Rewrite AndroidSyncSettings to be significantly simpler.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / third_party / libxml / patches / icu-win32
1 diff --git a/third_party/libxml/win32/Makefile.msvc b/third_party/libxml/win32/Makefile.msvc
2 index 2409905..253c46e 100644
3 --- a/third_party/libxml/win32/Makefile.msvc
4 +++ b/third_party/libxml/win32/Makefile.msvc
5 @@ -71,6 +71,9 @@ LIBS = $(LIBS) wsock32.lib ws2_32.lib
6  !if "$(WITH_ICONV)" == "1"
7  LIBS = $(LIBS) iconv.lib
8  !endif 
9 +!if "$(WITH_ICU)" == "1"
10 +LIBS = $(LIBS) icu.lib
11 +!endif
12  !if "$(WITH_ZLIB)" == "1"
13  LIBS = $(LIBS) zdll.lib
14  !endif
15 diff --git a/third_party/libxml/win32/configure.js b/third_party/libxml/win32/configure.js
16 index e71d2af..75def3f 100644
17 --- a/third_party/libxml/win32/configure.js
18 +++ b/third_party/libxml/win32/configure.js
19 @@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ var withXpath = true;
20  var withXptr = true;
21  var withXinclude = true;
22  var withIconv = true;
23 +var withIcu = false;
24  var withIso8859x = false;
25  var withZlib = false;
26  var withDebug = true;
27 @@ -124,6 +125,7 @@ function usage()
28         txt += "  xptr:       Enable XPointer support (" + (withXptr? "yes" : "no")  + ")\n";
29         txt += "  xinclude:   Enable XInclude support (" + (withXinclude? "yes" : "no")  + ")\n";
30         txt += "  iconv:      Enable iconv support (" + (withIconv? "yes" : "no")  + ")\n";
31 +       txt += "  icu:        Enable icu support (" + (withIcu? "yes" : "no")  + ")\n";
32         txt += "  iso8859x:   Enable ISO8859X support (" + (withIso8859x? "yes" : "no")  + ")\n";
33         txt += "  zlib:       Enable zlib support (" + (withZlib? "yes" : "no")  + ")\n";
34         txt += "  xml_debug:  Enable XML debbugging module (" + (withDebug? "yes" : "no")  + ")\n";
35 @@ -233,6 +235,7 @@ function discoverVersion()
36         vf.WriteLine("WITH_XPTR=" + (withXptr? "1" : "0"));
37         vf.WriteLine("WITH_XINCLUDE=" + (withXinclude? "1" : "0"));
38         vf.WriteLine("WITH_ICONV=" + (withIconv? "1" : "0"));
39 +       vf.WriteLine("WITH_ICU=" + (withIcu? "1" : "0"));
40         vf.WriteLine("WITH_ISO8859X=" + (withIso8859x? "1" : "0"));
41         vf.WriteLine("WITH_ZLIB=" + (withZlib? "1" : "0"));
42         vf.WriteLine("WITH_DEBUG=" + (withDebug? "1" : "0"));
43 @@ -319,6 +322,8 @@ function configureLibxml()
44                         of.WriteLine(s.replace(/\@WITH_XINCLUDE\@/, withXinclude? "1" : "0"));
45                 } else if (\@WITH_ICONV\@/) != -1) {
46                         of.WriteLine(s.replace(/\@WITH_ICONV\@/, withIconv? "1" : "0"));
47 +               } else if (\@WITH_ICU\@/) != -1) {
48 +                       of.WriteLine(s.replace(/\@WITH_ICU\@/, withIcu? "1" : "0"));
49                 } else if (\@WITH_ISO8859X\@/) != -1) {
50                         of.WriteLine(s.replace(/\@WITH_ISO8859X\@/, withIso8859x? "1" : "0"));
51                 } else if (\@WITH_ZLIB\@/) != -1) {
52 @@ -462,6 +467,8 @@ for (i = 0; (i < WScript.Arguments.length) && (error == 0); i++) {
53                         withXinclude = strToBool(arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length));
54                 else if (opt == "iconv")
55                         withIconv = strToBool(arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length));
56 +               else if (opt == "icu")
57 +                       withIcu = strToBool(arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length));
58                 else if (opt == "iso8859x")
59                         withIso8859x = strToBool(arg.substring(opt.length + 1, arg.length));
60                 else if (opt == "zlib")
61 @@ -646,6 +653,7 @@ txtOut += "     XPath support: " + boolToStr(withXpath) + "\n";
62  txtOut += "  XPointer support: " + boolToStr(withXptr) + "\n";
63  txtOut += "  XInclude support: " + boolToStr(withXinclude) + "\n";
64  txtOut += "     iconv support: " + boolToStr(withIconv) + "\n";
65 +txtOut += "     icu   support: " + boolToStr(withIcu) + "\n";
66  txtOut += "  iso8859x support: " + boolToStr(withIso8859x) + "\n";
67  txtOut += "      zlib support: " + boolToStr(withZlib) + "\n";
68  txtOut += "  Debugging module: " + boolToStr(withDebug) + "\n";