3 author = See individual modules
4 copyright_holder = See individual modules
7 ;; Modules should be fixed so that these don't have to be removed.
9 -remove = PodCoverageTests
12 -remove = Test::NoTabs
13 ;; [AutoMetaResources] is not suitable for us because our repo name
14 ;; is different from the distribution name.
15 -remove = AutoMetaResources
17 ;; This is a dependency for Windows only
18 AutoPrereqs.skips[0] = ^Win32$
20 ;; The program bp_fetch can make use of this Bio::DB modules that are
21 ;; not part of the distribution.
22 AutoPrereqs.skips[1] = ^Bio::DB::Ace$
23 AutoPrereqs.skips[2] = ^Bio::DB::EMBL$
24 AutoPrereqs.skips[3] = ^Bio::DB::GenBank$
25 AutoPrereqs.skips[4] = ^Bio::DB::GenPept$
26 AutoPrereqs.skips[5] = ^Bio::DB::SwissProt$
32 [Prereqs / bin_bp_fetch_RuntimeSuggests]
33 -relationship = suggests
38 Bio::DB::SwissProt = 0
40 ;; PodWeaver has some minimum requirements on the files before it can
41 ;; be used. To allow a migration overtime, we can list the files that
43 [FileFinder::ByName / PodWeaver-Ready]
45 file = lib/Bio/Tools/CodonTable.pm
46 file = lib/Bio/Tools/IUPAC.pm
49 config_plugin = @BioPerl
50 finder = PodWeaver-Ready
52 ;; The distribution name is different from the repository name so we
53 ;; can't use [AutoMetaResources] that comes from [@BioPerl].
55 homepage = https://metacpan.org/release/BioPerl
56 bugtracker.web = https://github.com/bioperl/bioperl-live/issues
57 bugtracker.mailto = bioperl-l@bioperl.org
58 repository.url = git://github.com/bioperl/bioperl-live.git
59 repository.web = https://github.com/bioperl/bioperl-live
63 filename = .travis.yml
64 match = ^travis_scripts