print out dependency build failure during cabal build (fix #5974 #7727)
[cabal.git] / cabal-install / src / Distribution / Client / CmdHaddockProject.hs
1 module Distribution.Client.CmdHaddockProject
2 ( haddockProjectCommand
3 , haddockProjectAction
4 ) where
6 import Prelude ()
7 import Data.Bool (bool)
8 import Distribution.Client.Compat.Prelude hiding (get)
10 import qualified Distribution.Client.CmdBuild as CmdBuild
11 import qualified Distribution.Client.CmdHaddock as CmdHaddock
13 import Distribution.Client.DistDirLayout (DistDirLayout(..)
14 ,CabalDirLayout(..)
15 ,StoreDirLayout(..))
16 import Distribution.Client.InstallPlan (foldPlanPackage)
17 import qualified Distribution.Client.InstallPlan as InstallPlan
18 import qualified Distribution.Client.NixStyleOptions as NixStyleOptions
19 import Distribution.Client.ProjectOrchestration
20 (AvailableTarget(..)
21 ,AvailableTargetStatus(..)
22 ,CurrentCommand(..)
23 ,ProjectBaseContext(..)
24 ,ProjectBuildContext(..)
25 ,TargetSelector(..)
26 ,printPlan
27 ,pruneInstallPlanToTargets
28 ,resolveTargets
29 ,runProjectPreBuildPhase
30 ,selectComponentTargetBasic)
31 import Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning (ElaboratedConfiguredPackage(..)
32 ,ElaboratedInstallPlan
33 ,ElaboratedSharedConfig(..)
34 ,TargetAction(..))
35 import Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning.Types
36 (elabDistDirParams)
37 import Distribution.Client.Setup (GlobalFlags(..)
38 ,ConfigFlags(..))
39 import Distribution.Client.ScriptUtils (AcceptNoTargets(..)
40 ,TargetContext(..)
41 ,updateContextAndWriteProjectFile
42 ,withContextAndSelectors)
43 import Distribution.Client.TargetProblem (TargetProblem(..))
45 import Distribution.Types.PackageId (pkgName)
46 import Distribution.Types.PackageName (unPackageName)
47 import Distribution.Types.Version (mkVersion)
48 import Distribution.Types.VersionRange (orLaterVersion)
49 import Distribution.Types.InstalledPackageInfo (InstalledPackageInfo (..))
50 import Distribution.Simple.Command
51 ( CommandUI(..) )
52 import Distribution.Simple.Compiler
53 ( Compiler (..) )
54 import Distribution.Simple.Flag
55 ( Flag(..)
56 , flagElim
57 , flagToList
58 , fromFlag
59 , fromFlagOrDefault
61 import Distribution.Simple.InstallDirs
62 ( toPathTemplate )
63 import Distribution.Simple.Haddock (createHaddockIndex)
64 import Distribution.Simple.Utils
65 ( die', createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose
66 , copyDirectoryRecursive, warn )
67 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Builtin
68 ( haddockProgram )
69 import Distribution.Simple.Program.Db
70 ( addKnownProgram, reconfigurePrograms, requireProgramVersion )
71 import Distribution.Simple.Setup
72 ( HaddockFlags(..), defaultHaddockFlags
73 , HaddockProjectFlags(..)
74 , Visibility(..)
75 , haddockProjectCommand
77 import Distribution.Verbosity as Verbosity
78 ( normal )
80 import System.FilePath ( takeDirectory, normalise, (</>), (<.>) )
81 import System.Directory ( doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist )
83 haddockProjectAction :: HaddockProjectFlags -> [String] -> GlobalFlags -> IO ()
84 haddockProjectAction flags _extraArgs globalFlags = do
85 -- create destination directory if it does not exist
86 let outputDir = normalise $ fromFlag (haddockProjectDir flags)
87 createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True outputDir
89 when ((2::Int) <=
90 ( flagElim 0 (bool 0 1) (haddockProjectHackage flags)
91 + flagElim 0 (bool 0 1) (haddockProjectLocal flags)
92 + flagElim 0 (const 1) (haddockProjectHtmlLocation flags)
93 )) $
94 die' verbosity "Options `--local`, `--hackage` and `--html-location` are mutually exclusive`"
96 warn verbosity "haddock-project command is experimental, it might break in the future"
98 -- build all packages with appropriate haddock flags
99 let haddockFlags = defaultHaddockFlags
100 { haddockHtml = Flag True
101 -- one can either use `--haddock-base-url` or
102 -- `--haddock-html-location`.
103 , haddockBaseUrl = if localStyle
104 then Flag ".."
105 else NoFlag
106 , haddockProgramPaths = haddockProjectProgramPaths flags
107 , haddockProgramArgs = haddockProjectProgramArgs flags
108 , haddockHtmlLocation = if fromFlagOrDefault False (haddockProjectHackage flags)
109 then Flag "$pkg-$version/docs"
110 else haddockProjectHtmlLocation flags
111 , haddockHoogle = haddockProjectHoogle flags
112 , haddockExecutables = haddockProjectExecutables flags
113 , haddockTestSuites = haddockProjectTestSuites flags
114 , haddockBenchmarks = haddockProjectBenchmarks flags
115 , haddockForeignLibs = haddockProjectForeignLibs flags
116 , haddockInternal = haddockProjectInternal flags
117 , haddockCss = haddockProjectCss flags
118 , haddockLinkedSource = if localOrHackage
119 then Flag True
120 else haddockProjectLinkedSource flags
121 , haddockQuickJump = if localOrHackage
122 then Flag True
123 else haddockProjectQuickJump flags
124 , haddockHscolourCss = haddockProjectHscolourCss flags
125 , haddockContents = if localStyle then Flag (toPathTemplate "../index.html")
126 else NoFlag
127 , haddockIndex = if localStyle then Flag (toPathTemplate "../doc-index.html")
128 else NoFlag
129 , haddockKeepTempFiles= haddockProjectKeepTempFiles flags
130 , haddockVerbosity = haddockProjectVerbosity flags
131 , haddockLib = haddockProjectLib flags
133 nixFlags = (commandDefaultFlags CmdHaddock.haddockCommand)
134 { NixStyleOptions.haddockFlags = haddockFlags
135 , NixStyleOptions.configFlags =
136 (NixStyleOptions.configFlags (commandDefaultFlags CmdBuild.buildCommand))
137 { configVerbosity = haddockProjectVerbosity flags }
141 -- Construct the build plan and infer the list of packages which haddocks
142 -- we need.
145 withContextAndSelectors RejectNoTargets Nothing nixFlags ["all"] globalFlags HaddockCommand $ \targetCtx ctx targetSelectors -> do
146 baseCtx <- case targetCtx of
147 ProjectContext -> return ctx
148 GlobalContext -> return ctx
149 ScriptContext path exemeta -> updateContextAndWriteProjectFile ctx path exemeta
150 let distLayout = distDirLayout baseCtx
151 cabalLayout = cabalDirLayout baseCtx
152 buildCtx <-
153 runProjectPreBuildPhase verbosity baseCtx $ \elaboratedPlan -> do
154 -- Interpret the targets on the command line as build targets
155 -- (as opposed to say repl or haddock targets).
156 targets <- either reportTargetProblems return
157 $ resolveTargets
158 selectPackageTargets
159 selectComponentTargetBasic
160 elaboratedPlan
161 Nothing
162 targetSelectors
164 let elaboratedPlan' = pruneInstallPlanToTargets
165 TargetActionBuild
166 targets
167 elaboratedPlan
168 return (elaboratedPlan', targets)
170 printPlan verbosity baseCtx buildCtx
172 let elaboratedPlan :: ElaboratedInstallPlan
173 elaboratedPlan = elaboratedPlanOriginal buildCtx
175 sharedConfig :: ElaboratedSharedConfig
176 sharedConfig = elaboratedShared buildCtx
178 pkgs :: [Either InstalledPackageInfo ElaboratedConfiguredPackage ]
179 pkgs = matchingPackages elaboratedPlan
181 progs <- reconfigurePrograms verbosity
182 (haddockProjectProgramPaths flags)
183 (haddockProjectProgramArgs flags)
184 -- we need to insert 'haddockProgram' before we reconfigure it,
185 -- otherwise 'set
186 . addKnownProgram haddockProgram
187 . pkgConfigCompilerProgs
188 $ sharedConfig
189 let sharedConfig' = sharedConfig { pkgConfigCompilerProgs = progs }
191 _ <- requireProgramVersion
192 verbosity haddockProgram
193 (orLaterVersion (mkVersion [2,26,1])) progs
196 -- Build haddocks of each components
199 CmdHaddock.haddockAction
200 nixFlags
201 ["all"]
202 globalFlags
205 -- Copy haddocks to the destination folder
208 packageInfos <- fmap (nub . concat) $ for pkgs $ \pkg ->
209 case pkg of
210 Left _ | not localStyle ->
211 return []
212 Left package -> do
213 let packageName = unPackageName (pkgName $ sourcePackageId package)
214 destDir = outputDir </> packageName
215 fmap catMaybes $ for (haddockInterfaces package) $ \interfacePath -> do
216 let docDir = takeDirectory interfacePath
217 a <- doesFileExist interfacePath
218 case a of
219 True -> copyDirectoryRecursive verbosity docDir destDir
220 >> return (Just ( packageName
221 , interfacePath
222 , Hidden
224 False -> return Nothing
226 Right package ->
227 case elabLocalToProject package of
228 True -> do
229 let distDirParams = elabDistDirParams sharedConfig' package
230 buildDir = distBuildDirectory distLayout distDirParams
231 packageName = unPackageName (pkgName $ elabPkgSourceId package)
232 let docDir = buildDir
233 </> "doc" </> "html"
234 </> packageName
235 destDir = outputDir </> packageName
236 interfacePath = destDir
237 </> packageName <.> "haddock"
238 a <- doesDirectoryExist docDir
239 case a of
240 True -> copyDirectoryRecursive verbosity docDir destDir
241 >> return [( packageName
242 , interfacePath
243 , Visible
245 False -> return []
246 False | not localStyle ->
247 return []
248 False -> do
249 let packageName = unPackageName (pkgName $ elabPkgSourceId package)
250 packageDir = storePackageDirectory (cabalStoreDirLayout cabalLayout)
251 (compilerId (pkgConfigCompiler sharedConfig'))
252 (elabUnitId package)
253 docDir = packageDir </> "share" </> "doc" </> "html"
254 destDir = outputDir </> packageName
255 interfacePath = destDir
256 </> packageName <.> "haddock"
257 a <- doesDirectoryExist docDir
258 case a of
259 True -> copyDirectoryRecursive verbosity docDir destDir
260 -- non local packages will be hidden in haddock's
261 -- generated contents page
262 >> return [( packageName
263 , interfacePath
264 , Hidden
266 False -> return []
269 -- generate index, content, etc.
272 let flags' = flags
273 { haddockProjectDir = Flag outputDir
274 , haddockProjectGenIndex = if localOrHackage
275 then Flag True
276 else haddockProjectGenIndex flags
277 , haddockProjectGenContents = if localOrHackage
278 then Flag True
279 else haddockProjectGenContents flags
280 , haddockProjectQuickJump = if localOrHackage
281 then Flag True
282 else haddockProjectQuickJump flags
283 , haddockProjectLinkedSource = haddockLinkedSource haddockFlags
284 , haddockProjectInterfaces = Flag
285 [ ( interfacePath
286 , Just packageName
287 , Just packageName
288 , visibility
290 | (packageName, interfacePath, visibility) <- packageInfos
293 createHaddockIndex verbosity
294 (pkgConfigCompilerProgs sharedConfig')
295 (pkgConfigCompiler sharedConfig')
296 (pkgConfigPlatform sharedConfig')
297 flags'
298 where
299 verbosity = fromFlagOrDefault normal (haddockProjectVerbosity flags)
301 -- Build a self contained directory which contains haddocks of all
302 -- transitive dependencies; or depend on `--haddocks-html-location` to
303 -- provide location of the documentation of dependencies.
304 localStyle =
305 let local = fromFlagOrDefault False (haddockProjectLocal flags)
306 hackage = fromFlagOrDefault False (haddockProjectHackage flags)
307 location = fromFlagOrDefault False (const True <$> haddockProjectHtmlLocation flags)
308 in local && not hackage && not location
309 -- or if none of the flags is given set `localStyle` to `True`
310 || not local && not hackage && not location
313 localOrHackage =
314 any id $ flagToList (haddockProjectLocal flags)
315 ++ flagToList (haddockProjectHackage flags)
317 reportTargetProblems :: Show x => [x] -> IO a
318 reportTargetProblems =
319 die' verbosity . unlines . map show
321 -- TODO: this is just a sketch
322 selectPackageTargets :: TargetSelector
323 -> [AvailableTarget k]
324 -> Either (TargetProblem ()) [k]
325 selectPackageTargets _ ts = Right $
326 mapMaybe
327 (\t -> case availableTargetStatus t of
328 TargetBuildable k _ | availableTargetLocalToProject t
329 -> Just k
330 _ -> Nothing)
333 matchingPackages :: ElaboratedInstallPlan
334 -> [Either InstalledPackageInfo ElaboratedConfiguredPackage]
335 matchingPackages =
336 fmap (foldPlanPackage Left Right)
337 . InstallPlan.toList