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1 use strict;
2 use CXGN::Page;
3 my $page=CXGN::Page->new('solanum_nomenclature.html','html2pl converter');
4 $page->header('New nomenclature for Lycopersicon');
5 print<<END_HEREDOC;
7 <center>
10 <table summary="" width="720" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
11 <tr>
12 <td>
14 <h3>New nomenclature for Lycopersicon</h3>
16 <p>Kindly provided by Prof. Sandra Knapp, Natural History Museum, London, UK.<br />
17 (see also the <a href="">Solanaceae Source</a> PBI Solanum web resource).</p>
19 <p>Species list for <em>Solanum</em> section <em>Lycopersicum</em> and allies - the "Tomato clade" (with equivalents in the previously recognized genus <em>Lycopersicon</em>, now part of a monophyletic <em>Solanum</em>); please cite this information as coming from Peralta, Knapp &amp; Spooner, unpublished monograph) [For LA numbers applicable to the new taxa segregated from <em>S. peruvianum</em> see Spooner, D.M., I.E. Peralta &amp; S. Knapp. AFLP phylogeny of wild tomatoes [<em>Solanum</em> L. section <em>Lycopersicon</em> (Mill.) Wettst. subsection <em>Lycopersicon</em>]. Taxon, in press for late 2004 or early 2005.]</p>
21 <table summary="" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="1" width="100\%">
23 <tr align="center" valign="top">
24 <td width="44"><strong>Sp. No.</strong></td>
25 <td width="154"><strong>Name in tomato monograph (Peralta et al., in preparation for publication in
26 <em>Systematic Botany Monographs</em>)</strong></td>
27 <td width="189"><strong><em>Lycopersicon</em> equivalent</strong></td>
28 <td width="270"><strong>Distribution</strong></td>
29 </tr>
31 <tr align="center" valign="top">
32 <td>1</td>
33 <td><em>Solanum juglandifolium</em> Dunal</td>
34 <td><em>Lycopersicon juglandifolium</em> (Dunal) J.M.H. Shaw</td>
35 <td>In montane forests from central Colombia (Cordillera Central and Occidental)
36 to S Peru (Dept. Apurimac); 1900-4100 m.</td>
37 </tr>
39 <tr align="center" valign="top">
40 <td>2</td>
41 <td><em>Solanum ochranthum</em> Dunal</td>
42 <td><em>Lycopersicon ochranthum</em> (Dunal) J.M.H. Shaw</td>
43 <td>Usually a plant of open areas and roadsides or the edges of forest clearings; NE
44 Colombia (Department of Santander) to S Ecuador in all three Cordilleras;
45 1200-3100 m, sometimes occurring in p&aacute;ramo in S Ecuador.</td>
46 </tr>
48 <tr align="center" valign="top">
49 <td>3</td>
50 <td><em>Solanum sitiens</em> I.M. Johnst.</td>
51 <td><em>Lycopersicon sitiens</em> (I.M. Johnst.) J.M.H. Shaw</td>
52 <td>On the W Andean slopes in N Chile from 2350-3500 m, on rocky hillsides and dry quebradas.</td>
53 </tr>
55 <tr align="center" valign="top">
56 <td>4</td>
57 <td><em>Solanum lycopersicoides</em> Dunal</td>
58 <td><em>Lycopersicon lycopersicoides</em> (Dunal in DC.) A. Child ex J.M.H. Shaw</td>
59 <td>S Peru to N Chile on the W slopes of the Andes on dry rocky hillsides,
60 2900-3600 m elevation.</td>
61 </tr>
63 <tr align="center" valign="top">
64 <td>5</td>
65 <td><em>Solanum pennellii</em> Correll</td>
66 <td><em>Lycopersicon pennellii</em> (Correll) D'Arcy</td>
67 <td>N Peru (Piura) to N Chile (Tarapaca) in dry rocky hillsides and sandy areas from sea level to 3000 m.</td>
68 </tr>
70 <tr align="center" valign="top">
71 <td>6</td>
72 <td><em>Solanum habrochaites</em> S. Knapp &amp; D.M Spooner</td>
73 <td><em>Lycopersicon hirsutum</em> Dunal</td>
74 <td>In a variety of forest types, from premontane forests to dry forests on the
75 western slopes of the Andes from Central Ecuador to Central Peru, ca. 500-2500 m elevation.</td>
76 </tr>
78 <tr align="center" valign="top">
79 <td>7</td>
80 <td><em>Solanum 'N peruvianum'</em> to be described by Peralta
81 (4 geographic races: humifusum, lomas, Marathon, Chotano-Yamaluc)</td>
82 <td>Part of <em>Lycopersicon peruvianum</em> (L.) Miller (incl. var.humifusum and Marathon races)</td>
83 <td>Coastal and in inland Andean valleys in N Peru, from ca. 100 to 2500 m.
84 Occurs in lomas, dry quebradas and dry rocky slopes.</td>
85 </tr>
87 <tr align="center" valign="top">
88 <td>8</td>
89 <td><em>Solanum 'Callejon de Huaylas'</em> to be described by Peralta</td>
90 <td>Part of <em>Lycopersicon peruvianum</em> (L.) Miller (from Ancash, alogn R&iacute;o Santa)</td>
91 <td>On the rocky slopes of the Callej&oacute;n de Huaylas along the R&iacute;o Santa in the
92 Department of Ancash, Peru and in the adjacent R&iacute;o Fortaleza drainage; from 1700-3000 m.</td>
93 </tr>
95 <tr align="center" valign="top">
96 <td>9</td>
97 <td><em>Solanum neorickii</em> D.M. Spooner, G.J. Anderson &amp; R.K. Jansen</td>
98 <td>Lycopersicon parviflorum C.M. Rick, Kesicki, Fobes &amp; M. Holle</td>
99 <td>S Peru (Department of Apurimac) to S Ecuador (Department of Azuay) in
100 dry interAndean valleys from 1950-2600 m. Often found trailing over rocky banks and roadsides.</td>
101 </tr>
103 <tr align="center" valign="top">
104 <td>10</td>
105 <td><em>Solanum chmielewskii</em> (C.M. Rick, Kesicki, Fobes &amp; M. Holle)
106 D.M. Spooner, G.J. Anderson &amp; R.K. Jansen</td>
107 <td><em>Lycopersicon chmeilewskii</em> C.M. Rick, Kesicki, Fobes &amp; M. Holle</td>
108 <td>In high dry Andean valleys from the Department of Apurimac in
109 S Peru to Sorata in N Bolivia, from 2300-2880 m elevation.</td>
110 </tr>
112 <tr align="center" valign="top">
113 <td>11</td>
114 <td><em>Solanum corneliomuelleri</em> J.F. Macbr. (1 geographic race: Misti nr. Arequipa)</td>
115 <td>Part of <em>Lycopersicon peruvianum</em> (L.) Miller; also known as <em>Lycopersicon glandulosum</em> C.F. Mull.</td>
116 <td>Middle to higher elevations on the W slope of the Andes from central (near Lima) to S Peru,
117 occasionally occurs on lower slopes on the edges of landslides (huaycos) towards the S part
118 of the species range; (400)1000-3000 m.</td>
119 </tr>
121 <tr align="center" valign="top">
122 <td>12</td>
123 <td><em>Solanum peruvianum</em> L.</td>
124 <td><em>Lycopersicon peruvianum</em> (L.) Miller</td>
125 <td>In lomas formations and occasionally in coastal deserts from central Peru to N Chile,
126 sea level to 600 m. Occasionally occurs as a week at field edges in coastal river valleys.</td>
127 </tr>
129 <tr align="center" valign="top">
130 <td>13</td>
131 <td><em>Solanum chilense</em> (Dunal) Reiche</td>
132 <td><em>Lycopersicon chilense</em> Dunal</td>
133 <td>On the W slope of the Andes from the Department of Tacna in S Peru to N Chile,
134 in hyper-arid rocky plains and coastal deserts from sea level to 2000 m.</td>
135 </tr>
137 <tr align="center" valign="top">
138 <td>14</td>
139 <td><em>Solanum cheesmaniae</em> (L. Riley) Fosberg</td>
140 <td><em>Lycopersicon cheesmaniae</em> L. Riley (published as <em>cheesmanii</em> -
141 incorrectly as Evelyn Cheesman, the collector of the type specimen, was a woman)</td>
142 <td>Endemic to the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador from sea level to 500 m.</td>
143 </tr>
145 <tr align="center" valign="top">
146 <td>15</td>
147 <td><em>Solanum galapagense</em> S. Darwin &amp; Peralta</td>
148 <td>Part of <em>Lycopersicon cheesmaniae</em> L. Riley (previously known as forma or var. <em>minor</em></td>
149 <td>Endemic to the Gal&aacute;pagos Islands, particularly the western and southern islands,
150 mostly occurring on coastal lava to within 1 m of high tide mark within range
151 of sea spray (strongly salt tolerant) but also occasionally inland, for
152 example on volcano slopes on Isabela and Fernandina.</td>
153 </tr>
155 <tr align="center" valign="top">
156 <td>16</td>
157 <td><em>Solanum lycopersicum</em> L.</td>
158 <td><em>Lycopersicon esculentum</em> Miller</td>
159 <td>Known only form cultivation or escapes; world wide in a variety of habitats.</td>
160 </tr>
162 <tr align="center" valign="top">
163 <td>17</td>
164 <td><em>Solanum pimpinellifolium</em> L.</td>
165 <td><em>Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium</em> (L.) Miller</td>
166 <td>Apparently native to coastal areas from central Ecuador to central Chile, 0-500 m.</td>
167 </tr>
169 </table>
171 <br />
173 <h3>Short bibliography of taxonomic references concerned with
174 tomato names</h3>
176 <p>Peralta,
177 I.E. &amp; D.M. Spooner. 2000. Classification of wild tomatoes: a review.
178 Kurtziana 28: 45-54.</p>
180 <p>Perlata,
181 I.E. &amp; D.M. Spooner. 2001. Granule-bound starch synthetase (GBSSI) gene
182 phylogeny of wild tomatoes [<em>Solanum</em>
183 L. section <em>Lycopersicon</em> (Mill.) Wettst.
184 subsection <em>Lycopersicon</em>
185 ]. American Journal of Botany 88: 1888-1902.</p>
187 <p>Spooner,
188 D.M., G.J. Anderson &amp; R.K. Jansen. 1993. Chloroplast DNA evidence for the
189 interrelationships of tomatoes, potatoes and pepinos (Solanaceae). American
190 Journal of Botany 80: 676-688.</p>
192 <p>Spooner,
193 D.M., I.E. Peralta &amp; S. Knapp. AFLP phylogeny of wild tomatoes [<em>Solanum</em> L. section <em>Lycopersicon</em> (Mill.) Wettst.
194 subsection <em>Lycopersicon</em>
195 ]. Taxon, in press.]</p>
198 </td>
199 </tr>
200 </table>
201 </center>
203 $page->footer();