>
797                     <para>
798                         <methodname>getDisplayGroups()</methodname>
799                     </para>
800                 </listitem>
802                 <listitem>
803                     <para>
804                         <methodname>removeDisplayGroup($name)</methodname>
805                     </para>
806                 </listitem>
808                 <listitem>
809                     <para>
810                         <methodname>clearDisplayGroups()</methodname>
811                     </para>
812                 </listitem>
814                 <listitem>
815                     <para>
816                         <methodname>setDisplayGroupDecorators(array $decorators)</methodname>
817                     </para>
818                 </listitem>
820                 <listitem>
821                     <para>
822                         <methodname>addDisplayGroupPrefixPath($prefix, $path)</methodname>
823                     </para>
824                 </listitem>
826                 <listitem>
827                     <para>
828                         <methodname>setDefaultDisplayGroupClass($class)</methodname>
829                     </para>
830                 </listitem>
832                 <listitem>
833                     <para>
834                         <methodname>getDefaultDisplayGroupClass($class)</methodname>
835                     </para>
836                 </listitem>
837             </itemizedlist>
838         </sect3>
840         <sect3 id="zend.form.forms.displaygroups.methods">
841             <title>Zend_Form_DisplayGroup Methods</title>
843             <para>
844                 <classname>Zend_Form_DisplayGroup</classname> has the following methods,
845                 grouped by type:
846             </para>
848             <itemizedlist>
849                 <listitem>
850                     <para>Configuration:</para>
852                     <itemizedlist>
853                         <listitem>
854                             <para>
855                                 <methodname>setOptions(array $options)</methodname>
856                             </para>
857                         </listitem>
859                         <listitem>
860                             <para><methodname>setConfig(Zend_Config $config)</methodname></para>
861                         </listitem>
862                     </itemizedlist>
863                 </listitem>
865                 <listitem>
866                     <para>Metadata:</para>
868                     <itemizedlist>
869                         <listitem>
870                             <para><methodname>setAttrib($key, $value)</methodname></para>
871                         </listitem>
873                         <listitem>
874                             <para><methodname>addAttribs(array $attribs)</methodname></para>
875                         </listitem>
877                         <listitem>
878                             <para><methodname>setAttribs(array $attribs)</methodname></para>
879                         </listitem>
881                         <listitem><para><methodname>getAttrib($key)</methodname></para></listitem>
882                         <listitem><para><methodname>getAttribs()</methodname></para></listitem>
884                         <listitem>
885                             <para><methodname>removeAttrib($key)</methodname></para>
886                         </listitem>
888                         <listitem><para><methodname>clearAttribs()</methodname></para></listitem>
889                         <listitem><para><methodname>setName($name)</methodname></para></listitem>
890                         <listitem><para><methodname>getName()</methodname></para></listitem>
892                         <listitem>
893                             <para><methodname>setDescription($value)</methodname></para>
894                         </listitem>
896                         <listitem><para><methodname>getDescription()</methodname></para></listitem>
898                         <listitem>
899                             <para><methodname>setLegend($legend)</methodname></para>
900                         </listitem>
902                         <listitem><para><methodname>getLegend()</methodname></para></listitem>
903                         <listitem><para><methodname>setOrder($order)</methodname></para></listitem>
904                         <listitem><para><methodname>getOrder()</methodname></para></listitem>
905                     </itemizedlist>
906                 </listitem>
908                 <listitem>
909                     <para>Elements:</para>
911                     <itemizedlist>
912                         <listitem>
913                             <para>
914                                 <methodname>createElement($type, $name, array $options
915                                     = array())</methodname>
916                             </para>
917                         </listitem>
919                         <listitem>
920                             <para>
921                                 <methodname>addElement($typeOrElement, $name, array $options =
922                                     array())</methodname>
923                             </para>
924                         </listitem>
926                         <listitem>
927                             <para><methodname>addElements(array $elements)</methodname></para>
928                         </listitem>
930                         <listitem>
931                             <para><methodname>setElements(array $elements)</methodname></para>
932                         </listitem>
934                         <listitem><para><methodname>getElement($name)</methodname></para></listitem>
935                         <listitem><para><methodname>getElements()</methodname></para></listitem>
937                         <listitem>
938                             <para><methodname>removeElement($name)</methodname></para>
939                         </listitem>
941                         <listitem><para><methodname>clearElements()</methodname></para></listitem>
942                     </itemizedlist>
943                 </listitem>
945                 <listitem>
946                     <para>Plugin loaders:</para>
948                     <itemizedlist>
949                         <listitem>
950                             <para>
951                                 <methodname>setPluginLoader(Zend_Loader_PluginLoader
952                                     $loader)</methodname>
953                             </para>
954                         </listitem>
956                         <listitem><para><methodname>getPluginLoader()</methodname></para></listitem>
958                         <listitem>
959                             <para><methodname>addPrefixPath($prefix, $path)</methodname></para>
960                         </listitem>
962                         <listitem>
963                             <para><methodname>addPrefixPaths(array $spec)</methodname></para>
964                         </listitem>
965                     </itemizedlist>
966                 </listitem>
968                 <listitem>
969                     <para>Decorators:</para>
971                     <itemizedlist>
972                         <listitem>
973                             <para>
974                                 <methodname>addDecorator($decorator, $options = null)</methodname>
975                             </para>
976                         </listitem>
978                         <listitem>
979                             <para><methodname>addDecorators(array $decorators)</methodname></para>
980                         </listitem>
982                         <listitem>
983                             <para><methodname>setDecorators(array $decorators)</methodname></para>
984                         </listitem>
986                         <listitem>
987                             <para><methodname>getDecorator($name)</methodname></para>
988                         </listitem>
990                         <listitem><para><methodname>getDecorators()</methodname></para></listitem>
992                         <listitem>
993                             <para><methodname>removeDecorator($name)</methodname></para>
994                         </listitem>
996                         <listitem><para><methodname>clearDecorators()</methodname></para></listitem>
997                     </itemizedlist>
998                 </listitem>
1000                 <listitem>
1001                     <para>Rendering:</para>
1003                     <itemizedlist>
1004                         <listitem>
1005                             <para>
1006                                 <methodname>setView(Zend_View_Interface $view = null)</methodname>
1007                             </para>
1008                         </listitem>
1010                         <listitem><para><methodname>getView()</methodname></para></listitem>
1012                         <listitem>
1013                             <para>
1014                                 <methodname>render(Zend_View_Interface $view = null)</methodname>
1015                             </para>
1016                         </listitem>
1017                     </itemizedlist>
1018                 </listitem>
1020                 <listitem>
1021                     <para>I18n:</para>
1023                     <itemizedlist>
1024                         <listitem>
1025                             <para>
1026                                 <methodname>setTranslator(Zend_Translate_Adapter $translator =
1027                                     null)</methodname>
1028                             </para>
1029                         </listitem>
1031                         <listitem><para><methodname>getTranslator()</methodname></para></listitem>
1033                         <listitem>
1034                             <para><methodname>setDisableTranslator($flag)</methodname></para>
1035                         </listitem>
1037                         <listitem>
1038                             <para><methodname>translatorIsDisabled()</methodname></para>
1039                         </listitem>
1040                     </itemizedlist>
1041                 </listitem>
1042             </itemizedlist>
1043         </sect3>
1044     </sect2>
1046     <sect2 id="zend.form.forms.subforms">
1047         <title>Sub Forms</title>
1049         <para>
1050             Sub forms serve several purposes:
1051         </para>
1053         <itemizedlist>
1054             <listitem>
1055                 <para>
1056                     Creating logical element groups. Since sub forms are simply
1057                     forms, you can validate subforms as individual entities.
1058                 </para>
1059             </listitem>
1061             <listitem>
1062                 <para>
1063                     Creating multi-page forms. Since sub forms are simply forms, you
1064                     can display a separate sub form per page, building up multi-page
1065                     forms where each form has its own validation logic. Only once
1066                     all sub forms validate would the form be considered complete.
1067                 </para>
1068             </listitem>
1070             <listitem>
1071                 <para>
1072                     Display groupings. Like display groups, sub forms, when rendered
1073                     as part of a larger form, can be used to group elements. Be
1074                     aware, however, that the master form object will have no
1075                     awareness of the elements in sub forms.
1076                 </para>
1077             </listitem>
1078         </itemizedlist>
1080         <para>
1081             A sub form may be a <classname>Zend_Form</classname> object, or, more
1082             typically, a <classname>Zend_Form_SubForm</classname> object. The latter
1083             contains decorators suitable for inclusion in a larger form (i.e.,
1084             it does not render additional <acronym>HTML</acronym> form tags, but does group
1085             elements). To attach a sub form, simply add it to the form and give
1086             it a name:
1087         </para>
1089         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
1090 $form->addSubForm($subForm, 'subform');
1091 ]]></programlisting>
1093         <para>
1094             You can retrieve a sub form using either
1095             <methodname>getSubForm($name)</methodname> or overloading using the sub form
1096             name:
1097         </para>
1099         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
1100 // Using getSubForm():
1101 $subForm = $form->getSubForm('subform');
1103 // Using overloading:
1104 $subForm = $form->subform;
1105 ]]></programlisting>
1107         <para>
1108             Sub forms are included in form iteration, although the elements they
1109             contain are not.
1110         </para>
1112         <sect3 id="zend.form.forms.subforms.global">
1113             <title>Global Operations</title>
1115             <para>
1116                 Like elements and display groups, there are some operations that
1117                 might need to affect all sub forms. Unlike display groups and
1118                 elements, however, sub forms inherit most functionality from the
1119                 master form object, and the only real operation that may need to
1120                 be performed globally is setting decorators for sub forms. For
1121                 this purpose, there is the <methodname>setSubFormDecorators()</methodname>
1122                 method. In the next example, we'll set the decorator for all
1123                 subforms to be simply a fieldset (the FormElements decorator is
1124                 needed to ensure its elements are iterated):
1125             </para>
1127             <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
1128 $form->setSubFormDecorators(array(
1129     'FormElements',
1130     'Fieldset'
1132 ]]></programlisting>
1133         </sect3>
1135         <sect3 id="zend.form.forms.subforms.methods">
1136             <title>Methods for Interacting With Sub Forms</title>
1138             <para>
1139                 The following methods may be used to interact with sub forms:
1140             </para>
1142             <itemizedlist>
1143                 <listitem>
1144                     <para>
1145                         <methodname>addSubForm(Zend_Form $form, $name, $order = null)</methodname>
1146                     </para>
1147                 </listitem>
1149                 <listitem>
1150                     <para>
1151                         <methodname>addSubForms(array $subForms)</methodname>
1152                     </para>
1153                 </listitem>
1155                 <listitem>
1156                     <para>
1157                         <methodname>setSubForms(array $subForms)</methodname>
1158                     </para>
1159                 </listitem>
1161                 <listitem>
1162                     <para>
1163                         <methodname>getSubForm($name)</methodname>
1164                     </para>
1165                 </listitem>
1167                 <listitem>
1168                     <para>
1169                         <methodname>getSubForms()</methodname>
1170                     </para>
1171                 </listitem>
1173                 <listitem>
1174                     <para>
1175                         <methodname>removeSubForm($name)</methodname>
1176                     </para>
1177                 </listitem>
1179                 <listitem>
1180                     <para>
1181                         <methodname>clearSubForms()</methodname>
1182                     </para>
1183                 </listitem>
1185                 <listitem>
1186                     <para>
1187                         <methodname>setSubFormDecorators(array $decorators)</methodname>
1188                     </para>
1189                 </listitem>
1190             </itemizedlist>
1191         </sect3>
1192     </sect2>
1194     <sect2 id="zend.form.forms.metadata">
1195         <title>Metadata and Attributes</title>
1197         <para>
1198             While a form's usefulness primarily derives from the elements it
1199             contains, it can also contain other metadata, such as a name (often
1200             used as a unique ID in the <acronym>HTML</acronym> markup); the form action and method;
1201             the number of elements, groups, and sub forms it contains; and
1202             arbitrary metadata (usually used to set <acronym>HTML</acronym> attributes for the form
1203             tag itself).
1204         </para>
1206         <para>
1207             You can set and retrieve a form's name using the name accessors:
1208         </para>
1210         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
1211 // Set the name:
1212 $form->setName('registration');
1214 // Retrieve the name:
1215 $name = $form->getName();
1216 ]]></programlisting>
1218         <para>
1219             To set the action (url to which the form submits) and method (method
1220             by which it should submit, e.g., 'POST' or 'GET'), use the action
1221             and method accessors:
1222         </para>
1224         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
1225 // Set the action and method:
1226 $form->setAction('/user/login')
1227      ->setMethod('post');
1228 ]]></programlisting>
1230         <para>
1231             You may also specify the form encoding type specifically using the
1232             enctype accessors. <classname>Zend_Form</classname> defines two constants,
1233             <constant>Zend_Form::ENCTYPE_URLENCODED</constant> and
1234             <constant>Zend_Form::ENCTYPE_MULTIPART</constant>, corresponding to the
1235             values 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' and
1236             'multipart/form-data', respectively; however, you can set this to
1237             any arbitrary encoding type.
1238         </para>
1240         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
1241 // Set the action, method, and enctype:
1242 $form->setAction('/user/login')
1243      ->setMethod('post')
1244      ->setEnctype(Zend_Form::ENCTYPE_MULTIPART);
1245 ]]></programlisting>
1247         <note>
1248             <para>
1249                 The method, action, and enctype are only used internally for rendering,
1250                 and not for any sort of validation.
1251             </para>
1252         </note>
1254         <para>
1255             <classname>Zend_Form</classname> implements the <classname>Countable</classname>
1256             interface, allowing you to pass it as an argument to count:
1257         </para>
1259         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
1260 $numItems = count($form);
1261 ]]></programlisting>
1263         <para>
1264             Setting arbitrary metadata is done through the attribs accessors.
1265             Since overloading in <classname>Zend_Form</classname> is used to access
1266             elements, display groups, and sub forms, this is the only method for
1267             accessing metadata.
1268         </para>
1270         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
1271 // Setting attributes:
1272 $form->setAttrib('class', 'zend-form')
1273      ->addAttribs(array(
1274          'id'       => 'registration',
1275          'onSubmit' => 'validate(this)',
1276      ));
1278 // Retrieving attributes:
1279 $class = $form->getAttrib('class');
1280 $attribs = $form->getAttribs();
1282 // Remove an attribute:
1283 $form->removeAttrib('onSubmit');
1285 // Clear all attributes:
1286 $form->clearAttribs();
1287 ]]></programlisting>
1288     </sect2>
1290     <sect2 id="zend.form.forms.decorators">
1291         <title>Decorators</title>
1293         <para>
1294             Creating the markup for a form is often a time-consuming task,
1295             particularly if you plan on re-using the same markup to show things
1296             such as validation errors, submitted values, etc.
1297             <classname>Zend_Form</classname>'s answer to this issue is
1298             <emphasis>decorators</emphasis>.
1299         </para>
1301         <para>
1302             Decorators for <classname>Zend_Form</classname> objects can be used to render
1303             a form. The FormElements decorator will iterate through all items in
1304             a form -- elements, display groups, and sub forms -- and render
1305             them, returning the result. Additional decorators may then be used
1306             to wrap this content, or append or prepend it.
1307         </para>
1309         <para>
1310             The default decorators for <classname>Zend_Form</classname> are FormElements,
1311             HtmlTag (wraps in a definition list), and Form; the equivalent code
1312             for creating them is as follows:
1313         </para>
1315         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
1316 $form->setDecorators(array(
1317     'FormElements',
1318     array('HtmlTag', array('tag' => 'dl')),
1319     'Form'
1321 ]]></programlisting>
1323         <para>
1324             This creates output like the following:
1325         </para>
1327         <programlisting language="html"><![CDATA[
1328 <form action="/form/action" method="post">
1329 <dl>
1331 </dl>
1332 </form>
1333 ]]></programlisting>
1335         <para>
1336             Any attributes set on the form object will be used as <acronym>HTML</acronym>
1337             attributes of the <emphasis>&lt;form&gt;</emphasis> tag.
1338         </para>
1340         <note>
1341             <title>Default Decorators Do Not Need to Be Loaded</title>
1343             <para>
1344                 By default, the default decorators are loaded during object
1345                 initialization. You can disable this by passing the
1346                 'disableLoadDefaultDecorators' option to the constructor:
1347             </para>
1349             <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
1350 $form = new Zend_Form(array('disableLoadDefaultDecorators' => true));
1351 ]]></programlisting>
1353             <para>
1354                 This option may be mixed with any other options you pass,
1355                 both as array options or in a <classname>Zend_Config</classname> object.
1356             </para>
1357         </note>
1359         <note>
1360             <title>Using Multiple Decorators of the Same Type</title>
1362             <para>
1363                 Internally, <classname>Zend_Form</classname> uses a decorator's
1364                 class as the lookup mechanism when retrieving decorators. As a
1365                 result, you cannot register multiple decorators of the same
1366                 type; subsequent decorators will simply overwrite those that
1367                 existed before.
1368             </para>
1370             <para>
1371                 To get around this, you can use aliases. Instead of passing a
1372                 decorator or decorator name as the first argument to
1373                 <methodname>addDecorator()</methodname>, pass an array with a single
1374                 element, with the alias pointing to the decorator object or
1375                 name:
1376             </para>
1378             <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
1379 // Alias to 'FooBar':
1380 $form->addDecorator(array('FooBar' => 'HtmlTag'), array('tag' => 'div'));
1382 // And retrieve later:
1383 $form = $element->getDecorator('FooBar');
1384 ]]></programlisting>
1386             <para>
1387                 In the <methodname>addDecorators()</methodname> and
1388                 <methodname>setDecorators()</methodname> methods, you will need to pass
1389                 the 'decorator' option in the array representing the decorator:
1390             </para>
1392             <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
1393 // Add two 'HtmlTag' decorators, aliasing one to 'FooBar':
1394 $form->addDecorators(
1395     array('HtmlTag', array('tag' => 'div')),
1396     array(
1397         'decorator' => array('FooBar' => 'HtmlTag'),
1398         'options' => array('tag' => 'dd')
1399     ),
1402 // And retrieve later:
1403 $htmlTag = $form->getDecorator('HtmlTag');
1404 $fooBar  = $form->getDecorator('FooBar');
1405 ]]></programlisting>
1406         </note>
1408         <para>
1409             You may create your own decorators for generating the form. One
1410             common use case is if you know the exact <acronym>HTML</acronym> you wish to use; your
1411             decorator could create the exact <acronym>HTML</acronym> and simply return it,
1412             potentially using the decorators from individual elements or display
1413             groups.
1414         </para>
1416         <para>
1417             The following methods may be used to interact with decorators:
1418         </para>
1420         <itemizedlist>
1421                 <listitem>
1422                     <para>
1423                         <methodname>addDecorator($decorator, $options = null)</methodname>
1424                     </para>
1425                 </listitem>
1427                 <listitem>
1428                     <para>
1429                         <methodname>addDecorators(array $decorators)</methodname>
1430                     </para>
1431                 </listitem>
1433                 <listitem>
1434                     <para>
1435                         <methodname>setDecorators(array $decorators)</methodname>
1436                     </para>
1437                 </listitem>
1439                 <listitem>
1440                     <para>
1441                         <methodname>getDecorator($name)</methodname>
1442                     </para>
1443                 </listitem>
1445                 <listitem>
1446                     <para>
1447                         <methodname>getDecorators()</methodname>
1448                     </para>
1449                 </listitem>
1451                 <listitem>
1452                     <para>
1453                         <methodname>removeDecorator($name)</methodname>
1454                     </para>
1455                 </listitem>
1457                 <listitem>
1458                     <para>
1459                         <methodname>clearDecorators()</methodname>
1460                     </para>
1461                 </listitem>
1462         </itemizedlist>
1464         <para>
1465             <classname>Zend_Form</classname> also uses overloading to allow rendering
1466             specific decorators. <methodname>__call()</methodname> will intercept methods
1467             that lead with the text 'render' and use the remainder of the method
1468             name to lookup a decorator; if found, it will then render that
1469             <emphasis>single</emphasis> decorator. Any arguments passed to the
1470             method call will be used as content to pass to the decorator's
1471             <methodname>render()</methodname> method. As an example:
1472         </para>
1474         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
1475 // Render only the FormElements decorator:
1476 echo $form->renderFormElements();
1478 // Render only the fieldset decorator, passing in content:
1479 echo $form->renderFieldset("<p>This is fieldset content</p>");
1480 ]]></programlisting>
1482         <para>
1483             If the decorator does not exist, an exception is raised.
1484         </para>
1485     </sect2>
1487     <sect2 id="zend.form.forms.validation">
1488         <title>Validation</title>
1490         <para>
1491             A primary use case for forms is validating submitted data.
1492             <classname>Zend_Form</classname> allows you to validate an entire form, a partial form,
1493             or responses for XmlHttpRequests (AJAX). If the submitted data is not valid, it has
1494             methods for retrieving the various error codes and messages for
1495             elements and sub forms.
1496         </para>
1498         <para>
1499             To validate a full form, use the <methodname>isValid()</methodname> method:
1500         </para>
1502         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
1503 if (!$form->isValid($_POST)) {
1504     // failed validation
1506 ]]></programlisting>
1508         <para>
1509             <methodname>isValid()</methodname> will validate every required element, and any
1510             unrequired element contained in the submitted data.
1511         </para>
1513         <para>
1514             Sometimes you may need to validate only a subset of the data; for
1515             this, use <methodname>isValidPartial($data)</methodname>:
1516         </para>
1518         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
1519 if (!$form->isValidPartial($data)) {
1520     // failed validation
1522 ]]></programlisting>
1524         <para>
1525             <methodname>isValidPartial()</methodname> only attempts to validate those items
1526             in the data for which there are matching elements; if an element is
1527             not represented in the data, it is skipped.
1528         </para>
1530         <para>
1531             When validating elements or groups of elements for an <acronym>AJAX</acronym> request,
1532             you will typically be validating a subset of the form, and want the
1533             response back in <acronym>JSON</acronym>. <methodname>processAjax()</methodname> does
1534             precisely that:
1535         </para>
1537         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
1538 $json = $form->processAjax($data);
1539 ]]></programlisting>
1541         <para>
1542             You can then simply send the <acronym>JSON</acronym> response to the client. If the
1543             form is valid, this will be a boolean <constant>TRUE</constant> response. If not, it
1544             will be a javascript object containing key/message pairs, where each
1545             'message' is an array of validation error messages.
1546         </para>
1548         <para>
1549             For forms that fail validation, you can retrieve both error codes
1550             and error messages, using <methodname>getErrors()</methodname> and
1551             <methodname>getMessages()</methodname>, respectively:
1552         </para>
1554         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
1555 $codes = $form->getErrors();
1556 $messages = $form->getMessages();
1557 ]]></programlisting>
1559         <note>
1560             <para>
1561                 Since the messages returned by <methodname>getMessages()</methodname> are an
1562                 array of error code/message pairs, <methodname>getErrors()</methodname> is
1563                 typically not needed.
1564             </para>
1565         </note>
1567         <para>
1568             You can retrieve codes and error messages for individual elements by
1569             simply passing the element name to each:
1570         </para>
1572         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
1573 $codes = $form->getErrors('username');
1574 $messages = $form->getMessages('username');
1575 ]]></programlisting>
1577         <note>
1578             <para>
1579                 Note: When validating elements, <classname>Zend_Form</classname> sends a
1580                 second argument to each element's <methodname>isValid()</methodname> method:
1581                 the array of data being validated. This can then be used by
1582                 individual validators to allow them to utilize other submitted
1583                 values when determining the validity of the data. An example
1584                 would be a registration form that requires both a password and
1585                 password confirmation; the password element could use the
1586                 password confirmation as part of its validation.
1587             </para>
1588         </note>
1590         <sect3 id="zend.form.forms.validation.errors">
1591             <title>Custom Error Messages</title>
1593             <para>
1594                 At times, you may want to specify one or more specific error
1595                 messages to use instead of the error messages generated by the
1596                 validators attached to your elements. Additionally, at times you
1597                 may want to mark the form invalid yourself. This
1598                 functionality is possible via the following methods.
1599             </para>
1601             <itemizedlist>
1602                 <listitem>
1603                     <para>
1604                         <methodname>addErrorMessage($message)</methodname>: add an error message
1605                         to display on form validation errors. You may call this more
1606                         than once, and new messages are appended to the stack.
1607                     </para>
1608                 </listitem>
1610                 <listitem>
1611                     <para>
1612                         <methodname>addErrorMessages(array $messages)</methodname>: add multiple
1613                         error messages to display on form validation errors.
1614                     </para>
1615                 </listitem>
1617                 <listitem>
1618                     <para>
1619                         <methodname>setErrorMessages(array $messages)</methodname>: add multiple
1620                         error messages to display on form validation errors,
1621                         overwriting all previously set error messages.
1622                     </para>
1623                 </listitem>
1625                 <listitem>
1626                     <para>
1627                         <methodname>getErrorMessages()</methodname>: retrieve the list of
1628                         custom error messages that have been defined.
1629                     </para>
1630                 </listitem>
1632                 <listitem>
1633                     <para>
1634                         <methodname>clearErrorMessages()</methodname>: remove all custom error
1635                         messages that have been defined.
1636                     </para>
1637                 </listitem>
1639                 <listitem>
1640                     <para>
1641                         <methodname>markAsError()</methodname>: mark the form as having
1642                         failed validation.
1643                     </para>
1644                 </listitem>
1646                 <listitem>
1647                     <para>
1648                         <methodname>addError($message)</methodname>: add a message to the custom
1649                         error messages stack and flag the form as invalid.
1650                     </para>
1651                 </listitem>
1653                 <listitem>
1654                     <para>
1655                         <methodname>addErrors(array $messages)</methodname>: add several
1656                         messages to the custom error messages stack and flag the
1657                         form as invalid.
1658                     </para>
1659                 </listitem>
1661                 <listitem>
1662                     <para>
1663                         <methodname>setErrors(array $messages)</methodname>: overwrite the
1664                         custom error messages stack with the provided messages and
1665                         flag the form as invalid.
1666                     </para>
1667                 </listitem>
1668             </itemizedlist>
1670             <para>
1671                 All errors set in this fashion may be translated.
1672             </para>
1673         </sect3>
1675         <sect3 id="zend.form.forms.validation.values">
1676             <title>Retrieving Valid Values Only</title>
1678             <para>
1679                 There are scenarios when you want to allow your user to work on a valid form
1680                 in several steps. Meanwhile you allow the user to save the form with any
1681                 set of values inbetween. Then if all the data is specified you can transfer
1682                 the model from the building or prototying stage to a valid stage.
1683             </para>
1685             <para>
1686                 You can retrieve all the valid values that match the submitted data by calling:
1687             </para>
1689             <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
1690 $validValues = $form->getValidValues($_POST);
1691 ]]></programlisting>
1692         </sect3>
1693     </sect2>
1695     <sect2 id="zend.form.forms.methods">
1696         <title>Methods</title>
1698         <para>
1699             The following is a full list of methods available to
1700             <classname>Zend_Form</classname>, grouped by type:
1701         </para>
1703         <itemizedlist>
1704             <listitem>
1705                 <para>Configuration and Options:</para>
1707                 <itemizedlist>
1708                     <listitem>
1709                         <para><methodname>setOptions(array $options)</methodname></para>
1710                     </listitem>
1712                     <listitem>
1713                         <para><methodname>setConfig(Zend_Config $config)</methodname></para>
1714                     </listitem>
1715                 </itemizedlist>
1716             </listitem>
1718             <listitem>
1719                 <para>Plugin Loaders and paths:</para>
1721                 <itemizedlist>
1722                     <listitem>
1723                         <para>
1724                             <methodname>setPluginLoader(Zend_Loader_PluginLoader_Interface $loader,
1725                                 $type = null)</methodname>
1726                         </para>
1727                     </listitem>
1729                     <listitem>
1730                         <para><methodname>getPluginLoader($type = null)</methodname></para>
1731                     </listitem>
1733                     <listitem>
1734                         <para>
1735                             <methodname>addPrefixPath($prefix, $path, $type = null) </methodname>
1736                         </para>
1737                     </listitem>
1739                     <listitem>
1740                         <para><methodname>addPrefixPaths(array $spec)</methodname></para>
1741                     </listitem>
1743                     <listitem>
1744                         <para>
1745                             <methodname>addElementPrefixPath($prefix, $path, $type
1746                                 = null)</methodname>
1747                         </para>
1748                     </listitem>
1750                     <listitem>
1751                         <para><methodname>addElementPrefixPaths(array $spec)</methodname></para>
1752                     </listitem>
1754                     <listitem>
1755                         <para>
1756                             <methodname>addDisplayGroupPrefixPath($prefix, $path)</methodname>
1757                         </para>
1758                     </listitem>
1759                 </itemizedlist>
1760             </listitem>
1762             <listitem>
1763                 <para>Metadata:</para>
1765                 <itemizedlist>
1766                     <listitem>
1767                         <para><methodname>setAttrib($key, $value)</methodname></para>
1768                     </listitem>
1770                     <listitem>
1771                         <para><methodname>addAttribs(array $attribs)</methodname></para>
1772                     </listitem>
1774                     <listitem>
1775                         <para><methodname>setAttribs(array $attribs)</methodname></para>
1776                     </listitem>
1778                     <listitem><para><methodname>getAttrib($key)</methodname></para></listitem>
1779                     <listitem><para><methodname>getAttribs()</methodname></para></listitem>
1780                     <listitem><para><methodname>removeAttrib($key)</methodname></para></listitem>
1781                     <listitem><para><methodname>clearAttribs()</methodname></para></listitem>
1782                     <listitem><para><methodname>setAction($action)</methodname></para></listitem>
1783                     <listitem><para><methodname>getAction()</methodname></para></listitem>
1784                     <listitem><para><methodname>setMethod($method)</methodname></para></listitem>
1785                     <listitem><para><methodname>getMethod()</methodname></para></listitem>
1786                     <listitem><para><methodname>setName($name)</methodname></para></listitem>
1787                     <listitem><para><methodname>getName()</methodname></para></listitem>
1788                 </itemizedlist>
1789             </listitem>
1791             <listitem>
1792                 <para>Elements:</para>
1794                 <itemizedlist>
1795                     <listitem>
1796                         <para>
1797                             <methodname>addElement($element, $name = null, $options
1798                                 = null)</methodname>
1799                         </para>
1800                     </listitem>
1802                     <listitem>
1803                         <para><methodname>addElements(array $elements)</methodname></para>
1804                     </listitem>
1806                     <listitem>
1807                         <para><methodname>setElements(array $elements)</methodname></para>
1808                     </listitem>
1810                     <listitem><para><methodname>getElement($name)</methodname></para></listitem>
1811                     <listitem><para><methodname>getElements()</methodname></para></listitem>
1812                     <listitem><para><methodname>removeElement($name)</methodname></para></listitem>
1813                     <listitem><para><methodname>clearElements()</methodname></para></listitem>
1815                     <listitem>
1816                         <para><methodname>setDefaults(array $defaults)</methodname></para>
1817                     </listitem>
1819                     <listitem>
1820                         <para><methodname>setDefault($name, $value)</methodname></para>
1821                     </listitem>
1823                     <listitem><para><methodname>getValue($name)</methodname></para></listitem>
1824                     <listitem><para><methodname>getValues()</methodname></para></listitem>
1826                     <listitem>
1827                         <para><methodname>getUnfilteredValue($name)</methodname></para>
1828                     </listitem>
1830                     <listitem><para><methodname>getUnfilteredValues()</methodname></para></listitem>
1832                     <listitem>
1833                         <para><methodname>setElementFilters(array $filters)</methodname></para>
1834                     </listitem>
1836                     <listitem>
1837                         <para>
1838                             <methodname>setElementDecorators(array $decorators)</methodname>
1839                         </para>
1840                     </listitem>
1841                 </itemizedlist>
1842             </listitem>
1844             <listitem>
1845                 <para>Sub forms:</para>
1847                 <itemizedlist>
1848                     <listitem>
1849                         <para>
1850                             <methodname>addSubForm(Zend_Form $form, $name, $order
1851                                 = null)</methodname>
1852                         </para>
1853                     </listitem>
1855                     <listitem>
1856                         <para><methodname>addSubForms(array $subForms)</methodname></para>
1857                     </listitem>
1859                     <listitem>
1860                         <para><methodname>setSubForms(array $subForms)</methodname></para>
1861                     </listitem>
1863                     <listitem><para><methodname>getSubForm($name)</methodname></para></listitem>
1864                     <listitem><para><methodname>getSubForms()</methodname></para></listitem>
1865                     <listitem><para><methodname>removeSubForm($name)</methodname></para></listitem>
1866                     <listitem><para><methodname>clearSubForms()</methodname></para></listitem>
1868                     <listitem>
1869                         <para>
1870                             <methodname>setSubFormDecorators(array $decorators)</methodname>
1871                         </para>
1872                     </listitem>
1873                 </itemizedlist>
1874             </listitem>
1876             <listitem>
1877                 <para>Display groups:</para>
1879                 <itemizedlist>
1880                     <listitem>
1881                         <para>
1882                             <methodname>addDisplayGroup(array $elements, $name, $options
1883                                 = null)</methodname>
1884                         </para>
1885                     </listitem>
1887                     <listitem>
1888                         <para><methodname>addDisplayGroups(array $groups)</methodname></para>
1889                     </listitem>
1891                     <listitem>
1892                         <para><methodname>setDisplayGroups(array $groups)</methodname></para>
1893                     </listitem>
1895                     <listitem>
1896                         <para><methodname>getDisplayGroup($name)</methodname></para>
1897                     </listitem>
1899                     <listitem><para><methodname>getDisplayGroups()</methodname></para></listitem>
1901                     <listitem>
1902                         <para><methodname>removeDisplayGroup($name)</methodname></para>
1903                     </listitem>
1905                     <listitem><para><methodname>clearDisplayGroups()</methodname></para></listitem>
1907                     <listitem>
1908                         <para>
1909                             <methodname>setDisplayGroupDecorators(array $decorators)</methodname>
1910                         </para>
1911                     </listitem>
1912                 </itemizedlist>
1913             </listitem>
1915             <listitem>
1916                 <para>Validation</para>
1918                 <itemizedlist>
1919                     <listitem>
1920                         <para><methodname>populate(array $values)</methodname></para>
1921                     </listitem>
1923                     <listitem><para><methodname>isValid(array $data)</methodname></para></listitem>
1925                     <listitem>
1926                         <para><methodname>isValidPartial(array $data)</methodname></para>
1927                     </listitem>
1929                     <listitem>
1930                         <para><methodname>processAjax(array $data)</methodname></para>
1931                     </listitem>
1933                     <listitem><para><methodname>persistData()</methodname></para></listitem>
1935                     <listitem>
1936                         <para><methodname>getErrors($name = null)</methodname></para>
1937                     </listitem>
1939                     <listitem>
1940                         <para><methodname>getMessages($name = null)</methodname></para>
1941                     </listitem>
1942                 </itemizedlist>
1943             </listitem>
1945             <listitem>
1946                 <para>Rendering:</para>
1948                 <itemizedlist>
1949                     <listitem>
1950                         <para>
1951                             <methodname>setView(Zend_View_Interface $view = null)</methodname>
1952                         </para>
1953                     </listitem>
1955                     <listitem><para><methodname>getView()</methodname></para></listitem>
1957                     <listitem>
1958                         <para>
1959                             <methodname>addDecorator($decorator, $options = null)</methodname>
1960                         </para>
1961                     </listitem>
1963                     <listitem>
1964                         <para><methodname>addDecorators(array $decorators)</methodname></para>
1965                     </listitem>
1967                     <listitem>
1968                         <para><methodname>setDecorators(array $decorators)</methodname></para>
1969                     </listitem>
1971                     <listitem><para><methodname>getDecorator($name)</methodname></para></listitem>
1972                     <listitem><para><methodname>getDecorators()</methodname></para></listitem>
1974                     <listitem>
1975                         <para><methodname>removeDecorator($name)</methodname></para>
1976                     </listitem>
1978                     <listitem><para><methodname>clearDecorators()</methodname></para></listitem>
1980                     <listitem>
1981                         <para>
1982                             <methodname>render(Zend_View_Interface $view = null)</methodname>
1983                         </para>
1984                     </listitem>
1985                 </itemizedlist>
1986             </listitem>
1988             <listitem>
1989                 <para>I18n:</para>
1991                 <itemizedlist>
1992                     <listitem>
1993                         <para>
1994                             <methodname>setTranslator(Zend_Translate_Adapter $translator
1995                                 = null)</methodname>
1996                         </para>
1997                     </listitem>
1999                     <listitem><para><methodname>getTranslator()</methodname></para></listitem>
2001                     <listitem>
2002                         <para><methodname>setDisableTranslator($flag)</methodname></para>
2003                     </listitem>
2005                     <listitem>
2006                         <para><methodname>translatorIsDisabled()</methodname></para>
2007                     </listitem>
2008                 </itemizedlist>
2009             </listitem>
2010         </itemizedlist>
2011     </sect2>
2013     <sect2 id="zend.form.forms.config">
2014         <title>Configuration</title>
2016         <para>
2017             <classname>Zend_Form</classname> is fully configurable via
2018             <methodname>setOptions()</methodname> and <methodname>setConfig()</methodname> (or by
2019             passing options or a <classname>Zend_Config</classname> object to the
2020             constructor). Using these methods, you can specify form elements,
2021             display groups, decorators, and metadata.
2022         </para>
2024         <para>
2025             As a general rule, if 'set' + the option key refers to a
2026             <classname>Zend_Form</classname> method, then the value provided will be
2027             passed to that method. If the accessor does not exist, the key is
2028             assumed to reference an attribute, and will be passed to
2029             <methodname>setAttrib()</methodname>.
2030         </para>
2032         <para>
2033             Exceptions to the rule include the following:
2034         </para>
2036         <itemizedlist>
2037             <listitem>
2038                 <para>
2039                     <property>prefixPath</property> will be passed to
2040                     <methodname>addPrefixPaths()</methodname>
2041                 </para>
2042             </listitem>
2044             <listitem>
2045                 <para>
2046                     <property>elementPrefixPath</property> will be passed to
2047                     <methodname>addElementPrefixPaths()</methodname>
2048                 </para>
2049             </listitem>
2051             <listitem>
2052                 <para>
2053                     <property>displayGroupPrefixPath</property> will be passed to
2054                     <methodname>addDisplayGroupPrefixPaths()</methodname>
2055                 </para>
2056             </listitem>
2058             <listitem>
2059                 <para>the following setters cannot be set in this way:</para>
2061                 <itemizedlist>
2062                     <listitem>
2063                         <para><property>setAttrib</property> (though setAttribs *will* work)</para>
2064                     </listitem>
2066                     <listitem><para><property>setConfig</property></para></listitem>
2067                     <listitem><para><property>setDefault</property></para></listitem>
2068                     <listitem><para><property>setOptions</property></para></listitem>
2069                     <listitem><para><property>setPluginLoader</property></para></listitem>
2070                     <listitem><para><property>setSubForms</property></para></listitem>
2071                     <listitem><para><property>setTranslator</property></para></listitem>
2072                     <listitem><para><property>setView</property></para></listitem>
2073                 </itemizedlist>
2074             </listitem>
2075         </itemizedlist>
2077         <para>
2078             As an example, here is a config file that passes configuration for
2079             every type of configurable data:
2080         </para>
2082         <programlisting language="ini"><![CDATA[
2083 [element]
2084 name = "registration"
2085 action = "/user/register"
2086 method = "post"
2087 attribs.class = "zend_form"
2088 attribs.onclick = "validate(this)"
2090 disableTranslator = 0
2092 prefixPath.element.prefix = "My_Element"
2093 prefixPath.element.path = "My/Element/"
2094 elementPrefixPath.validate.prefix = "My_Validate"
2095 elementPrefixPath.validate.path = "My/Validate/"
2096 displayGroupPrefixPath.prefix = "My_Group"
2097 displayGroupPrefixPath.path = "My/Group/"
2099 elements.username.type = "text"
2100 elements.username.options.label = "Username"
2101 elements.username.options.validators.alpha.validator = "Alpha"
2102 elements.username.options.filters.lcase = "StringToLower"
2103 ; more elements, of course...
2105 elementFilters.trim = "StringTrim"
2106 ;elementDecorators.trim = "StringTrim"
2108 displayGroups.login.elements.username = "username"
2109 displayGroups.login.elements.password = "password"
2110 displayGroupDecorators.elements.decorator = "FormElements"
2111 displayGroupDecorators.fieldset.decorator = "Fieldset"
2113 decorators.elements.decorator = "FormElements"
2114 decorators.fieldset.decorator = "FieldSet"
2115 decorators.fieldset.decorator.options.class = "zend_form"
2116 decorators.form.decorator = "Form"
2117 ]]></programlisting>
2119         <para>
2120             The above could easily be abstracted to an <acronym>XML</acronym> or
2121             <acronym>PHP</acronym> array-based configuration file.
2122         </para>
2123     </sect2>
2125     <sect2 id="zend.form.forms.custom">
2126         <title>Custom forms</title>
2128         <para>
2129             An alternative to using configuration-based forms is to subclass
2130             <classname>Zend_Form</classname>. This has several benefits:
2131         </para>
2133         <itemizedlist>
2134             <listitem>
2135                 <para>
2136                     You can unit test your form easily to ensure validations and
2137                     rendering perform as expected.
2138                 </para>
2139             </listitem>
2141             <listitem>
2142                 <para>
2143                     Fine-grained control over individual elements.
2144                 </para>
2145             </listitem>
2147             <listitem>
2148                 <para>
2149                     Re-use of form objects, and greater portability (no need to
2150                     track config files).
2151                 </para>
2152             </listitem>
2154             <listitem>
2155                 <para>
2156                     Implementing custom functionality.
2157                 </para>
2158             </listitem>
2159         </itemizedlist>
2161         <para>
2162             The most typical use case would be to use the
2163             <methodname>init()</methodname> method to setup specific form elements and
2164             configuration:
2165         </para>
2167         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
2168 class My_Form_Login extends Zend_Form
2170     public function init()
2171     {
2172         $username = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('username');
2173         $username->class = 'formtext';
2174         $username->setLabel('Username:')
2175                  ->setDecorators(array(
2176                      array('ViewHelper',
2177                            array('helper' => 'formText')),
2178                      array('Label',
2179                            array('class' => 'label'))
2180                  ));
2182         $password = new Zend_Form_Element_Password('password');
2183         $password->class = 'formtext';
2184         $password->setLabel('Password:')
2185                  ->setDecorators(array(
2186                      array('ViewHelper',
2187                            array('helper' => 'formPassword')),
2188                      array('Label',
2189                            array('class' => 'label'))
2190                  ));
2192         $submit = new Zend_Form_Element_Submit('login');
2193         $submit->class = 'formsubmit';
2194         $submit->setValue('Login')
2195                ->setDecorators(array(
2196                    array('ViewHelper',
2197                    array('helper' => 'formSubmit'))
2198                ));
2200         $this->addElements(array(
2201             $username,
2202             $password,
2203             $submit
2204         ));
2206         $this->setDecorators(array(
2207             'FormElements',
2208             'Fieldset',
2209             'Form'
2210         ));
2211     }
2213 ]]></programlisting>
2215         <para>
2216             This form can then be instantiated with simply:
2217         </para>
2219         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
2220 $form = new My_Form_Login();
2221 ]]></programlisting>
2223         <para>
2224             and all functionality is already setup and ready; no config files
2225             needed. (Note that this example is greatly simplified, as it
2226             contains no validators or filters for the elements.)
2227         </para>
2229         <para>
2230             Another common reason for extension is to define a set of
2231             default decorators. You can do this by overriding the
2232             <methodname>loadDefaultDecorators()</methodname> method:
2233         </para>
2235         <programlisting language="php"><![CDATA[
2236 class My_Form_Login extends Zend_Form
2238     public function loadDefaultDecorators()
2239     {
2240         $this->setDecorators(array(
2241             'FormElements',
2242             'Fieldset',
2243             'Form'
2244         ));
2245     }
2247 ]]></programlisting>
2248     </sect2>
2249 </sect1>
2250 <!--
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