debugger is using new text screen intefrace now too
[zymosis.git] / src / ZXEmuT / libvideo / video.h
1 /***************************************************************************
3 * ZXEmuT -- ZX Spectrum Emulator with Tcl scripting
5 * Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Ketmar Dark <>
7 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License ONLY.
11 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * GNU General Public License for more details.
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
19 **************************************************************************/
20 #ifndef ZXEMUT_VIDEO_H
21 #define ZXEMUT_VIDEO_H
23 #include <stdlib.h>
24 #include <string.h>
25 #include <stdint.h>
26 #include <stddef.h>
27 #include <SDL.h>
29 #ifdef __cplusplus
30 extern "C" {
31 #endif
34 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
35 enum {
36 MS_BUTTON_LEFT = 0x01,
37 MS_BUTTON_RIGHT = 0x02,
42 MS_BUTTON_AUTO = 0x80, // autogenerated mouse press
44 MS_BUTTON_MASK = 0xff, // ignore 'depressed' flag for mouseButtonCB
49 typedef void (*FrameCB) (void);
50 typedef void (*KeyCB) (SDL_KeyboardEvent *key);
51 typedef void (*MouseCB) (int x, int y, int xrel, int yrel, int buttons);
52 typedef void (*MouseButtonCB) (int x, int y, int button, int buttons);
53 typedef void (*WindowActivationCB) (int activated);
56 extern FrameCB frameCB;
57 extern KeyCB keyCB;
58 extern MouseCB mouseCB;
59 extern MouseButtonCB mouseButtonCB; // button: which button state was changed (possibly with MS_BUTTON_DEPRESSED)
60 extern WindowActivationCB windowActivationCB;
61 // on deactivation, keyboard and mouse button handlers will be called for
62 // pressed control keys and mouse buttons before this callback
64 extern int msButtons, msLastX, msLastY, kbCtrl, kbAlt, kbShift;
65 extern int kbLCtrl, kbRCtrl, kbLAlt, kbRAlt, kbLShift, kbRShift;
66 extern int msAutoTimeMSFirst; // mouse button autorepeat event time in milliseconds; <1: never
67 extern int msAutoTimeMSRepeat; // mouse button autorepeat event time in milliseconds; <1: never
68 extern int msAutoTresholdX, msAutoTresholdY;
70 extern const uint8_t vid_font8x16[4096];
71 extern const uint8_t vid_font8x8[2048];
74 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
75 extern int optFullscreen;
76 extern int optTVScaler;
77 extern int vidScale; // 1, 2, 3, 4; default is 3
78 extern SDL_Surface *screen; // always 32bpp
79 extern SDL_Surface *screenReal; // always 32bpp
80 extern Uint32 palette[256]; // converted for frameSfc
81 extern unsigned paletteUsed; // used colors in the palette
82 extern uint8_t palRGB[256][4]; // [3] is unused
83 extern int vidRIdx, vidGIdx, vidBIdx;
84 extern SDL_Surface *frameSfc; // current frame surface for FrameCB
86 extern int vidWindowActivated;
88 extern int vidColorMode; // 0: ok; 1: b/w; 2: green
90 // if set, this is called after real screen was built
91 // can be used to render various fullscreen things
92 // use *ONLY* `sfc` to render things
93 // note that surface is properly locked here
94 extern void (*vidBeforeFlipCB) (SDL_Surface *sfc);
96 typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) {
97 uint8_t ch;
98 uint8_t attr; // low 4 bits:fg; high 4 bits:bg
99 } VidTChar;
101 #define VID_TEXT_WIDTH (80)
102 #define VID_TEXT_HEIGHT (30)
104 extern VidTChar vid_textscr[VID_TEXT_WIDTH*VID_TEXT_HEIGHT];
105 extern int vid_textscr_active;
106 extern int vid_textsrc_height; // <= 0: full
109 extern void vt_cls (uint8_t ch, uint8_t attr);
110 extern void vt_writechar (int x, int y, uint8_t ch, uint8_t attr);
111 extern void vt_writechars (int x, int y, int count, uint8_t ch, uint8_t attr);
112 extern void vt_writestrz (int x, int y, const char *s, uint8_t attr);
113 extern void vt_writestrcnt (int x, int y, const char *s, size_t slen, uint8_t attr);
116 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
117 enum {
118 TIMER_ERROR = -1,
119 TIMER_HPET = 0,
124 extern int timerInit (void); // return TIMER_XXX
125 extern int timerReinit (void); // reset timer; <0: error
126 extern int64_t timerGetMS (void); // milliseconds
127 extern int64_t timerGetMicroSeconds (void); // microseconds
130 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
131 extern void sdlInit (void);
132 extern void initVideo (void);
133 extern void switchFullScreen (void);
134 extern void updateScale (void);
136 extern void rebuildPalette (void);
138 extern uint8_t zxPalette[];
141 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
142 // NO LOCKING!
143 static inline void putPixel (int x, int y, Uint8 col) {
144 if (frameSfc != NULL && col != 255 && x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < frameSfc->w && y < frameSfc->h) {
145 *(Uint32 *)(((Uint8 *)frameSfc->pixels)+(y*frameSfc->pitch)+x*4) = palette[col];
150 static inline void putPixelMix (int x, int y, Uint8 col0, Uint8 col1) {
151 if (frameSfc != NULL && x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < frameSfc->w && y < frameSfc->h) {
152 Uint8 *d = (((Uint8 *)frameSfc->pixels)+(y*frameSfc->pitch)+x*4);
153 Uint32 r = palRGB[col0][0], g = palRGB[col0][1], b = palRGB[col0][2];
155 d[vidRIdx] = (palRGB[col1][0]+r)/2;
156 d[vidGIdx] = (palRGB[col1][1]+g)/2;
157 d[vidBIdx] = (palRGB[col1][2]+b)/2;
162 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
163 typedef struct {
164 SDL_Surface *s;
165 int needUnlock;
166 } SurfaceLock;
169 extern void lockSurface (SurfaceLock *lock, SDL_Surface *s);
170 extern void unlockSurface (SurfaceLock *lock);
172 extern void clearScreen (Uint8 col);
175 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
176 // surface must be locked!
177 extern void drawChar6 (char ch, int x, int y, Uint8 fg, Uint8 bg);
178 extern void drawStr6 (const char *str, int x, int y, Uint8 fg, Uint8 bg);
179 extern void drawChar8 (char ch, int x, int y, Uint8 fg, Uint8 bg);
180 extern void drawStr8 (const char *str, int x, int y, Uint8 fg, Uint8 bg);
181 extern void drawStr6Outline (const char *str, int x, int y, Uint8 fg, Uint8 oc);
182 extern void drawStr8Outline (const char *str, int x, int y, Uint8 fg, Uint8 oc);
184 extern int drawCharZ (char ch, int x, int y, Uint8 c1, Uint8 c2);
185 extern int drawStrZ (const char *str, int x, int y, Uint8 c1, Uint8 c2);
188 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
189 // forcedShowFrame() can be called from FrameCB to force showing the current frame
190 // ugly name means that you shouldn't use it
191 // video module will not show the frame by itself if forcedShowFrame() was called
192 extern void forcedShowFrame (void);
194 extern void buildFrame (void);
195 extern int processEvents (int dowait);
196 extern void mainLoop (void);
197 extern void postQuitMessage (void);
200 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
201 typedef struct {
202 int w, h;
203 uint8_t *data;
204 } VOverlay;
207 extern VOverlay *createVO (int w, int h);
208 extern void resizeVO (VOverlay *v, int w, int h);
209 extern void freeVO (VOverlay *v);
211 extern void clearVO (VOverlay *v, Uint8 c);
213 extern void drawChar6VO (VOverlay *v, char ch, int x, int y, Uint8 fg, Uint8 bg);
214 extern void drawStr6VO (VOverlay *v, const char *str, int x, int y, Uint8 fg, Uint8 bg);
215 extern void drawChar8VO (VOverlay *v, char ch, int x, int y, Uint8 fg, Uint8 bg);
216 extern void drawStr8VO (VOverlay *v, const char *str, int x, int y, Uint8 fg, Uint8 bg);
218 extern void drawFrameVO (VOverlay *v, int x0, int y0, int w, int h, Uint8 c);
219 extern void fillRectVO (VOverlay *v, int x0, int y0, int w, int h, Uint8 c);
221 extern void blitVO (VOverlay *v, int x0, int y0, Uint8 alpha);
224 extern VOverlay *createVOFromIcon (const void *iconbuf);
227 static inline void putPixelVO (VOverlay *v, int x, int y, Uint8 c) {
228 if (v != NULL && x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < v->w && y < v->h && c != 255) v->data[y*v->w+x] = c;
232 // dynamically allocate rgb colors
233 extern void vidResetPalette (void);
234 extern uint8_t vidAllocColor (int r, int g, int b);
237 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
238 // rectangle that *includes* right and bottom edges
239 typedef struct {
240 int vClipX0, vClipY0;
241 int vClipX1, vClipY1;
242 int vOfsX, vOfsY;
243 } VClipInfo;
246 typedef struct {
247 VOverlay *vo;
248 VClipInfo clip;
249 } VExSurface;
252 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
253 static inline void vPutPixel (const VExSurface *sfc, int x, int y, Uint8 clr) {
254 if (sfc != NULL && sfc->vo != NULL) {
255 x += sfc->clip.vOfsX;
256 y += sfc->clip.vOfsY;
257 if (x >= sfc->clip.vClipX0 && y >= sfc->clip.vClipY0 &&
258 x <= sfc->clip.vClipX1 && y <= sfc->clip.vClipY1) putPixelVO(sfc->vo, x, y, clr);
263 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
264 static inline void vResetClip (VExSurface *sfc) {
265 if (sfc != NULL) {
266 sfc->clip.vClipX0 = sfc->clip.vClipY0 = 0;
267 sfc->clip.vClipX1 = sfc->vo->w-1;
268 sfc->clip.vClipY1 = sfc->vo->h-1;
269 sfc->clip.vOfsX = sfc->clip.vOfsY = 0;
274 static inline void vSetClip (VExSurface *sfc, int x, int y, int w, int h, int ox, int oy) {
275 if (sfc != NULL) {
276 if (w < 0) w = 0;
277 if (h < 0) h = 0;
278 sfc->clip.vClipX0 = x;
279 sfc->clip.vClipY0 = y;
280 sfc->clip.vClipX1 = x+w-1;
281 sfc->clip.vClipY1 = y+h-1;
282 sfc->clip.vOfsX = ox;
283 sfc->clip.vOfsY = oy;
288 static inline void vSaveClip (const VExSurface *sfc, VClipInfo *ci) {
289 if (sfc != NULL && ci != NULL) *ci = sfc->clip;
293 static inline void vRestoreClip (VExSurface *sfc, const VClipInfo *ci) {
294 if (sfc != NULL && ci != NULL) sfc->clip = *ci;
298 static inline void vRestrictClip (VExSurface *sfc, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
299 if (sfc != NULL) {
300 if (w < 1 || h < 1 || x > sfc->clip.vClipX1 || y > sfc->clip.vClipY1) {
301 sfc->clip.vClipX1 = sfc->clip.vClipX0-1;
302 sfc->clip.vClipY1 = sfc->clip.vClipY0-1;
303 } else {
304 if (sfc->clip.vClipX0 < x) sfc->clip.vClipX0 = x;
305 if (sfc->clip.vClipY0 < y) sfc->clip.vClipY0 = y;
306 x += w-1;
307 y += h-1;
308 if (sfc->clip.vClipX1 > x) sfc->clip.vClipX1 = x;
309 if (sfc->clip.vClipY1 > y) sfc->clip.vClipY1 = y;
315 static inline void vChangeClip (VExSurface *sfc, int dhor, int dvert) {
316 if (sfc != NULL) {
317 sfc->clip.vClipX0 += dhor;
318 sfc->clip.vClipY0 += dvert;
319 sfc->clip.vClipX1 -= dhor;
320 sfc->clip.vClipY1 -= dvert;
325 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
326 extern int vLineCountMaxLen (const char *str, int *maxlenp);
328 extern void vDrawChar (VExSurface *sfc, int x, int y, char ch, Uint8 ink, Uint8 paper);
329 extern void vDrawText (VExSurface *sfc, int x, int y, const char *str, Uint8 ink, Uint8 paper);
330 extern void vDrawOutlineText (VExSurface *sfc, int x, int y, const char *str, Uint8 ink, int oink);
332 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
333 extern void vDrawHLine (VExSurface *sfc, int x, int y, int len, Uint8 clr);
334 extern void vDrawVLine (VExSurface *sfc, int x, int y, int len, Uint8 clr);
335 extern void vDrawBar (VExSurface *sfc, int x, int y, int width, int height, Uint8 clr);
336 extern void vDrawRect (VExSurface *sfc, int x, int y, int width, int height, Uint8 clr);
337 extern void vDrawRectW (VExSurface *sfc, int x, int y, int width, int height, Uint8 clr);
339 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
340 extern void vDrawZXStripe (VExSurface *sfc, int x, int y, int dim);
342 enum {
344 ZXVIDWF_STRIPES_DIM = 0x02, // dim colors
347 extern void vDrawWindow (VExSurface *sfc, int x, int y, int width, int height, const char *title,
348 int tink, int tpaper, int wpaper, int flags);
350 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
351 extern void vDrawUpArrow (VExSurface *sfc, int x, int y, Uint8 ink, Uint8 paper);
352 extern void vDrawDownArrow (VExSurface *sfc, int x, int y, Uint8 ink, Uint8 paper);
353 extern void vDrawLeftArrow (VExSurface *sfc, int x, int y, Uint8 ink, Uint8 paper);
354 extern void vDrawRightArrow (VExSurface *sfc, int x, int y, Uint8 ink, Uint8 paper);
356 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
357 extern void vDrawLine (VExSurface *sfc, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, Uint8 clr);
358 extern void vDrawCircle (VExSurface *sfc, int cx, int cy, int radius, Uint8 clr);
359 extern void vDrawEllipse (VExSurface *sfc, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, Uint8 clr);
360 extern void vDrawFilledCircle (VExSurface *sfc, int cx, int cy, int radius, Uint8 clr);
361 extern void vDrawFilledEllipse (VExSurface *sfc, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, Uint8 clr);
363 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
364 extern void vDrawSelectionRect (VExSurface *sfc, int phase, int x0, int y0, int wdt, int hgt, Uint8 col0, Uint8 col1);
367 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
368 // there are many predefined cursors...
369 enum {
371 AID_BIG = 0,
383 extern Uint8 msCurClr0, msCurClr1;
385 extern void drawMouseCursor (int x, int y, int id);
388 #ifdef __cplusplus
390 #endif
391 #endif