changes to the parameters of map overview constructors
[cview.git] / lib / CXGN / Cview / Map / SGN /
3 =head1 NAME
5 CXGN::Cview::Map::SGN::Fish - a class to generate cytological fish maps.
7 =head1 SYNOPSYS
9 my $fish = CXGN::Cview::Map::SGN::Fish->new($dbh, 13);
10 $fish->fetch_pachytene_idiogram();
11 my $chr = $fish->get_chromosome(2);
13 # etc...
17 A class to generate cytological fish maps. Two idiograms are supported: "stack" and "dejong", which differ slightly, but no fundamentally. The "dejong" represenation was used till Oct 2009, upon Steve's request we changed to the "stack"representation by default. The third argument in the constructor can still be given as "dejong" to produce the De Jong idiograms.
19 =head1 AUTHOR(S)
21 Lukas Mueller <>
23 =head1 VERSION
25 1.1
29 Copyright (c) 2009 Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research
31 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
32 it under the same terms as Perl itself.
35 =head1 FUNCTIONS
37 This class implements the following functions:
39 =cut
41 use strict;
42 use warnings;
44 package CXGN::Cview::Map::SGN::Fish;
46 use CXGN::Cview::Map;
47 use CXGN::Cview::Map::Tools;
48 use CXGN::Cview::Marker::FISHMarker;
50 use base qw | CXGN::Cview::Map::SGN::Genetic |;
52 =head2 constructor new()
54 Synopsis: my $pi = CXGN::Cview::Map::SGN::Fish->new(
55 $dbh, $id, $version );
56 Arguments: a database handle
57 an id (for SGN, this is map_id=13
58 a version (either "stack" or "dejong", used
59 to draw the pachytene representation accordingly).
60 Returns: a CXGN::Cview::Map::SGN::Fish object
62 =cut
64 sub new {
65 my $class = shift;
66 my $dbh = shift;
67 my $id = shift;
68 my $args = shift;
70 my $self = $class->SUPER::new($dbh, $id);
71 $self->set_id($id);
73 $self->{pachytene_version} = $args->{pachytene_version};
74 $self->{basepath} = $args->{basepath};
75 $self->{documents_subdir} = $args->{documents_subdir};
76 $self->{pachytene_file} = $args->{pachytene_file};
78 $self->set_preferred_chromosome_width(12);
79 $self->set_chromosome_names("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12");
80 $self->set_chromosome_count(12);
81 $self->fetch_pachytene_idiograms();
82 $self->set_units("%");
83 $self->set_legend(CXGN::Cview::Legend->new());
84 return $self;
87 =head2 function fetch_pachytene_idiogram()
89 Synopsis: $pi->fetch_pachytene_idiogram
90 Arguments: loads the pachytene idiogram from a standard location.
91 Returns: nothing
92 Side effects: the idiogram definition fetched will be the
93 basis for the chromosome rendering
94 Description:
96 =cut
98 sub fetch_pachytene_idiograms {
99 my $self = shift;
101 #my $file_name = "pachytene_stack.txt";
103 #if (defined($self->{pachytene_version}) && $self->{pachytene_version} =~/dejong/i ) {
104 # $file_name = "pachytene_tomato_dapi.txt";
107 # my $data_folder="../../documents/cview/pachytene";
109 #print STDERR "DATA FOLDER: $data_folder\n";
111 open (my $F, '<', $self->{pachytene_file}) || die "Can't open pachytene def file: $self->{pachytene_file} ... $!";
112 my %chr_len=();;
113 @{$self->{pachytene_idiograms}} = ();
114 for my $n ($self->get_chromosome_names()) {
115 push @{$self->{pachytene_idiograms}}, CXGN::Cview::Chromosome::PachyteneIdiogram->new();
117 my $short_arm=0;
118 my $long_arm=0;
120 my $old_chr = "";
121 my ($chr, $type, $start, $end) = (undef, undef, undef, undef);
122 while (<$F>) {
123 chomp;
125 # skip comment lines.
126 if (/^\#/) { next(); }
127 ($chr, $type, $start, $end) = split/\t/;
129 if ($chr ne $old_chr) {
130 $chr_len{$old_chr}=($short_arm + $long_arm);
131 $short_arm = 0;
132 $long_arm = 0;
133 $old_chr = $chr;
136 #print STDERR "Adding feature $type ($start, $end)\n";
137 $self->{pachytene_idiograms}->[$chr-1] -> add_feature($type, $start, $end);
139 if ($type eq "short_arm") {
140 $short_arm = abs($start) + abs($end);
142 if ($type eq "long_arm") {
143 $long_arm = abs($start) + abs($end);
147 # deal with the last entry
148 $chr_len{$chr}=($short_arm + $long_arm);
150 my @chr_len = ();
151 foreach my $n ($self->get_chromosome_names()) {
152 push @chr_len, $chr_len{$n};
154 #print STDERR "Setting chromosome lengths to : ".(join " ", @chr_len)."\n";
155 $self->set_chromosome_lengths(@chr_len);
156 #print STDERR "Getting chromosome lengths: ".(join " ", $self->get_chromosome_lengths())."\n";
162 sub get_pachytene_idiogram {
163 my $self = shift;
164 my $chr_index = shift;
165 return $self->{pachytene_idiograms}->[$chr_index];
168 =head2 function get_chromosome()
170 See parent class for description
172 =cut
174 sub get_chromosome {
175 my $self = shift;
176 my $chr_nr = shift;
178 my $chromosome = $self->get_pachytene_idiogram($chr_nr-1);
180 # The following query is a composition of 3 subqueries (look for the 'AS'
181 # keywords), joined using the clone_id. Here's what the subqueries do:
183 # * clone_id_and_percent: gets the average percent distance from the
184 # centromere as a signed float between -1.0 and +1.0, for each
185 # BAC on a given chromosome. This is done by first computing the
186 # average absolute distance from the centromere (signed, in um),
187 # and then dividing by the length of the arm that the average
188 # would be located on.
190 # * min_marker_for_clone: finds one marker associated with the BAC
191 # (if any).
193 # * clone_info: finds the library shortname and clone name components.
194 my $query = "
195 SELECT shortname, clone_id, platenum, wellrow, wellcol, percent, marker_id
196 FROM (SELECT clone_id, (CASE WHEN absdist < 0
197 THEN absdist / short_arm_length
198 ELSE absdist / long_arm_length END) AS percent
199 FROM (SELECT clone_id, chromo_num,
200 AVG(percent_from_centromere * arm_length *
201 CASE WHEN r.chromo_arm = 'P' THEN -1 ELSE 1 END)
202 AS absdist
203 FROM fish_result r
204 JOIN fish_karyotype_constants k USING (chromo_num, chromo_arm)
205 WHERE chromo_num = ?
206 GROUP BY clone_id, chromo_num) AS clone_id_and_absdist
207 JOIN (SELECT k1.chromo_num, k1.arm_length AS short_arm_length,
208 k2.arm_length AS long_arm_length
209 FROM fish_karyotype_constants k1
210 JOIN fish_karyotype_constants k2 USING (chromo_num)
211 WHERE k1.chromo_arm = 'P' AND k2.chromo_arm = 'Q')
212 AS karyotype_rearranged USING (chromo_num))
213 AS clone_id_and_percent
215 LEFT JOIN physical.bac_marker_matches ON (clone_id=bac_id)
217 LEFT JOIN (SELECT shortname, clone_id, platenum, wellrow, wellcol
218 FROM genomic.clone
219 JOIN genomic.library USING (library_id))
220 AS clone_info USING (clone_id)
221 GROUP BY clone_id, shortname, platenum, wellrow, wellcol, percent, marker_id ORDER BY percent
224 my $sth = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($query);
225 $sth->execute($chr_nr);
226 while (my ($library_name, $clone_id, $platenum, $wellcol, $wellrow, $percent, $marker_id) = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
227 my $offset = 0;
228 my $factor = 0;
229 $offset = $percent * 100;
231 #print STDERR "OFFSET $offset \%\n";
233 my $clone_name = CXGN::Genomic::Clone->retrieve($clone_id)->clone_name();
235 my $m = CXGN::Cview::Marker::FISHMarker -> new($chromosome, $marker_id, $clone_name, "", 3, $offset+100, "", $offset );
236 $m -> set_url("/maps/physical/".$clone_id);
237 $chromosome->add_marker($m);
239 return $chromosome;
242 =head2 function get_overgo_chromosome()
244 See parent class for description
246 =cut
248 sub get_overgo_chromosome {
249 my $self = shift;
250 my $chr_nr = shift;
251 my $chr = $self->get_chromosome($chr_nr);
253 $chr->set_vertical_offset_centromere();
254 return $chr;
258 =head2 function get_chromosome_connections()
260 See parent class for description
262 =cut
264 sub get_chromosome_connections {
265 my $self = shift;
266 my $chr_nr = shift;
267 my @chr_list = ();
268 my $map_version_id = CXGN::Cview::Map::Tools::find_current_version($self->get_dbh(), CXGN::Cview::Map::Tools::current_tomato_map_id );
269 #print STDERR "Map_version_id is : $map_version_id. \n";
270 push @chr_list, { map_version_id=>$map_version_id, short_name=>"F2-2000", lg_name=>$chr_nr, marker_count=>"?" };
271 return @chr_list;
276 =head2 function get_preferred_chromosome_width()
278 This function returns 12. Yep.
280 =cut
282 sub get_preferred_chromosome_width {
283 return 12;
286 =head2 function collapsed_marker_count()
288 This function returns a large number (hard-coded) to make sure that no fish experiments are hidden from the chromosome view (if the number of fish experiments becomes really large this will need to be revisited).
290 =cut
292 sub collapsed_marker_count {
293 return 2000;
296 sub can_zoom {
297 return 0;
300 =head2 function get_map_stats()
302 See parent class for description.
304 =cut
306 sub get_map_stats {
307 my $self = shift;
308 my $query = "SELECT count(distinct(clone_id)) FROM sgn.fish_result";
309 my $sth = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($query);
310 $sth->execute();
311 my ($count) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
312 return "Total number of fished clones: $count\n";
315 =head2 function get_marker_count()
317 See parent class for description.
319 =cut
321 sub get_marker_count {
322 my $self = shift;
323 my $chr_nr = shift;
324 my $query = "SELECT count(distinct(clone_id)) FROM sgn.fish_result WHERE chromo_num=?";
325 my $sth = $self->get_dbh()->prepare($query);
326 $sth->execute($chr_nr);
327 my ($count) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
328 return $count;