Bio::Tools::CodonTable::is_start_codon: check in case of ambiguous codons (#266)
[bioperl-live.git] / lib / Bio / Annotation /
2 # BioPerl module for Bio::Annotation::OntologyTerm
4 # Please direct questions and support issues to <>
6 # Cared for by Hilmar Lapp <hlapp at>
8 # Copyright Hilmar Lapp
10 # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
13 # (c) Hilmar Lapp, hlapp at, 2002.
14 # (c) GNF, Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation, 2002.
16 # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself.
17 # Refer to the Perl Artistic License (see the license accompanying this
18 # software package, or see
19 # for the terms under which you may use, modify, and redistribute this module.
26 # POD documentation - main docs before the code
28 =head1 NAME
30 Bio::Annotation::OntologyTerm - An ontology term adapted to AnnotationI
32 =head1 SYNOPSIS
34 use Bio::Annotation::OntologyTerm;
35 use Bio::Annotation::Collection;
36 use Bio::Ontology::Term;
38 my $coll = Bio::Annotation::Collection->new();
40 # this also implements a tag/value pair, where tag _and_ value are treated
41 # as ontology terms
42 my $annterm = Bio::Annotation::OntologyTerm->new(-label => 'ABC1',
43 -tagname => 'Gene Name');
44 # ontology terms can be added directly - they implicitly have a tag
45 $coll->add_Annotation($annterm);
47 # implementation is by composition - you can get/set the term object
48 # e.g.
49 my $term = $annterm->term(); # term is-a Bio::Ontology::TermI
50 print "ontology term ",$term->name()," (ID ",$term->identifier(),
51 "), ontology ",$term->ontology()->name(),"\n";
52 $term = Bio::Ontology::Term->new(-name => 'ABC2',
53 -ontology => 'Gene Name');
54 $annterm->term($term);
58 Ontology term annotation object
60 =head1 FEEDBACK
62 =head2 Mailing Lists
64 User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
65 Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to one
66 of the Bioperl mailing lists. Your participation is much appreciated.
68 - General discussion
69 - About the mailing lists
71 =head2 Support
73 Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:
75 I<>
77 rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and
78 reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly
79 address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem
80 with code and data examples if at all possible.
82 =head2 Reporting Bugs
84 Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
85 the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via
86 the web:
90 =head1 AUTHOR - Hilmar Lapp
92 Email hlapp at
95 =head1 APPENDIX
97 The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
98 Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
100 =cut
103 # Let the code begin...
106 package Bio::Annotation::OntologyTerm;
108 use strict;
110 use Carp;
112 # Object preamble - inherits from Bio::Root::Root
114 use Bio::Ontology::Term;
116 use base qw(Bio::Root::Root Bio::AnnotationI Bio::Ontology::TermI);
118 =head2 new
120 Title : new
121 Usage : my $sv = Bio::Annotation::OntologyTerm->new();
122 Function: Instantiate a new OntologyTerm object
123 Returns : Bio::Annotation::OntologyTerm object
124 Args : -term => $term to initialize the term data field [optional]
125 Most named arguments that Bio::Ontology::Term accepts will work
126 here too. -label is a synonym for -name, -tagname is a synonym for
127 -ontology.
129 =cut
131 sub new{
132 my ($class,@args) = @_;
134 my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
135 my ($term,$name,$label,$identifier,$definition,$ont,$tag) =
136 $self->_rearrange([qw(TERM
137 NAME
142 TAGNAME)],
143 @args);
144 if($term) {
145 $self->term($term);
146 } else {
147 $self->name($name || $label) if $name || $label;
148 $self->identifier($identifier) if $identifier;
149 $self->definition($definition) if $definition;
151 $self->ontology($ont || $tag) if $ont || $tag;
152 return $self;
156 =head1 AnnotationI implementing functions
158 =cut
160 =head2 as_text
162 Title : as_text
163 Usage : my $text = $obj->as_text
164 Function: Returns a textual representation of the annotation that
165 this object holds. Presently, it is tag name, name of the
166 term, and the is_obsolete attribute concatenated togather
167 with a delimiter (|).
169 Returns : string
170 Args : none
173 =cut
175 sub as_text{
176 my ($self) = @_;
178 return $self->tagname()."|".$self->name()."|".($self->is_obsolete()||'');
181 =head2 display_text
183 Title : display_text
184 Usage : my $str = $ann->display_text();
185 Function: returns a string. Unlike as_text(), this method returns a string
186 formatted as would be expected for te specific implementation.
188 One can pass a callback as an argument which allows custom text
189 generation; the callback is passed the current instance and any text
190 returned
191 Example :
192 Returns : a string
193 Args : [optional] callback
195 =cut
198 my $DEFAULT_CB = sub { $_[0]->identifier || ''};
200 sub display_text {
201 my ($self, $cb) = @_;
202 $cb ||= $DEFAULT_CB;
203 $self->throw("Callback must be a code reference") if ref $cb ne 'CODE';
204 return $cb->($self);
209 =head2 hash_tree
211 Title : hash_tree
212 Usage : my $hashtree = $value->hash_tree
213 Function: For supporting the AnnotationI interface just returns the value
214 as a hashref with the key 'value' pointing to the value
215 Returns : hashrf
216 Args : none
219 =cut
221 sub hash_tree{
222 my ($self) = @_;
224 my $h = {};
225 $h->{'name'} = $self->name();
226 $h->{'identifier'} = $self->identifier();
227 $h->{'definition'} = $self->definition();
228 $h->{'synonyms'} = [$self->get_synonyms()];
232 =head2 tagname
234 Title : tagname
235 Usage : $obj->tagname($newval)
236 Function: Get/set the tagname for this annotation value.
238 Setting this is optional. If set, it obviates the need to provide
239 a tag to AnnotationCollection when adding this object.
241 This is aliased to ontology() here.
242 Example :
243 Returns : value of tagname (a scalar)
244 Args : new value (a scalar, optional)
247 =cut
249 sub tagname{
250 my $self = shift;
252 return $self->ontology(@_) if @_;
253 # if in get mode we need to get the name from the ontology
254 my $ont = $self->ontology();
255 return ref($ont) ? $ont->name() : $ont;
258 =head1 Methods for Bio::Ontology::TermI compliance
260 =cut
262 =head2 term
264 Title : term
265 Usage : $obj->term($newval)
266 Function: Get/set the Bio::Ontology::TermI implementing object.
268 We implement TermI by composition, and this method sets/gets the
269 object we delegate to.
270 Example :
271 Returns : value of term (a Bio::Ontology::TermI compliant object)
272 Args : new value (a Bio::Ontology::TermI compliant object, optional)
275 =cut
277 sub term{
278 my ($self,$value) = @_;
279 if( defined $value) {
280 $self->{'term'} = $value;
282 if(! exists($self->{'term'})) {
283 $self->{'term'} = Bio::Ontology::Term->new();
285 return $self->{'term'};
288 =head2 identifier
290 Title : identifier
291 Usage : $term->identifier( "0003947" );
293 print $term->identifier();
294 Function: Set/get for the identifier of this Term.
295 Returns : The identifier [scalar].
296 Args : The identifier [scalar] (optional).
298 =cut
300 sub identifier {
301 return shift->term()->identifier(@_);
302 } # identifier
304 =head2 name
306 Title : name
307 Usage : $term->name( "N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase" );
309 print $term->name();
310 Function: Set/get for the name of this Term.
311 Returns : The name [scalar].
312 Args : The name [scalar] (optional).
314 =cut
316 sub name {
317 return shift->term()->name(@_);
318 } # name
321 =head2 definition
323 Title : definition
324 Usage : $term->definition( "Catalysis of ..." );
326 print $term->definition();
327 Function: Set/get for the definition of this Term.
328 Returns : The definition [scalar].
329 Args : The definition [scalar] (optional).
331 =cut
333 sub definition {
334 return shift->term()->definition(@_);
335 } # definition
337 =head2 ontology
339 Title : ontology
340 Usage : $term->ontology( $top );
342 $top = $term->ontology();
343 Function: Set/get for a relationship between this Term and
344 another Term (e.g. the top level of the ontology).
345 Returns : The ontology of this Term [TermI].
346 Args : The ontology of this Term [TermI or scalar -- which
347 becomes the name of the category term] (optional).
349 =cut
351 sub ontology {
352 return shift->term()->ontology(@_);
355 =head2 is_obsolete
357 Title : is_obsolete
358 Usage : $term->is_obsolete( 1 );
360 if ( $term->is_obsolete() )
361 Function: Set/get for the obsoleteness of this Term.
362 Returns : the obsoleteness [0 or 1].
363 Args : the obsoleteness [0 or 1] (optional).
365 =cut
367 sub is_obsolete {
368 return shift->term()->is_obsolete(@_);
369 } # is_obsolete
371 =head2 comment
373 Title : comment
374 Usage : $term->comment( "Consider the term ..." );
376 print $term->comment();
377 Function: Set/get for an arbitrary comment about this Term.
378 Returns : A comment.
379 Args : A comment (optional).
381 =cut
383 sub comment {
384 return shift->term()->comment(@_);
385 } # comment
387 =head2 get_synonyms
389 Title : get_synonyms()
390 Usage : @aliases = $term->get_synonyms();
391 Function: Returns a list of aliases of this Term.
392 Returns : A list of aliases [array of [scalar]].
393 Args :
395 =cut
397 sub get_synonyms {
398 return shift->term()->get_synonyms(@_);
399 } # get_synonyms
401 =head2 add_synonym
403 Title : add_synonym
404 Usage : $term->add_synonym( @asynonyms );
406 $term->add_synonym( $synonym );
407 Function: Pushes one or more synonyms into the list of synonyms.
408 Returns :
409 Args : One synonym [scalar] or a list of synonyms [array of [scalar]].
411 =cut
413 sub add_synonym {
414 return shift->term()->add_synonym(@_);
415 } # add_synonym
418 =head2 remove_synonyms
420 Title : remove_synonyms()
421 Usage : $term->remove_synonyms();
422 Function: Deletes (and returns) the synonyms of this Term.
423 Returns : A list of synonyms [array of [scalar]].
424 Args :
426 =cut
428 sub remove_synonyms {
429 return shift->term()->remove_synonyms(@_);
430 } # remove_synonyms
432 =head2 get_dblinks
434 Title : get_dblinks()
435 Usage : @ds = $term->get_dblinks();
436 Function: Returns a list of each dblinks of this GO term.
437 Returns : A list of dblinks [array of [scalars]].
438 Args :
439 Note : this is deprecated in favor of get_dbxrefs(), which works with strings
440 or L<Bio::Annotation::DBLink> instances
442 =cut
444 sub get_dblinks {
445 my $self = shift;
446 Carp::carp('get_dblinks() is deprecated; use get_dbxrefs()');
447 return $self->term->get_dbxrefs(@_);
448 } # get_dblinks
450 =head2 get_dbxrefs
452 Title : get_dbxrefs()
453 Usage : @ds = $term->get_dbxrefs();
454 Function: Returns a list of each dblinks of this GO term.
455 Returns : A list of dblinks [array of [scalars] or Bio::Annotation::DBLink instances].
456 Args :
458 =cut
460 sub get_dbxrefs {
461 return shift->term->get_dbxrefs(@_);
462 } # get_dblinks
464 =head2 add_dblink
466 Title : add_dblink
467 Usage : $term->add_dblink( @dbls );
469 $term->add_dblink( $dbl );
470 Function: Pushes one or more dblinks
471 into the list of dblinks.
472 Returns :
473 Args : One dblink [scalar] or a list of
474 dblinks [array of [scalars]].
475 Note : this is deprecated in favor of add_dbxref(), which works with strings
476 or L<Bio::Annotation::DBLink> instances
478 =cut
480 sub add_dblink {
481 my $self = shift;
482 Carp::carp('add_dblink() is deprecated; use add_dbxref()');
483 return $self->term->add_dbxref(@_);
484 } # add_dblink
486 =head2 add_dbxref
488 Title : add_dbxref
489 Usage : $term->add_dbxref( @dbls );
491 $term->add_dbxref( $dbl );
492 Function: Pushes one or more dblinks
493 into the list of dblinks.
494 Returns :
495 Args :
497 =cut
499 sub add_dbxref {
500 return shift->term->add_dbxref(@_);
503 =head2 remove_dblinks
505 Title : remove_dblinks()
506 Usage : $term->remove_dblinks();
507 Function: Deletes (and returns) the definition references of this GO term.
508 Returns : A list of definition references [array of [scalars]].
509 Args :
510 Note : this is deprecated in favor of remove_dbxrefs(), which works with strings
511 or L<Bio::Annotation::DBLink> instances
513 =cut
515 sub remove_dblinks {
516 my $self = shift;
517 Carp::carp('remove_dblinks() is deprecated; use remove_dbxrefs()');
518 return $self->term->remove_dbxrefs(@_);
519 } # remove_dblinks
521 =head2 remove_dbxrefs
523 Title : remove_dbxrefs()
524 Usage : $term->remove_dbxrefs();
525 Function: Deletes (and returns) the definition references of this GO term.
526 Returns : A list of definition references [array of [scalars]].
527 Args :
529 =cut
531 sub remove_dbxrefs {
532 return shift->term->remove_dbxrefs(@_);
535 =head2 get_secondary_ids
537 Title : get_secondary_ids
538 Usage : @ids = $term->get_secondary_ids();
539 Function: Returns a list of secondary identifiers of this Term.
541 Secondary identifiers mostly originate from merging terms,
542 or possibly also from splitting terms.
544 Returns : A list of secondary identifiers [array of [scalar]]
545 Args :
547 =cut
549 sub get_secondary_ids {
550 return shift->term->get_secondary_ids(@_);
551 } # get_secondary_ids
554 =head2 add_secondary_id
556 Title : add_secondary_id
557 Usage : $term->add_secondary_id( @ids );
559 $term->add_secondary_id( $id );
560 Function: Adds one or more secondary identifiers to this term.
561 Returns :
562 Args : One or more secondary identifiers [scalars]
564 =cut
566 sub add_secondary_id {
567 return shift->term->add_secondary_id(@_);
568 } # add_secondary_id
571 =head2 remove_secondary_ids
573 Title : remove_secondary_ids
574 Usage : $term->remove_secondary_ids();
575 Function: Deletes (and returns) the secondary identifiers of this Term.
576 Returns : The previous list of secondary identifiers [array of [scalars]]
577 Args :
579 =cut
581 sub remove_secondary_ids {
582 return shift->term->remove_secondary_ids(@_);
583 } # remove_secondary_ids