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52 <h1>Clickable Techtree Diagram for Egypt - Buildings (Megapack) </h1>
53 <p>
54 <h4><a href="index.html">Home</a></h4><p><H4>Choose faction: &nbsp;<A HREF=egypt_overview.html><I>Egypt</I></a> |&nbsp;
55 &nbsp;<A HREF=indian_overview.html>Indian</a> |&nbsp;
56 &nbsp;<A HREF=magic_overview.html>Magic</a> |&nbsp;
57 &nbsp;<A HREF=norsemen_overview.html>Norsemen</a> |&nbsp;
58 &nbsp;<A HREF=persian_overview.html>Persian</a> |&nbsp;
59 &nbsp;<A HREF=romans_overview.html>Romans</a> |&nbsp;
60 &nbsp;<A HREF=tech_overview.html>Tech</a>
61 </H4><P>
62 <P>
63 <H4>Techtree Diagrams: <a href="egypt_techtree_clickable_map_buildings.html">Buildings</a> |
64 <a href="egypt_techtree_clickable_map_buildings_units.html">Buildings Units</a> |
65 <a href="egypt_techtree_clickable_map_all.html">All</a></H4>
66 <P>
67 <img src="images/egypt/egypt_techtree_graph_buildings.png" usemap=#test>
68 <map id="test" name="test">
69 <area shape="poly" id="node1" href="egypt_farm_full.html" title="Farm" alt="" coords="104,138,55,122,5,138,5,165,104,165"/>
70 <area shape="poly" id="node2" href="egypt_pyramid_full.html" title="Pyramid" alt="" coords="257,22,189,5,122,22,122,49,257,49"/>
71 <area shape="poly" id="node4" href="egypt_obelisk_full.html" title="Obelisk" alt="" coords="254,350,191,334,127,350,127,377,254,377"/>
72 <area shape="poly" id="node5" href="egypt_desert_camp_full.html" title="Desert\nCamp" alt="" coords="299,132,239,101,178,132,178,181,299,181"/>
73 <area shape="poly" id="node6" href="egypt_temple_full.html" title="Temple" alt="" coords="304,254,241,238,178,254,178,281,304,281"/>
74 <area shape="poly" id="node3" href="egypt_air_pyramid_full.html" title="Air\nPyramid" alt="" coords="187,461,113,430,40,461,40,510,187,510"/>
75 <area shape="poly" id="node7" href="egypt_sphinx_full.html" title="Sphinx" alt="" coords="328,467,269,450,210,467,210,494,328,494"/>
76 </map>
77 <h4>Arrow Styles:</h4>
78 <ul>
79 <li>Bold: Unit creates building
80 <li>Solid: Building produces unit or upgrade
81 <li>Dashed: Units morphs/upgrades to other unit
82 <li>Dotted: Unit or Upgrade is a requirement
83 </ul>