evcc: 0.131.4 -> 0.131.5
[NixPkgs.git] / pkgs / development / python-modules / pydicom-seg / default.nix
2   lib,
3   buildPythonPackage,
4   fetchFromGitHub,
5   fetchpatch,
6   pythonOlder,
7   pytest7CheckHook,
8   poetry-core,
9   jsonschema,
10   numpy,
11   pydicom,
12   simpleitk,
15 buildPythonPackage rec {
16   pname = "pydicom-seg";
17   version = "0.4.1";
18   pyproject = true;
20   disabled = pythonOlder "3.7";
22   src = fetchFromGitHub {
23     owner = "razorx89";
24     repo = pname;
25     rev = "refs/tags/v${version}";
26     hash = "sha256-2Y3fZHKfZqdp5EU8HfVsmJ5JFfVGZuAR7+Kj7qaTiPM=";
27     fetchSubmodules = true;
28   };
30   patches = [
31     # https://github.com/razorx89/pydicom-seg/pull/54
32     (fetchpatch {
33       name = "replace-poetry-with-poetry-core.patch";
34       url = "https://github.com/razorx89/pydicom-seg/commit/ac91eaefe3b0aecfe745869972c08de5350d2b61.patch";
35       hash = "sha256-xBOVjWZPjyQ8gSj6JLe9B531e11TI3FUFFtL+IelZOM=";
36     })
37   ];
39   pythonRelaxDeps = [ "jsonschema" ];
41   build-system = [ poetry-core ];
43   dependencies = [
44     jsonschema
45     numpy
46     pydicom
47     simpleitk
48   ];
50   nativeCheckInputs = [ pytest7CheckHook ];
52   pythonImportsCheck = [ "pydicom_seg" ];
54   meta = with lib; {
55     description = "Medical segmentation file reading and writing";
56     homepage = "https://github.com/razorx89/pydicom-seg";
57     changelog = "https://github.com/razorx89/pydicom-seg/releases/tag/v${version}";
58     license = licenses.mit;
59     maintainers = with maintainers; [ bcdarwin ];
60   };