before merging master
[inav.git] / lib / main / STM32F7 / Drivers / STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver / Src / stm32f7xx_hal_dma2d.c
1 /**
2 ******************************************************************************
3 * @file stm32f7xx_hal_dma2d.c
4 * @author MCD Application Team
5 * @version V1.2.2
6 * @date 14-April-2017
7 * @brief DMA2D HAL module driver.
8 * This file provides firmware functions to manage the following
9 * functionalities of the DMA2D peripheral:
10 * + Initialization and de-initialization functions
11 * + IO operation functions
12 * + Peripheral Control functions
13 * + Peripheral State and Errors functions
15 @verbatim
16 ==============================================================================
17 ##### How to use this driver #####
18 ==============================================================================
19 [..]
20 (#) Program the required configuration through the following parameters:
21 the transfer mode, the output color mode and the output offset using
22 HAL_DMA2D_Init() function.
24 (#) Program the required configuration through the following parameters:
25 the input color mode, the input color, the input alpha value, the alpha mode,
26 the red/blue swap mode, the inverted alpha mode and the input offset using
27 HAL_DMA2D_ConfigLayer() function for foreground or/and background layer.
29 *** Polling mode IO operation ***
30 =================================
31 [..]
32 (#) Configure pdata parameter (explained hereafter), destination and data length
33 and enable the transfer using HAL_DMA2D_Start().
34 (#) Wait for end of transfer using HAL_DMA2D_PollForTransfer(), at this stage
35 user can specify the value of timeout according to his end application.
37 *** Interrupt mode IO operation ***
38 ===================================
39 [..]
40 (#) Configure pdata parameter, destination and data length and enable
41 the transfer using HAL_DMA2D_Start_IT().
42 (#) Use HAL_DMA2D_IRQHandler() called under DMA2D_IRQHandler() interrupt subroutine.
43 (#) At the end of data transfer HAL_DMA2D_IRQHandler() function is executed and user can
44 add his own function by customization of function pointer XferCpltCallback (member
45 of DMA2D handle structure).
46 (#) In case of error, the HAL_DMA2D_IRQHandler() function will call the callback
47 XferErrorCallback.
49 -@- In Register-to-Memory transfer mode, pdata parameter is the register
50 color, in Memory-to-memory or Memory-to-Memory with pixel format
51 conversion pdata is the source address.
53 -@- Configure the foreground source address, the background source address,
54 the destination and data length then Enable the transfer using
55 HAL_DMA2D_BlendingStart() in polling mode and HAL_DMA2D_BlendingStart_IT()
56 in interrupt mode.
58 -@- HAL_DMA2D_BlendingStart() and HAL_DMA2D_BlendingStart_IT() functions
59 are used if the memory to memory with blending transfer mode is selected.
61 (#) Optionally, configure and enable the CLUT using HAL_DMA2D_CLUTLoad() in polling
62 mode or HAL_DMA2D_CLUTLoad_IT() in interrupt mode.
64 (#) Optionally, configure the line watermark in using the API HAL_DMA2D_ProgramLineEvent()
66 (#) Optionally, configure the dead time value in the AHB clock cycle inserted between two
67 consecutive accesses on the AHB master port in using the API HAL_DMA2D_ConfigDeadTime()
68 and enable/disable the functionality with the APIs HAL_DMA2D_EnableDeadTime() or
69 HAL_DMA2D_DisableDeadTime().
71 (#) The transfer can be suspended, resumed and aborted using the following
72 functions: HAL_DMA2D_Suspend(), HAL_DMA2D_Resume(), HAL_DMA2D_Abort().
74 (#) The CLUT loading can be suspended, resumed and aborted using the following
75 functions: HAL_DMA2D_CLUTLoading_Suspend(), HAL_DMA2D_CLUTLoading_Resume(),
76 HAL_DMA2D_CLUTLoading_Abort().
78 (#) To control the DMA2D state, use the following function: HAL_DMA2D_GetState().
80 (#) To read the DMA2D error code, use the following function: HAL_DMA2D_GetError().
82 *** DMA2D HAL driver macros list ***
83 =============================================
84 [..]
85 Below the list of most used macros in DMA2D HAL driver :
87 (+) __HAL_DMA2D_ENABLE: Enable the DMA2D peripheral.
88 (+) __HAL_DMA2D_GET_FLAG: Get the DMA2D pending flags.
89 (+) __HAL_DMA2D_CLEAR_FLAG: Clear the DMA2D pending flags.
90 (+) __HAL_DMA2D_ENABLE_IT: Enable the specified DMA2D interrupts.
91 (+) __HAL_DMA2D_DISABLE_IT: Disable the specified DMA2D interrupts.
92 (+) __HAL_DMA2D_GET_IT_SOURCE: Check whether the specified DMA2D interrupt is enabled or not.
94 [..]
95 (@) You can refer to the DMA2D HAL driver header file for more useful macros
97 @endverbatim
98 ******************************************************************************
99 * @attention
101 * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2017 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
103 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
104 * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
105 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
106 * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
107 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
108 * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
109 * and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
110 * 3. Neither the name of STMicroelectronics nor the names of its contributors
111 * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
112 * without specific prior written permission.
125 ******************************************************************************
128 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
129 #include "stm32f7xx_hal.h"
131 /** @addtogroup STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver
132 * @{
135 /** @defgroup DMA2D DMA2D
136 * @brief DMA2D HAL module driver
137 * @{
141 #if defined (DMA2D)
143 /* Private types -------------------------------------------------------------*/
144 /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
145 /** @defgroup DMA2D_Private_Constants DMA2D Private Constants
146 * @{
149 /** @defgroup DMA2D_TimeOut DMA2D Time Out
150 * @{
152 #define DMA2D_TIMEOUT_ABORT ((uint32_t)1000) /*!< 1s */
153 #define DMA2D_TIMEOUT_SUSPEND ((uint32_t)1000) /*!< 1s */
155 * @}
158 /** @defgroup DMA2D_Shifts DMA2D Shifts
159 * @{
161 #define DMA2D_POSITION_FGPFCCR_CS (uint32_t)POSITION_VAL(DMA2D_FGPFCCR_CS) /*!< Required left shift to set foreground CLUT size */
162 #define DMA2D_POSITION_BGPFCCR_CS (uint32_t)POSITION_VAL(DMA2D_BGPFCCR_CS) /*!< Required left shift to set background CLUT size */
164 #define DMA2D_POSITION_FGPFCCR_CCM (uint32_t)POSITION_VAL(DMA2D_FGPFCCR_CCM) /*!< Required left shift to set foreground CLUT color mode */
165 #define DMA2D_POSITION_BGPFCCR_CCM (uint32_t)POSITION_VAL(DMA2D_BGPFCCR_CCM) /*!< Required left shift to set background CLUT color mode */
167 #define DMA2D_POSITION_OPFCCR_AI (uint32_t)POSITION_VAL(DMA2D_OPFCCR_AI) /*!< Required left shift to set output alpha inversion */
168 #define DMA2D_POSITION_FGPFCCR_AI (uint32_t)POSITION_VAL(DMA2D_FGPFCCR_AI) /*!< Required left shift to set foreground alpha inversion */
169 #define DMA2D_POSITION_BGPFCCR_AI (uint32_t)POSITION_VAL(DMA2D_BGPFCCR_AI) /*!< Required left shift to set background alpha inversion */
171 #define DMA2D_POSITION_OPFCCR_RBS (uint32_t)POSITION_VAL(DMA2D_OPFCCR_RBS) /*!< Required left shift to set output Red/Blue swap */
172 #define DMA2D_POSITION_FGPFCCR_RBS (uint32_t)POSITION_VAL(DMA2D_FGPFCCR_RBS) /*!< Required left shift to set foreground Red/Blue swap */
173 #define DMA2D_POSITION_BGPFCCR_RBS (uint32_t)POSITION_VAL(DMA2D_BGPFCCR_RBS) /*!< Required left shift to set background Red/Blue swap */
175 #define DMA2D_POSITION_AMTCR_DT (uint32_t)POSITION_VAL(DMA2D_AMTCR_DT) /*!< Required left shift to set deadtime value */
177 #define DMA2D_POSITION_FGPFCCR_AM (uint32_t)POSITION_VAL(DMA2D_FGPFCCR_AM) /*!< Required left shift to set foreground alpha mode */
178 #define DMA2D_POSITION_BGPFCCR_AM (uint32_t)POSITION_VAL(DMA2D_BGPFCCR_AM) /*!< Required left shift to set background alpha mode */
180 #define DMA2D_POSITION_FGPFCCR_ALPHA (uint32_t)POSITION_VAL(DMA2D_FGPFCCR_ALPHA) /*!< Required left shift to set foreground alpha value */
181 #define DMA2D_POSITION_BGPFCCR_ALPHA (uint32_t)POSITION_VAL(DMA2D_BGPFCCR_ALPHA) /*!< Required left shift to set background alpha value */
183 #define DMA2D_POSITION_NLR_PL (uint32_t)POSITION_VAL(DMA2D_NLR_PL) /*!< Required left shift to set pixels per lines value */
185 * @}
189 * @}
192 /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
193 /* Private constants ---------------------------------------------------------*/
194 /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
195 /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
196 /** @addtogroup DMA2D_Private_Functions_Prototypes
197 * @{
199 static void DMA2D_SetConfig(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef *hdma2d, uint32_t pdata, uint32_t DstAddress, uint32_t Width, uint32_t Height);
201 * @}
204 /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
205 /* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
206 /** @defgroup DMA2D_Exported_Functions DMA2D Exported Functions
207 * @{
210 /** @defgroup DMA2D_Exported_Functions_Group1 Initialization and de-initialization functions
211 * @brief Initialization and Configuration functions
213 @verbatim
214 ===============================================================================
215 ##### Initialization and Configuration functions #####
216 ===============================================================================
217 [..] This section provides functions allowing to:
218 (+) Initialize and configure the DMA2D
219 (+) De-initialize the DMA2D
221 @endverbatim
222 * @{
226 * @brief Initialize the DMA2D according to the specified
227 * parameters in the DMA2D_InitTypeDef and create the associated handle.
228 * @param hdma2d: pointer to a DMA2D_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
229 * the configuration information for the DMA2D.
230 * @retval HAL status
232 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA2D_Init(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef *hdma2d)
234 /* Check the DMA2D peripheral state */
235 if(hdma2d == NULL)
237 return HAL_ERROR;
240 /* Check the parameters */
241 assert_param(IS_DMA2D_ALL_INSTANCE(hdma2d->Instance));
242 assert_param(IS_DMA2D_MODE(hdma2d->Init.Mode));
243 assert_param(IS_DMA2D_CMODE(hdma2d->Init.ColorMode));
244 assert_param(IS_DMA2D_OFFSET(hdma2d->Init.OutputOffset));
246 if(hdma2d->State == HAL_DMA2D_STATE_RESET)
248 /* Allocate lock resource and initialize it */
249 hdma2d->Lock = HAL_UNLOCKED;
250 /* Init the low level hardware */
251 HAL_DMA2D_MspInit(hdma2d);
254 /* Change DMA2D peripheral state */
255 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_BUSY;
257 /* DMA2D CR register configuration -------------------------------------------*/
258 MODIFY_REG(hdma2d->Instance->CR, DMA2D_CR_MODE, hdma2d->Init.Mode);
260 /* DMA2D OPFCCR register configuration ---------------------------------------*/
261 MODIFY_REG(hdma2d->Instance->OPFCCR, DMA2D_OPFCCR_CM, hdma2d->Init.ColorMode);
263 /* DMA2D OOR register configuration ------------------------------------------*/
264 MODIFY_REG(hdma2d->Instance->OOR, DMA2D_OOR_LO, hdma2d->Init.OutputOffset);
266 #if defined (DMA2D_OPFCCR_AI)
267 /* DMA2D OPFCCR AI fields setting (Output Alpha Inversion)*/
268 MODIFY_REG(hdma2d->Instance->OPFCCR, DMA2D_OPFCCR_AI, (hdma2d->Init.AlphaInverted << DMA2D_POSITION_OPFCCR_AI));
269 #endif /* DMA2D_OPFCCR_AI */
271 #if defined (DMA2D_OPFCCR_RBS)
272 MODIFY_REG(hdma2d->Instance->OPFCCR, DMA2D_OPFCCR_RBS,(hdma2d->Init.RedBlueSwap << DMA2D_POSITION_OPFCCR_RBS));
273 #endif /* DMA2D_OPFCCR_RBS */
276 /* Update error code */
277 hdma2d->ErrorCode = HAL_DMA2D_ERROR_NONE;
279 /* Initialize the DMA2D state*/
280 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_READY;
282 return HAL_OK;
286 * @brief Deinitializes the DMA2D peripheral registers to their default reset
287 * values.
288 * @param hdma2d: pointer to a DMA2D_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
289 * the configuration information for the DMA2D.
290 * @retval None
293 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA2D_DeInit(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef *hdma2d)
296 /* Check the DMA2D peripheral state */
297 if(hdma2d == NULL)
299 return HAL_ERROR;
302 /* Before aborting any DMA2D transfer or CLUT loading, check
303 first whether or not DMA2D clock is enabled */
306 /* Abort DMA2D transfer if any */
307 if ((hdma2d->Instance->CR & DMA2D_CR_START) == DMA2D_CR_START)
309 if (HAL_DMA2D_Abort(hdma2d) != HAL_OK)
311 /* Issue when aborting DMA2D transfer */
312 return HAL_ERROR;
315 else
317 /* Abort background CLUT loading if any */
318 if ((hdma2d->Instance->BGPFCCR & DMA2D_BGPFCCR_START) == DMA2D_BGPFCCR_START)
320 if (HAL_DMA2D_CLUTLoading_Abort(hdma2d, 0) != HAL_OK)
322 /* Issue when aborting background CLUT loading */
323 return HAL_ERROR;
326 else
328 /* Abort foreground CLUT loading if any */
329 if ((hdma2d->Instance->FGPFCCR & DMA2D_FGPFCCR_START) == DMA2D_FGPFCCR_START)
331 if (HAL_DMA2D_CLUTLoading_Abort(hdma2d, 1) != HAL_OK)
333 /* Issue when aborting foreground CLUT loading */
334 return HAL_ERROR;
342 /* Carry on with de-initialization of low level hardware */
343 HAL_DMA2D_MspDeInit(hdma2d);
345 /* Reset DMA2D control registers*/
346 hdma2d->Instance->CR = 0;
347 hdma2d->Instance->FGOR = 0;
348 hdma2d->Instance->BGOR = 0;
349 hdma2d->Instance->FGPFCCR = 0;
350 hdma2d->Instance->BGPFCCR = 0;
351 hdma2d->Instance->OPFCCR = 0;
353 /* Update error code */
354 hdma2d->ErrorCode = HAL_DMA2D_ERROR_NONE;
356 /* Initialize the DMA2D state*/
357 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_RESET;
359 /* Release Lock */
360 __HAL_UNLOCK(hdma2d);
362 return HAL_OK;
366 * @brief Initializes the DMA2D MSP.
367 * @param hdma2d: pointer to a DMA2D_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
368 * the configuration information for the DMA2D.
369 * @retval None
371 __weak void HAL_DMA2D_MspInit(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef* hdma2d)
373 /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
374 UNUSED(hdma2d);
376 /* NOTE : This function should not be modified; when the callback is needed,
377 the HAL_DMA2D_MspInit can be implemented in the user file.
382 * @brief DeInitializes the DMA2D MSP.
383 * @param hdma2d: pointer to a DMA2D_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
384 * the configuration information for the DMA2D.
385 * @retval None
387 __weak void HAL_DMA2D_MspDeInit(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef* hdma2d)
389 /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
390 UNUSED(hdma2d);
392 /* NOTE : This function should not be modified; when the callback is needed,
393 the HAL_DMA2D_MspDeInit can be implemented in the user file.
398 * @}
402 /** @defgroup DMA2D_Exported_Functions_Group2 IO operation functions
403 * @brief IO operation functions
405 @verbatim
406 ===============================================================================
407 ##### IO operation functions #####
408 ===============================================================================
409 [..] This section provides functions allowing to:
410 (+) Configure the pdata, destination address and data size then
411 start the DMA2D transfer.
412 (+) Configure the source for foreground and background, destination address
413 and data size then start a MultiBuffer DMA2D transfer.
414 (+) Configure the pdata, destination address and data size then
415 start the DMA2D transfer with interrupt.
416 (+) Configure the source for foreground and background, destination address
417 and data size then start a MultiBuffer DMA2D transfer with interrupt.
418 (+) Abort DMA2D transfer.
419 (+) Suspend DMA2D transfer.
420 (+) Resume DMA2D transfer.
421 (+) Enable CLUT transfer.
422 (+) Configure CLUT loading then start transfer in polling mode.
423 (+) Configure CLUT loading then start transfer in interrupt mode.
424 (+) Abort DMA2D CLUT loading.
425 (+) Suspend DMA2D CLUT loading.
426 (+) Resume DMA2D CLUT loading.
427 (+) Poll for transfer complete.
428 (+) handle DMA2D interrupt request.
429 (+) Transfer watermark callback.
430 (+) CLUT Transfer Complete callback.
433 @endverbatim
434 * @{
438 * @brief Start the DMA2D Transfer.
439 * @param hdma2d: Pointer to a DMA2D_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
440 * the configuration information for the DMA2D.
441 * @param pdata: Configure the source memory Buffer address if
442 * Memory-to-Memory or Memory-to-Memory with pixel format
443 * conversion mode is selected, or configure
444 * the color value if Register-to-Memory mode is selected.
445 * @param DstAddress: The destination memory Buffer address.
446 * @param Width: The width of data to be transferred from source to destination (expressed in number of pixels per line).
447 * @param Height: The height of data to be transferred from source to destination (expressed in number of lines).
448 * @retval HAL status
450 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA2D_Start(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef *hdma2d, uint32_t pdata, uint32_t DstAddress, uint32_t Width, uint32_t Height)
452 /* Check the parameters */
453 assert_param(IS_DMA2D_LINE(Height));
454 assert_param(IS_DMA2D_PIXEL(Width));
456 /* Process locked */
457 __HAL_LOCK(hdma2d);
459 /* Change DMA2D peripheral state */
460 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_BUSY;
462 /* Configure the source, destination address and the data size */
463 DMA2D_SetConfig(hdma2d, pdata, DstAddress, Width, Height);
465 /* Enable the Peripheral */
466 __HAL_DMA2D_ENABLE(hdma2d);
468 return HAL_OK;
472 * @brief Start the DMA2D Transfer with interrupt enabled.
473 * @param hdma2d: Pointer to a DMA2D_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
474 * the configuration information for the DMA2D.
475 * @param pdata: Configure the source memory Buffer address if
476 * the Memory-to-Memory or Memory-to-Memory with pixel format
477 * conversion mode is selected, or configure
478 * the color value if Register-to-Memory mode is selected.
479 * @param DstAddress: The destination memory Buffer address.
480 * @param Width: The width of data to be transferred from source to destination (expressed in number of pixels per line).
481 * @param Height: The height of data to be transferred from source to destination (expressed in number of lines).
482 * @retval HAL status
484 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA2D_Start_IT(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef *hdma2d, uint32_t pdata, uint32_t DstAddress, uint32_t Width, uint32_t Height)
486 /* Check the parameters */
487 assert_param(IS_DMA2D_LINE(Height));
488 assert_param(IS_DMA2D_PIXEL(Width));
490 /* Process locked */
491 __HAL_LOCK(hdma2d);
493 /* Change DMA2D peripheral state */
494 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_BUSY;
496 /* Configure the source, destination address and the data size */
497 DMA2D_SetConfig(hdma2d, pdata, DstAddress, Width, Height);
499 /* Enable the transfer complete, transfer error and configuration error interrupts */
502 /* Enable the Peripheral */
503 __HAL_DMA2D_ENABLE(hdma2d);
505 return HAL_OK;
509 * @brief Start the multi-source DMA2D Transfer.
510 * @param hdma2d: Pointer to a DMA2D_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
511 * the configuration information for the DMA2D.
512 * @param SrcAddress1: The source memory Buffer address for the foreground layer.
513 * @param SrcAddress2: The source memory Buffer address for the background layer.
514 * @param DstAddress: The destination memory Buffer address.
515 * @param Width: The width of data to be transferred from source to destination (expressed in number of pixels per line).
516 * @param Height: The height of data to be transferred from source to destination (expressed in number of lines).
517 * @retval HAL status
519 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA2D_BlendingStart(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef *hdma2d, uint32_t SrcAddress1, uint32_t SrcAddress2, uint32_t DstAddress, uint32_t Width, uint32_t Height)
521 /* Check the parameters */
522 assert_param(IS_DMA2D_LINE(Height));
523 assert_param(IS_DMA2D_PIXEL(Width));
525 /* Process locked */
526 __HAL_LOCK(hdma2d);
528 /* Change DMA2D peripheral state */
529 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_BUSY;
531 /* Configure DMA2D Stream source2 address */
532 WRITE_REG(hdma2d->Instance->BGMAR, SrcAddress2);
534 /* Configure the source, destination address and the data size */
535 DMA2D_SetConfig(hdma2d, SrcAddress1, DstAddress, Width, Height);
537 /* Enable the Peripheral */
538 __HAL_DMA2D_ENABLE(hdma2d);
540 return HAL_OK;
544 * @brief Start the multi-source DMA2D Transfer with interrupt enabled.
545 * @param hdma2d: Pointer to a DMA2D_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
546 * the configuration information for the DMA2D.
547 * @param SrcAddress1: The source memory Buffer address for the foreground layer.
548 * @param SrcAddress2: The source memory Buffer address for the background layer.
549 * @param DstAddress: The destination memory Buffer address.
550 * @param Width: The width of data to be transferred from source to destination (expressed in number of pixels per line).
551 * @param Height: The height of data to be transferred from source to destination (expressed in number of lines).
552 * @retval HAL status
554 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA2D_BlendingStart_IT(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef *hdma2d, uint32_t SrcAddress1, uint32_t SrcAddress2, uint32_t DstAddress, uint32_t Width, uint32_t Height)
556 /* Check the parameters */
557 assert_param(IS_DMA2D_LINE(Height));
558 assert_param(IS_DMA2D_PIXEL(Width));
560 /* Process locked */
561 __HAL_LOCK(hdma2d);
563 /* Change DMA2D peripheral state */
564 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_BUSY;
566 /* Configure DMA2D Stream source2 address */
567 WRITE_REG(hdma2d->Instance->BGMAR, SrcAddress2);
569 /* Configure the source, destination address and the data size */
570 DMA2D_SetConfig(hdma2d, SrcAddress1, DstAddress, Width, Height);
572 /* Enable the transfer complete, transfer error and configuration error interrupts */
575 /* Enable the Peripheral */
576 __HAL_DMA2D_ENABLE(hdma2d);
578 return HAL_OK;
582 * @brief Abort the DMA2D Transfer.
583 * @param hdma2d : pointer to a DMA2D_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
584 * the configuration information for the DMA2D.
585 * @retval HAL status
587 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA2D_Abort(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef *hdma2d)
589 uint32_t tickstart = 0;
591 /* Abort the DMA2D transfer */
592 /* START bit is reset to make sure not to set it again, in the event the HW clears it
593 between the register read and the register write by the CPU (writing 0 has no
594 effect on START bitvalue) */
597 /* Get tick */
598 tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
600 /* Check if the DMA2D is effectively disabled */
601 while((hdma2d->Instance->CR & DMA2D_CR_START) != RESET)
603 if((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart ) > DMA2D_TIMEOUT_ABORT)
605 /* Update error code */
606 hdma2d->ErrorCode |= HAL_DMA2D_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
608 /* Change the DMA2D state */
609 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_TIMEOUT;
611 /* Process Unlocked */
612 __HAL_UNLOCK(hdma2d);
614 return HAL_TIMEOUT;
618 /* Disable the Transfer Complete, Transfer Error and Configuration Error interrupts */
621 /* Change the DMA2D state*/
622 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_READY;
624 /* Process Unlocked */
625 __HAL_UNLOCK(hdma2d);
627 return HAL_OK;
631 * @brief Suspend the DMA2D Transfer.
632 * @param hdma2d: pointer to a DMA2D_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
633 * the configuration information for the DMA2D.
634 * @retval HAL status
636 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA2D_Suspend(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef *hdma2d)
638 uint32_t tickstart = 0;
640 /* Suspend the DMA2D transfer */
641 /* START bit is reset to make sure not to set it again, in the event the HW clears it
642 between the register read and the register write by the CPU (writing 0 has no
643 effect on START bitvalue). */
646 /* Get tick */
647 tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
649 /* Check if the DMA2D is effectively suspended */
650 while (((hdma2d->Instance->CR & DMA2D_CR_SUSP) != DMA2D_CR_SUSP) \
651 && ((hdma2d->Instance->CR & DMA2D_CR_START) == DMA2D_CR_START))
653 if((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart ) > DMA2D_TIMEOUT_SUSPEND)
655 /* Update error code */
656 hdma2d->ErrorCode |= HAL_DMA2D_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
658 /* Change the DMA2D state */
659 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_TIMEOUT;
661 return HAL_TIMEOUT;
665 /* Check whether or not a transfer is actually suspended and change the DMA2D state accordingly */
666 if ((hdma2d->Instance->CR & DMA2D_CR_START) != RESET)
668 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_SUSPEND;
670 else
672 /* Make sure SUSP bit is cleared since it is meaningless
673 when no tranfer is on-going */
674 CLEAR_BIT(hdma2d->Instance->CR, DMA2D_CR_SUSP);
677 return HAL_OK;
681 * @brief Resume the DMA2D Transfer.
682 * @param hdma2d: pointer to a DMA2D_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
683 * the configuration information for the DMA2D.
684 * @retval HAL status
686 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA2D_Resume(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef *hdma2d)
688 /* Check the SUSP and START bits */
689 if((hdma2d->Instance->CR & (DMA2D_CR_SUSP | DMA2D_CR_START)) == (DMA2D_CR_SUSP | DMA2D_CR_START))
691 /* Ongoing transfer is suspended: change the DMA2D state before resuming */
692 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_BUSY;
695 /* Resume the DMA2D transfer */
696 /* START bit is reset to make sure not to set it again, in the event the HW clears it
697 between the register read and the register write by the CPU (writing 0 has no
698 effect on START bitvalue). */
699 CLEAR_BIT(hdma2d->Instance->CR, (DMA2D_CR_SUSP|DMA2D_CR_START));
701 return HAL_OK;
706 * @brief Enable the DMA2D CLUT Transfer.
707 * @param hdma2d: Pointer to a DMA2D_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
708 * the configuration information for the DMA2D.
709 * @param LayerIdx: DMA2D Layer index.
710 * This parameter can be one of the following values:
711 * 0(background) / 1(foreground)
712 * @retval HAL status
714 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA2D_EnableCLUT(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef *hdma2d, uint32_t LayerIdx)
716 /* Check the parameters */
717 assert_param(IS_DMA2D_LAYER(LayerIdx));
719 /* Process locked */
720 __HAL_LOCK(hdma2d);
722 /* Change DMA2D peripheral state */
723 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_BUSY;
725 if(LayerIdx == 0)
727 /* Enable the background CLUT loading */
728 SET_BIT(hdma2d->Instance->BGPFCCR, DMA2D_BGPFCCR_START);
730 else
732 /* Enable the foreground CLUT loading */
733 SET_BIT(hdma2d->Instance->FGPFCCR, DMA2D_FGPFCCR_START);
736 return HAL_OK;
741 * @brief Start DMA2D CLUT Loading.
742 * @param hdma2d: Pointer to a DMA2D_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
743 * the configuration information for the DMA2D.
744 * @param CLUTCfg: Pointer to a DMA2D_CLUTCfgTypeDef structure that contains
745 * the configuration information for the color look up table.
746 * @param LayerIdx: DMA2D Layer index.
747 * This parameter can be one of the following values:
748 * 0(background) / 1(foreground)
749 * @note Invoking this API is similar to calling HAL_DMA2D_ConfigCLUT() then HAL_DMA2D_EnableCLUT().
750 * @retval HAL status
752 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA2D_CLUTLoad(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef *hdma2d, DMA2D_CLUTCfgTypeDef CLUTCfg, uint32_t LayerIdx)
754 /* Check the parameters */
755 assert_param(IS_DMA2D_LAYER(LayerIdx));
756 assert_param(IS_DMA2D_CLUT_CM(CLUTCfg.CLUTColorMode));
757 assert_param(IS_DMA2D_CLUT_SIZE(CLUTCfg.Size));
759 /* Process locked */
760 __HAL_LOCK(hdma2d);
762 /* Change DMA2D peripheral state */
763 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_BUSY;
765 /* Configure the CLUT of the background DMA2D layer */
766 if(LayerIdx == 0)
768 /* Write background CLUT memory address */
769 WRITE_REG(hdma2d->Instance->BGCMAR, (uint32_t)CLUTCfg.pCLUT);
771 /* Write background CLUT size and CLUT color mode */
775 /* Enable the CLUT loading for the background */
776 SET_BIT(hdma2d->Instance->BGPFCCR, DMA2D_BGPFCCR_START);
778 /* Configure the CLUT of the foreground DMA2D layer */
779 else
781 /* Write foreground CLUT memory address */
782 WRITE_REG(hdma2d->Instance->FGCMAR, (uint32_t)CLUTCfg.pCLUT);
784 /* Write foreground CLUT size and CLUT color mode */
788 /* Enable the CLUT loading for the foreground */
789 SET_BIT(hdma2d->Instance->FGPFCCR, DMA2D_FGPFCCR_START);
792 return HAL_OK;
796 * @brief Start DMA2D CLUT Loading with interrupt enabled.
797 * @param hdma2d: Pointer to a DMA2D_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
798 * the configuration information for the DMA2D.
799 * @param CLUTCfg: Pointer to a DMA2D_CLUTCfgTypeDef structure that contains
800 * the configuration information for the color look up table.
801 * @param LayerIdx: DMA2D Layer index.
802 * This parameter can be one of the following values:
803 * 0(background) / 1(foreground)
804 * @retval HAL status
806 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA2D_CLUTLoad_IT(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef *hdma2d, DMA2D_CLUTCfgTypeDef CLUTCfg, uint32_t LayerIdx)
808 /* Check the parameters */
809 assert_param(IS_DMA2D_LAYER(LayerIdx));
810 assert_param(IS_DMA2D_CLUT_CM(CLUTCfg.CLUTColorMode));
811 assert_param(IS_DMA2D_CLUT_SIZE(CLUTCfg.Size));
813 /* Process locked */
814 __HAL_LOCK(hdma2d);
816 /* Change DMA2D peripheral state */
817 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_BUSY;
819 /* Configure the CLUT of the background DMA2D layer */
820 if(LayerIdx == 0)
822 /* Write background CLUT memory address */
823 WRITE_REG(hdma2d->Instance->BGCMAR, (uint32_t)CLUTCfg.pCLUT);
825 /* Write background CLUT size and CLUT color mode */
829 /* Enable the CLUT Transfer Complete, transfer Error, configuration Error and CLUT Access Error interrupts */
832 /* Enable the CLUT loading for the background */
833 SET_BIT(hdma2d->Instance->BGPFCCR, DMA2D_BGPFCCR_START);
835 /* Configure the CLUT of the foreground DMA2D layer */
836 else
838 /* Write foreground CLUT memory address */
839 WRITE_REG(hdma2d->Instance->FGCMAR, (uint32_t)CLUTCfg.pCLUT);
841 /* Write foreground CLUT size and CLUT color mode */
845 /* Enable the CLUT Transfer Complete, transfer Error, configuration Error and CLUT Access Error interrupts */
848 /* Enable the CLUT loading for the foreground */
849 SET_BIT(hdma2d->Instance->FGPFCCR, DMA2D_FGPFCCR_START);
852 return HAL_OK;
856 * @brief Abort the DMA2D CLUT loading.
857 * @param hdma2d : Pointer to a DMA2D_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
858 * the configuration information for the DMA2D.
859 * @param LayerIdx: DMA2D Layer index.
860 * This parameter can be one of the following values:
861 * 0(background) / 1(foreground)
862 * @retval HAL status
864 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA2D_CLUTLoading_Abort(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef *hdma2d, uint32_t LayerIdx)
866 uint32_t tickstart = 0;
867 __IO uint32_t * reg = &(hdma2d->Instance->BGPFCCR); /* by default, point at background register */
869 /* Abort the CLUT loading */
870 SET_BIT(hdma2d->Instance->CR, DMA2D_CR_ABORT);
872 /* If foreground CLUT loading is considered, update local variables */
873 if(LayerIdx == 1)
875 reg = &(hdma2d->Instance->FGPFCCR);
879 /* Get tick */
880 tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
882 /* Check if the CLUT loading is aborted */
883 while((*reg & DMA2D_BGPFCCR_START) != RESET)
885 if((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart ) > DMA2D_TIMEOUT_ABORT)
887 /* Update error code */
888 hdma2d->ErrorCode |= HAL_DMA2D_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
890 /* Change the DMA2D state */
891 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_TIMEOUT;
893 /* Process Unlocked */
894 __HAL_UNLOCK(hdma2d);
896 return HAL_TIMEOUT;
900 /* Disable the CLUT Transfer Complete, Transfer Error, Configuration Error and CLUT Access Error interrupts */
903 /* Change the DMA2D state*/
904 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_READY;
906 /* Process Unlocked */
907 __HAL_UNLOCK(hdma2d);
909 return HAL_OK;
913 * @brief Suspend the DMA2D CLUT loading.
914 * @param hdma2d: Pointer to a DMA2D_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
915 * the configuration information for the DMA2D.
916 * @param LayerIdx: DMA2D Layer index.
917 * This parameter can be one of the following values:
918 * 0(background) / 1(foreground)
919 * @retval HAL status
921 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA2D_CLUTLoading_Suspend(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef *hdma2d, uint32_t LayerIdx)
923 uint32_t tickstart = 0;
924 __IO uint32_t * reg = &(hdma2d->Instance->BGPFCCR); /* by default, point at background register */
926 /* Suspend the CLUT loading */
927 SET_BIT(hdma2d->Instance->CR, DMA2D_CR_SUSP);
929 /* If foreground CLUT loading is considered, update local variables */
930 if(LayerIdx == 1)
932 reg = &(hdma2d->Instance->FGPFCCR);
935 /* Get tick */
936 tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
938 /* Check if the CLUT loading is suspended */
939 while (((hdma2d->Instance->CR & DMA2D_CR_SUSP) != DMA2D_CR_SUSP) \
942 if((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart ) > DMA2D_TIMEOUT_SUSPEND)
944 /* Update error code */
945 hdma2d->ErrorCode |= HAL_DMA2D_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
947 /* Change the DMA2D state */
948 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_TIMEOUT;
950 return HAL_TIMEOUT;
954 /* Check whether or not a transfer is actually suspended and change the DMA2D state accordingly */
955 if ((*reg & DMA2D_BGPFCCR_START) != RESET)
957 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_SUSPEND;
959 else
961 /* Make sure SUSP bit is cleared since it is meaningless
962 when no tranfer is on-going */
963 CLEAR_BIT(hdma2d->Instance->CR, DMA2D_CR_SUSP);
966 return HAL_OK;
970 * @brief Resume the DMA2D CLUT loading.
971 * @param hdma2d: pointer to a DMA2D_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
972 * the configuration information for the DMA2D.
973 * @param LayerIdx: DMA2D Layer index.
974 * This parameter can be one of the following values:
975 * 0(background) / 1(foreground)
976 * @retval HAL status
978 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA2D_CLUTLoading_Resume(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef *hdma2d, uint32_t LayerIdx)
980 /* Check the SUSP and START bits for background or foreground CLUT loading */
981 if(LayerIdx == 0)
983 /* Background CLUT loading suspension check */
984 if (((hdma2d->Instance->CR & DMA2D_CR_SUSP) == DMA2D_CR_SUSP)
985 && ((hdma2d->Instance->BGPFCCR & DMA2D_BGPFCCR_START) == DMA2D_BGPFCCR_START))
987 /* Ongoing CLUT loading is suspended: change the DMA2D state before resuming */
988 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_BUSY;
991 else
993 /* Foreground CLUT loading suspension check */
994 if (((hdma2d->Instance->CR & DMA2D_CR_SUSP) == DMA2D_CR_SUSP)
995 && ((hdma2d->Instance->FGPFCCR & DMA2D_FGPFCCR_START) == DMA2D_FGPFCCR_START))
997 /* Ongoing CLUT loading is suspended: change the DMA2D state before resuming */
998 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_BUSY;
1002 /* Resume the CLUT loading */
1003 CLEAR_BIT(hdma2d->Instance->CR, DMA2D_CR_SUSP);
1005 return HAL_OK;
1011 * @brief Polling for transfer complete or CLUT loading.
1012 * @param hdma2d: Pointer to a DMA2D_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
1013 * the configuration information for the DMA2D.
1014 * @param Timeout: Timeout duration
1015 * @retval HAL status
1017 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA2D_PollForTransfer(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef *hdma2d, uint32_t Timeout)
1019 uint32_t tickstart = 0;
1020 __IO uint32_t isrflags = 0x0;
1022 /* Polling for DMA2D transfer */
1023 if((hdma2d->Instance->CR & DMA2D_CR_START) != RESET)
1025 /* Get tick */
1026 tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
1028 while(__HAL_DMA2D_GET_FLAG(hdma2d, DMA2D_FLAG_TC) == RESET)
1030 isrflags = READ_REG(hdma2d->Instance->ISR);
1031 if ((isrflags & (DMA2D_FLAG_CE|DMA2D_FLAG_TE)) != RESET)
1033 if ((isrflags & DMA2D_FLAG_CE) != RESET)
1035 hdma2d->ErrorCode |= HAL_DMA2D_ERROR_CE;
1037 if ((isrflags & DMA2D_FLAG_TE) != RESET)
1039 hdma2d->ErrorCode |= HAL_DMA2D_ERROR_TE;
1041 /* Clear the transfer and configuration error flags */
1044 /* Change DMA2D state */
1045 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_ERROR;
1047 /* Process unlocked */
1048 __HAL_UNLOCK(hdma2d);
1050 return HAL_ERROR;
1052 /* Check for the Timeout */
1053 if(Timeout != HAL_MAX_DELAY)
1055 if((Timeout == 0)||((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart ) > Timeout))
1057 /* Update error code */
1058 hdma2d->ErrorCode |= HAL_DMA2D_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
1060 /* Change the DMA2D state */
1061 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_TIMEOUT;
1063 /* Process unlocked */
1064 __HAL_UNLOCK(hdma2d);
1066 return HAL_TIMEOUT;
1071 /* Polling for CLUT loading (foreground or background) */
1072 if (((hdma2d->Instance->FGPFCCR & DMA2D_FGPFCCR_START) != RESET) ||
1073 ((hdma2d->Instance->BGPFCCR & DMA2D_BGPFCCR_START) != RESET))
1075 /* Get tick */
1076 tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
1078 while(__HAL_DMA2D_GET_FLAG(hdma2d, DMA2D_FLAG_CTC) == RESET)
1080 isrflags = READ_REG(hdma2d->Instance->ISR);
1081 if ((isrflags & (DMA2D_FLAG_CAE|DMA2D_FLAG_CE|DMA2D_FLAG_TE)) != RESET)
1083 if ((isrflags & DMA2D_FLAG_CAE) != RESET)
1085 hdma2d->ErrorCode |= HAL_DMA2D_ERROR_CAE;
1087 if ((isrflags & DMA2D_FLAG_CE) != RESET)
1089 hdma2d->ErrorCode |= HAL_DMA2D_ERROR_CE;
1091 if ((isrflags & DMA2D_FLAG_TE) != RESET)
1093 hdma2d->ErrorCode |= HAL_DMA2D_ERROR_TE;
1095 /* Clear the CLUT Access Error, Configuration Error and Transfer Error flags */
1098 /* Change DMA2D state */
1099 hdma2d->State= HAL_DMA2D_STATE_ERROR;
1101 /* Process unlocked */
1102 __HAL_UNLOCK(hdma2d);
1104 return HAL_ERROR;
1106 /* Check for the Timeout */
1107 if(Timeout != HAL_MAX_DELAY)
1109 if((Timeout == 0)||((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart ) > Timeout))
1111 /* Update error code */
1112 hdma2d->ErrorCode |= HAL_DMA2D_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
1114 /* Change the DMA2D state */
1115 hdma2d->State= HAL_DMA2D_STATE_TIMEOUT;
1117 /* Process unlocked */
1118 __HAL_UNLOCK(hdma2d);
1120 return HAL_TIMEOUT;
1126 /* Clear the transfer complete and CLUT loading flags */
1129 /* Change DMA2D state */
1130 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_READY;
1132 /* Process unlocked */
1133 __HAL_UNLOCK(hdma2d);
1135 return HAL_OK;
1138 * @brief Handle DMA2D interrupt request.
1139 * @param hdma2d: Pointer to a DMA2D_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
1140 * the configuration information for the DMA2D.
1141 * @retval HAL status
1143 void HAL_DMA2D_IRQHandler(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef *hdma2d)
1145 uint32_t isrflags = READ_REG(hdma2d->Instance->ISR);
1146 uint32_t crflags = READ_REG(hdma2d->Instance->CR);
1148 /* Transfer Error Interrupt management ***************************************/
1149 if ((isrflags & DMA2D_FLAG_TE) != RESET)
1151 if ((crflags & DMA2D_IT_TE) != RESET)
1153 /* Disable the transfer Error interrupt */
1154 __HAL_DMA2D_DISABLE_IT(hdma2d, DMA2D_IT_TE);
1156 /* Update error code */
1157 hdma2d->ErrorCode |= HAL_DMA2D_ERROR_TE;
1159 /* Clear the transfer error flag */
1162 /* Change DMA2D state */
1163 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_ERROR;
1165 /* Process Unlocked */
1166 __HAL_UNLOCK(hdma2d);
1168 if(hdma2d->XferErrorCallback != NULL)
1170 /* Transfer error Callback */
1171 hdma2d->XferErrorCallback(hdma2d);
1175 /* Configuration Error Interrupt management **********************************/
1176 if ((isrflags & DMA2D_FLAG_CE) != RESET)
1178 if ((crflags & DMA2D_IT_CE) != RESET)
1180 /* Disable the Configuration Error interrupt */
1181 __HAL_DMA2D_DISABLE_IT(hdma2d, DMA2D_IT_CE);
1183 /* Clear the Configuration error flag */
1186 /* Update error code */
1187 hdma2d->ErrorCode |= HAL_DMA2D_ERROR_CE;
1189 /* Change DMA2D state */
1190 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_ERROR;
1192 /* Process Unlocked */
1193 __HAL_UNLOCK(hdma2d);
1195 if(hdma2d->XferErrorCallback != NULL)
1197 /* Transfer error Callback */
1198 hdma2d->XferErrorCallback(hdma2d);
1202 /* CLUT access Error Interrupt management ***********************************/
1203 if ((isrflags & DMA2D_FLAG_CAE) != RESET)
1205 if ((crflags & DMA2D_IT_CAE) != RESET)
1207 /* Disable the CLUT access error interrupt */
1208 __HAL_DMA2D_DISABLE_IT(hdma2d, DMA2D_IT_CAE);
1210 /* Clear the CLUT access error flag */
1213 /* Update error code */
1214 hdma2d->ErrorCode |= HAL_DMA2D_ERROR_CAE;
1216 /* Change DMA2D state */
1217 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_ERROR;
1219 /* Process Unlocked */
1220 __HAL_UNLOCK(hdma2d);
1222 if(hdma2d->XferErrorCallback != NULL)
1224 /* Transfer error Callback */
1225 hdma2d->XferErrorCallback(hdma2d);
1229 /* Transfer watermark Interrupt management **********************************/
1230 if ((isrflags & DMA2D_FLAG_TW) != RESET)
1232 if ((crflags & DMA2D_IT_TW) != RESET)
1234 /* Disable the transfer watermark interrupt */
1235 __HAL_DMA2D_DISABLE_IT(hdma2d, DMA2D_IT_TW);
1237 /* Clear the transfer watermark flag */
1240 /* Transfer watermark Callback */
1241 HAL_DMA2D_LineEventCallback(hdma2d);
1244 /* Transfer Complete Interrupt management ************************************/
1245 if ((isrflags & DMA2D_FLAG_TC) != RESET)
1247 if ((crflags & DMA2D_IT_TC) != RESET)
1249 /* Disable the transfer complete interrupt */
1250 __HAL_DMA2D_DISABLE_IT(hdma2d, DMA2D_IT_TC);
1252 /* Clear the transfer complete flag */
1255 /* Update error code */
1256 hdma2d->ErrorCode |= HAL_DMA2D_ERROR_NONE;
1258 /* Change DMA2D state */
1259 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_READY;
1261 /* Process Unlocked */
1262 __HAL_UNLOCK(hdma2d);
1264 if(hdma2d->XferCpltCallback != NULL)
1266 /* Transfer complete Callback */
1267 hdma2d->XferCpltCallback(hdma2d);
1271 /* CLUT Transfer Complete Interrupt management ******************************/
1272 if ((isrflags & DMA2D_FLAG_CTC) != RESET)
1274 if ((crflags & DMA2D_IT_CTC) != RESET)
1276 /* Disable the CLUT transfer complete interrupt */
1277 __HAL_DMA2D_DISABLE_IT(hdma2d, DMA2D_IT_CTC);
1279 /* Clear the CLUT transfer complete flag */
1282 /* Update error code */
1283 hdma2d->ErrorCode |= HAL_DMA2D_ERROR_NONE;
1285 /* Change DMA2D state */
1286 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_READY;
1288 /* Process Unlocked */
1289 __HAL_UNLOCK(hdma2d);
1291 /* CLUT Transfer complete Callback */
1292 HAL_DMA2D_CLUTLoadingCpltCallback(hdma2d);
1299 * @brief Transfer watermark callback.
1300 * @param hdma2d: pointer to a DMA2D_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
1301 * the configuration information for the DMA2D.
1302 * @retval None
1304 __weak void HAL_DMA2D_LineEventCallback(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef *hdma2d)
1306 /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
1307 UNUSED(hdma2d);
1309 /* NOTE : This function should not be modified; when the callback is needed,
1310 the HAL_DMA2D_LineEventCallback can be implemented in the user file.
1315 * @brief CLUT Transfer Complete callback.
1316 * @param hdma2d: pointer to a DMA2D_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
1317 * the configuration information for the DMA2D.
1318 * @retval None
1320 __weak void HAL_DMA2D_CLUTLoadingCpltCallback(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef *hdma2d)
1322 /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
1323 UNUSED(hdma2d);
1325 /* NOTE : This function should not be modified; when the callback is needed,
1326 the HAL_DMA2D_CLUTLoadingCpltCallback can be implemented in the user file.
1331 * @}
1334 /** @defgroup DMA2D_Exported_Functions_Group3 Peripheral Control functions
1335 * @brief Peripheral Control functions
1337 @verbatim
1338 ===============================================================================
1339 ##### Peripheral Control functions #####
1340 ===============================================================================
1341 [..] This section provides functions allowing to:
1342 (+) Configure the DMA2D foreground or background layer parameters.
1343 (+) Configure the DMA2D CLUT transfer.
1344 (+) Configure the line watermark
1345 (+) Configure the dead time value.
1346 (+) Enable or disable the dead time value functionality.
1349 @endverbatim
1350 * @{
1354 * @brief Configure the DMA2D Layer according to the specified
1355 * parameters in the DMA2D_InitTypeDef and create the associated handle.
1356 * @param hdma2d: pointer to a DMA2D_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
1357 * the configuration information for the DMA2D.
1358 * @param LayerIdx: DMA2D Layer index.
1359 * This parameter can be one of the following values:
1360 * 0(background) / 1(foreground)
1361 * @retval HAL status
1363 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA2D_ConfigLayer(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef *hdma2d, uint32_t LayerIdx)
1365 DMA2D_LayerCfgTypeDef *pLayerCfg = &hdma2d->LayerCfg[LayerIdx];
1367 uint32_t regMask = 0, regValue = 0;
1369 /* Check the parameters */
1370 assert_param(IS_DMA2D_LAYER(LayerIdx));
1371 assert_param(IS_DMA2D_OFFSET(pLayerCfg->InputOffset));
1372 if(hdma2d->Init.Mode != DMA2D_R2M)
1374 assert_param(IS_DMA2D_INPUT_COLOR_MODE(pLayerCfg->InputColorMode));
1375 if(hdma2d->Init.Mode != DMA2D_M2M)
1377 assert_param(IS_DMA2D_ALPHA_MODE(pLayerCfg->AlphaMode));
1381 /* Process locked */
1382 __HAL_LOCK(hdma2d);
1384 /* Change DMA2D peripheral state */
1385 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_BUSY;
1387 /* DMA2D BGPFCR register configuration -----------------------------------*/
1388 /* Prepare the value to be written to the BGPFCCR register */
1390 regValue = pLayerCfg->InputColorMode | (pLayerCfg->AlphaMode << DMA2D_POSITION_BGPFCCR_AM);
1393 #if defined (DMA2D_FGPFCCR_AI) && defined (DMA2D_BGPFCCR_AI)
1394 regValue |= (pLayerCfg->AlphaInverted << DMA2D_POSITION_BGPFCCR_AI);
1395 regMask |= DMA2D_BGPFCCR_AI;
1396 #endif /* (DMA2D_FGPFCCR_AI) && (DMA2D_BGPFCCR_AI) */
1398 #if defined (DMA2D_FGPFCCR_RBS) && defined (DMA2D_BGPFCCR_RBS)
1399 regValue |= (pLayerCfg->RedBlueSwap << DMA2D_POSITION_BGPFCCR_RBS);
1400 regMask |= DMA2D_BGPFCCR_RBS;
1401 #endif
1403 if ((pLayerCfg->InputColorMode == DMA2D_INPUT_A4) || (pLayerCfg->InputColorMode == DMA2D_INPUT_A8))
1405 regValue |= (pLayerCfg->InputAlpha & DMA2D_BGPFCCR_ALPHA);
1407 else
1409 regValue |= (pLayerCfg->InputAlpha << DMA2D_POSITION_BGPFCCR_ALPHA);
1412 /* Configure the background DMA2D layer */
1413 if(LayerIdx == 0)
1415 /* Write DMA2D BGPFCCR register */
1416 MODIFY_REG(hdma2d->Instance->BGPFCCR, regMask, regValue);
1418 /* DMA2D BGOR register configuration -------------------------------------*/
1419 WRITE_REG(hdma2d->Instance->BGOR, pLayerCfg->InputOffset);
1421 /* DMA2D BGCOLR register configuration -------------------------------------*/
1422 if ((pLayerCfg->InputColorMode == DMA2D_INPUT_A4) || (pLayerCfg->InputColorMode == DMA2D_INPUT_A8))
1424 WRITE_REG(hdma2d->Instance->BGCOLR, pLayerCfg->InputAlpha & (DMA2D_BGCOLR_BLUE|DMA2D_BGCOLR_GREEN|DMA2D_BGCOLR_RED));
1427 /* Configure the foreground DMA2D layer */
1428 else
1430 /* Write DMA2D FGPFCCR register */
1431 MODIFY_REG(hdma2d->Instance->FGPFCCR, regMask, regValue);
1433 /* DMA2D FGOR register configuration -------------------------------------*/
1434 WRITE_REG(hdma2d->Instance->FGOR, pLayerCfg->InputOffset);
1436 /* DMA2D FGCOLR register configuration -------------------------------------*/
1437 if ((pLayerCfg->InputColorMode == DMA2D_INPUT_A4) || (pLayerCfg->InputColorMode == DMA2D_INPUT_A8))
1439 WRITE_REG(hdma2d->Instance->FGCOLR, pLayerCfg->InputAlpha & (DMA2D_FGCOLR_BLUE|DMA2D_FGCOLR_GREEN|DMA2D_FGCOLR_RED));
1442 /* Initialize the DMA2D state*/
1443 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_READY;
1445 /* Process unlocked */
1446 __HAL_UNLOCK(hdma2d);
1448 return HAL_OK;
1452 * @brief Configure the DMA2D CLUT Transfer.
1453 * @param hdma2d: Pointer to a DMA2D_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
1454 * the configuration information for the DMA2D.
1455 * @param CLUTCfg: Pointer to a DMA2D_CLUTCfgTypeDef structure that contains
1456 * the configuration information for the color look up table.
1457 * @param LayerIdx: DMA2D Layer index.
1458 * This parameter can be one of the following values:
1459 * 0(background) / 1(foreground)
1460 * @retval HAL status
1462 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA2D_ConfigCLUT(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef *hdma2d, DMA2D_CLUTCfgTypeDef CLUTCfg, uint32_t LayerIdx)
1464 /* Check the parameters */
1465 assert_param(IS_DMA2D_LAYER(LayerIdx));
1466 assert_param(IS_DMA2D_CLUT_CM(CLUTCfg.CLUTColorMode));
1467 assert_param(IS_DMA2D_CLUT_SIZE(CLUTCfg.Size));
1469 /* Process locked */
1470 __HAL_LOCK(hdma2d);
1472 /* Change DMA2D peripheral state */
1473 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_BUSY;
1475 /* Configure the CLUT of the background DMA2D layer */
1476 if(LayerIdx == 0)
1478 /* Write background CLUT memory address */
1479 WRITE_REG(hdma2d->Instance->BGCMAR, (uint32_t)CLUTCfg.pCLUT);
1481 /* Write background CLUT size and CLUT color mode */
1485 /* Configure the CLUT of the foreground DMA2D layer */
1486 else
1488 /* Write foreground CLUT memory address */
1489 WRITE_REG(hdma2d->Instance->FGCMAR, (uint32_t)CLUTCfg.pCLUT);
1491 /* Write foreground CLUT size and CLUT color mode */
1496 /* Set the DMA2D state to Ready*/
1497 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_READY;
1499 /* Process unlocked */
1500 __HAL_UNLOCK(hdma2d);
1502 return HAL_OK;
1507 * @brief Configure the line watermark.
1508 * @param hdma2d: Pointer to a DMA2D_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
1509 * the configuration information for the DMA2D.
1510 * @param Line: Line Watermark configuration (maximum 16-bit long value expected).
1511 * @note HAL_DMA2D_ProgramLineEvent() API enables the transfer watermark interrupt.
1512 * @note The transfer watermark interrupt is disabled once it has occurred.
1513 * @retval HAL status
1516 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA2D_ProgramLineEvent(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef *hdma2d, uint32_t Line)
1518 /* Check the parameters */
1519 assert_param(IS_DMA2D_LINEWATERMARK(Line));
1521 if (Line > DMA2D_LWR_LW)
1523 return HAL_ERROR;
1525 else
1527 /* Process locked */
1528 __HAL_LOCK(hdma2d);
1530 /* Change DMA2D peripheral state */
1531 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_BUSY;
1533 /* Sets the Line watermark configuration */
1534 WRITE_REG(hdma2d->Instance->LWR, Line);
1536 /* Enable the Line interrupt */
1537 __HAL_DMA2D_ENABLE_IT(hdma2d, DMA2D_IT_TW);
1539 /* Initialize the DMA2D state*/
1540 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_READY;
1542 /* Process unlocked */
1543 __HAL_UNLOCK(hdma2d);
1545 return HAL_OK;
1550 * @brief Enable DMA2D dead time feature.
1551 * @param hdma2d: DMA2D handle.
1552 * @retval HAL status
1554 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA2D_EnableDeadTime(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef *hdma2d)
1556 /* Process Locked */
1557 __HAL_LOCK(hdma2d);
1559 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_BUSY;
1561 /* Set DMA2D_AMTCR EN bit */
1562 SET_BIT(hdma2d->Instance->AMTCR, DMA2D_AMTCR_EN);
1564 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_READY;
1566 /* Process Unlocked */
1567 __HAL_UNLOCK(hdma2d);
1569 return HAL_OK;
1573 * @brief Disable DMA2D dead time feature.
1574 * @param hdma2d: DMA2D handle.
1575 * @retval HAL status
1577 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA2D_DisableDeadTime(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef *hdma2d)
1579 /* Process Locked */
1580 __HAL_LOCK(hdma2d);
1582 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_BUSY;
1584 /* Clear DMA2D_AMTCR EN bit */
1585 CLEAR_BIT(hdma2d->Instance->AMTCR, DMA2D_AMTCR_EN);
1587 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_READY;
1589 /* Process Unlocked */
1590 __HAL_UNLOCK(hdma2d);
1592 return HAL_OK;
1596 * @brief Configure dead time.
1597 * @note The dead time value represents the guaranteed minimum number of cycles between
1598 * two consecutive transactions on the AHB bus.
1599 * @param hdma2d: DMA2D handle.
1600 * @param DeadTime: dead time value.
1601 * @retval HAL status
1603 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA2D_ConfigDeadTime(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef *hdma2d, uint8_t DeadTime)
1605 /* Process Locked */
1606 __HAL_LOCK(hdma2d);
1608 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_BUSY;
1610 /* Set DMA2D_AMTCR DT field */
1611 MODIFY_REG(hdma2d->Instance->AMTCR, DMA2D_AMTCR_DT, (((uint32_t) DeadTime) << DMA2D_POSITION_AMTCR_DT));
1613 hdma2d->State = HAL_DMA2D_STATE_READY;
1615 /* Process Unlocked */
1616 __HAL_UNLOCK(hdma2d);
1618 return HAL_OK;
1622 * @}
1626 /** @defgroup DMA2D_Exported_Functions_Group4 Peripheral State and Error functions
1627 * @brief Peripheral State functions
1629 @verbatim
1630 ===============================================================================
1631 ##### Peripheral State and Errors functions #####
1632 ===============================================================================
1633 [..]
1634 This subsection provides functions allowing to :
1635 (+) Get the DMA2D state
1636 (+) Get the DMA2D error code
1638 @endverbatim
1639 * @{
1643 * @brief Return the DMA2D state
1644 * @param hdma2d: pointer to a DMA2D_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
1645 * the configuration information for the DMA2D.
1646 * @retval HAL state
1648 HAL_DMA2D_StateTypeDef HAL_DMA2D_GetState(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef *hdma2d)
1650 return hdma2d->State;
1654 * @brief Return the DMA2D error code
1655 * @param hdma2d : pointer to a DMA2D_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
1656 * the configuration information for DMA2D.
1657 * @retval DMA2D Error Code
1659 uint32_t HAL_DMA2D_GetError(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef *hdma2d)
1661 return hdma2d->ErrorCode;
1665 * @}
1669 * @}
1673 /** @defgroup DMA2D_Private_Functions DMA2D Private Functions
1674 * @{
1678 * @brief Set the DMA2D transfer parameters.
1679 * @param hdma2d: Pointer to a DMA2D_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
1680 * the configuration information for the specified DMA2D.
1681 * @param pdata: The source memory Buffer address
1682 * @param DstAddress: The destination memory Buffer address
1683 * @param Width: The width of data to be transferred from source to destination.
1684 * @param Height: The height of data to be transferred from source to destination.
1685 * @retval HAL status
1687 static void DMA2D_SetConfig(DMA2D_HandleTypeDef *hdma2d, uint32_t pdata, uint32_t DstAddress, uint32_t Width, uint32_t Height)
1689 uint32_t tmp = 0;
1690 uint32_t tmp1 = 0;
1691 uint32_t tmp2 = 0;
1692 uint32_t tmp3 = 0;
1693 uint32_t tmp4 = 0;
1695 /* Configure DMA2D data size */
1696 MODIFY_REG(hdma2d->Instance->NLR, (DMA2D_NLR_NL|DMA2D_NLR_PL), (Height| (Width << DMA2D_POSITION_NLR_PL)));
1698 /* Configure DMA2D destination address */
1699 WRITE_REG(hdma2d->Instance->OMAR, DstAddress);
1701 /* Register to memory DMA2D mode selected */
1702 if (hdma2d->Init.Mode == DMA2D_R2M)
1704 tmp1 = pdata & DMA2D_OCOLR_ALPHA_1;
1705 tmp2 = pdata & DMA2D_OCOLR_RED_1;
1706 tmp3 = pdata & DMA2D_OCOLR_GREEN_1;
1707 tmp4 = pdata & DMA2D_OCOLR_BLUE_1;
1709 /* Prepare the value to be written to the OCOLR register according to the color mode */
1710 if (hdma2d->Init.ColorMode == DMA2D_OUTPUT_ARGB8888)
1712 tmp = (tmp3 | tmp2 | tmp1| tmp4);
1714 else if (hdma2d->Init.ColorMode == DMA2D_OUTPUT_RGB888)
1716 tmp = (tmp3 | tmp2 | tmp4);
1718 else if (hdma2d->Init.ColorMode == DMA2D_OUTPUT_RGB565)
1720 tmp2 = (tmp2 >> 19);
1721 tmp3 = (tmp3 >> 10);
1722 tmp4 = (tmp4 >> 3 );
1723 tmp = ((tmp3 << 5) | (tmp2 << 11) | tmp4);
1725 else if (hdma2d->Init.ColorMode == DMA2D_OUTPUT_ARGB1555)
1727 tmp1 = (tmp1 >> 31);
1728 tmp2 = (tmp2 >> 19);
1729 tmp3 = (tmp3 >> 11);
1730 tmp4 = (tmp4 >> 3 );
1731 tmp = ((tmp3 << 5) | (tmp2 << 10) | (tmp1 << 15) | tmp4);
1733 else /* Dhdma2d->Init.ColorMode = DMA2D_OUTPUT_ARGB4444 */
1735 tmp1 = (tmp1 >> 28);
1736 tmp2 = (tmp2 >> 20);
1737 tmp3 = (tmp3 >> 12);
1738 tmp4 = (tmp4 >> 4 );
1739 tmp = ((tmp3 << 4) | (tmp2 << 8) | (tmp1 << 12) | tmp4);
1741 /* Write to DMA2D OCOLR register */
1742 WRITE_REG(hdma2d->Instance->OCOLR, tmp);
1744 else /* M2M, M2M_PFC or M2M_Blending DMA2D Mode */
1746 /* Configure DMA2D source address */
1747 WRITE_REG(hdma2d->Instance->FGMAR, pdata);
1752 * @}
1754 #endif /* DMA2D */
1755 #endif /* HAL_DMA2D_MODULE_ENABLED */
1757 * @}
1761 * @}
1764 /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/