Support GHC 9.12
[cabal.git] / Cabal / src / Distribution / Simple / Glob.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 -- |
8 -- Module : Distribution.Simple.Glob
9 -- Copyright : Isaac Jones, Simon Marlow 2003-2004
10 -- License : BSD3
11 -- portions Copyright (c) 2007, Galois Inc.
13 -- Maintainer :
14 -- Portability : portable
16 -- Simple file globbing.
17 module Distribution.Simple.Glob
18 ( -- * Globs
19 Glob
21 -- * Matching on globs
22 , GlobResult (..)
23 , globMatches
24 , fileGlobMatches
25 , matchDirFileGlob
26 , matchDirFileGlobWithDie
27 , runDirFileGlob
29 -- * Parsing globs
30 , parseFileGlob
31 , GlobSyntaxError (..)
32 , explainGlobSyntaxError
34 -- * Utility
35 , isRecursiveInRoot
37 where
39 import Distribution.Compat.Prelude
40 import Prelude ()
42 import Distribution.CabalSpecVersion (CabalSpecVersion)
43 import Distribution.Simple.Errors
44 ( CabalException (MatchDirFileGlob, MatchDirFileGlobErrors)
46 import Distribution.Simple.Glob.Internal
47 import Distribution.Simple.Utils (dieWithException, warn)
48 import Distribution.Verbosity (Verbosity)
50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
52 -- * Matching
54 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
56 -- | Extract the matches from a list of 'GlobResult's.
58 -- Note: throws away the 'GlobMissingDirectory' results; chances are
59 -- that you want to check for these and error out if any are present.
61 -- @since
62 globMatches :: [GlobResult a] -> [a]
63 globMatches input = [a | GlobMatch a <- input]
65 -- | This will 'die'' when the glob matches no files, or if the glob
66 -- refers to a missing directory, or if the glob fails to parse.
68 -- The 'Version' argument must be the spec version of the package
69 -- description being processed, as globs behave slightly differently
70 -- in different spec versions.
72 -- The first 'FilePath' argument is the directory that the glob is
73 -- relative to. It must be a valid directory (and hence it can't be
74 -- the empty string). The returned values will not include this
75 -- prefix.
77 -- The second 'FilePath' is the glob itself.
78 matchDirFileGlob :: Verbosity -> CabalSpecVersion -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
79 matchDirFileGlob v = matchDirFileGlobWithDie v dieWithException
81 -- | Like 'matchDirFileGlob' but with customizable 'die'
83 -- @since
84 matchDirFileGlobWithDie
85 :: Verbosity
86 -> (Verbosity -> CabalException -> IO [FilePath])
87 -> CabalSpecVersion
88 -> FilePath
89 -> FilePath
90 -> IO [FilePath]
91 matchDirFileGlobWithDie verbosity rip version dir filepath = case parseFileGlob version filepath of
92 Left err -> rip verbosity $ MatchDirFileGlob (explainGlobSyntaxError filepath err)
93 Right glob -> do
94 results <- runDirFileGlob verbosity (Just version) dir glob
95 let missingDirectories =
96 [missingDir | GlobMissingDirectory missingDir <- results]
97 matches = globMatches results
98 directoryMatches = [a | GlobMatchesDirectory a <- results]
100 let errors :: [String]
101 errors =
102 [ "filepath wildcard '"
103 ++ filepath
104 ++ "' refers to the directory"
105 ++ " '"
106 ++ missingDir
107 ++ "', which does not exist or is not a directory."
108 | missingDir <- missingDirectories
110 ++ [ "filepath wildcard '" ++ filepath ++ "' does not match any files."
111 | null matches && null directoryMatches
112 -- we don't error out on directory matches, simply warn about them and ignore.
115 warns :: [String]
116 warns =
117 [ "Ignoring directory '" ++ path ++ "'" ++ " listed in a Cabal package field which should only include files (not directories)."
118 | path <- directoryMatches
121 if null errors
122 then do
123 unless (null warns) $
124 warn verbosity $
125 unlines warns
126 return matches
127 else rip verbosity $ MatchDirFileGlobErrors errors