2019-01-25 |
Michael Duda | Merge branch 'release-v4.0.3'
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2019-01-25 |
Michael Duda | Merge branch 'fix_g1print_string_trunc' into release...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2019-01-24 |
Michael Duda | Increase length of field names in GRIB tables in g1print...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2019-01-24 |
Michael Duda | Merge branch 'fix_unrecognized_mpif90_opt' into release...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2019-01-23 |
Michael Duda | Merge branch 'detect_WRF-4.0.3' into release-v4.0.3...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2019-01-22 |
Michael Duda | Let configure script attempt to locate compiled WRF...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2019-01-21 |
Michael Duda | Detect WRF-4.0.3 directory in arch/preamble
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2019-01-18 |
Michael Duda | Merge branch 'fix_geogrid_v4.0.1_detection' into release...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2019-01-18 |
Michael Duda | Remove -f90= and -cc= options from MPI wrappers
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2019-01-18 |
Michael Duda | Correct inconsequential bug in detection of geogrid...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2019-01-18 |
Michael Duda | Update version number to 4.0.3
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2018-11-09 |
Michael Duda | Set the v4.0.2 release date to "9 November 2018" in...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2018-11-09 |
Michael Duda | Add additional logic in arch/preamble for finding WRF...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2018-11-09 |
Michael Duda | Update version number to 4.0.2 in geogrid and metgrid...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2018-10-02 |
Michael Duda | Update default path to geog data on /glade filesystem...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2018-10-02 |
Michael Duda | Update the README for the final v4.0.1 release on 2...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2018-10-02 |
Michael Duda | Update version number to 4.0.1 in geogrid and metgrid...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2018-10-02 |
Michael Duda | Add additional logic in arch/preamble for finding WRF...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2018-09-25 |
Dave Gill | Grid to earth relative is -1 * alpha for Cassini
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2018-09-25 |
Dave Gill | New mods should only modify Cassini to earth relative
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2018-09-25 |
Dave Gill | First arg to latlon_to_ij is not an integer projection
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2018-09-25 |
Dave Gill | Fix rotation of input winds: Cassini to earth relative
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2018-06-08 |
Michael Duda | Update the README for the final v4.0 release on 8 June...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2018-06-08 |
Dave Gill | Add flags for VAR_SSO, URB_PARAM, IMPERV, CANFRA
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2018-06-07 |
Michael Duda | Add 'lowres' resolutions for all fields in GEOGRID...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2018-06-07 |
Jim Bresch | Add a new namelist variable, pmin, to &ungrib to specify...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2018-06-07 |
Michael Duda | Make LAKE_DEPTH and VAR_SSO optional fields in all...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2018-06-04 |
Michael Duda | Add FRC_URB2D entry to all ARW GEOGRID.TBL files
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2018-05-29 |
Michael Duda | Remove SLOPECAT field from all GEOGRID.TBL files
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2018-05-29 |
Michael Duda | Fix inaccuracies in latitude computation for polar...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2018-05-21 |
Michael Duda | Update several namelist files to tell users that ALBEDO12M...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2018-05-21 |
Michael Duda | Use MODIS-based data as the default for SNOALB and...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2018-04-20 |
Michael Duda | Fix occasional NaNs in XLONG_* fields for polar stereographi...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2018-04-10 |
Michael Duda | Add flags for EROD, CLAYFRAC, and SANDFRAC in the GEOGRID...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2018-04-09 |
Michael Duda | Add EROD, SANDFRAC, and CLAYFRAC as optional fields...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2018-04-09 |
Michael Duda | Add MODIS sources for ALBEDO12M and SNOALB fields in...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2018-04-05 |
Michael Duda | Remove comments from namelist.wps about changes in...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2018-04-05 |
Michael Duda | Update WPS version to pre-4.0 for first friendly user...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2018-04-05 |
Michael Duda | Add logic in configure.wps to look for WRF in either...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2017-08-15 |
Jim Bresch | Change the maximum GFS soil moisture value from missing...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2017-04-14 |
Jim Bresch | A simple change to the clean script to preserve the...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2017-03-10 |
Michael Duda | Enable metgrid to process native MPAS output files...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2017-03-09 |
kkeene44 | Add section to compile script to print code/compiler...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2017-01-23 |
smileMchen | Add WPS capability to process rotated lat-lon grid...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2016-08-07 |
Michael Duda | Update WPS version number to 3.8.1
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2016-08-07 |
Michael Duda | Add computation of sine and cosine of wind rotation...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2016-04-07 |
Michael Duda | Update release info in README to "Version 3.8 (8 April...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2016-04-07 |
Michael Duda | Change version string from "V3.8 PRE-RELEASE 1" to...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2016-01-12 |
Michael Duda | Update README to "Version 3.8 Pre-Release 1 (January...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2016-01-12 |
Michael Duda | Update version string to "V3.8 PRE-RELEASE 1"
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2016-01-12 |
Michael Duda | Change default data sources for HGT_M, LANDUSEF/LU_INDEX...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2016-01-05 |
Michael Duda | Fix bug in check for 'halt_on_missing' for categorical...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2016-01-05 |
Michael Duda | Add new fields XLAT_C and XLONG_C
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2015-08-25 |
Michael Duda | Add new optional keyword 'filename_digits' to index...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2015-08-14 |
Michael Duda | Update version number, release date, and revision in...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2015-08-14 |
Michael Duda | Update version number in geogrid and metgrid output...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2015-04-20 |
Michael Duda | Update release date in README.
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2015-04-20 |
Michael Duda | Update README to remove "Pre-Release", and change ...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2015-04-20 |
Michael Duda | Add updated GFS NCL script from Ming Chen to plot newer...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2015-04-20 |
Michael Duda | Fix for zonal shift in CFSR data, following a similar fix
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2015-04-15 |
Michael Duda | Uncomment entries in GEOGRID.TBL files and mark those...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2015-04-15 |
Michael Duda | Initial implementation of the 'optional' keyword in...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2015-04-14 |
Michael Duda | Add entries to the GEOGRID.TBL.ARW from Robert Gilliam...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2015-01-30 |
Michael Duda | Update version number to 3.7.
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2014-12-05 |
Michael Duda | First try using average_gcell method to interpoloate...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2014-08-15 |
Michael Duda | Update version number and release date in README for...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2014-08-11 |
Michael Duda | Update global attributes in geogrid and metgrid output...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2014-08-01 |
Michael Duda | Bug fix to vertical interpolation logic for missing...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2014-08-01 |
Michael Duda | When generating date strings, use i4.4 format for the...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2014-05-14 |
Michael Duda | Bug fix: In v3.6, we introduced the ability in geogrid...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2014-04-18 |
Michael Duda | Update version number and release date in README file.
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2014-04-14 |
Michael Duda | Revert changes from 803, and commit a different approach...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2014-03-25 |
Michael Duda | Fix bug in metgrid that causes missing values in the...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2014-03-22 |
Michael Duda | Add an NCL script for plotting intermediate files.
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2014-03-22 |
Michael Duda | Update plotgrids NCL scripts:
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2014-03-21 |
Michael Duda | Add flags in geogrid output for LAI12M and LAKE_DEPTH.
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2014-03-21 |
Michael Duda | * Add 'flag_in_output' keyword to the list of possible...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2014-03-21 |
Michael Duda | Add an optional argument to ext_get_dom_ti_integer_scalar...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2014-03-21 |
Michael Duda | Let the printing of wrf_debug messages in the WPS be...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2014-03-18 |
Michael Duda | Don't produce SLPX and SLPY in geogrid output files.
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2014-03-18 |
Michael Duda | Remove regtesting directories and scripts.
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2014-03-18 |
Michael Duda | In support of Greg Thompson's 3d aerosol fields, treat...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2014-03-11 |
Michael Duda | Add/modify entries in all ARW GEOGRID.TBL files for...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2014-03-11 |
Michael Duda | Add the capability to specify a maximum search radius...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2014-03-05 |
Michael Duda | Change geog_data_path in the default namelist.wps to...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2014-02-04 |
Michael Duda | Update version number in geogrid to V3.6
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2013-10-02 |
Michael Duda | Correction to the order of NetCDF libraries when compiling...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2013-09-23 |
Michael Duda | Update version number and release date for 3.5.1 in...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2013-09-23 |
Michael Duda | Fix version string in global attributes of geogrid...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2013-04-19 |
Michael Duda | Bug fix to utilities Makefile: some linkers are sensitive...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2013-04-19 |
Michael Duda | Removing svn revision number from README; "v3.5" should...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2013-04-17 |
Michael Duda | Updating version in README to v3.5.
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2013-04-02 |
Michael Duda | Add NLCD 2006 land use data and MODIS FPAR vegetation...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2013-04-02 |
Michael Duda | Remove plotgrids.exe and plotfmt.exe from the default...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2013-03-06 |
Michael Duda | Remove HGT_U and HGT_V from the ARW GEOGRID.TBL files...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2013-03-06 |
Michael Duda | Remove files for old configuration system.
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2013-03-05 |
Michael Duda | Change to rd_intermediate: when printing the projection...
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2013-02-26 |
Michael Duda | Fix a compound if-statement involving a test for presence on
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2013-02-26 |
Michael Duda | Changes to Cray configurations provided by Cray.
commit | commitdiff | tree |
2013-02-06 |
Michael Duda | Add 'nocolons' to the &share namelist for geogrid,...
commit | commitdiff | tree |