Update other ML models
[notebooks.git] / fmda / moisture_models.py
1 import numpy as np
2 import math
3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
4 import copy
5 from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
6 import xgboost as xg
7 from xgboost import XGBRegressor
8 from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
9 import pandas as pd
10 from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
12 # ODE + Augmented Kalman Filter Code
13 #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
15 def model_decay(m0,E,partials=0,T1=0.1,tlen=1):
16 # Arguments:
17 # m0 fuel moisture content at start dimensionless, unit (1)
18 # E fuel moisture eqilibrium (1)
19 # partials=0: return m1 = fuel moisture contents after time tlen (1)
20 # =1: return m1, dm0/dm0
21 # =2: return m1, dm1/dm0, dm1/dE
22 # =3: return m1, dm1/dm0, dm1/dE dm1/dT1
23 # T1 1/T, where T is the time constant approaching the equilibrium
24 # default 0.1/hour
25 # tlen the time interval length, default 1 hour
27 exp_t = np.exp(-tlen*T1) # compute this subexpression only once
28 m1 = E + (m0 - E)*exp_t # the solution at end
29 if partials==0:
30 return m1
31 dm1_dm0 = exp_t
32 if partials==1:
33 return m1, dm1_dm0 # return value and Jacobian
34 dm1_dE = 1 - exp_t
35 if partials==2:
36 return m1, dm1_dm0, dm1_dE
37 dm1_dT1 = -(m0 - E)*tlen*exp_t # partial derivative dm1 / dT1
38 if partials==3:
39 return m1, dm1_dm0, dm1_dE, dm1_dT1 # return value and all partial derivatives wrt m1 and parameters
40 raise('Bad arg partials')
43 def ext_kf(u,P,F,Q=0,d=None,H=None,R=None):
44 """
45 One step of the extended Kalman filter.
46 If there is no data, only advance in time.
47 :param u: the state vector, shape n
48 :param P: the state covariance, shape (n,n)
49 :param F: the model function, args vector u, returns F(u) and Jacobian J(u)
50 :param Q: the process model noise covariance, shape (n,n)
51 :param d: data vector, shape (m). If none, only advance in time
52 :param H: observation matrix, shape (m,n)
53 :param R: data error covariance, shape (n,n)
54 :return ua: the analysis state vector, shape (n)
55 :return Pa: the analysis covariance matrix, shape (n,n)
56 """
57 def d2(a):
58 return np.atleast_2d(a) # convert to at least 2d array
60 def d1(a):
61 return np.atleast_1d(a) # convert to at least 1d array
63 # forecast
64 uf, J = F(u) # advance the model state in time and get the Jacobian
65 uf = d1(uf) # if scalar, make state a 1D array
66 J = d2(J) # if scalar, make jacobian a 2D array
67 P = d2(P) # if scalar, make Jacobian as 2D array
68 Pf = d2(J.T @ P) @ J + Q # advance the state covariance Pf = J' * P * J + Q
69 # analysis
70 if d is None or not d.size : # no data, no analysis
71 return uf, Pf
72 # K = P H' * inverse(H * P * H' + R) = (inverse(H * P * H' + R)*(H P))'
73 H = d2(H)
74 HP = d2(H @ P) # precompute a part used twice
75 K = d2(np.linalg.solve( d2(HP @ H.T) + R, HP)).T # Kalman gain
76 # print('H',H)
77 # print('K',K)
78 res = d1(H @ d1(uf) - d) # res = H*uf - d
79 ua = uf - K @ res # analysis mean uf - K*res
80 Pa = Pf - K @ d2(H @ P) # analysis covariance
81 return ua, d2(Pa)
83 ### Define model function with drying, wetting, and rain equilibria
85 # Parameters
86 r0 = 0.05 # threshold rainfall [mm/h]
87 rs = 8.0 # saturation rain intensity [mm/h]
88 Tr = 14.0 # time constant for rain wetting model [h]
89 S = 250 # saturation intensity [dimensionless]
90 T = 10.0 # time constant for wetting/drying
92 #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
94 def model_moisture(m0,Eqd,Eqw,r,t=None,partials=0,T=10.0,tlen=1.0):
95 # arguments:
96 # m0 starting fuel moistureb (%s
97 # Eqd drying equilibrium (%)
98 # Eqw wetting equilibrium (%)
99 # r rain intensity (mm/h)
100 # t time
101 # partials = 0, 1, 2
102 # returns: same as model_decay
103 # if partials==0: m1 = fuel moisture contents after time 1 hour
104 # ==1: m1, dm1/dm0
105 # ==2: m1, dm1/dm0, dm1/dE
107 if r > r0:
108 # print('raining')
109 E = S
110 T1 = (1.0 - np.exp(- (r - r0) / rs)) / Tr
111 elif m0 <= Eqw:
112 # print('wetting')
113 E=Eqw
114 T1 = 1.0/T
115 elif m0 >= Eqd:
116 # print('drying')
117 E=Eqd
118 T1 = 1.0/T
119 else: # no change'
120 E = m0
121 T1=0.0
122 exp_t = np.exp(-tlen*T1)
123 m1 = E + (m0 - E)*exp_t
124 dm1_dm0 = exp_t
125 dm1_dE = 1 - exp_t
126 #if t>=933 and t < 940:
127 # print('t,Eqw,Eqd,r,T1,E,m0,m1,dm1_dm0,dm1_dE',
128 # t,Eqw,Eqd,r,T1,E,m0,m1,dm1_dm0,dm1_dE)
129 if partials==0:
130 return m1
131 if partials==1:
132 return m1, dm1_dm0
133 if partials==2:
134 return m1, dm1_dm0, dm1_dE
135 raise('bad partials')
137 def model_augmented(u0,Ed,Ew,r,t):
138 # state u is the vector [m,dE] with dE correction to equilibria Ed and Ew at t
140 m0, Ec = u0 # decompose state u0
141 # reuse model_moisture(m0,Eqd,Eqw,r,partials=0):
142 # arguments:
143 # m0 starting fuel moistureb (1)
144 # Ed drying equilibrium (1)
145 # Ew wetting equilibrium (1)
146 # r rain intensity (mm/h)
147 # partials = 0, 1, 2
148 # returns: same as model_decay
149 # if partials==0: m1 = fuel moisture contents after time 1 hour
150 # ==1: m1, dm0/dm0
151 # ==2: m1, dm1/dm0, dm1/dE
152 m1, dm1_dm0, dm1_dE = model_moisture(m0,Ed + Ec, Ew + Ec, r, t, partials=2)
153 u1 = np.array([m1,Ec]) # dE is just copied
154 J = np.array([[dm1_dm0, dm1_dE],
155 [0. , 1.]])
156 return u1, J
159 ### Default Uncertainty Matrices
160 Q = np.array([[1e-3, 0.],
161 [0, 1e-3]]) # process noise covariance
162 H = np.array([[1., 0.]]) # first component observed
163 R = np.array([1e-3]) # data variance
165 def run_augmented_kf(dat0,h2=None,hours=None, H=H, Q=Q, R=R):
166 dat = copy.deepcopy(dat0)
168 if h2 is None:
169 h2 = int(dat['h2'])
170 if hours is None:
171 hours = int(dat['hours'])
173 d = dat['y']
174 feats = dat['features_list']
175 Ed = dat['X'][:,feats.index('Ed')]
176 Ew = dat['X'][:,feats.index('Ew')]
177 rain = dat['X'][:,feats.index('rain')]
179 u = np.zeros((2,hours))
180 u[:,0]=[0.1,0.0] # initialize,background state
181 P = np.zeros((2,2,hours))
182 P[:,:,0] = np.array([[1e-3, 0.],
183 [0., 1e-3]]) # background state covariance
184 # Q = np.array([[1e-3, 0.],
185 # [0, 1e-3]]) # process noise covariance
186 # H = np.array([[1., 0.]]) # first component observed
187 # R = np.array([1e-3]) # data variance
189 for t in range(1,h2):
190 # use lambda construction to pass additional arguments to the model
191 u[:,t],P[:,:,t] = ext_kf(u[:,t-1],P[:,:,t-1],
192 lambda uu: model_augmented(uu,Ed[t],Ew[t],rain[t],t),
193 Q,d[t],H=H,R=R)
194 # print('time',t,'data',d[t],'filtered',u[0,t],'Ec',u[1,t])
195 for t in range(h2,hours):
196 u[:,t],P[:,:,t] = ext_kf(u[:,t-1],P[:,:,t-1],
197 lambda uu: model_augmented(uu,Ed[t],Ew[t],rain[t],t),
198 Q*0.0)
199 # print('time',t,'data',d[t],'forecast',u[0,t],'Ec',u[1,t])
200 return u
202 # General Machine Learning Models
203 #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
205 class MLModel(ABC):
206 def __init__(self, params: dict):
207 self.params = params
208 if type(self) is MLModel:
209 raise TypeError("MLModel is an abstract class and cannot be instantiated directly")
210 super().__init__()
212 @abstractmethod
213 def fit(self, X_train, y_train, weights=None):
214 pass
216 @abstractmethod
217 def predict(self, X):
218 pass
220 def eval(self, X_test, y_test):
221 preds = self.predict(X_test)
222 rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_test, preds))
223 # rmse_ros = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(ros_3wind(y_test), ros_3wind(preds)))
224 print(f"Test RMSE: {rmse}")
225 # print(f"Test RMSE (ROS): {rmse_ros}")
226 return rmse, rmse_ros
228 class XGB(MLModel):
229 def __init__(self, params: dict):
230 super().__init__(params)
231 self.model = XGBRegressor(**self.params)
233 def fit(self, X_train, y_train, weights=None):
234 print(f"Training XGB with params: {self.params}")
235 self.model.fit(X_train, y_train, sample_weight=weights)
237 def predict(self, X):
238 print("Predicting with XGB")
239 preds = self.model.predict(X)
240 return preds
242 class RF(MLModel):
243 def __init__(self, params: dict):
244 super().__init__(params)
245 self.model = RandomForestRegressor(**self.params)
247 def fit(self, X_train, y_train, weights=None):
248 print(f"Training RF with params: {self.params}")
249 self.model.fit(X_train, y_train, sample_weight=weights)
251 def predict(self, X):
252 print("Predicting with RF")
253 preds = self.model.predict(X)
254 return preds
256 class LM(MLModel):
257 def __init__(self, params: dict):
258 super().__init__(params)
259 self.model = LinearRegression(**self.params)
261 def fit(self, X_train, y_train, weights=None):
262 self.model.fit(X_train, y_train, sample_weight=weights)
263 print(f"Training LM with params: {self.params}")
265 def predict(self, X):
266 print("Predicting with LM")
267 preds = self.model.predict(X)
268 return preds