1 # -*-Perl-*- Test Harness script for Bioperl
2 # $Id: SearchIO_blast_pull.t 11525 2007-06-27 10:16:38Z sendu $
10 test_begin(-tests => 289);
12 use_ok('Bio::SearchIO');
16 my $searchio = Bio::SearchIO->new(-format => 'blast_pull', -file => test_input_file('new_blastn.txt'));
18 my $result = $searchio->next_result;
19 is $result->database_name, 'All GenBank+EMBL+DDBJ+PDB sequences (but no EST, STS,GSS,environmental samples or phase 0, 1 or 2 HTGS sequences)';
20 is $result->database_entries, 3742891;
21 is $result->database_letters, 16670205594;
22 is $result->algorithm, 'BLASTN';
23 is $result->algorithm_version, '2.2.13 [Nov-27-2005]';
24 is $result->query_name, 'pyrR,';
25 is $result->query_length, 558;
26 is $result->get_statistic('kappa'), 0.711;
27 is $result->get_statistic('kappa_gapped'), 0.711;
28 is $result->get_statistic('lambda'), 1.37;
29 is $result->get_statistic('lambda_gapped'), 1.37;
30 is $result->get_statistic('entropy'), 1.31;
31 is $result->get_statistic('entropy_gapped'), 1.31;
32 is $result->get_statistic('dbletters'), -509663586;
33 is $result->get_statistic('dbentries'), 3742891;
34 is $result->get_statistic('effectivespace'), 8935230198384;
35 is $result->get_parameter('matrix'), 'blastn matrix:1 -3';
36 is $result->get_parameter('gapopen'), 5;
37 is $result->get_parameter('gapext'), 2;
38 is $result->get_statistic('S2'), 60;
39 is $result->get_statistic('S2_bits'), 119.4;
40 float_is $result->get_parameter('expect'), 1e-23;
41 is $result->get_statistic('num_extensions'), 117843;
43 my @valid = ( [ 'gi|41400296|gb|AE016958.1|', 4829781, 'AE016958', '6e-059', 236],
44 [ 'gi|54013472|dbj|AP006618.1|', 6021225, 'AP006618', '4e-026', 127],
45 [ 'gi|57546753|dbj|BA000030.2|', 9025608, 'BA000030', '1e-023', 119]);
47 while (my $hit = $result->next_hit ) {
50 is $hit->name, shift @$d;
51 is $hit->length, shift @$d;
52 is $hit->accession, shift @$d;
53 float_is($hit->significance, shift @$d);
54 is $hit->raw_score, shift @$d;
58 while( my $hsp = $hit->next_hsp ) {
59 is $hsp->query->start, 262;
60 is $hsp->query->end, 552;
61 is $hsp->hit->start, 1166897;
62 is $hsp->hit->end, 1167187;
63 is $hsp->length('hsp'), 291;
64 is $hsp->start('hit'), $hsp->hit->start;
65 is $hsp->end('query'), $hsp->query->end;
66 is $hsp->strand('sbjct'), $hsp->subject->strand;# alias for hit
67 float_is($hsp->evalue, 6e-59);
70 is sprintf("%.1f",$hsp->percent_identity), 85.2;
71 is sprintf("%.3f",$hsp->frac_identical('query')), 0.852;
72 is sprintf("%.3f",$hsp->frac_identical('hit')), 0.852;
78 last if( $count++ > @valid );
83 $searchio = Bio::SearchIO->new('-format' => 'blast_pull',
84 '-file' => test_input_file('blast_no_hit_desc.txt'));
86 $result = $searchio->next_result;
87 my $hit = $result->next_hit;
88 is $hit->name, 'chr1';
89 is $hit->description, '';
91 # further (NCBI blastn/p) tests taken from SearchIO.t
92 $searchio = Bio::SearchIO->new('-format' => 'blast_pull',
93 '-file' => test_input_file('ecolitst.bls'));
95 $result = $searchio->next_result;
97 is($result->database_name, 'ecoli.aa', 'database_name()');
98 is($result->database_entries, 4289);
99 is($result->database_letters, 1358990);
101 is($result->algorithm, 'BLASTP');
102 like($result->algorithm_version, qr/^2\.1\.3/);
103 like($result->query_name, qr/gi|1786183|gb|AAC73113.1| (AE000111) aspartokinase I,\s+homoserine dehydrogenase I [Escherichia coli]/);
104 is($result->query_length, 820);
105 is($result->get_statistic('kappa'), '0.135');
106 is($result->get_statistic('kappa_gapped'), '0.0410');
107 is($result->get_statistic('lambda'), '0.319');
108 is($result->get_statistic('lambda_gapped'), '0.267');
109 is($result->get_statistic('entropy'), '0.383');
110 is($result->get_statistic('entropy_gapped'), '0.140');
112 is($result->get_statistic('dbletters'), 1358990);
113 is($result->get_statistic('dbentries'), 4289);
114 is($result->get_statistic('effective_hsplength'), 47);
115 is($result->get_statistic('effectivespace'), 894675611);
116 is($result->get_parameter('matrix'), 'BLOSUM62');
117 is($result->get_parameter('gapopen'), 11);
118 is($result->get_parameter('gapext'), 1);
119 is($result->get_statistic('S2'), '92');
120 is($result->get_statistic('S2_bits'), '40.0');
121 float_is($result->get_parameter('expect'), '1.0e-03');
122 is($result->get_statistic('num_extensions'), '82424');
125 @valid = ( [ 'gb|AAC73113.1|', 820, 'AAC73113', '0', 1567],
126 [ 'gb|AAC76922.1|', 810, 'AAC76922', '1e-91', 332],
127 [ 'gb|AAC76994.1|', 449, 'AAC76994', '3e-47', 184]);
129 while (my $hit = $result->next_hit) {
130 my $d = shift @valid;
132 is($hit->name, shift @$d);
133 is($hit->length, shift @$d);
134 is($hit->accession, shift @$d);
135 float_is($hit->significance, shift @$d);
136 is($hit->raw_score, shift @$d );
140 while (my $hsp = $hit->next_hsp) {
141 is($hsp->query->start, 1);
142 is($hsp->query->end, 820);
143 is($hsp->hit->start, 1);
144 is($hsp->hit->end, 820);
145 is($hsp->length('hsp'), 820);
146 is($hsp->start('hit'), $hsp->hit->start);
147 is($hsp->end('query'), $hsp->query->end);
148 is($hsp->strand('sbjct'), $hsp->subject->strand);# alias for hit
149 float_is($hsp->evalue, 0.0);
150 is($hsp->score, 4058);
152 is(sprintf("%.2f",$hsp->percent_identity), 98.29);
153 is(sprintf("%.4f",$hsp->frac_identical('query')), 0.9829);
154 is(sprintf("%.4f",$hsp->frac_identical('hit')), 0.9829);
160 last if( $count++ > @valid );
164 $searchio = Bio::SearchIO->new('-format' => 'blast_pull',
165 '-file' => test_input_file('a_thaliana.blastn'));
167 $result = $searchio->next_result;
168 is($result->database_name, 'All GenBank+EMBL+DDBJ+PDB sequences (but no EST, STS, GSS,or phase 0, 1 or 2 HTGS sequences)');
169 is($result->database_letters, 4677375331);
170 is($result->database_entries, 1083200);
171 is($result->algorithm, 'BLASTN');
172 like($result->algorithm_version, qr/^2\.2\.1/);
173 is($result->query_name, '');
174 is($result->query_length, 60);
175 is($result->get_parameter('gapopen'), 5);
176 is($result->get_parameter('gapext'), 2);
177 is($result->get_parameter('ktup'), undef);
179 is($result->get_statistic('lambda'), 1.37);
180 is($result->get_statistic('kappa'), 0.711);
181 is($result->get_statistic('entropy'),1.31 );
182 is($result->get_statistic('T'), 0);
183 is($result->get_statistic('A'), 30);
184 is($result->get_statistic('X1'), '6');
185 is($result->get_statistic('X1_bits'), 11.9);
186 is($result->get_statistic('X2'), 15);
187 is($result->get_statistic('X2_bits'), 29.7);
188 is($result->get_statistic('S1'), 12);
189 is($result->get_statistic('S1_bits'), 24.3);
190 is($result->get_statistic('S2'), 17);
191 is($result->get_statistic('S2_bits'), 34.2);
193 is($result->get_statistic('dbentries'), 1083200);
195 @valid = ( [ 'gb|AY052359.1|', 2826, 'AY052359', '3e-18', 96, 1, 60,
197 [ 'gb|AC002329.2|AC002329', 76170, 'AC002329', '3e-18', 96, 1, 60,
199 [ 'gb|AF132318.1|AF132318', 5383, 'AF132318', '0.04', 42, 35, 55,
203 while( my $hit = $result->next_hit ) {
204 my $d = shift @valid;
205 is($hit->name, shift @$d);
206 is($hit->length, shift @$d);
207 is($hit->accession, shift @$d);
208 float_is($hit->significance, shift @$d);
209 is($hit->raw_score, shift @$d );
210 is($hit->start, shift @$d);
211 is($hit->end,shift @$d);
212 is(sprintf("%.4f",$hit->frac_aligned_query), shift @$d);
215 while( my $hsp = $hit->next_hsp ) {
216 is($hsp->query->start, 1);
217 is($hsp->query->end, 60);
218 is($hsp->query->strand, 1);
219 is($hsp->hit->start, 154);
220 is($hsp->hit->end, 212);
221 is($hsp->hit->strand, 1);
222 is($hsp->length('hsp'), 60);
223 float_is($hsp->evalue, 3e-18);
226 is(sprintf("%.2f",$hsp->percent_identity), 96.67);
227 is(sprintf("%.4f",$hsp->frac_identical('query')), 0.9667);
228 is(sprintf("%.4f",$hsp->frac_identical('hit')), 0.9831);
229 is($hsp->query->frame(), 0);
230 is($hsp->hit->frame(), 0);
231 is($hsp->query->seq_id, '');
232 is($hsp->hit->seq_id, 'gb|AY052359.1|');
233 is($hsp->gaps('query'), 0);
234 is($hsp->gaps('hit'), 1);
236 is($hsp->query_string, 'aggaatgctgtttaattggaatcgtacaatggagaatttgacggaaatagaatcaacgat');
237 is($hsp->hit_string, 'aggaatgctgtttaattggaatca-acaatggagaatttgacggaaatagaatcaacgat');
238 is($hsp->homology_string, '||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||');
239 is(sprintf("%.2f",$hsp->get_aln->overall_percentage_identity), 96.67);
240 is(sprintf("%.2f",$hsp->get_aln->percentage_identity), 98.31);
245 last if( $count++ > @valid );
249 $searchio = Bio::SearchIO->new('-format' => 'blast_pull',
250 '-file' => test_input_file('frac_problems.blast'));
251 my @expected = ("1.000", "0.943");
252 while (my $result = $searchio->next_result) {
253 my $hit = $result->next_hit;
254 if (@expected == 2) {
255 is($hit->frac_identical, shift @expected);
259 local $TODO = 'frac_identical failing!';
260 is($hit->frac_identical, shift @expected);
266 # And even more: frac_aligned_query should never be over 1!
267 $searchio = Bio::SearchIO->new('-format' => 'blast_pull',
268 '-file' => test_input_file('frac_problems2.blast'));
269 $result = $searchio->next_result;
270 $hit = $result->next_hit;
271 is $hit->frac_aligned_query, 0.97;
273 # Also, start and end should be sane
274 $searchio = Bio::SearchIO->new('-format' => 'blast_pull',
275 '-file' => test_input_file('frac_problems3.blast'));
276 $result = $searchio->next_result;
277 $hit = $result->next_hit;
278 is $hit->start('sbjct'), 207;
279 is $hit->end('sbjct'), 1051;
281 # Do a multiblast report test
282 $searchio = Bio::SearchIO->new('-format' => 'blast_pull',
283 '-file' => test_input_file('multi_blast.bls'));
286 my $results_left = 4;
287 while( my $result = $searchio->next_result ) {
288 is($result->query_name, shift @expected, "Multiblast query test");
291 is($results_left, 0);
293 # Web blast result parsing
294 $searchio = Bio::SearchIO->new(-format => 'blast_pull',
295 -file => test_input_file('catalase-webblast.BLASTP'));
296 ok($result = $searchio->next_result);
297 ok($hit = $result->next_hit);
298 is($hit->name, 'gi|40747822|gb|EAA66978.1|', 'full hit name');
299 is($hit->accession, 'EAA66978', 'hit accession');
300 ok(my $hsp = $hit->next_hsp);
301 is($hsp->query->start, 1, 'query start');
302 is($hsp->query->end, 528, 'query start');
304 # tests for new BLAST 2.2.13 output
305 $searchio = Bio::SearchIO->new(-format => 'blast_pull',
306 -file => test_input_file('new_blastn.txt'));
308 $result = $searchio->next_result;
309 is($result->database_name, 'All GenBank+EMBL+DDBJ+PDB sequences (but no EST, STS,GSS,environmental samples or phase 0, 1 or 2 HTGS sequences)');
310 is($result->database_entries, 3742891);
311 is($result->database_letters, 16670205594);
312 is($result->algorithm, 'BLASTN');
313 is($result->algorithm_version, '2.2.13 [Nov-27-2005]');
314 is($result->query_name, 'pyrR,');
315 is($result->query_length, 558);
316 is($result->get_statistic('kappa'), '0.711');
317 is($result->get_statistic('kappa_gapped'), '0.711');
318 is($result->get_statistic('lambda'), '1.37');
319 is($result->get_statistic('lambda_gapped'), '1.37');
320 is($result->get_statistic('entropy'), '1.31');
321 is($result->get_statistic('entropy_gapped'), '1.31');
322 is($result->get_statistic('dbletters'), '-509663586');
323 is($result->get_statistic('dbentries'), 3742891);
324 is($result->get_statistic('effective_hsplength'), undef);
325 is($result->get_statistic('effectivespace'), 8935230198384);
326 is($result->get_parameter('matrix'), 'blastn matrix:1 -3');
327 is($result->get_parameter('gapopen'), 5);
328 is($result->get_parameter('gapext'), 2);
329 is($result->get_statistic('S2'), '60');
330 is($result->get_statistic('S2_bits'), '119.4');
331 float_is($result->get_parameter('expect'), '1e-23');
332 is($result->get_statistic('num_extensions'), '117843');
334 @valid = ( [ 'gi|41400296|gb|AE016958.1|', 4829781, 'AE016958', '6e-059', 236],
335 [ 'gi|54013472|dbj|AP006618.1|', 6021225, 'AP006618', '4e-026', 127],
336 [ 'gi|57546753|dbj|BA000030.2|', 9025608, 'BA000030', '1e-023', 119]);
338 while( $hit = $result->next_hit ) {
339 my $d = shift @valid;
341 is($hit->name, shift @$d);
342 is($hit->length, shift @$d);
343 is($hit->accession, shift @$d);
344 float_is($hit->significance, shift @$d);
345 is($hit->raw_score, shift @$d );
349 while( my $hsp = $hit->next_hsp ) {
350 is($hsp->query->start, 262);
351 is($hsp->query->end, 552);
352 is($hsp->hit->start, 1166897);
353 is($hsp->hit->end, 1167187);
354 is($hsp->length('hsp'), 291);
355 is($hsp->start('hit'), $hsp->hit->start);
356 is($hsp->end('query'), $hsp->query->end);
357 is($hsp->strand('sbjct'), $hsp->subject->strand);# alias for hit
358 float_is($hsp->evalue, 6e-59);
359 is($hsp->score, 119);
361 is(sprintf("%.2f",$hsp->percent_identity), 85.22);
362 is(sprintf("%.4f",$hsp->frac_identical('query')), 0.8522);
363 is(sprintf("%.4f",$hsp->frac_identical('hit')), 0.8522);
369 last if( $count++ > @valid );
374 $searchio = Bio::SearchIO->new(-format => 'blast_pull',
375 -file => test_input_file('blastp2215.blast'));
377 $result = $searchio->next_result;
378 is($result->database_entries, 4460989);
379 is($result->database_letters, 1533424333);
380 is($result->algorithm, 'BLASTP');
381 is($result->algorithm_version, '2.2.15 [Oct-15-2006]');
382 is($result->query_name, 'gi|15608519|ref|NP_215895.1|');
383 is($result->query_length, 193);
384 my @hits = $result->hits;
385 is(scalar(@hits), 10);
386 is($hits[1]->accession,'1W30');
387 float_is($hits[4]->significance,'2e-72');
388 is($hits[7]->score,'254');
389 $result = $searchio->next_result;
390 is($result->database_entries, 4460989);
391 is($result->database_letters, 1533424333);
392 is($result->algorithm, 'BLASTP');
393 is($result->algorithm_version, '2.2.15 [Oct-15-2006]');
394 is($result->query_name, 'gi|15595598|ref|NP_249092.1|');
395 is($result->query_length, 423);
396 @hits = $result->hits;
397 is(scalar(@hits), 10);
398 is($hits[1]->accession,'ZP_00972546');
399 float_is($hits[4]->significance, '0.0');
400 is($hits[7]->score, 624);
403 $searchio = Bio::SearchIO->new(-format => 'blast_pull',
405 -file => test_input_file('bug2246.blast'));
406 $result = $searchio->next_result;
407 $hit = $result->next_hit;
408 is $hit->name, 'UniRef50_Q9X0H5';
409 is $hit->length, undef;
410 is $hit->accession, 'UniRef50_Q9X0H5';
411 is $hit->description, 'Cluster: Histidyl-tRNA synthetase; n=4; Thermoto...';
412 is $hit->raw_score, 23;
413 float_is($hit->significance, 650);
415 #*** need to /fully/ test a multi-result, multi-hit, multi-hsp report!