1 # Maintainer: Maxime Gauduin <alucryd@archlinux.org>
2 # Contributor: Daniel Bermond <danielbermond@yahoo.com>
4 pkgname=ffnvcodec-headers
7 pkgdesc='FFmpeg version of headers required to interface with Nvidias codec APIs'
9 url=https://git.videolan.org/?p=ffmpeg/nv-codec-headers.git
12 _tag=f8ae7a49bfef2f99d2c931a791dc3863fda67bf3
13 source=(git+https://git.videolan.org/git/ffmpeg/nv-codec-headers.git#tag=${_tag})
19 git describe --tags | sed 's/^n//'
23 make PREFIX=/usr -C nv-codec-headers
24 sed -n '4,25p' nv-codec-headers/include/ffnvcodec/nvEncodeAPI.h > LICENSE # Extract license
25 sed -i '1,22s/^.\{,3\}//' LICENSE # Delete C comments
29 make PREFIX=/usr DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" -C nv-codec-headers install
30 install -Dm 644 LICENSE -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/ffnvcodec-headers/