A new doc condor_config.html is being added showing the condor configuration
[burt-test.git] / frontend / glideinFrontendPlugins.py
2 # Project:
3 # glideinWMS
5 # File Version:
6 # $Id: glideinFrontendPlugins.py,v 1.15 2011/02/10 21:35:31 parag Exp $
8 # Description:
9 # This module implements plugins for the VO frontend
11 # Author:
12 # Igor Sfiligoi (since Mar 31st 2009)
15 import os,os.path,time
16 import sets
17 import pickle
18 import glideinFrontendLib
21 ################################################################################
22 # #
23 #### Proxy plugins ####
24 # #
25 # All plugins implement the following interface: #
26 # __init_(config_dir,proxy_list) #
27 # Constructor, config_dir may be used for internal config/cache files #
28 # get_required_job_attributes() #
29 # Return the list of required condor_q attributes #
30 # get_required_classad_attributes() #
31 # Return the list of required condor_status attributes #
32 # get_proxies(condorq_dict,condorq_dict_types,status_dict,status_dict_types) #
33 # Return a list of proxies that match the input criteria #
34 # Each element is a (index, value) pair #
35 # If called multiple time, it is guaranteed that #
36 # if the index is the same, the proxy is (logicaly) the same #
37 # #
38 ################################################################################
40 ############################################
42 # This plugin always returns the first proxy
43 # Useful when there is only one proxy
44 # or for testing
46 class ProxyFirst:
47 def __init__(self,config_dir,proxy_list):
48 self.proxy_list=list2ilist(proxy_list)
50 # what job attributes are used by this plugin
51 def get_required_job_attributes(self):
52 return []
54 # what glidein attributes are used by this plugin
55 def get_required_classad_attributes(self):
56 return []
58 # get the proxies, given the condor_q and condor_status data
59 def get_proxies(self,condorq_dict,condorq_dict_types,
60 status_dict,status_dict_types):
61 return [self.proxy_list[0]]
63 ############################################
65 # This plugin returns all the proxies
66 # This is can be a very useful default policy
68 class ProxyAll:
69 def __init__(self,config_dir,proxy_list):
70 self.proxy_list=list2ilist(proxy_list)
72 # what job attributes are used by this plugin
73 def get_required_job_attributes(self):
74 return []
76 # what glidein attributes are used by this plugin
77 def get_required_classad_attributes(self):
78 return []
80 # get the proxies, given the condor_q and condor_status data
81 def get_proxies(self,condorq_dict,condorq_dict_types,
82 status_dict,status_dict_types):
83 return self.proxy_list
85 ##########################################################
87 # This plugin uses the first N proxies
88 # where N is the number of users currently in the system
90 # This is useful if the first proxies are higher priority
91 # then the later ones
92 # Also good for testing
94 class ProxyUserCardinality:
95 def __init__(self,config_dir,proxy_list):
96 self.proxy_list=list2ilist(proxy_list)
98 # what job attributes are used by this plugin
99 def get_required_job_attributes(self):
100 return (('User','s'),)
102 # what glidein attributes are used by this plugin
103 def get_required_classad_attributes(self):
104 return []
106 # get the proxies, given the condor_q and condor_status data
107 def get_proxies(self,condorq_dict,condorq_dict_types,
108 status_dict,status_dict_types):
109 users_set=glideinFrontendLib.getCondorQUsers(condorq_dict)
110 return self.get_proxies_from_cardinality(len(users_set))
112 #############################
114 #############################
116 # return the proxies based on data held by the class
117 def get_proxies_from_cardinality(self,nr_requested_proxies):
118 nr_proxies=len(self.proxy_list)
120 if nr_requested_proxies>=nr_proxies:
121 # wants all of them, no need to select
122 return self.proxy_list
124 out_proxies=[]
125 for i in range(nr_requested_proxies):
126 out_proxies.append(self.proxy_list[i])
128 return out_proxies
130 ######################################################################
132 # This plugin implements a user-based round-robin policy
133 # The same proxies are used as long as the users don't change
134 # (we keep a disk-based memory for this purpose)
135 # Once any user leaves, the most used proxy is returned to the pool
136 # If a new user joins, the least used proxy is obtained from the pool
138 class ProxyUserRR:
139 def __init__(self,config_dir,proxy_list):
140 self.proxy_list=proxy_list
141 self.config_dir=config_dir
142 self.config_fname="%s/proxy_user_rr.dat"%self.config_dir
143 self.load()
145 # what job attributes are used by this plugin
146 def get_required_job_attributes(self):
147 return (('User','s'),)
149 # what glidein attributes are used by this plugin
150 def get_required_classad_attributes(self):
151 return []
153 # get the proxies, given the condor_q and condor_status data
154 def get_proxies(self,condorq_dict,condorq_dict_types,
155 status_dict,status_dict_types):
156 new_users_set=glideinFrontendLib.getCondorQUsers(condorq_dict)
157 old_users_set=self.config_data['users_set']
158 if old_users_set==new_users_set:
159 return self.get_proxies_from_data()
161 # users changed
162 removed_users=old_users_set-new_users_set
163 added_users=new_users_set-old_users_set
165 if len(removed_users)>0:
166 self.shrink_proxies(len(removed_users))
167 if len(added_users)>0:
168 self.expand_proxies(len(added_users))
170 self.config_data['users_set']=new_users_set
171 self.save()
173 return self.get_proxies_from_data()
175 #############################
177 #############################
179 # load from self.config_fname into self.config_data
180 # if the file does not exist, create a new config_data
181 def load(self):
182 if not os.path.isfile(self.config_fname):
183 proxy_indexes={}
184 nr_proxies=len(self.proxy_list)
185 for i in range(nr_proxies):
186 proxy_indexes[self.proxy_list[i]]=i
187 self.config_data={'users_set':sets.Set(),
188 'proxies_range':{'min':0,'max':0},
189 'proxy_indexes':proxy_indexes,
190 'first_free_index':nr_proxies}
191 else:
192 fd=open(self.config_fname,"r")
193 try:
194 self.config_data=pickle.load(fd)
195 finally:
196 fd.close()
198 # proxies may have changed... make sure you have them all indexed
199 proxy_indexes=self.config_data['proxy_indexes']
200 added_proxies=sets.Set(self.proxy_list)-sets.Set(proxy_indexes.keys())
201 for proxy in added_proxies:
202 idx=self.config_data['first_free_index']
203 proxy_indexes[self.proxy_list[i]]=idx
204 self.config_data['first_free_index']=idx+1
206 return
208 # save self.config_data into self.config_fname
209 def save(self):
210 # fist save in a tmpfile
211 tmpname="%s~"%self.config_fname
212 try:
213 os.unlink(tmpname)
214 except:
215 pass # just trying
216 fd=open(tmpname,"w")
217 try:
218 pickle.dump(self.config_data,fd,0) # use ASCII version of protocol
219 finally:
220 fd.close()
222 # then atomicly move it in place
223 os.rename(tmpname,self.config_fname)
225 return
227 # remove a number of proxies from the internal data
228 def shrink_proxies(self,nr):
229 proxies_range=self.config_data['proxies_range']
230 min_proxy_range=proxies_range['min']
231 max_proxy_range=proxies_range['max']
233 min_proxy_range+=nr
234 if min_proxy_range>max_proxy_range:
235 raise RuntimeError,"Cannot shrink so much: %i requested, %i available"%(nr, max_proxy_range-proxies_range['min'])
237 proxies_range['min']=min_proxy_range
239 return
241 # add a number of proxies from the internal data
242 def expand_proxies(self,nr):
243 proxies_range=self.config_data['proxies_range']
244 min_proxy_range=proxies_range['min']
245 max_proxy_range=proxies_range['max']
247 max_proxy_range+=nr
248 if min_proxy_range>max_proxy_range:
249 raise RuntimeError,"Did we hit wraparound after the requested exansion of %i? min %i> max %i"%(nr, min_proxy_range,max_proxy_range)
251 proxies_range['max']=max_proxy_range
253 return
255 # return the proxies based on data held by the class
256 def get_proxies_from_data(self):
257 nr_proxies=len(self.proxy_list)
259 proxies_range=self.config_data['proxies_range']
260 min_proxy_range=proxies_range['min']
261 max_proxy_range=proxies_range['max']
262 nr_requested_proxies=max_proxy_range-min_proxy_range;
264 proxy_indexes=self.config_data['proxy_indexes']
266 out_proxies=[]
267 if nr_requested_proxies>=nr_proxies:
268 # wants all of them, no need to select
269 index_range=range(nr_proxies)
270 else:
271 index_range=range(min_proxy_range,max_proxy_range)
273 for i in index_range:
274 real_i=i%nr_proxies
275 proxy=self.proxy_list[i]
276 out_proxies.append(("urr_%i"%proxy_indexes[proxy],proxy))
278 return out_proxies
280 ######################################################################
282 # This plugin implements a user-based mapping policy
283 # with possibility of recycling of accounts:
284 # * when a user first enters the system, it gets mapped to a
285 # pilot proxy that was not used for the longest time
286 # * for existing users, just use the existing mapping
287 # * if an old user comes back, it may be mapped to the old account, if not
288 # yet recycled, else it is treated as a new user
290 class ProxyUserMapWRecycling:
291 def __init__(self,config_dir,proxy_list):
292 self.proxy_list=proxy_list
293 self.config_dir=config_dir
294 self.config_fname="%s/proxy_usermap_wr.dat"%self.config_dir
295 self.load()
297 # what job attributes are used by this plugin
298 def get_required_job_attributes(self):
299 return (('User','s'),)
301 # what glidein attributes are used by this plugin
302 def get_required_classad_attributes(self):
303 return []
305 # get the proxies, given the condor_q and condor_status data
306 def get_proxies(self,condorq_dict,condorq_dict_types,
307 status_dict,status_dict_types):
308 users=list(glideinFrontendLib.getCondorQUsers(condorq_dict))
309 out_proxies=[]
311 # check if there are more users than proxies
313 user_map=self.config_data['user_map']
315 if len(users)<len(user_map.keys()):
316 # regular algorithm, find in cache
317 for user in users:
318 if not user_map.has_key(user):
319 # user not in cache, get the oldest unused entry
320 # not ordered, need to loop over the whole cache
321 keys=user_map.keys()
322 keys.sort()
323 min_key=keys[0] # will compare all others to the first
324 for k in keys[1:]:
325 if user_map[k]['last_seen']<user_map[min_key]['last_seen']:
326 min_key=k
328 # replace min_key with the current user
329 user_map[user]=user_map[min_key]
330 del user_map[min_key]
331 # else the user is already in the cache... just use that
333 cel=user_map[user]
334 out_proxies.append(("umrw_%i"%cel['proxy_index'],cel['proxy']))
335 # save that you have indeed seen the user
336 cel['last_seen']=time.time()
337 else:
338 # more users than proxies, use all proxies
339 keys=user_map.keys()
340 keys.sort()
341 uncovered_users=users[0:]
342 uncovered_keys=[]
343 # first get the covered keys
344 for k in keys:
345 if (k in users):
346 # the user in the cache is still present, use it
347 cel=user_map[k]
348 out_proxies.append(("umrw_%i"%cel['proxy_index'],cel['proxy']))
349 # save that you have indeed seen the user
350 cel['last_seen']=time.time()
351 uncovered_users.remove(k)
352 else:
353 # this cache entry need to be updated
354 uncovered_keys.append(k)
355 # now add uncovered keys
356 for k in uncovered_keys:
357 # change key value with an uncovered user
358 user=uncovered_users.pop()
359 user_map[user]=user_map[k]
360 del user_map[k]
362 cel=user_map[user]
363 out_proxies.append(("umrw_%i"%cel['proxy_index'],cel['proxy']))
364 # save that you have indeed seen the user
365 cel['last_seen']=time.time()
368 # save changes
369 self.save()
371 return out_proxies
373 #############################
375 #############################
377 # load from self.config_fname into self.config_data
378 # if the file does not exist, create a new config_data
379 def load(self):
380 if not os.path.exists(self.config_fname):
381 # no cache, create new cache structure from scratch
382 self.config_data={}
383 user_map={}
384 nr_proxies=len(self.proxy_list)
385 for i in range(nr_proxies):
386 # use numbers for keys, so we are sure will not match to any user string
387 user_map[i]={'proxy':self.proxy_list[i],
388 'proxy_index':i,
389 'last_seen':0} #0 is the oldest UNIX have ever seen ;)
390 self.config_data['user_map']=user_map
391 self.config_data['first_free_index']=nr_proxies # this will be used for future updates
392 else:
393 # load cache
394 fd=open(self.config_fname,"r")
395 try:
396 self.config_data=pickle.load(fd)
397 finally:
398 fd.close()
400 # if proxies changed, remove old ones and insert the new ones
401 new_proxies=sets.Set(self.proxy_list)
402 cached_proxies=sets.Set() # here we will store the list of proxies in the cache
404 user_map=self.config_data['user_map']
406 # need to iterate, since not indexed by proxy name
407 keys=user_map.keys()
408 for k in keys:
409 el=user_map[k]
410 el_proxy=el['proxy']
411 if not (el_proxy in new_proxies):
412 # cached proxy not used anymore... remove from cache
413 del user_map[k]
414 else:
415 # add to the list, will process later
416 cached_proxies.add(el_proxy)
418 added_proxies=new_proxies-cached_proxies
419 # now that we know what proxies have been added, put them in cache
420 for proxy in added_proxies:
421 idx=self.config_data['first_free_index']
422 # use numbers for keys, so we are user will not mutch to any user string
423 user_map[idx]={'proxy':proxy,
424 'proxy_index':idx,
425 'last_seen':0} #0 is the oldest UNIX have ever seen ;)
426 self.config_data['first_free_index']=idx+1
428 return
430 # save self.config_data into self.config_fname
431 def save(self):
432 # fist save in a tmpfile
433 tmpname="%s~"%self.config_fname
434 try:
435 os.unlink(tmpname)
436 except:
437 pass # just trying
438 fd=open(tmpname,"w")
439 try:
440 pickle.dump(self.config_data,fd,0) # use ASCII version of protocol
441 finally:
442 fd.close()
444 # then atomicly move it in place
445 os.rename(tmpname,self.config_fname)
447 return
449 ###############################################
450 # INTERNAL to proxy_plugins, don't use directly
452 # convert a list into a list of (index, value)
455 # NOTE: This will not work if proxy order is changed between reconfigs :(
458 def list2ilist(lst):
459 out=[]
460 for i in range(len(lst)):
461 out.append((i,lst[i]))
462 return out
466 ###################################################################
468 # Being plugins, users are not expected to directly reference the classes
469 # They should go throug the dictionaries below to find the appropriate plugin
471 proxy_plugins={'ProxyAll':ProxyAll,
472 'ProxyUserRR':ProxyUserRR,
473 'ProxyFirst':ProxyFirst,
474 'ProxyUserCardinality':ProxyUserCardinality,
475 'ProxyUserMapWRecycling':ProxyUserMapWRecycling}