3 \pgftransformscale{.72}
4 \pgftransformrotate{-90}
9 \draw (10.3,6.2) node {Surface Pd:};
10 \shade[ball color=green, fill opacity = .5] (10.3, 8.4 ) circle(6mm);
12 \draw(10.3,11.8) node {Oxygen:};
13 \shade[ball color=red, fill opacity = .5] (10.3, 13.4)circle(4mm);
15 \draw (12.0,6.2) node {Pd(100) hollow:};
16 \shade[ball color=black!20] (12.0 , 8.4) circle(2mm);
18 \draw (12.0,11.2) node {Pd(100) bridge:};
19 \draw (12.0,13.4) node[fill=black!20]{};
23 \draw(1,5)rectangle(9.5,14);
24 \clip(1,5)rectangle(9.5,14);
25 \pgftransformshift{\pgfpoint{2cm}{0cm}}
28 \foreach \x in {-1,...,1}{
29 \foreach \y in {-1,...,2}{
30 %***Definition of coordinates***
32 \node(h1) at (6.296+ \x*6.296+ 0.344087905082336,6.296+ \y*6.296+ 0.926618296945273) {};
33 \node(h2) at (\x*6.296+ 1.59113049268837, \y*6.296+ 3.43780332375807 ) {};
34 \node(h3) at (\x*6.296+ 2.84574797953539, \y*6.296+ 5.96310098461172 ) {};
35 \node(h4) at (\x*6.296+ 4.10464369172027, 6.296+ \y*6.296+ 2.21435558239077 ) {};
36 \node(h5) at (\x*6.296+ 5.31053190835417, \y*6.296+ 4.75473569641011 ) {};
41 \node(Pd1) at (\x*6.296+3.2310128485632, \y*6.296+6.2328684774094 ){} ;
42 \node(Pd2) at (\x*6.296+0.0867943321959671,\y*6.296+6.25895314440737){};
43 \node(Pd3) at (\x*6.296+1.65525977156214, \y*6.296+3.23429832279509){} ;
44 \node(Pd4) at (\x*6.296+4.78666152813302, \y*6.296+3.18465154488858){} ;
46 \node(Pd3p10) at (6.296+\x*6.296+1.65525977156214, \y*6.296+3.23429832279509){} ;
49 \node(Pd2p01) at (\x*6.296+0.0867943321959671,6.296+\y*6.296+6.25895314440737){};
50 \node(Pd2p10) at (6.296+\x*6.296+0.0867943321959671,\y*6.296+6.25895314440737){};
53 %note the special syntax to create a node .5 of the line between to existing nodes!
54 \node[outer sep=2.2mm] (bridgeCO1) at ($(Pd3)!.5!(Pd4)$){};
55 \node[outer sep=2.2mm] (bridgeCO2) at ($(Pd3p10)!.5!(Pd4)$){};
58 \node[outer sep=1mm](O1) at (\x*6.296+1.64973919642545, \y*6.296+5.06314831724067){} ;
59 \node[outer sep=1mm](O2) at (\x*6.296+4.81706394091531, \y*6.296+5.04027686526835){} ;
60 \node[outer sep=1mm](O3) at (\x*6.296+1.67703227863746, \y*6.296+1.22762720073791){} ;
61 \node[outer sep=1mm](O4) at (\x*6.296+4.78808503194601, \y*6.296+1.1931186262743 ){} ;
64 \node(h2p21) at (6.296+\x*6.296+ 1.59113049268837, 2*6.296+\y*6.296+ 3.43780332375807 ) {};
65 \node(h2p01) at (\x*6.296+ 1.59113049268837, 6.296+\y*6.296+ 3.43780332375807 ) {};
66 \node(h2p10) at (6.292+\x*6.296+ 1.59113049268837, 0*6.296+\y*6.296+ 3.43780332375807 ) {};
67 \node(h2p12) at (2*6.296+\x*6.296+ 1.59113049268837, -6.296+\y*6.296+ 3.43780332375807 ) {};
68 \node(h2p11) at (1*6.296+\x*6.296+ 1.59113049268837, 6.296+\y*6.296+ 3.43780332375807 ) {};
69 \node(h2p10) at (\x*6.296+ 1.59113049268837, 6.296+\y*6.296+ 3.43780332375807 ) {};
70 \node(h2p01) at (6.296+\x*6.296+ 1.59113049268837, \y*6.296+ 3.43780332375807 ) {};
71 \node(h5p01) at (\x*6.296+ 5.31053190835417, 6.296+\y*6.296+ 4.75473569641011 ) {};
72 \node(h3p10) at (6.296+\x*6.296+ 2.84574797953539, \y*6.296+ 5.96310098461172 ) {};
73 \node(O1p01)[outer sep=2mm] at (O1)[below=6.296*.72cm]{};
74 \node(O3p01)[outer sep=2mm] at (O3)[below=6.296*.72cm]{};
76 %***Visible Objects***
77 %Oxide Bridge positions
78 \foreach \from/\to in {Pd3/Pd4,Pd4/Pd3p10}{
79 %\draw[draw=none](\from)--(\to) node[midway, fill=black!20]{bridge};
82 %Pd(100) Bridge positions
83 \foreach \from/\to in {h2/h3,h3/h5,h3/h4,h4/h1,h5/h1,h1/h2p11,h4/h5p01,h1/h3p10,h2p10/h4,h2p01/h5}{
84 %\draw[draw=none] (\from) --(\to) node[midway, fill=black]{};
86 %\draw[draw=none] (\from) --(\to) node[midway, fill=black!20]{\from-\to};
91 \shade[ball color=blue!40] (bridgeCO\i) circle(6mm);
92 \draw(bridgeCO\i) node {CO};
95 %-1 substrate layer, i.e. Pd(100) hollow sites
96 \foreach \i in {1,...,5}{
97 \shade[ball color=black!20] (h\i) circle(2mm);
99 %Pd(100) Bridge positions
100 \foreach \from/\to in {h2/h3,h3/h5,h3/h4,h4/h1,h5/h1,h1/h2p11,h4/h5p01,h1/h3p10,h2p01/h4,h2p10/h5}{
101 \draw[draw=none] (\from) --(\to) node[midway, fill=black!20]{};
103 %\draw[draw=none] (\from) --(\to) node[midway, fill=black!20]{\from-\to};
105 \foreach \i/\name in {1/top-B,2/top-A,3/bottom-B,4/bottom-A}{
106 \begin{scope}[fill opacity = .5]
108 \shade[ball color=green] (Pd\i) circle(6mm);
111 \draw[<->,decorate, decoration={snake,amplitude=.6mm, segment length=4mm,post length=.5mm, pre length=.5mm}](bridgeCO1)-- (O\i)
113 \shade[ball color=red] (O\i) circle (4mm);
114 \draw(O\i) node {\name};
116 \draw[<->,decorate, decoration={snake,amplitude=.6mm, segment length=4mm,post length=.5mm, pre length=.5mm}](bridgeCO2)-- (O1p01){};
117 \draw[<->,decorate, decoration={snake,amplitude=.6mm, segment length=4mm,post length=.5mm, pre length=.5mm}](bridgeCO2)-- (O3p01){};
118 \draw[<->,decorate, decoration={snake,amplitude=.6mm, segment length=4mm,post length=.5mm, pre length=.5mm}](bridgeCO2)-- (O2){};
119 \draw[<->,decorate, decoration={snake,amplitude=.6mm, segment length=4mm,post length=.5mm, pre length=.5mm}](bridgeCO2)-- (O4){};
120 %-1 substrate grid/hollow-lattice
121 %\draw[very thick] (h2)--(h2p21);
122 %\draw[very thick] (h2)--(h2p12);
124 \draw [dotted] (Pd2)--(Pd2p01);
125 \draw [dotted] (Pd2)--(Pd2p10);
127 \foreach \i in {1,...,5}{
128 %\draw(h\i) node {h\i};
130 \foreach \i in {1,...,4}{
131 %\draw(O\i) node {O\i};
132 %\draw(O\i) node {O\i};
133 %\draw(Pd\i) node {Pd\i};