[less_retarded_wiki.git] / lrs_dictionary.md
1 # LRS Dictionary
5 { Most of these I just heard/read somewhere, e.g. on [4chan](4chan.md), in [Jargon File](jargon_file.md) or from [RMS](rms.md), some terms I made myself. ~drummyfish }
7 | mainstream                                 | correct/cooler                                              |
8 | ------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
9 | Amazon                                     | Scamazon                                                    |
10 | American                                   | Americunt, Amerifag, Yankee                                 |
11 | [anime](anime.md)                          | tranime                                                     |
12 | [Apple](apple.md) user                     | iToddler, iDiot                                             |
13 | [Asperger](autism.md)                      | assburger                                                   |
14 | [assertiveness](assertiveness.md)          | assholism                                                   |
15 | average citizen                            | normie, normalfag, bloatoddler, NPC, ...                    |
16 | [Bill Gates](bill_gates.md)                | Bill Gayte$                                                 |
17 | [Blender](blender.md)                      | Blunder                                                     |
18 | Brave browser                              | Slave browser                                               |
19 | [censorship](censorship.md)                | censorshit                                                  |
20 | [CEO](ceo.md)                              | capitalist evil oppressor                                   |
21 | [cloud](cloud.md) computing                | clown computing                                             |
22 | [cloudflare](cloudfalre.md)                | cuckflare, clownflare, crimeflare                           |
23 | code of conduct ([COC](coc.md))            | code of coercion, code of censorship                        |              
24 | [comun](comun.md)                          | coomun { One friend suggested this :D ~drummyfish }         |
25 | consume                                    | consoom (see also [coom](coom.md))                          |
26 | [copyright](copyright.md)                  | copywrong, copyrestriction, copyrape                        |
27 | [CSS](css.md)                              | cascading stylish [shit](shit.md)                           |
28 | [C++](cpp.md)                              | crippled C                                                  |
29 | [Debian](debian.md)                        | Lesbian                                                     |
30 | [democracy](democracy.md)                  | democrazy                                                   |
31 | digital garden                             | digital swamp                                               |
32 | digital rights management ([DRM](drm.md))  | digital restrictions management                             |
33 | Discord                                    | Discunt                                                     |
34 | [economy](economy.md)                      | money religion                                              |
35 | [encryption](encryption.md)                | bloatcryption                                               |
36 | [entrepreneur](entrepreneur.md)            | murderer                                                    |
37 | [Facebook](facebook.md) user               | zucker, used                                                |
38 | fair trade                                 | fair rape                                                   |
39 | [feminism](feminism.md)                    | feminazism, femifascism                                     |
40 | [Firefox](firefox.md)                      | Furryfox                                                    |
41 | [gaming](game.md)                          | gayming                                                     |
42 | [geek](geek.md)                            | retard                                                      |
43 | [global warming](global_warming.md)        | global heating                                              |
44 | [Google](google.md)                        | Goolag                                                      |
45 | Gmail                                      | Gfail                                                       |
46 | [GNU](gnu.md)                              | GNUts, GNU's not usable, Gigantic and Nasty but Unavoidable |
47 | influencer                                 | manipulator                                                 |
48 | [Intel](intel.md)                          | [Incel](incel.md)                                           |
49 | [Internet Explorer](internet_explorer.md)  | Internet Exploder, Internet Exploiter                       |
50 | [Internet of things](iot.md)               | Internet of stinks/stings                                   |
51 | [iPad](ipda.md)                            | iBad                                                        |
52 | [iPhone](iphone.md)                        | spyPhone                                                    |
53 | [JavaScript](js.md)                        | HitlerScript, JavaShit                                      |
54 | job                                        | slavery                                                     |
55 | "left"                                     | [pseudoleft](pseudoleft.md), SJW                            |
56 | [LGBT](lgbt.md)                            | FGTS, TTTT                                                  |
57 | [liberal](liberal.md)                      | libtard                                                     |                            
58 | "[Linux](linux.md)"                        | [GNU](gnu.md), lunix, loonix                                |
59 | [logic gate](logic_gate.md)                | logic gayte                                                 |
60 | Macintosh                                  | Macintoy, Macintrash, Maggotbox                             |
61 | [Microsoft](microsoft.md)                  | Microshit                                                   |
62 | [microtransaction](microtransaction.md)    | microtheft                                                  |
63 | [moderation](moderation.md)                | [censorship](censorship.md)                                 |
64 | [modern](modern.md)                        | malicious, shitty                                           |
65 | [.NET](dot_net.md)                         | .NEET                                                       |
66 | [network](network.md)                      | notwork                                                     |
67 | neurodivergent                             | retarded, neuroretarded                                     |
68 | neurotypical                               | typical retard                                              |
69 | [NFS](nfs.md)                              | nightmare file system                                       |
70 | [Nintendo](nintendo.md)                    | Nintendont                                                  |
71 | NPOV                                       | normie/NPC point of view                                    |
72 | [NSA](nsa.md)                              | national spying agency                                      |
73 | null hypothesis significance test          | null ritual                                                 |
74 | [NVidia](nvidia.md)                        | NoVidya                                                     |
75 | object oriented programming ([OOP](oop.md))| object obsessed programming                                 |
76 | object oriented                            | objectfuscated                                              |
77 | [objective C](objective_c.md)              | objectionable C                                             |
78 | [openbsd](openbsd.md)                      | openbased                                                   |
79 | peer-reviewed                              | peer-censored                                               |
80 | "person"                                   | man                                                         |
81 | [playstation](playstation.md)              | gaystation                                                  |
82 | plug and play                              | plug and pray                                               |
83 | proprietary service                        | disservice                                                  |
84 | school                                     | indoctrination center                                       |
85 | "science"                                  | [soyence](soyence.md)                                       |
86 | software as a service ([SAAS](saas.md))    | service as a software substitute (SAASS)                    |
87 | [Steve Jobs](steve_jobs.md)                | Steve Jewbs                                                 |
88 | subscription                               | [microrape](microrape.md)                                   |
89 | [suckless](suckless.md)                    | suckass                                                     |
90 | [systemd](systemd.md)                      | shitstemd, soystemd                                         |
91 | [TikTok](tiktok.md)                        | ShitTok                                                     |
92 | [Twitter](twitter.md)                      | titter, twatter                                             |
93 | United States of America                   | United Shitholes of America, burgerland                     |
94 | user (of a proprietary system)             | used, lusr                                                  |
95 | using [JavaScript](js.md)                  | JavaScrippled                                               |
96 | voice assistant                            | personal spy agent                                          |
97 | [wayland](wayland.md)                      | whyland                                                     |
98 | [webassembly](webassembly.md)              | weebassembly                                                |
99 | website                                    | webshite                                                    |
100 | Wikipedian                                 | wikipedo                                                    |
101 | [Windows](windows.md)                      | Winshit, Windoze, Winbloat, Backdoors? :D                   |
102 | [woman](woman.md)                          | femoid                                                      |
103 | [work](work.md)                            | slavery                                                     |
104 | [world wide web](www.md)                   | world wide wait                                             |
105 | [YouTube](youtube.md)                      | JewTube                                                     |
107 Words you should use often include: abomination, crazy, cretin, [faggot](faggot.md), fat, femoid, idiot, imbecile, insane, landwhale, moron, [nigger](nigger.md), [retard](retard.md), subhuman, ugly.
109 ## See Also
111 - [acronyms](acronym.md)
112 - [newspeak](newspeak.md)