Get rid of some warnings in CXGN::Cview::Chromosome::Vector
[cview.git] / lib / CXGN / Cview / Map_overviews /
4 =head1 NAME
6 CXGN::Cview::Map_overviews::Generic - a class to display generic genetic map overviews.
8 =head1 SYNOPSYS
10 see L<CXGN::Cview::Map_overviews>.
15 =head1 AUTHOR(S)
17 Lukas Mueller (
19 Isaak Tecle (
21 =head1 VERSION
24 =head1 LICENSE
27 =head1 FUNCTIONS
29 This class implements the following functions:
31 =cut
35 use strict;
37 package CXGN::Cview::Map_overviews::QTL_overview;
39 use CXGN::Cview::Map::Tools;
40 use CXGN::Marker::Tools qw | clean_marker_name |;
41 use CXGN::Cview::Chromosome::LineGraph;
42 use base qw ( CXGN::Cview::Map_overviews::Generic );
45 =head2 function new()
47 Synopsis: my $overview = CXGN::Cview::Map_overviews::QTL_overview->
48 new(CXGN::Cview::Map::SGN::Genetic->new(9),$qtl_file);
49 Arguments: (1) The a CXGN::Cview::Map object for the map to be
50 displayed.
51 (2) the QTL file from R/QTL
52 this file has the format:
53 marker_name \t chromosome \t position \t lod score
54 Returns: an overview object (constructor)
55 Side effects: sets up the overview object.
56 Description:
58 =cut
60 sub new {
61 my $class = shift;
62 my $map = shift;
63 my $qtl_file =shift;
64 my $force = shift;
66 my $self = $class -> SUPER::new($map, $force);
68 #print STDERR "We are in the constructure now\n";
69 if (!$map) { exit(); }
70 $self->set_qtl_file($qtl_file);
71 $self->set_map($map);
72 return $self;
76 # sub render {
77 # my $self = shift;
78 # my $map_width=$self->get_image_width();
79 # my $image_height = $self->get_image_height();
80 # my $top_margin = 40;
82 # my @c = ();
84 # $self->set_chromosomes(\@c);
85 # }
87 sub render {
88 my $self = shift;
89 my $map_width=$self->get_image_width();
90 my $image_height = $self->get_image_height();
91 my $top_margin = 40;
92 $self->{map_image}= CXGN::Cview::MapImage->new("", $map_width, $image_height);
94 $self->SUPER::render($map_width, $image_height);
96 my $c = $self->get_chromosomes();
98 my @graphs = ();
100 my $maximum = -99999;
102 #print STDERR "Current QTL file is ".$self->get_qtl_file()."\n";
103 open (my $F, "<", $self->get_qtl_file()) || die "Can't open qtl file ".$self->get_qtl_file()." $!";
104 my $first_line = <$F>;
105 while (<$F>) {
106 chomp;
107 my ($marker, $chr, $pos, $lod) = split /\s+/;
109 #print STDERR "$marker, $chr, $pos, $lod\n";
111 if ($lod>$maximum) { $maximum = $lod; }
112 if (!exists($graphs[$chr])) {
113 $graphs[$chr]=CXGN::Cview::Chromosome::LineGraph->new();
114 $graphs[$chr]->set_width($self->get_horizontal_spacing() - $c->[$chr-1]->get_width() -8);
115 $graphs[$chr]->set_horizontal_offset($c->[$chr-1]->get_horizontal_offset() + $c->[$chr-1]->get_width()/2 + $graphs[$chr]->get_width()/2 + 4) ;
117 $graphs[$chr]->set_vertical_offset($c->[$chr-1]->get_vertical_offset() );
119 $graphs[$chr]->set_length($c->[$chr-1]->get_length());
120 $graphs[$chr]->set_height($c->[$chr-1]->get_height());
123 $graphs[$chr]->add_association("LOD", $pos, $lod);
126 #print STDERR "The map has ".scalar(@$c)." chromosomes!\n";
127 for (my $i=0; $i<@$c; $i++) {
128 #print STDERR "Adding graph to chromosome in slot $i...\n";
129 $c->[$i]->set_name($i);
130 $c->[$i]->set_bargraph($graphs[$i+1]);
131 $c->[$i]->show_bargraph();
133 $graphs[$i+1]->set_maximum($maximum);
134 $graphs[$i+1]->set_caption("");
139 sub render_map {
140 my $self = shift;
142 die "We are in render_map in QTL_overview...\n";
143 # set up the cache
144 $self->get_cache()->set_key($self->get_map()->get_id()."-".($self->get_image_height())."-".(join "-", ($self->get_hilite_markers())).__PACKAGE__ );
145 $self->get_cache()->set_map_name("mapmap");
147 if ($self->get_cache()->is_valid()) {
148 return;
151 #print STDERR "Regenerating the map ".$self->get_map()->get_id()."\n";
152 $self->render();
154 $self->get_cache()->set_image_data( $self->{map_image}->render_png_string());
155 $self->get_cache()->set_image_map_data( $self->{map_image}->get_image_map("mapmap") );
160 sub is_fish_map {
161 my $self = shift;
162 if ($self->get_map()->get_type() =~/fish/i) { return 1; }
163 else {
164 return 0;
169 =head2 function get_map
171 Synopsis:
172 Arguments:
173 Returns: gets the map object to refer to.
174 Side effects:
175 Description:
177 =cut
179 sub get_map {
180 my $self=shift;
181 return $self->{map};
184 =head2 function set_map
186 Synopsis:
187 Arguments: the map object to refer to
188 Returns: nothing
189 Side effects: the data about map object will be displayed
190 Description:
192 =cut
194 sub set_map {
195 my $self=shift;
196 $self->{map}=shift;
200 =head2 accessors get_qtl_file, set_qtl_file
202 Usage:
203 Desc:
204 Property
205 Side Effects:
206 Example:
208 =cut
210 sub get_qtl_file {
211 my $self = shift;
212 return $self->{qtl_file};
215 sub set_qtl_file {
216 my $self = shift;
217 $self->{qtl_file} = shift;
222 # no need to override this function here because the default
223 # in the parent class are fine for our purposes.
225 # =head2 function get_cache_key
227 # Synopsis:
228 # Arguments:
229 # Returns:
230 # Side effects:
231 # Description:
233 # =cut
235 # sub get_cache_key {
236 # my $self = shift;
237 # my $key = $self->get_map()->map_id()."-".(join "-", ($self->get_hilite_markers())).__PACKAGE__;
238 # print STDERR "Setting cache key to : $key\n";
239 # return $key;
243 # A deprecated package name.
244 # but providing a compatibility layer...
246 package CXGN::Cview::Map_overviews::generic_map_overview;
248 use base qw | CXGN::Cview::Map_overviews::Generic | ;
250 sub new {
251 my $class = shift;
252 my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
253 return $self;
257 return 1;