mgh: fix for default HDD DMA mode, that wasn't correctly set
[open-ps2-loader/simon.git] / modules / vmc / mcman / mcman.h
1 /*
2 Copyright 2009-2010, jimmikaelkael
3 Licenced under Academic Free License version 3.0
4 Review Open PS2 Loader README & LICENSE files for further details.
5 */
7 #ifndef __MCMAN_H__
8 #define __MCMAN_H__
10 #include <loadcore.h>
11 #include <intrman.h>
12 #include <sysclib.h>
13 #include <thbase.h>
14 #include <thsemap.h>
15 #include <timrman.h>
16 #include <modload.h>
17 #include "modload_add.h"
18 #include <ioman.h>
19 #include "secrman.h"
20 #include <cdvdman.h>
21 #include "cdvdman_add.h"
22 #include <stdio.h>
23 #include <errno.h>
24 #include <io_common.h>
25 #include "sio2man_imports.h"
27 #ifdef SIO_DEBUG
28 #include <sior.h>
29 #define DEBUG
30 #define DPRINTF(args...) sio_printf(args)
31 #else
32 #define DPRINTF(args...) printf(args)
33 #endif
35 #define MODNAME "mcman"
36 #define MODVER 0x101
38 // modInfo struct returned by xmcman exports 42
39 struct modInfo_t {
40 const char *name;
41 u16 version;
44 struct irx_export_table _exp_mcman;
46 typedef struct _sceMcStDateTime {
47 u8 Resv2;
48 u8 Sec;
49 u8 Min;
50 u8 Hour;
51 u8 Day;
52 u8 Month;
53 u16 Year;
54 } sceMcStDateTime;
56 /* MCMAN public structure */
57 typedef struct _sceMcTblGetDir { //size = 64
58 sceMcStDateTime _Create; // 0
59 sceMcStDateTime _Modify; // 8
60 u32 FileSizeByte; // 16
61 u16 AttrFile; // 20
62 u16 Reserve1; // 22
63 u32 Reserve2; // 24
64 u32 PdaAplNo; // 28
65 u8 EntryName[32]; // 32
66 } sceMcTblGetDir;
68 typedef struct _MCCacheEntry {
69 int cluster; // 0
70 u8 *cl_data; // 4
71 u16 mc_slot; // 8
72 u8 wr_flag; // 10
73 u8 mc_port; // 11
74 u8 rd_flag; // 12
75 u8 unused[3]; // 13
76 } McCacheEntry;
78 typedef struct _MCCacheDir {
79 int cluster; // 0
80 int fsindex; // 4
81 int maxent; // 8
82 u32 unused;
83 } McCacheDir;
85 // Card Flags
86 #define CF_USE_ECC 0x01
87 #define CF_BAD_BLOCK 0x08
88 #define CF_ERASE_ZEROES 0x10
90 #define MCMAN_MAXSLOT 4
91 #define MCMAN_CLUSTERSIZE 1024
94 typedef struct _McFatCluster {
96 } McFatCluster;
99 #define MAX_CACHEENTRY 0x24
100 u8 mcman_cachebuf[MAX_CACHEENTRY * MCMAN_CLUSTERSIZE];
101 McCacheEntry mcman_entrycache[MAX_CACHEENTRY];
102 McCacheEntry *mcman_mccache[MAX_CACHEENTRY];
104 McCacheEntry *pmcman_entrycache;
105 McCacheEntry **pmcman_mccache;
107 typedef struct {
108 int entry[1 + (MCMAN_CLUSTERFATENTRIES * 2)];
109 } McFatCache;
111 McFatCache mcman_fatcache[2][MCMAN_MAXSLOT];
113 typedef struct { // size = 128
114 int mode; // 0
115 int length; // 4
116 s16 linked_block; // 8
117 u8 name[20]; // 10
118 u8 field_1e; // 30
119 u8 field_1f; // 31
120 sceMcStDateTime created; // 32
121 int field_28; // 40
122 u16 field_2c; // 44
123 u16 field_2e; // 46
124 sceMcStDateTime modified; // 48
125 int field_38; // 56
126 u8 unused2[65]; // 60
127 u8 field_7d; // 125
128 u8 field_7e; // 126
129 u8 edc; // 127
130 } McFsEntryPS1;
132 typedef struct { // size = 512
133 u16 mode; // 0
134 u16 unused; // 2
135 u32 length; // 4
136 sceMcStDateTime created; // 8
137 u32 cluster; // 16
138 u32 dir_entry; // 20
139 sceMcStDateTime modified; // 24
140 u32 attr; // 32
141 u32 unused2[7]; // 36
142 u8 name[32]; // 64
143 u8 unused3[416]; // 96
144 } McFsEntry;
146 #define MAX_CACHEDIRENTRY 0x3
147 McFsEntry mcman_dircache[MAX_CACHEDIRENTRY];
149 int mcman_curdirmaxent;
150 int mcman_curdirlength;
151 char mcman_curdirpath[1024];
152 char *mcman_curdirname;
154 int mcman_PS1curcluster;
155 u8 mcman_PS1curdir[64];
157 typedef struct { // size = 48
158 u8 status; // 0
159 u8 wrflag; // 1
160 u8 rdflag; // 2
161 u8 unknown1; // 3
162 u8 drdflag; // 4
163 u8 unknown2; // 5
164 u16 port; // 6
165 u16 slot; // 8
166 u16 unknown3; // 10
167 u32 position; // 12
168 u32 filesize; // 16
169 u32 freeclink; // 20 link to next free cluster
170 u32 clink; // 24 link to next cluster
171 u32 clust_offset;// 28
172 u32 field_20; // 32
173 u32 field_24; // 36
174 u32 field_28; // 40
175 u32 field_2C; // 44
178 #define MAX_FDHANDLES 3
179 MC_FHANDLE mcman_fdhandles[MAX_FDHANDLES];
181 sceMcStDateTime mcman_fsmodtime;
184 /* 05 */ int McDetectCard(int port, int slot);
185 /* 06 */ int McOpen(int port, int slot, char *filename, int flags);
186 /* 07 */ int McClose(int fd);
187 /* 08 */ int McRead(int fd, void *buf, int length);
188 /* 09 */ int McWrite(int fd, void *buf, int length);
189 /* 10 */ int McSeek(int fd, int offset, int origin);
190 /* 11 */ int McFormat(int port, int slot);
191 /* 12 */ int McGetDir(int port, int slot, char *dirname, int flags, int maxent, sceMcTblGetDir *info);
192 /* 13 */ int McDelete(int port, int slot, char *filename, int flags);
193 /* 14 */ int McFlush(int fd);
194 /* 15 */ int McChDir(int port, int slot, char *newdir, char *currentdir);
195 /* 16 */ int McSetFileInfo(int port, int slot, char *filename, sceMcTblGetDir *info, int flags);
196 /* 17 */ int McEraseBlock(int port, int block, void **pagebuf, void *eccbuf);
197 /* 18 */ int McReadPage(int port, int slot, int page, void *buf);
198 /* 19 */ int McWritePage(int port, int slot, int page, void *pagebuf, void *eccbuf);
199 /* 20 */ void McDataChecksum(void *buf, void *ecc);
200 /* 29 */ int McReadPS1PDACard(int port, int slot, int page, void *buf);
201 /* 30 */ int McWritePS1PDACard(int port, int slot, int page, void *buf);
202 /* 36 */ int McUnformat(int port, int slot);
203 /* 37 */ int McRetOnly(int fd);
204 /* 38 */ int McGetFreeClusters(int port, int slot);
205 /* 39 */ int McGetMcType(int port, int slot);
206 /* 40 */ void McSetPS1CardFlag(int flag);
208 /* Available in XMCMAN only */
209 /* 17 */ int McEraseBlock2(int port, int slot, int block, void **pagebuf, void *eccbuf);
210 /* 21 */ int McDetectCard2(int port, int slot);
211 /* 22 */ int McGetFormat(int port, int slot);
212 /* 23 */ int McGetEntSpace(int port, int slot, char *dirname);
213 /* 24 */ int mcman_replacebadblock(void);
214 /* 25 */ int McCloseAll(void);
215 /* 42 */ struct modInfo_t *McGetModuleInfo(void);
216 /* 43 */ int McGetCardSpec(int port, int slot, u16 *pagesize, u16 *blocksize, int *cardsize, u8 *flags);
217 /* 44 */ int mcman_getFATentry(int port, int slot, int fat_index, int *fat_entry);
218 /* 45 */ int McCheckBlock(int port, int slot, int block);
219 /* 46 */ int mcman_setFATentry(int port, int slot, int fat_index, int fat_entry);
220 /* 47 */ int mcman_readdirentry(int port, int slot, int cluster, int fsindex, McFsEntry **pfse);
221 /* 48 */ void mcman_1stcacheEntsetwrflagoff(void);
224 // internal functions prototypes
225 int mcsio2_transfer(int port, int slot, sio2_transfer_data_t *sio2data);
226 int mcsio2_transfer2(int port, int slot, sio2_transfer_data_t *sio2data);
227 void long_multiply(u32 v1, u32 v2, u32 *HI, u32 *LO);
228 int mcman_chrpos(char *str, int chr);
229 void mcman_wmemset(void *buf, int size, int value);
230 int mcman_calcEDC(void *buf, int size);
231 int mcman_checkpath(char *str);
232 int mcman_checkdirpath(char *str1, char *str2);
233 void mcman_invhandles(int port, int slot);
234 int McCloseAll(void);
235 int mcman_detectcard(int port, int slot);
236 int mcman_dread(int fd, fio_dirent_t *dirent);
237 int mcman_getstat(int port, int slot, char *filename, fio_stat_t *stat);
238 int mcman_getmcrtime(sceMcStDateTime *time);
239 void mcman_initPS2com(void);
240 void sio2packet_add(int port, int slot, int cmd, u8 *buf);
241 int mcman_eraseblock(int port, int slot, int block, void **pagebuf, void *eccbuf);
242 int mcman_readpage(int port, int slot, int page, void *buf, void *eccbuf);
243 int mcman_cardchanged(int port, int slot);
244 int mcman_resetauth(int port, int slot);
245 int mcman_probePS2Card2(int port, int slot);
246 int mcman_probePS2Card(int port, int slot);
247 int secrman_mc_command(int port, int slot, sio2_transfer_data_t *sio2data);
248 int mcman_getcnum (int port, int slot);
249 int mcman_correctdata(void *buf, void *ecc);
250 int mcman_sparesize(int port, int slot);
251 int mcman_setdevspec(int port, int slot);
252 int mcman_reportBadBlocks(int port, int slot);
253 int mcman_setdevinfos(int port, int slot);
254 int mcman_format2(int port, int slot);
255 int mcman_createDirentry(int port, int slot, int parent_cluster, int num_entries, int cluster, sceMcStDateTime *ctime);
256 int mcman_fatRseek(int fd);
257 int mcman_fatWseek(int fd);
258 int mcman_findfree2(int port, int slot, int reserve);
259 int mcman_dread2(int fd, fio_dirent_t *dirent);
260 int mcman_getstat2(int port, int slot, char *filename, fio_stat_t *stat);
261 int mcman_setinfo2(int port, int slot, char *filename, sceMcTblGetDir *info, int flags);
262 int mcman_read2(int fd, void *buffer, int nbyte);
263 int mcman_write2(int fd, void *buffer, int nbyte);
264 int mcman_close2(int fd);
265 int mcman_getentspace(int port, int slot, char *dirname);
266 int mcman_cachedirentry(int port, int slot, char *filename, McCacheDir *pcacheDir, McFsEntry **pfse, int unknown_flag);
267 int mcman_getdirinfo(int port, int slot, McFsEntry *pfse, char *filename, McCacheDir *pcd, int unknown_flag);
268 int mcman_open2(int port, int slot, char *filename, int flags);
269 int mcman_chdir(int port, int slot, char *newdir, char *currentdir);
270 int mcman_writecluster(int port, int slot, int cluster, int flag);
271 int mcman_setdirentrystate(int port, int slot, int cluster, int fsindex, int flags);
272 int mcman_getdir2(int port, int slot, char *dirname, int flags, int maxent, sceMcTblGetDir *info);
273 int mcman_delete2(int port, int slot, char *filename, int flags);
274 int mcman_checkBackupBlocks(int port, int slot);
275 int mcman_unformat2(int port, int slot);
276 void mcman_initPS1PDAcom(void);
277 int mcman_probePS1Card2(int port, int slot);
278 int mcman_probePS1Card(int port, int slot);
279 int mcman_probePDACard(int port, int slot);
280 int mcman_setPS1devinfos(int port, int slot);
281 int mcman_format1(int port, int slot);
282 int mcman_open1(int port, int slot, char *filename, int flags);
283 int mcman_read1(int fd, void *buffer, int nbyte);
284 int mcman_write1(int fd, void *buffer, int nbyte);
285 int mcman_getPS1direntry(int port, int slot, char *filename, McFsEntryPS1 **pfse, int flag);
286 int mcman_dread1(int fd, fio_dirent_t *dirent);
287 int mcman_getstat1(int port, int slot, char *filename, fio_stat_t *stat);
288 int mcman_setinfo1(int port, int slot, char *filename, sceMcTblGetDir *info, int flags);
289 int mcman_getdir1(int port, int slot, char *dirname, int flags, int maxent, sceMcTblGetDir *info);
290 int mcman_clearPS1direntry(int port, int slot, int cluster, int flags);
291 int mcman_delete1(int port, int slot, char *filename, int flags);
292 int mcman_close1(int fd);
293 int mcman_findfree1(int port, int slot, int reserve);
294 int mcman_fatRseekPS1(int fd);
295 int mcman_fatWseekPS1(int fd);
296 int mcman_FNC8ca4(int port, int slot, MC_FHANDLE *fh);
297 int mcman_PS1pagetest(int port, int slot, int page);
298 int mcman_unformat1(int port, int slot);
299 int mcman_cachePS1dirs(int port, int slot);
300 int mcman_fillPS1backuparea(int port, int slot, int block);
301 void mcman_initcache(void);
302 int mcman_clearcache(int port, int slot);
303 McCacheEntry *mcman_getcacheentry(int port, int slot, int cluster);
304 void mcman_freecluster(int port, int slot, int cluster);
305 int mcman_getFATindex(int port, int slot, int num);
306 McCacheEntry *mcman_get1stcacheEntp(void);
307 void mcman_addcacheentry(McCacheEntry *mce);
308 int mcman_flushmccache(int port, int slot);
309 int mcman_flushcacheentry(McCacheEntry *mce);
310 int mcman_readcluster(int port, int slot, int cluster, McCacheEntry **pmce);
311 int mcman_readdirentryPS1(int port, int slot, int cluster, McFsEntryPS1 **pfse);
312 int mcman_readclusterPS1(int port, int slot, int cluster, McCacheEntry **pmce);
313 int mcman_replaceBackupBlock(int port, int slot, int block);
314 int mcman_fillbackupblock1(int port, int slot, int block, void **pagedata, void *eccdata);
315 int mcman_clearsuperblock(int port, int slot);
316 int mcman_ioerrcode(int errcode);
317 int mcman_modloadcb(char *filename, int *unit, u8 *arg3); // used as callback by modload
318 void mcman_unit2card(u32 unit);
319 int mcman_initdev(void);
322 // in addition to errno
323 #define EFORMAT 140
325 // MCMAN basic error codes
326 #define sceMcResSucceed 0
327 #define sceMcResChangedCard -1
328 #define sceMcResNoFormat -2
329 #define sceMcResFullDevice -3
330 #define sceMcResNoEntry -4
331 #define sceMcResDeniedPermit -5
332 #define sceMcResNotEmpty -6
333 #define sceMcResUpLimitHandle -7
334 #define sceMcResFailReplace -8
335 #define sceMcResFailResetAuth -11
336 #define sceMcResFailDetect -12
337 #define sceMcResFailDetect2 -13
338 #define sceMcResDeniedPS1Permit -51
339 #define sceMcResFailAuth -90
342 // Memory Card device types
343 #define sceMcTypeNoCard 0
344 #define sceMcTypePS1 1
345 #define sceMcTypePS2 2
346 #define sceMcTypePDA 3
349 typedef struct { // size = 384
350 u8 magic[28]; // Superblock magic, on PS2 MC : "Sony PS2 Memory Card Format "
351 u8 version[12]; // Version number of the format used, 1.2 indicates full support for bad_block_list
352 s16 pagesize; // size in bytes of a memory card page
353 u16 pages_per_cluster; // number of pages in a cluster
354 u16 blocksize; // number of pages in an erase block
355 u16 unused; // unused
356 u32 clusters_per_card; // total size in clusters of the memory card
357 u32 alloc_offset; // Cluster offset of the first allocatable cluster. Cluster values in the FAT and directory entries are relative to this. This is the cluster immediately after the FAT
358 u32 alloc_end; // The cluster after the highest allocatable cluster. Relative to alloc_offset. Not used
359 u32 rootdir_cluster; // First cluster of the root directory. Relative to alloc_offset. Must be zero
360 u32 backup_block1; // Erase block used as a backup area during programming. Normally the the last block on the card, it may have a different value if that block was found to be bad
361 u32 backup_block2; // This block should be erased to all ones. Normally the the second last block on the card
362 u8 unused2[8];
363 u32 ifc_list[32]; // List of indirect FAT clusters. On a standard 8M card there's only one indirect FAT cluster
364 int bad_block_list[32]; // List of erase blocks that have errors and shouldn't be used
365 u8 cardtype; // Memory card type. Must be 2, indicating that this is a PS2 memory card
366 u8 cardflags; // Physical characteristics of the memory card
367 u16 unused3;
368 u32 cluster_size;
369 u32 FATentries_per_cluster;
370 u32 clusters_per_block;
371 int cardform;
372 u32 rootdir_cluster2;
373 u32 unknown1;
374 u32 unknown2;
375 u32 max_allocatable_clusters;
376 u32 unknown3;
377 u32 unknown4;
378 int unknown5;
379 } MCDevInfo;
381 MCDevInfo mcman_devinfos[4][MCMAN_MAXSLOT];
384 /* High-Level File I/O */
385 #define SCE_CST_MODE 0x01
386 #define SCE_CST_ATTR 0x02
387 #define SCE_CST_SIZE 0x04
388 #define SCE_CST_CT 0x08
389 #define SCE_CST_AT 0x10
390 #define SCE_CST_MT 0x20
391 #define SCE_CST_PRVT 0x40
393 #define SCE_STM_R 0x01
394 #define SCE_STM_W 0x02
395 #define SCE_STM_X 0x04
396 #define SCE_STM_C 0x08
397 #define SCE_STM_F 0x10
398 #define SCE_STM_D 0x20
400 /* file attributes */
401 #define sceMcFileAttrReadable SCE_STM_R
402 #define sceMcFileAttrWriteable SCE_STM_W
403 #define sceMcFileAttrExecutable SCE_STM_X
404 #define sceMcFileAttrDupProhibit SCE_STM_C
405 #define sceMcFileAttrFile SCE_STM_F
406 #define sceMcFileAttrSubdir SCE_STM_D
407 #define sceMcFileCreateDir 0x0040
408 #define sceMcFileAttrClosed 0x0080
409 #define sceMcFileCreateFile 0x0200
410 #define sceMcFile0400 0x0400
411 #define sceMcFileAttrPDAExec 0x0800
412 #define sceMcFileAttrPS1 0x1000
413 #define sceMcFileAttrHidden 0x2000
414 #define sceMcFileAttrExists 0x8000
417 sio2_transfer_data_t mcman_sio2packet; // buffer for mcman sio2 packet
418 u8 mcman_wdmabufs[0x0b * 0x90]; // buffer array for SIO2 DMA I/O (write)
419 u8 mcman_rdmabufs[0x0b * 0x90]; // not sure here for size, buffer array for SIO2 DMA I/O (read)
421 sio2_transfer_data_t mcman_sio2packet_PS1PDA;
422 u8 mcman_sio2inbufs_PS1PDA[0x90];
423 u8 mcman_sio2outbufs_PS1PDA[0x90];
425 u8 mcman_pagebuf[1056];
426 void *mcman_pagedata[32];
427 u8 mcman_eccdata[512]; // size for 32 ecc
429 u8 mcman_backupbuf[16384];
431 u8 mcman_PS1PDApagebuf[128];
433 u32 mcman_timercount;
434 int mcman_timerthick;
436 int mcman_badblock_port;
437 int mcman_badblock_slot;
438 int mcman_badblock;
439 int mcman_replacementcluster[16];
441 int (*mcman_sio2transfer)(int port, int slot, sio2_transfer_data_t *sio2data);
442 int (*mc_detectcard)(int port, int slot);
444 #endif