Add unit test for the Settings API Bubble.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / ui / cocoa / browser_window_controller.h
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 // A class acting as the Objective-C controller for the Browser
9 // object. Handles interactions between Cocoa and the cross-platform
10 // code. Each window has a single toolbar and, by virtue of being a
11 // TabWindowController, a tab strip along the top.
13 #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
15 #include "base/mac/scoped_nsobject.h"
16 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
17 #include "chrome/browser/translate/translate_tab_helper.h"
18 #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/bookmarks/bookmark_bar_controller.h"
19 #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/bookmarks/bookmark_bubble_controller.h"
20 #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/browser_command_executor.h"
21 #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/fullscreen_exit_bubble_controller.h"
22 #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/tabs/tab_strip_controller.h"
23 #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/tabs/tab_window_controller.h"
24 #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/themed_window.h"
25 #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/url_drop_target.h"
26 #import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/view_resizer.h"
27 #include "components/translate/core/common/translate_errors.h"
28 #include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
30 @class AvatarBaseController;
31 class Browser;
32 class BrowserWindow;
33 class BrowserWindowCocoa;
34 @class DevToolsController;
35 @class DownloadShelfController;
36 class ExtensionKeybindingRegistryCocoa;
37 @class FindBarCocoaController;
38 @class FullscreenModeController;
39 @class FullscreenWindow;
40 @class InfoBarContainerController;
41 class LocationBarViewMac;
42 @class OverlayableContentsController;
43 class PermissionBubbleCocoa;
44 @class PresentationModeController;
45 class StatusBubbleMac;
46 @class TabStripController;
47 @class TabStripView;
48 @class ToolbarController;
49 @class TranslateBubbleController;
51 namespace content {
52 class WebContents;
55 namespace extensions {
56 class Command;
59 @interface BrowserWindowController :
60 TabWindowController<NSUserInterfaceValidations,
61 BookmarkBarControllerDelegate,
62 BrowserCommandExecutor,
63 ViewResizer,
64 TabStripControllerDelegate> {
65 @private
66 // The ordering of these members is important as it determines the order in
67 // which they are destroyed. |browser_| needs to be destroyed last as most of
68 // the other objects hold weak references to it or things it owns
69 // (tab/toolbar/bookmark models, profiles, etc).
70 scoped_ptr<Browser> browser_;
71 NSWindow* savedRegularWindow_;
72 scoped_ptr<BrowserWindowCocoa> windowShim_;
73 base::scoped_nsobject<ToolbarController> toolbarController_;
74 base::scoped_nsobject<TabStripController> tabStripController_;
75 base::scoped_nsobject<FindBarCocoaController> findBarCocoaController_;
76 base::scoped_nsobject<InfoBarContainerController> infoBarContainerController_;
77 base::scoped_nsobject<DownloadShelfController> downloadShelfController_;
78 base::scoped_nsobject<BookmarkBarController> bookmarkBarController_;
79 base::scoped_nsobject<DevToolsController> devToolsController_;
80 base::scoped_nsobject<OverlayableContentsController>
81 overlayableContentsController_;
82 base::scoped_nsobject<PresentationModeController> presentationModeController_;
83 base::scoped_nsobject<FullscreenModeController> fullscreenModeController_;
84 base::scoped_nsobject<FullscreenExitBubbleController>
85 fullscreenExitBubbleController_;
87 // Strong. StatusBubble is a special case of a strong reference that
88 // we don't wrap in a scoped_ptr because it is acting the same
89 // as an NSWindowController in that it wraps a window that must
90 // be shut down before our destructors are called.
91 StatusBubbleMac* statusBubble_;
93 BookmarkBubbleController* bookmarkBubbleController_; // Weak.
94 BOOL initializing_; // YES while we are currently in initWithBrowser:
95 BOOL ownsBrowser_; // Only ever NO when testing
97 TranslateBubbleController* translateBubbleController_; // Weak.
99 // The total amount by which we've grown the window up or down (to display a
100 // bookmark bar and/or download shelf), respectively; reset to 0 when moved
101 // away from the bottom/top or resized (or zoomed).
102 CGFloat windowTopGrowth_;
103 CGFloat windowBottomGrowth_;
105 // YES only if we're shrinking the window from an apparent zoomed state (which
106 // we'll only do if we grew it to the zoomed state); needed since we'll then
107 // restrict the amount of shrinking by the amounts specified above. Reset to
108 // NO on growth.
109 BOOL isShrinkingFromZoomed_;
111 // The view controller that manages the incognito badge or the multi-profile
112 // avatar button. Depending on whether the --new-profile-management flag is
113 // used, the multi-profile button can either be the avatar's icon badge or a
114 // button with the profile's name. If the flag is used, the button is always
115 // shown, otherwise the view will always be in the view hierarchy but will
116 // be hidden unless it's appropriate to show it (i.e. if there's more than
117 // one profile).
118 base::scoped_nsobject<AvatarBaseController> avatarButtonController_;
120 // Lazily created view which draws the background for the floating set of bars
121 // in presentation mode (for window types having a floating bar; it remains
122 // nil for those which don't).
123 base::scoped_nsobject<NSView> floatingBarBackingView_;
125 // The borderless window used in fullscreen mode when Cocoa's System
126 // Fullscreen API is not being used (or not available, before OS 10.7).
127 base::scoped_nsobject<NSWindow> fullscreenWindow_;
129 // The Cocoa implementation of the PermissionBubbleView.
130 scoped_ptr<PermissionBubbleCocoa> permissionBubbleCocoa_;
132 // True between |-windowWillEnterFullScreen:| and |-windowDidEnterFullScreen:|
133 // to indicate that the window is in the process of transitioning into
134 // fullscreen mode.
135 BOOL enteringFullscreen_;
137 // True between |-setPresentationMode:url:bubbleType:| and
138 // |-windowDidEnterFullScreen:| to indicate that the window is in the process
139 // of transitioning into fullscreen presentation mode.
140 BOOL enteringPresentationMode_;
142 // The size of the original (non-fullscreen) window. This is saved just
143 // before entering fullscreen mode and is only valid when |-isFullscreen|
144 // returns YES.
145 NSRect savedRegularWindowFrame_;
147 // The proportion of the floating bar which is shown (in presentation mode).
148 CGFloat floatingBarShownFraction_;
150 // Various UI elements/events may want to ensure that the floating bar is
151 // visible (in presentation mode), e.g., because of where the mouse is or
152 // where keyboard focus is. Whenever an object requires bar visibility, it has
153 // itself added to |barVisibilityLocks_|. When it no longer requires bar
154 // visibility, it has itself removed.
155 base::scoped_nsobject<NSMutableSet> barVisibilityLocks_;
157 // Bar visibility locks and releases only result (when appropriate) in changes
158 // in visible state when the following is |YES|.
159 BOOL barVisibilityUpdatesEnabled_;
161 // When going fullscreen for a tab, we need to store the URL and the
162 // fullscreen type, since we can't show the bubble until
163 // -windowDidEnterFullScreen: gets called.
164 GURL fullscreenUrl_;
165 FullscreenExitBubbleType fullscreenBubbleType_;
167 // The Extension Command Registry used to determine which keyboard events to
168 // handle.
169 scoped_ptr<ExtensionKeybindingRegistryCocoa> extension_keybinding_registry_;
171 // The number of overlapped views being shown.
172 NSUInteger overlappedViewCount_;
175 // A convenience class method which gets the |BrowserWindowController| for a
176 // given window. This method returns nil if no window in the chain has a BWC.
177 + (BrowserWindowController*)browserWindowControllerForWindow:(NSWindow*)window;
179 // A convenience class method which gets the |BrowserWindowController| for a
180 // given view. This is the controller for the window containing |view|, if it
181 // is a BWC, or the first controller in the parent-window chain that is a
182 // BWC. This method returns nil if no window in the chain has a BWC.
183 + (BrowserWindowController*)browserWindowControllerForView:(NSView*)view;
185 // Helper method used to update the "Signin" menu item to reflect the current
186 // signed in state. Class-level function as it's still required even when there
187 // are no open browser windows.
188 + (void)updateSigninItem:(id)signinItem
189 shouldShow:(BOOL)showSigninMenuItem
190 currentProfile:(Profile*)profile;
192 // Load the browser window nib and do any Cocoa-specific initialization.
193 // Takes ownership of |browser|.
194 - (id)initWithBrowser:(Browser*)browser;
196 // Call to make the browser go away from other places in the cross-platform
197 // code.
198 - (void)destroyBrowser;
200 // Ensure bounds for the window abide by the minimum window size.
201 - (gfx::Rect)enforceMinWindowSize:(gfx::Rect)bounds;
203 // Access the C++ bridge between the NSWindow and the rest of Chromium.
204 - (BrowserWindow*)browserWindow;
206 // Return a weak pointer to the toolbar controller.
207 - (ToolbarController*)toolbarController;
209 // Return a weak pointer to the tab strip controller.
210 - (TabStripController*)tabStripController;
212 // Return a weak pointer to the find bar controller.
213 - (FindBarCocoaController*)findBarCocoaController;
215 // Access the ObjC controller that contains the infobars.
216 - (InfoBarContainerController*)infoBarContainerController;
218 // Access the C++ bridge object representing the status bubble for the window.
219 - (StatusBubbleMac*)statusBubble;
221 // Access the C++ bridge object representing the location bar.
222 - (LocationBarViewMac*)locationBarBridge;
224 // Returns a weak pointer to the floating bar backing view;
225 - (NSView*)floatingBarBackingView;
227 // Returns a weak pointer to the overlayable contents controller.
228 - (OverlayableContentsController*)overlayableContentsController;
230 // Access the Profile object that backs this Browser.
231 - (Profile*)profile;
233 // Access the avatar button controller.
234 - (AvatarBaseController*)avatarButtonController;
236 // Forces the toolbar (and transitively the location bar) to update its current
237 // state. If |tab| is non-NULL, we're switching (back?) to this tab and should
238 // restore any previous location bar state (such as user editing) as well.
239 - (void)updateToolbarWithContents:(content::WebContents*)tab;
241 // Sets whether or not the current page in the frontmost tab is bookmarked.
242 - (void)setStarredState:(BOOL)isStarred;
244 // Sets whether or not the current page is translated.
245 - (void)setCurrentPageIsTranslated:(BOOL)on;
247 // Happens when the zoom level is changed in the active tab, the active tab is
248 // changed, or a new browser window or tab is created. |canShowBubble| denotes
249 // whether it would be appropriate to show a zoom bubble or not.
250 - (void)zoomChangedForActiveTab:(BOOL)canShowBubble;
252 // Return the rect, in WebKit coordinates (flipped), of the window's grow box
253 // in the coordinate system of the content area of the currently selected tab.
254 - (NSRect)selectedTabGrowBoxRect;
256 // Called to tell the selected tab to update its loading state.
257 // |force| is set if the update is due to changing tabs, as opposed to
258 // the page-load finishing. See comment in reload_button.h.
259 - (void)setIsLoading:(BOOL)isLoading force:(BOOL)force;
261 // Brings this controller's window to the front.
262 - (void)activate;
264 // Make the location bar the first responder, if possible.
265 - (void)focusLocationBar:(BOOL)selectAll;
267 // Make the (currently-selected) tab contents the first responder, if possible.
268 - (void)focusTabContents;
270 // Returns the frame of the regular (non-fullscreened) window (even if the
271 // window is currently in fullscreen mode). The frame is returned in Cocoa
272 // coordinates (origin in bottom-left).
273 - (NSRect)regularWindowFrame;
275 // Whether or not to show the avatar, which is either the incognito guy or the
276 // user's profile avatar.
277 - (BOOL)shouldShowAvatar;
279 // Whether or not to show the new avatar button used by --new-profile-maagement.
280 - (BOOL)shouldUseNewAvatarButton;
282 - (BOOL)isBookmarkBarVisible;
284 // Returns YES if the bookmark bar is currently animating.
285 - (BOOL)isBookmarkBarAnimating;
287 - (BookmarkBarController*)bookmarkBarController;
289 - (DevToolsController*)devToolsController;
291 - (BOOL)isDownloadShelfVisible;
293 // Lazily creates the download shelf in visible state if it doesn't exist yet.
294 - (DownloadShelfController*)downloadShelf;
296 // Retains the given FindBarCocoaController and adds its view to this
297 // browser window. Must only be called once per
298 // BrowserWindowController.
299 - (void)addFindBar:(FindBarCocoaController*)findBarCocoaController;
301 // The user changed the theme.
302 - (void)userChangedTheme;
304 // Executes the command in the context of the current browser.
305 // |command| is an integer value containing one of the constants defined in the
306 // "chrome/app/chrome_command_ids.h" file.
307 - (void)executeCommand:(int)command;
309 // Consults the Command Registry to see if this |event| needs to be handled as
310 // an extension command and returns YES if so (NO otherwise).
311 - (BOOL)handledByExtensionCommand:(NSEvent*)event;
313 // Delegate method for the status bubble to query its base frame.
314 - (NSRect)statusBubbleBaseFrame;
316 // Show the bookmark bubble (e.g. user just clicked on the STAR)
317 - (void)showBookmarkBubbleForURL:(const GURL&)url
318 alreadyBookmarked:(BOOL)alreadyBookmarked;
320 // Show the translate bubble.
321 - (void)showTranslateBubbleForWebContents:(content::WebContents*)contents
322 step:
323 (TranslateTabHelper::TranslateStep)step
324 errorType:(TranslateErrors::Type)errorType;
326 // Shows or hides the docked web inspector depending on |contents|'s state.
327 - (void)updateDevToolsForContents:(content::WebContents*)contents;
329 // Gets the current theme provider.
330 - (ui::ThemeProvider*)themeProvider;
332 // Gets the window style.
333 - (ThemedWindowStyle)themedWindowStyle;
335 // Returns the position in the coordinates of the root view
336 // ([[self contentView] superview]) that the top left of a theme image with
337 // |alignment| should be painted at. If the window does not have a tab strip,
338 // the offset for THEME_IMAGE_ALIGN_WITH_FRAME is always returned. The result of
339 // this method can be used in conjunction with
340 // [NSGraphicsContext cr_setPatternPhase:] to set the offset of pattern colors.
341 - (NSPoint)themeImagePositionForAlignment:(ThemeImageAlignment)alignment;
343 // Return the point to which a bubble window's arrow should point, in window
344 // coordinates.
345 - (NSPoint)bookmarkBubblePoint;
347 // Called when the Add Search Engine dialog is closed.
348 - (void)sheetDidEnd:(NSWindow*)sheet
349 returnCode:(NSInteger)code
350 context:(void*)context;
352 // Called when the find bar visibility changes. This is used to update the
353 // allowOverlappingViews state.
354 - (void)onFindBarVisibilityChanged;
356 // Called when an overlapped view is shown. This is used to update the
357 // allowOverlappingViews state. Currently used for history overlay and
358 // confirm bubble.
359 - (void)onOverlappedViewShown;
361 // Called when a history overlay is hidden. This is used to update the
362 // allowOverlappingViews state. Currently used for history overlay and
363 // confirm bubble.
364 - (void)onOverlappedViewHidden;
366 // Executes the command registered by the extension that has the given id.
367 - (void)executeExtensionCommand:(const std::string&)extension_id
368 command:(const extensions::Command&)command;
370 // Activates the page action for the extension that has the given id.
371 - (void)activatePageAction:(const std::string&)extension_id;
373 // Activates the browser action for the extension that has the given id.
374 - (void)activateBrowserAction:(const std::string&)extension_id;
376 @end // @interface BrowserWindowController
379 // Methods having to do with the window type (normal/popup/app, and whether the
380 // window has various features; fullscreen and presentation mode methods are
381 // separate).
382 @interface BrowserWindowController(WindowType)
384 // Determines whether this controller's window supports a given feature (i.e.,
385 // whether a given feature is or can be shown in the window).
386 // TODO(viettrungluu): |feature| is really should be |Browser::Feature|, but I
387 // don't want to include browser.h (and you can't forward declare enums).
388 - (BOOL)supportsWindowFeature:(int)feature;
390 // Called to check whether or not this window has a normal title bar (YES if it
391 // does, NO otherwise). (E.g., normal browser windows do not, pop-ups do.)
392 - (BOOL)hasTitleBar;
394 // Called to check whether or not this window has a toolbar (YES if it does, NO
395 // otherwise). (E.g., normal browser windows do, pop-ups do not.)
396 - (BOOL)hasToolbar;
398 // Called to check whether or not this window has a location bar (YES if it
399 // does, NO otherwise). (E.g., normal browser windows do, pop-ups may or may
400 // not.)
401 - (BOOL)hasLocationBar;
403 // Called to check whether or not this window can have bookmark bar (YES if it
404 // does, NO otherwise). (E.g., normal browser windows may, pop-ups may not.)
405 - (BOOL)supportsBookmarkBar;
407 // Called to check if this controller's window is a tabbed window (e.g., not a
408 // pop-up window). Returns YES if it is, NO otherwise.
409 // Note: The |-has...| methods are usually preferred, so this method is largely
410 // deprecated.
411 - (BOOL)isTabbedWindow;
413 @end // @interface BrowserWindowController(WindowType)
416 // Methods having to do with fullscreen and presentation mode.
417 @interface BrowserWindowController(Fullscreen)
419 // Toggles fullscreen mode. Meant to be called by Lion windows when they enter
420 // or exit Lion fullscreen mode. Must not be called on Snow Leopard or earlier.
421 - (void)handleLionToggleFullscreen;
423 // Enters (or exits) fullscreen mode. This method is safe to call on all OS
424 // versions.
425 - (void)enterFullscreen;
426 - (void)exitFullscreen;
428 // Updates the contents of the fullscreen exit bubble with |url| and
429 // |bubbleType|.
430 - (void)updateFullscreenExitBubbleURL:(const GURL&)url
431 bubbleType:(FullscreenExitBubbleType)bubbleType;
433 // Returns fullscreen state: YES when the window is in fullscreen or is
434 // animating into fullscreen.
435 - (BOOL)isFullscreen;
437 // Returns YES if the browser window is currently in fullscreen via the built-in
438 // immersive mechanism.
439 - (BOOL)isInImmersiveFullscreen;
441 // Returns YES if the browser window is currently in fullscreen via the Cocoa
442 // System Fullscreen API.
443 - (BOOL)isInSystemFullscreen;
445 // Enters (or exits) presentation mode. Also enters fullscreen mode if this
446 // window is not already fullscreen. This method is safe to call on all OS
447 // versions.
448 - (void)enterPresentationModeForURL:(const GURL&)url
449 bubbleType:(FullscreenExitBubbleType)bubbleType;
450 - (void)exitPresentationMode;
452 // For simplified fullscreen: Enters fullscreen for a tab at a URL. The |url|
453 // is guaranteed to be non-empty; see -enterFullscreen for the user-initiated
454 // fullscreen mode. Called on Snow Leopard and Lion+.
455 - (void)enterFullscreenForURL:(const GURL&)url
456 bubbleType:(FullscreenExitBubbleType)bubbleType;
458 // Returns presentation mode state. This method is safe to call on all OS
459 // versions.
460 - (BOOL)inPresentationMode;
462 // Resizes the fullscreen window to fit the screen it's currently on. Called by
463 // the PresentationModeController when there is a change in monitor placement or
464 // resolution.
465 - (void)resizeFullscreenWindow;
467 // Gets or sets the fraction of the floating bar (presentation mode overlay)
468 // that is shown. 0 is completely hidden, 1 is fully shown.
469 - (CGFloat)floatingBarShownFraction;
470 - (void)setFloatingBarShownFraction:(CGFloat)fraction;
472 // Query/lock/release the requirement that the tab strip/toolbar/attached
473 // bookmark bar bar cluster is visible (e.g., when one of its elements has
474 // focus). This is required for the floating bar in presentation mode, but
475 // should also be called when not in presentation mode; see the comments for
476 // |barVisibilityLocks_| for more details. Double locks/releases by the same
477 // owner are ignored. If |animate:| is YES, then an animation may be performed,
478 // possibly after a small delay if |delay:| is YES. If |animate:| is NO,
479 // |delay:| will be ignored. In the case of multiple calls, later calls have
480 // precedence with the rule that |animate:NO| has precedence over |animate:YES|,
481 // and |delay:NO| has precedence over |delay:YES|.
482 - (BOOL)isBarVisibilityLockedForOwner:(id)owner;
483 - (void)lockBarVisibilityForOwner:(id)owner
484 withAnimation:(BOOL)animate
485 delay:(BOOL)delay;
486 - (void)releaseBarVisibilityForOwner:(id)owner
487 withAnimation:(BOOL)animate
488 delay:(BOOL)delay;
490 // Returns YES if any of the views in the floating bar currently has focus.
491 - (BOOL)floatingBarHasFocus;
493 @end // @interface BrowserWindowController(Fullscreen)
496 // Methods which are either only for testing, or only public for testing.
497 @interface BrowserWindowController (TestingAPI)
499 // Put the incognito badge or multi-profile avatar on the browser and adjust the
500 // tab strip accordingly.
501 - (void)installAvatar;
503 // Allows us to initWithBrowser withOUT taking ownership of the browser.
504 - (id)initWithBrowser:(Browser*)browser takeOwnership:(BOOL)ownIt;
506 // Adjusts the window height by the given amount. If the window spans from the
507 // top of the current workspace to the bottom of the current workspace, the
508 // height is not adjusted. If growing the window by the requested amount would
509 // size the window to be taller than the current workspace, the window height is
510 // capped to be equal to the height of the current workspace. If the window is
511 // partially offscreen, its height is not adjusted at all. This function
512 // prefers to grow the window down, but will grow up if needed. Calls to this
513 // function should be followed by a call to |layoutSubviews|.
514 // Returns if the window height was changed.
515 - (BOOL)adjustWindowHeightBy:(CGFloat)deltaH;
517 // Return an autoreleased NSWindow suitable for fullscreen use.
518 - (NSWindow*)createFullscreenWindow;
520 // Resets any saved state about window growth (due to showing the bookmark bar
521 // or the download shelf), so that future shrinking will occur from the bottom.
522 - (void)resetWindowGrowthState;
524 // Computes by how far in each direction, horizontal and vertical, the
525 // |source| rect doesn't fit into |target|.
526 - (NSSize)overflowFrom:(NSRect)source
527 to:(NSRect)target;
529 // The fullscreen exit bubble controller, or nil if the bubble isn't showing.
530 - (FullscreenExitBubbleController*)fullscreenExitBubbleController;
532 // Gets the rect, in window base coordinates, that the omnibox popup should be
533 // positioned relative to.
534 - (NSRect)omniboxPopupAnchorRect;
536 // Force a layout of info bars.
537 - (void)layoutInfoBars;
539 @end // @interface BrowserWindowController (TestingAPI)