Sync up new redirect interface with its uses.
[zs3.git] / aws4-auth.lisp
1 ;;;; aws4-auth.lisp
3 (in-package #:zs3)
5 ;;;
6 ;;; can be used to map endpoint to region, maybe?
8 (defun headers-for-signing (request)
9 (append (all-amazon-headers request)
10 (extra-http-headers request)
11 (parameters-alist "host" (host request)
12 "content-type" (content-type request))))
14 (defun canonical-headers (headers)
15 (flet ((trim (string)
16 (string-trim " " string)))
17 (let ((encoded
18 (loop for (name . value) in headers
19 collect (cons (string-downcase name)
20 (trim value)))))
21 (sort encoded #'string< :key 'car))))
23 (defun signed-headers (request)
24 (mapcar 'first (canonical-headers (headers-for-signing request))))
26 (defun parameters-for-signing (request)
27 (cond ((sub-resource request)
28 (list (cons (sub-resource request) "")))
30 (parameters request))))
32 (defun canonical-parameters (parameters)
33 (let ((encoded
34 (loop for (name . value) in parameters
35 collect (cons
36 (url-encode name)
37 (url-encode value)))))
38 (sort encoded #'string< :key 'car)))
40 (defun canonical-parameters-string (request)
41 (format nil "~{~A=~A~^&~}"
42 (alist-plist (canonical-parameters
43 (parameters-for-signing request)))))
45 (defun hashed-payload (request)
46 *empty-string-sha256*)
48 (defun path-to-sign (request)
49 "Everything in the PATH of the request, up to the first ?"
50 (let ((path (request-path request)))
51 (subseq path 0 (position #\? path))))
53 (defun canonicalized-request-strings (request)
54 "Return a list of lines canonicalizing the request according to
56 (let* ((headers (headers-for-signing request))
57 (canonical-headers (canonical-headers headers)))
58 (alexandria:flatten
59 (list (http-method request)
60 (path-to-sign request)
61 (canonical-parameters-string request)
62 (loop for (name . value) in canonical-headers
63 collect (format nil "~A:~A" name value))
65 (format nil "~{~A~^;~}" (mapcar 'first canonical-headers))
66 (hashed-payload request)))))
68 (defun string-to-sign-lines (request)
69 "Return a list of strings to sign to construc"
70 (list "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256"
71 (iso8601-basic-timestamp-string)
72 (with-output-to-string (s)
73 (format s "~A/~A/s3/aws4_request"
74 (iso8601-basic-date-string)
75 (region request)))
76 (strings-sha256/hex (canonicalized-request-strings request))))
78 (defun make-signing-key (credentials &key region service)
79 (let* ((k1 (format nil "AWS4~A" (secret-key credentials)))
80 (date-key (hmac-sha256 k1 (iso8601-basic-date-string)))
81 (region-key (hmac-sha256 date-key region))
82 (service-key (hmac-sha256 region-key service)))
83 (hmac-sha256 service-key "aws4_request")))
85 (defclass aws4-auth-request (request)
86 ((region
87 :accessor region
88 :initarg :region))
89 (:default-initargs
90 :region "us-east-1"))
92 (defmethod authorization-header-value ((request aws4-auth-request))
93 (let ((key (make-signing-key *credentials*
94 :region (region request)
95 :service "s3")))
96 (with-output-to-string (s)
97 (write-string "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256" s)
98 (format s " Credential=~A/~A/~A/s3/aws4_request"
99 (access-key *credentials*)
100 (iso8601-basic-date-string)
101 (region request))
102 (format s ",SignedHeaders=~{~A~^;~}" (signed-headers request))
103 (format s ",Signature=~A"
104 (strings-hmac-sha256/hex key (string-to-sign-lines request))))))
106 (defun test-aws4 (&key (region "us-east-1"))
107 (let ((request (make-instance 'aws4-auth-request
108 :amz-headers
109 (parameters-alist :content-sha256 *empty-string-sha256*
110 :date (iso8601-basic-timestamp-string))
111 :region region)))
112 request))