Bio::Tools::CodonTable::is_start_codon: check in case of ambiguous codons (#266)
[bioperl-live.git] / lib / Bio / Tree /
2 # BioPerl module for Bio::Tree::Tree
4 # Please direct questions and support issues to <>
6 # Cared for by Jason Stajich <>
8 # Copyright Jason Stajich
10 # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
12 # POD documentation - main docs before the code
15 =head1 NAME
17 Bio::Tree::Tree - An implementation of the TreeI interface.
19 =head1 SYNOPSIS
21 use Bio::TreeIO;
23 # like from a TreeIO
24 my $treeio = Bio::TreeIO->new(-format => 'newick', -file => 'treefile.dnd');
25 my $tree = $treeio->next_tree;
26 my @nodes = $tree->get_nodes;
27 my $root = $tree->get_root_node;
31 This object holds handles to Nodes which make up a tree.
35 This implementation of Bio::Tree::Tree contains Bio::Tree:::NodeI; mainly linked
36 via the root node. As NodeI can potentially contain circular references (as
37 nodes will need to refer to both parent and child nodes), Bio::Tree::Tree will
38 remove those circular references when the object is garbage-collected. This has
39 some side effects; primarily, one must keep the Tree in scope or have at least
40 one reference to it if working with nodes. The fix is to count the references to
41 the nodes and if it is greater than expected retain all of them, but it requires
42 an additional prereq and thus may not be worth the effort. This only shows up
43 in minor edge cases, though (see Bug #2869).
45 Example of issue:
47 # tree is not assigned to a variable, so passes from memory after
48 # root node is passed
49 my $root = Bio::TreeIO->new(-format => 'newick', -file => 'foo.txt')->next_tree
50 ->get_root_node;
52 # gets nothing, as all Node links are broken when Tree is garbage-collected above
53 my @descendents = $root->get_all_Descendents;
55 =head1 FEEDBACK
57 =head2 Mailing Lists
59 User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
60 Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to
61 the Bioperl mailing list. Your participation is much appreciated.
63 - General discussion
64 - About the mailing lists
66 =head2 Support
68 Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:
70 I<>
72 rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and
73 reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly
74 address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem
75 with code and data examples if at all possible.
77 =head2 Reporting Bugs
79 Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
80 of the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via
81 the web:
85 =head1 AUTHOR - Jason Stajich
87 Email
91 Aaron Mackey
92 Sendu Bala
93 Mark A. Jensen
95 =head1 APPENDIX
97 The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
98 Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
100 =cut
103 # Let the code begin...
106 package Bio::Tree::Tree;
108 use strict;
110 # Object preamble - inherits from Bio::Root::Root
113 use base qw(Bio::Root::Root Bio::Tree::TreeI Bio::Tree::TreeFunctionsI);
115 =head2 new
117 Title : new
118 Usage : my $obj = Bio::Tree::Tree->new();
119 Function: Builds a new Bio::Tree::Tree object
120 Returns : Bio::Tree::Tree
121 Args : -root => L<Bio::Tree::NodeI> object which is the root
123 -node => L<Bio::Tree::NodeI> object from which the root will be
124 determined
126 -nodelete => boolean, whether or not to try and cleanup all
127 the nodes when this this tree goes out of scope.
128 -id => optional tree ID
129 -score => optional tree score value
131 =cut
133 sub new {
134 my ($class, @args) = @_;
136 my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
137 $self->{'_rootnode'} = undef;
138 $self->{'_maxbranchlen'} = 0;
139 $self->_register_for_cleanup(\&cleanup_tree);
140 my ($root, $node, $nodel, $id, $score) =
141 $self->_rearrange([qw(ROOT NODE NODELETE ID SCORE)], @args);
143 if ($node && ! $root) {
144 $self->throw("Must supply a Bio::Tree::NodeI") unless ref($node) && $node->isa('Bio::Tree::NodeI');
145 my @lineage = $self->get_lineage_nodes($node);
146 $root = shift(@lineage) || $node;
148 # to stop us pulling in entire database of a Bio::Taxon when we later do
149 # get_nodes() or similar, specifically set ancestor() for each node
150 if ($node->isa('Bio::Taxon')) {
151 push(@lineage, $node) unless $node eq $root;
152 my $ancestor = $root;
153 foreach my $lineage_node (@lineage) {
154 $lineage_node->ancestor($ancestor);
155 } continue { $ancestor = $lineage_node; }
158 if ($root) {
159 $self->set_root_node($root);
162 $self->nodelete($nodel || 0);
163 $self->id($id) if defined $id;
164 $self->score($score) if defined $score;
165 return $self;
169 =head2 nodelete
171 Title : nodelete
172 Usage : $obj->nodelete($newval)
173 Function: Get/Set Boolean whether or not to delete the underlying
174 nodes when it goes out of scope. By default this is false
175 meaning trees are cleaned up.
176 Returns : boolean
177 Args : on set, new boolean value
179 =cut
181 sub nodelete {
182 my $self = shift;
183 return $self->{'nodelete'} = shift if @_;
184 return $self->{'nodelete'};
188 =head2 get_nodes
190 Title : get_nodes
191 Usage : my @nodes = $tree->get_nodes()
192 Function: Return list of Bio::Tree::NodeI objects
193 Returns : array of Bio::Tree::NodeI objects
194 Args : (named values) hash with one value
195 order => 'b|breadth' first order or 'd|depth' first order
196 sortby => [optional] "height", "creation", "alpha", "revalpha",
197 or coderef to be used to sort the order of children nodes. See L<Bio::Tree::Node> for details
199 =cut
201 sub get_nodes {
202 my ($self, @args) = @_;
203 my ($order, $sortby) = $self->_rearrange([qw(ORDER SORTBY)], @args);
204 $order ||= 'depth';
205 $sortby ||= 'none';
207 my @children;
208 my $node = $self->get_root_node;
209 if ($node) {
210 if ($order =~ m/^b/oi) { # breadth-first
211 @children = ($node);
212 my @to_process = ($node);
213 while( @to_process ) {
214 my $n = shift @to_process;
215 my @c = $n->each_Descendent($sortby);
216 push @children, @c;
217 push @to_process, @c;
219 } elsif ($order =~ m/^d/oi) { # depth-first
220 @children = ($node, $node->get_all_Descendents($sortby));
221 } else {
222 $self->verbose(1);
223 $self->warn("specified an order '$order' which I don't understan\n");
227 return @children;
231 =head2 get_root_node
233 Title : get_root_node
234 Usage : my $node = $tree->get_root_node();
235 Function: Get the Top Node in the tree, in this implementation
236 Trees only have one top node.
237 Returns : Bio::Tree::NodeI object
238 Args : none
240 =cut
242 sub get_root_node {
243 my ($self) = @_;
244 return $self->{'_rootnode'};
248 =head2 set_root_node
250 Title : set_root_node
251 Usage : $tree->set_root_node($node)
252 Function: Set the Root Node for the Tree
253 Returns : Bio::Tree::NodeI
254 Args : Bio::Tree::NodeI
256 =cut
258 sub set_root_node {
259 my $self = shift;
260 if ( @_ ) {
261 my $value = shift;
262 if ( defined $value && ! $value->isa('Bio::Tree::NodeI') ) {
263 $self->warn("Trying to set the root node to $value which is not a Bio::Tree::NodeI");
264 return $self->get_root_node;
266 $self->{'_rootnode'} = $value;
268 return $self->get_root_node;
272 =head2 total_branch_length
274 Title : total_branch_length
275 Usage : my $size = $tree->total_branch_length
276 Function: Returns the sum of the length of all branches
277 Returns : real
278 Args : none
280 =cut
282 sub total_branch_length { shift->subtree_length }
285 =head2 subtree_length
287 Title : subtree_length
288 Usage : my $subtree_size = $tree->subtree_length($internal_node)
289 Function: Returns the sum of the length of all branches in a subtree
290 under the node. Calculates the size of the whole tree
291 without an argument (but only if root node is defined)
292 Returns : real or undef
293 Args : Bio::Tree::NodeI object, defaults to the root node
295 =cut
297 sub subtree_length {
298 my $tree = shift;
299 my $node = shift || $tree->get_root_node;
300 return unless $node;
301 my $sum = 0;
302 for ( $node->get_all_Descendents ) {
303 $sum += $_->branch_length || 0;
305 return $sum;
309 =head2 id
311 Title : id
312 Usage : my $id = $tree->id();
313 Function: An id value for the tree
314 Returns : scalar
315 Args : [optional] new value to set
317 =cut
319 sub id {
320 my ($self, $val) = @_;
321 if ( defined $val ) {
322 $self->{'_treeid'} = $val;
324 return $self->{'_treeid'};
328 =head2 score
330 Title : score
331 Usage : $obj->score($newval)
332 Function: Sets the associated score with this tree
333 This is a generic slot which is probably best used
334 for log likelihood or other overall tree score
335 Returns : value of score
336 Args : newvalue (optional)
338 =cut
340 sub score {
341 my ($self, $val) = @_;
342 if ( defined $val ) {
343 $self->{'_score'} = $val;
345 return $self->{'_score'};
349 # decorated interface TreeI Implements this
351 =head2 height
353 Title : height
354 Usage : my $height = $tree->height
355 Function: Gets the height of tree - this LOG_2($number_nodes)
356 WARNING: this is only true for strict binary trees. The TreeIO
357 system is capable of building non-binary trees, for which this
358 method will currently return an incorrect value!!
359 Returns : integer
360 Args : none
362 =head2 number_nodes
364 Title : number_nodes
365 Usage : my $size = $tree->number_nodes
366 Function: Returns the number of nodes in the tree
367 Returns : integer
368 Args : none
370 =head2 as_text
372 Title : as_text
373 Usage : my $tree_as_string = $tree->as_text($format)
374 Function: Returns the tree as a string representation in the
375 desired format, e.g.: 'newick', 'nhx' or 'tabtree' (the default)
376 Returns : scalar string
377 Args : format type as specified by Bio::TreeIO
378 Note : This method loads the Bio::TreeIO::$format module
379 on the fly, and commandeers the _write_tree_Helper
380 routine therein to create the tree string.
382 =cut
384 sub as_text {
385 my $self = shift;
386 my $format = shift || 'tabtree';
387 my $params_input = shift || {};
389 my $iomod = "Bio::TreeIO::$format";
390 $self->_load_module($iomod);
392 my $string = '';
393 open my $fh, '>', \$string or $self->throw("Could not write '$string' as file: $!");
394 my $test = $iomod->new( -format => $format, -fh => $fh );
396 # Get the default params for the given IO module.
397 $test->set_params($params_input);
399 $test->write_tree($self);
400 close $fh;
401 return $string;
405 =head2 Methods for associating Tag/Values with a Tree
407 These methods associate tag/value pairs with a Tree
409 =head2 set_tag_value
411 Title : set_tag_value
412 Usage : $tree->set_tag_value($tag,$value)
413 $tree->set_tag_value($tag,@values)
414 Function: Sets a tag value(s) to a tree. Replaces old values.
415 Returns : number of values stored for this tag
416 Args : $tag - tag name
417 $value - value to store for the tag
419 =cut
421 sub set_tag_value {
422 my ($self, $tag, @values) = @_;
423 if ( ! defined $tag || ! scalar @values ) {
424 $self->warn("cannot call set_tag_value with an undefined value");
426 $self->remove_tag ($tag);
427 map { push @{$self->{'_tags'}->{$tag}}, $_ } @values;
428 return scalar @{$self->{'_tags'}->{$tag}};
432 =head2 add_tag_value
434 Title : add_tag_value
435 Usage : $tree->add_tag_value($tag,$value)
436 Function: Adds a tag value to a tree
437 Returns : number of values stored for this tag
438 Args : $tag - tag name
439 $value - value to store for the tag
441 =cut
443 sub add_tag_value {
444 my ($self, $tag, $value) = @_;
445 if ( ! defined $tag || ! defined $value ) {
446 $self->warn("cannot call add_tag_value with an undefined value");
448 push @{$self->{'_tags'}->{$tag}}, $value;
449 return scalar @{$self->{'_tags'}->{$tag}};
453 =head2 remove_tag
455 Title : remove_tag
456 Usage : $tree->remove_tag($tag)
457 Function: Remove the tag and all values for this tag
458 Returns : boolean representing success (0 if tag does not exist)
459 Args : $tag - tagname to remove
461 =cut
463 sub remove_tag {
464 my ($self, $tag) = @_;
465 if ( exists $self->{'_tags'}->{$tag} ) {
466 $self->{'_tags'}->{$tag} = undef;
467 delete $self->{'_tags'}->{$tag};
468 return 1;
470 return 0;
474 =head2 remove_all_tags
476 Title : remove_all_tags
477 Usage : $tree->remove_all_tags()
478 Function: Removes all tags
479 Returns : None
480 Args : None
482 =cut
484 sub remove_all_tags {
485 my ($self) = @_;
486 $self->{'_tags'} = {};
487 return;
491 =head2 get_all_tags
493 Title : get_all_tags
494 Usage : my @tags = $tree->get_all_tags()
495 Function: Gets all the tag names for this Tree
496 Returns : Array of tagnames
497 Args : None
499 =cut
501 sub get_all_tags {
502 my ($self) = @_;
503 my @tags = sort keys %{$self->{'_tags'} || {}};
504 return @tags;
508 =head2 get_tag_values
510 Title : get_tag_values
511 Usage : my @values = $tree->get_tag_values($tag)
512 Function: Gets the values for given tag ($tag)
513 Returns : Array of values or empty list if tag does not exist
514 Args : $tag - tag name
516 =cut
518 sub get_tag_values {
519 my ($self, $tag) = @_;
520 return wantarray ? @{$self->{'_tags'}->{$tag} || []} :
521 (@{$self->{'_tags'}->{$tag} || []})[0];
525 =head2 has_tag
527 Title : has_tag
528 Usage : $tree->has_tag($tag)
529 Function: Boolean test if tag exists in the Tree
530 Returns : Boolean
531 Args : $tag - tagname
533 =cut
535 sub has_tag {
536 my ($self, $tag) = @_;
537 return exists $self->{'_tags'}->{$tag};
541 # safe tree clone that doesn't seg fault
543 =head2 clone
545 Title : clone
546 Alias : _clone
547 Usage : $tree_copy = $tree->clone();
548 $subtree_copy = $tree->clone($internal_node);
549 Function: Safe tree clone that doesn't segfault
550 Returns : Bio::Tree::Tree object
551 Args : [optional] $start_node, Bio::Tree::Node object
553 =cut
555 sub clone {
556 my ($self, $parent, $parent_clone) = @_;
557 $parent ||= $self->get_root_node;
558 $parent_clone ||= $self->_clone_node($parent);
560 foreach my $node ($parent->each_Descendent()) {
561 my $child = $self->_clone_node($node);
562 $child->ancestor($parent_clone);
563 $self->_clone($node, $child);
565 $parent->ancestor && return;
567 my $tree = $self->new(-root => $parent_clone);
568 return $tree;
572 # -- private internal methods --
574 sub cleanup_tree {
575 my $self = shift;
576 unless( $self->nodelete ) {
577 for my $node ($self->get_nodes(-order => 'b', -sortby => 'none')) {
578 $node->node_cleanup;
581 $self->{'_rootnode'} = undef;