Move HMMER related modules, tests, and programs to new distribution.
[bioperl-live.git] / Bio / Matrix / PSM /
1 #---------------------------------------------------------
3 =head1 NAME
5 Bio::Matrix::PSM::IO - PSM parser
7 =head1 SYNOPSIS
9 use Bio::Matrix::PSM::IO;
11 my $psmIO= Bio::Matrix::PSM::IO->new(-file=>$file, -format=>'transfac');
13 my $release=$psmIO->release; #Using Bio::Matrix::PSM::PsmHeader methods
15 my $release=$psmIO->release;
17 while (my $psm=$psmIO->next_psm) {
18 my %psm_header=$psm->header;
19 my $ic=$psm_header{IC};
20 my $sites=$psm_header{sites};
21 my $width=$psm_header{width};
22 my $score=$psm_header{e_val};
23 my $IUPAC=$psm->IUPAC;
26 my $instances=$psm->instances;
27 foreach my $instance (@{$instances}) {
28 my $id=$instance->primary_id;
34 This module allows you to read DNA position scoring matrices and/or
35 their respective sequence matches from a file.
37 There are two header methods, one belonging to
38 Bio::Matrix::PSM::IO::driver and the other to
39 Bio::Matrix::PSM::Psm. They provide general information about the file
40 (driver) and for the current PSM result (Psm) respectively. Psm header
41 method always returns the same thing, but some values in the hash
42 might be empty, depending on the file you are parsing. You will get
43 undef in this case (no exceptions are thrown).
45 Please note that the file header data (commenatries, version, input
46 data, configuration, etc.) might be obtained through
47 Bio::Matrix::PSM::PsmHeader methods. Some methods are driver specific
48 (meme, transfac, etc.): meme: weight mast: seq, instances
50 If called when you parse a different file type you will get undef. For
51 example:
53 my $psmIO= Bio::Matrix::PSM::IO->new(file=>$file, format=>'transfac');
54 my %seq=$psmIO->seq;
56 will return an empty hash. To see all methods and how to use them go
57 to Bio::Matrix::PSM::PsmHeaderI.
59 See also Bio::Matrix::PSM::PsmI for details on using and manipulating
60 the parsed data.
62 The only way to write PFM/PWM is through masta module (something like fasta for
63 DNA matrices). You can see an example by reading Bio::Matrix::PSM::IO::masta
64 documentation.
66 =head1 See also
68 Bio::Matrix::PSM::PsmI, Bio::Matrix::PSM::PsmHeaderI, Bio::Matrix::PSM::IO::masta
70 =head1 FEEDBACK
72 =head2 Mailing Lists
74 User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
75 Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one
76 of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated.
78 - General discussion
79 - About the mailing lists
81 =head2 Support
83 Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:
85 I<>
87 rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and
88 reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly
89 address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem
90 with code and data examples if at all possible.
92 =head2 Reporting Bugs
94 Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
95 the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the
96 web:
100 =head1 AUTHOR - Stefan Kirov
102 Email
104 =head1 APPENDIX
106 =cut
109 # Let the code begin...
110 package Bio::Matrix::PSM::IO;
111 use vars qw(@PSMFORMATS);
112 use strict;
114 use base qw(Bio::Root::IO);
116 @PSMFORMATS = qw(meme transfac mast psiblast masta);
118 =head2 new
120 Title : new
121 Usage : my $psmIO = Bio::Matrix::PSM::IO->new(-format=>'meme',
122 -file=>$file);
123 Function: Associates a file with the appropriate parser
124 Throws : Throws if the file passed is in HTML format or
125 if some criteria for the file
126 format are not met. See L<Bio::Matrix::PSM::IO::meme> and
127 L<Bio::Matrix::PSM::IO::transfac> for more details.
128 Example :
129 Returns : psm object, associated with a file with matrix file
130 Args : hash
132 =cut
134 sub new {
135 my($caller,@args) = @_;
136 my $class = ref($caller) || $caller;
137 my $self;
138 # or do we want to call SUPER on an object if $caller is an
139 # object?
140 if( $class =~ /Bio::Matrix::PSM::IO(\S+)/ ) {
141 $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
142 $self->_initialize(@args);
143 return $self;
144 } else {
145 my %param = @args;
146 @param{ map { lc $_ } keys %param } = values %param; # lowercase keys
147 my $format = $param{'-format'} ||
148 $class->_guess_format( $param{'-file'} || $ARGV[0] ) ||
149 'scoring';
150 $class->throw("$format format unrecognized or an argument error occurred\n.") if (!grep(/$format/,@Bio::Matrix::PSM::IO::PSMFORMATS));
151 $format = "\L$format"; # normalize capitalization to lower case
153 # normalize capitalization
154 return unless( $class->_load_format_module($format) );
155 return "Bio::Matrix::PSM::IO::$format"->new(@args);
159 =head2 fh
161 Title : fh
162 Usage : $obj->fh
163 Function: Get a filehandle type access to the matrix parser
164 Example : $fh = $obj->fh; # make a tied filehandle
165 $matrix = <$fh>; # read a matrix object
166 Returns : filehandle tied to Bio::Matrix::PSM::IO class
167 Args : none
169 =cut
171 sub fh {
172 my $self = shift;
173 my $class = ref($self) || $self;
174 my $s = Symbol::gensym;
175 tie $$s,$class,$self;
176 return $s;
180 =head2 _load_format_module
182 Title : _load_format_module
183 Usage : *INTERNAL Matrix::PSM::IO stuff*
184 Function: Loads up (like use) a module at run time on demand
186 =cut
188 sub _load_format_module {
189 my ($self,$format) = @_;
190 my $module = "Bio::Matrix::PSM::IO::" . $format;
191 my $ok;
193 eval {
194 $ok = $self->_load_module($module);
196 if ( $@ ) {
197 print STDERR <<END;
198 $self: $format cannot be found
199 Exception $@
200 For more information about the Matrix::PSM::IO system please see the
201 Matrix::PSM::IO docs. This includes ways of checking for formats at
202 compile time, not run time
206 return $ok;
210 =head2 _guess_format
212 Title : _guess_format
213 Usage : $obj->_guess_format($filename)
214 Returns : guessed format of filename (lower case)
215 Args : filename
217 =cut
219 sub _guess_format {
220 my $class = shift;
221 return unless $_ = shift;
222 return 'meme' if /.meme$|meme.html$/i;
223 return 'transfac' if /\.dat$/i;
224 return 'mast' if /^mast\.|\.mast.html$|.mast$/i;
227 =head2 next_psm
229 Title : next_psm
230 Usage : my $psm=$psmIO->next_psm();
231 Function: Reads the next PSM from the input file, associated with this object
232 Throws : Throws if there ara format violations in the input file (checking is not
233 very strict with all drivers).
234 Example :
235 Returns : Bio::Matrix::PSM::Psm object
236 Args : none
238 =cut
240 sub next_psm {
241 my $self = shift;
242 $self->throw_not_implemented();
245 =head2 _parseMatrix
247 Title : _parseMatrix
248 Usage :
249 Function: Parses the next site matrix information in the meme file
250 Throws :
251 Example : Internal stuff
252 Returns : hash as for constructing a SiteMatrix object (see SiteMatrixI)
253 Args : string
255 =cut
257 sub _parseMatrix {
258 my $self = shift;
259 $self->throw_not_implemented();
262 =head2 _parseInstance
264 Title : _parseInstance
265 Usage :
266 Function: Parses the next sites instances from the meme file
267 Throws :
268 Example : Internal stuff
269 Returns : Bio::Matrix::PSM::SiteMatrix object
270 Args : array references
272 =cut
274 sub _parseInstance {
275 my $self = shift;
276 $self->throw_not_implemented();
279 =head2 _parse_coordinates
281 Title : _parse_coordinates
282 Usage :
283 Function:
284 Throws :
285 Example : Internal stuff
286 Returns :
287 Args :
289 =cut
291 sub _parse_coordinates {
292 my $self = shift;
293 $self->throw_not_implemented();
296 =head2 header
298 Title : header
299 Usage : my %header=$psmIO->header;
300 Function: Returns the header for the PSM file, format specific
301 Throws :
302 Example :
303 Returns : Hash or a single string with driver specific information
304 Args : none
306 =cut
308 sub header {
309 my $self = shift;
310 $self->throw_not_implemented();
313 =head2 _make_matrix
315 Title : _make_matrix
316 Usage :
317 Function: makes a matrix from 4 array references (A C G T)
318 Throws :
319 Example :
320 Returns : SiteMatrix object
321 Args : array of references(A C G T)
323 =cut
325 sub _make_matrix {
326 my $self = shift;
327 $self->throw_not_implemented();
331 sub DESTROY {
332 my $self = shift;
333 $self->close();