2 // a list of system command that run at server startup.
6 //NegFiltersDebug += { "LNET", "HNET", "FEVIS"};
7 //NegFiltersInfo += { "LNET", "HNET", "VISION_DELTA", "FEIMPE", "FEVIS" };
8 // NegFiltersWarning += { "LNET", "FEHACK", "FERECV"};
9 // NegFiltersWarning += { "positional", "faction", "pet" };
11 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
12 //- Basic (specific) heal profile parameters ---------------------------------
13 // Downtime for normal heal (on other bots of the group)
14 HealSpecificDowntime = 100;
15 // Downtime for self heal
16 HealSpecificDowntimeSelf = 100;
17 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
19 // Disable caching of ligo primitive in binary files
23 // do not log the corrected position.
24 LogAcceptablePos = 0;
25 // do not log group creation failure
26 LogGroupCreationFailure = 0;
27 // do not log aliad tree owner construstion.
28 LogAliasTreeOwner = 0;
29 // do not log outpost info
30 LogOutpostDebug = 0;
31 // Speed factor, for debug purpose only. Don't set to high speed factor !
33 // Speep up the timer triggering. Set a value between 1 (normal) and INT_MAX.
36 // Default timer for wander behavior
37 DefaultWanderMinTimer = 50; // 5s
38 DefaultWanderMaxTimer = 100; // 10s
40 // Fame and guard behavior
41 // Fame value under witch the guard attack the player in sigth
42 FameForGuardAttack = -450000;
43 // The minimum of fame for guard to help the player
44 FameForGuardHelp = -200000;
46 // The default aggro distance for NPC
47 DefaultNpcAggroDist = 15;
48 // The default escort range for escort behavior
49 DefaultEscortRange = 10;
51 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
53 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
54 AggroReturnDistCheck = 15.0;
55 AggroReturnDistCheckFauna = 15.0;
56 AggroReturnDistCheckNpc = 1.5;
57 AggroD1Radius = 250.0;
58 AggroD2Radius = 150.0;
59 AggroPrimaryGroupDist = 0.0;
60 AggroPrimaryGroupCoef = 0.0;
61 AggroSecondaryGroupDist = 0.0;
62 AggroSecondaryGroupCoef = 0.0;
63 AggroPropagationRadius = 60.0;
68 // used mainly in event handlers to determine to which groups events apply
69 KeywordsGroupNpc = {
71 "patrol", // a group of bots who guard a patrol route or point
72 "convoy", // a group with pack animals who follow roads from place to place
73 "with_players", // a group who may travel with players
77 // used mainly in npc_state_profile to determine which ai profiles to assign to which bots
80 "team_leader", // a bot who leads the way in front of their team (and acts as leader
81 // in discussion with players)
82 "animal_leader", // a bot who leads pack animals
83 "guard", // a bot who is a guard of some sort (eg karavan guard)
84 "emissary", // eg karavan emissary
85 "preacher", // eg kami preacher
86 "guardian", // typically kami guardians
87 "vip", // someone who has an escort of players or NPCs (assumed to be harmless)
91 // used mainly in event handlers to determine to which state events apply
92 // eg: when a player goes link dead if the team that this player is escorting
93 // is in a dangerous area the team may enter a 'protect ourselves and wait for
94 // players' punctual state
95 KeywordsStateNpc = {
97 "safe", // eg the gathering point at town entrance
98 "dangerous", // eg a route through the wilds
117 StartCommandsWhenMirrorReady = {
120 //---------------------------------------------------------
121 // commands for multi IA configuration
122 // For multi IA config, use the -m command line switch folowed
123 // by a semicolon separated list of command block to run.
125 // -mCommon:Matis:Post
126 // will execute the folowing command blocks in order :
127 // * StartCommandsWhenMirrorReadyCommon
128 // * StartCommandsWhenMirrorReadyMatis
129 // * StartCommandsWhenMirrorReadyPost
130 //---------------------------------------------------------
131 // common commands before loading continents
132 StartCommandsWhenMirrorReadyCommon =
134 "RandomPosMaxRetry 6400",
135 "fightRangeRange 4 60",
136 "LogOutpostDebug 1",
137 "grpHistoryRecordLog",
139 "verboseAIProfiles",
140 "verboseAliasNodeTreeParserLog",
141 "verboseCombatLog",
142 "verboseFaunaMgrLog",
143 "verboseFaunaParseLog",
144 "verboseNPCBotProfiles",
145 "verboseNPCMgrLog",
146 "verboseNPCParserLog",
147 "verboseNpcDescriptionMsgLog",
148 "verbosePrimitiveParserLog",
149 // "verboseSwitchMultipleChangesOfAProperty",
153 // commands for indoors continent
154 StartCommandsWhenMirrorReadyIndoors =
156 "loadContinent indoors",
157 "createStaticAIInstance indoors",
158 "loadMapsFromCommon indoors_all",
161 // commands for Matis continent
162 StartCommandsWhenMirrorReadyMatis =
164 "loadContinent matis",
165 "createStaticAIInstance matis",
166 "loadMapsFromCommon matis_all",
169 // commands for Matis newbie continent
170 StartCommandsWhenMirrorReadyMatisNewbie =
172 "loadContinent matis",
173 "createStaticAIInstance matis_newbie",
174 "loadMapsFromCommon matis_newbie_all",
177 // commands for Zorai continent
178 StartCommandsWhenMirrorReadyZorai =
180 "loadContinent zorai",
181 "createStaticAIInstance zorai",
182 "loadMapsFromCommon zorai_all",
185 // commands for Zorai newbie continent
186 StartCommandsWhenMirrorReadyZoraiNewbie =
188 "loadContinent zorai",
189 "createStaticAIInstance zorai_newbie",
190 "loadMapsFromCommon zorai_newbie_all",
193 // commands for Fyros continent
194 StartCommandsWhenMirrorReadyFyros =
196 "loadContinent fyros",
197 "createStaticAIInstance fyros",
198 "loadMapsFromCommon fyros_all",
201 // commands for Fyros newbie continent
202 StartCommandsWhenMirrorReadyFyrosNewbie =
204 "loadContinent fyros_newbie",
205 "createStaticAIInstance fyros_newbie",
206 "loadMapsFromCommon fyros_newbie_all",
209 // commands for Tryker continent
210 StartCommandsWhenMirrorReadyTryker =
212 "loadContinent tryker",
213 "createStaticAIInstance tryker",
214 "loadMapsFromCommon tryker_all",
217 // commands for Tryker newbie continent
218 StartCommandsWhenMirrorReadyTrykerNewbie =
220 "loadContinent tryker_newbie",
221 "createStaticAIInstance tryker_newbie",
222 "loadMapsFromCommon tryker_newbie_all",
225 // commands for bagne continents
226 StartCommandsWhenMirrorReadyBagne =
228 "loadContinent bagne",
229 "createStaticAIInstance bagne",
230 "loadMapsFromCommon bagne_all",
233 StartCommandsWhenMirrorReadyNexus =
235 "loadContinent nexus",
236 "createStaticAIInstance nexus",
237 "loadMapsFromCommon nexus_all",
240 StartCommandsWhenMirrorReadyRouteGouffre =
242 "loadContinent route_gouffre",
243 "createStaticAIInstance route_gouffre",
244 "loadMapsFromCommon route_gouffre_all",
247 StartCommandsWhenMirrorReadySources =
249 "loadContinent sources_interdites",
250 "createStaticAIInstance sources",
251 "loadMapsFromCommon sources_all",
254 StartCommandsWhenMirrorReadyTerre =
256 "loadContinent terre_oubliee",
257 "createStaticAIInstance terre",
258 "loadMapsFromCommon terre_all",
261 // commands for Fyros Island continent
262 StartCommandsWhenMirrorReadyFyrosIsland =
264 "loadContinent fyros_island",
265 "createStaticAIInstance fyros_island",
266 "loadMapsFromCommon fyros_island_all",
269 // commands for Zorai Island continent
270 StartCommandsWhenMirrorReadyZoraiIsland =
272 "loadContinent zorai_island",
273 "createStaticAIInstance zorai_island",
274 "loadMapsFromCommon zorai_island_all",
277 // commands for Tryker Island continent
278 StartCommandsWhenMirrorReadyTrykerIsland =
280 "loadContinent tryker_island",
281 "createStaticAIInstance tryker_island",
282 "loadMapsFromCommon tryker_island_all",
285 // commands for Matis island continent
286 StartCommandsWhenMirrorReadyMatisIsland =
288 "loadContinent matis_island",
289 "createStaticAIInstance matis_island",
290 "loadMapsFromCommon matis_island_all",
293 // commands for Newbieland continent
294 StartCommandsWhenMirrorReadyNewbieland =
296 "loadContinent newbieland",
297 "createStaticAIInstance newbieland",
298 "loadMapsFromCommon newbieland_all",
301 // commands for Kitiniere continent
302 StartCommandsWhenMirrorReadyKitiniere =
304 "loadContinent kitiniere",
305 "createStaticAIInstance kitiniere",
306 "loadMapsFromCommon kitiniere_all",
309 // commands for post continents loading
310 StartCommandsWhenMirrorReadyPost =
318 // commands for Ring continents
319 StartCommandsWhenMirrorReadyRing =
321 "loadContinent r2_desert",
322 "createDynamicAIInstance 10000",
323 "loadPrimitiveFile dummy.primitive",
325 // "loadContinent r2_forest",
326 // "createDynamicAIInstance 10001",
327 // "loadPrimitiveFile dummy.primitive",
329 // "loadContinent r2_lakes",
330 // "createDynamicAIInstance 10003",
331 // "loadPrimitiveFile dummy.primitive",
333 // "loadContinent r2_jungle",
334 // "createDynamicAIInstance 10002",
335 // "loadPrimitiveFile dummy.primitive",
337 // "loadContinent r2_roots",
338 // "createDynamicAIInstance 10004",
339 // "loadPrimitiveFile dummy.primitive",
341 // "spawnInstances",
345 // L5 connect to the shard unifier
346 "unifiedNetwork.addService ShardUnifier ( address="+SUAddress+" sendId external autoRetry )",
348 // Create a shard AIS Module
349 "moduleManager.createModule AisControl ais",