Lots of random cleanups, mostly for native_theme_win.cc:
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / net / quic / quic_connection_logger.h
1 // Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <bitset>
10 #include "net/base/ip_endpoint.h"
11 #include "net/base/net_log.h"
12 #include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h"
13 #include "net/quic/quic_connection.h"
14 #include "net/quic/quic_protocol.h"
16 namespace net {
18 class CryptoHandshakeMessage;
20 // This class is a debug visitor of a QuicConnection which logs
21 // events to |net_log|.
22 class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE QuicConnectionLogger
23 : public QuicConnectionDebugVisitor {
24 public:
25 explicit QuicConnectionLogger(const BoundNetLog& net_log);
27 virtual ~QuicConnectionLogger();
29 // QuicPacketGenerator::DebugDelegateInterface
30 virtual void OnFrameAddedToPacket(const QuicFrame& frame) OVERRIDE;
32 // QuicConnectionDebugVisitorInterface
33 virtual void OnPacketSent(QuicPacketSequenceNumber sequence_number,
34 EncryptionLevel level,
35 TransmissionType transmission_type,
36 const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet,
37 WriteResult result) OVERRIDE;
38 virtual void OnPacketRetransmitted(
39 QuicPacketSequenceNumber old_sequence_number,
40 QuicPacketSequenceNumber new_sequence_number) OVERRIDE;
41 virtual void OnPacketReceived(const IPEndPoint& self_address,
42 const IPEndPoint& peer_address,
43 const QuicEncryptedPacket& packet) OVERRIDE;
44 virtual void OnProtocolVersionMismatch(QuicVersion version) OVERRIDE;
45 virtual void OnPacketHeader(const QuicPacketHeader& header) OVERRIDE;
46 virtual void OnStreamFrame(const QuicStreamFrame& frame) OVERRIDE;
47 virtual void OnAckFrame(const QuicAckFrame& frame) OVERRIDE;
48 virtual void OnCongestionFeedbackFrame(
49 const QuicCongestionFeedbackFrame& frame) OVERRIDE;
50 virtual void OnStopWaitingFrame(const QuicStopWaitingFrame& frame) OVERRIDE;
51 virtual void OnRstStreamFrame(const QuicRstStreamFrame& frame) OVERRIDE;
52 virtual void OnConnectionCloseFrame(
53 const QuicConnectionCloseFrame& frame) OVERRIDE;
54 virtual void OnWindowUpdateFrame(const QuicWindowUpdateFrame& frame) OVERRIDE;
55 virtual void OnBlockedFrame(const QuicBlockedFrame& frame) OVERRIDE;
56 virtual void OnGoAwayFrame(const QuicGoAwayFrame& frame) OVERRIDE;
57 virtual void OnPingFrame(const QuicPingFrame& frame) OVERRIDE;
58 virtual void OnPublicResetPacket(
59 const QuicPublicResetPacket& packet) OVERRIDE;
60 virtual void OnVersionNegotiationPacket(
61 const QuicVersionNegotiationPacket& packet) OVERRIDE;
62 virtual void OnRevivedPacket(const QuicPacketHeader& revived_header,
63 base::StringPiece payload) OVERRIDE;
65 void OnCryptoHandshakeMessageReceived(
66 const CryptoHandshakeMessage& message);
67 void OnCryptoHandshakeMessageSent(
68 const CryptoHandshakeMessage& message);
69 void OnConnectionClosed(QuicErrorCode error, bool from_peer);
70 void OnSuccessfulVersionNegotiation(const QuicVersion& version);
71 void UpdateReceivedFrameCounts(QuicStreamId stream_id,
72 int num_frames_received,
73 int num_duplicate_frames_received);
75 private:
76 // Do a factory get for a histogram for recording data, about individual
77 // packet sequence numbers, that was gathered in the vectors
78 // received_packets_ and received_acks_. |statistic_name| identifies which
79 // element of data is recorded, and is used to form the histogram name.
80 base::HistogramBase* GetPacketSequenceNumberHistogram(
81 const char* statistic_name) const;
82 // Do a factory get for a histogram to record a 6-packet loss-sequence as a
83 // sample. The histogram will record the 64 distinct possible combinations.
84 // |which_6| is used to adjust the name of the histogram to distinguish the
85 // first 6 packets in a connection, vs. some later 6 packets.
86 base::HistogramBase* Get6PacketHistogram(const char* which_6) const;
87 // Do a factory get for a histogram to record cumulative stats across a 21
88 // packet sequence. |which_21| is used to adjust the name of the histogram
89 // to distinguish the first 21 packets' loss data, vs. some later 21 packet
90 // sequences' loss data.
91 base::HistogramBase* Get21CumulativeHistogram(const char* which_21) const;
92 // Add samples associated with a |bit_mask_of_packets| to the given histogram
93 // that was provided by Get21CumulativeHistogram(). The LSB of that mask
94 // corresponds to the oldest packet sequence number in the series of packets,
95 // and the bit in the 2^20 position corresponds to the most recently received
96 // packet. Of the maximum of 21 bits that are valid (correspond to packets),
97 // only the most significant |valid_bits_in_mask| are processed.
98 // A bit value of 0 indicates that a packet was never received, and a 1
99 // indicates the packet was received.
100 static void AddTo21CumulativeHistogram(base::HistogramBase* histogram,
101 int bit_mask_of_packets,
102 int valid_bits_in_mask);
103 // For connections longer than 21 received packets, this call will calculate
104 // the overall packet loss rate, and record it into a histogram.
105 void RecordAggregatePacketLossRate() const;
106 // At destruction time, this records results of |pacaket_received_| into
107 // histograms for specific connection types.
108 void RecordLossHistograms() const;
110 BoundNetLog net_log_;
111 // The last packet sequence number received.
112 QuicPacketSequenceNumber last_received_packet_sequence_number_;
113 // The size of the most recently received packet.
114 size_t last_received_packet_size_;
115 // The largest packet sequence number received. In the case where a packet is
116 // received late (out of order), this value will not be updated.
117 QuicPacketSequenceNumber largest_received_packet_sequence_number_;
118 // The largest packet sequence number which the peer has failed to
119 // receive, according to the missing packet set in their ack frames.
120 QuicPacketSequenceNumber largest_received_missing_packet_sequence_number_;
121 // Number of times that the current received packet sequence number is
122 // smaller than the last received packet sequence number.
123 size_t num_out_of_order_received_packets_;
124 // The number of times that OnPacketHeader was called.
125 // If the network replicates packets, then this number may be slightly
126 // different from the real number of distinct packets received.
127 QuicPacketSequenceNumber num_packets_received_;
128 // Number of times a truncated ACK frame was sent.
129 size_t num_truncated_acks_sent_;
130 // Number of times a truncated ACK frame was received.
131 size_t num_truncated_acks_received_;
132 // The kCADR value provided by the server in ServerHello.
133 IPEndPoint local_address_from_shlo_;
134 // The first local address from which a packet was received.
135 IPEndPoint local_address_from_self_;
136 // Count of the number of frames received.
137 int num_frames_received_;
138 // Count of the number of duplicate frames received.
139 int num_duplicate_frames_received_;
140 // Vector of inital packets status' indexed by packet sequence numbers, where
141 // false means never received. Zero is not a valid packet sequence number, so
142 // that offset is never used, and we'll track 150 packets.
143 std::bitset<151> received_packets_;
144 // Vector to indicate which of the initial 150 received packets turned out to
145 // contain solo ACK frames. An element is true iff an ACK frame was in the
146 // corresponding packet, and there was very little else.
147 std::bitset<151> received_acks_;
148 // The available type of connection (WiFi, 3G, etc.) when connection was first
149 // used.
150 const char* const connection_description_;
152 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(QuicConnectionLogger);
155 } // namespace net