1 # In this test, the sampler to use is selected in a vertex shader, passed
2 # to the fragment shader as a (flat) input, and then used for a texture
7 GL_ARB_bindless_texture
11 #extension GL_ARB_bindless_texture: require
14 in vec4 piglit_vertex;
16 flat out sampler2D sampler_vs;
20 gl_Position = piglit_vertex;
26 #extension GL_ARB_bindless_texture: require
28 flat in sampler2D sampler_vs;
33 color = texture2D(sampler_vs, vec2(0, 0));
37 texture rgbw 0 (16, 16)
39 vertex attrib handle tex 0
41 relative probe rgb (0.0, 0.0) (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)