added sol100 and chado cvterm pages to validate_all.t
[sgn.git] / cgi-bin / about /
2 use strict;
4 use CXGN::Page;
5 use CXGN::Page::FormattingHelpers qw | info_section_html |;
7 my $page = CXGN::Page->new("Tomato Genome Publications", "Lukas");
9 $page->header("SGN | Tomato Genome Publications", "Tomato Genome Publications");
11 print info_section_html(title => "Selected Publications related to the tomato genome sequence", contents=><<PUBLICATION_DATA);
13 <ul>
14 <li>Lukas A. Mueller,
15 Ren&eacute; Klein Lankhorst,
16 Steven D. Tanksley,
17 James J. Giovannoni,
18 Ruth White,
19 Julia Vrebalov,
20 Zhangjun Fei,
21 Joyce van Eck,
22 Robert Buels,
23 Adri A. Mills,
24 Naama Menda,
25 Isaak Y. Tecle,
26 Aureliano Bombarely,
27 Stephen Stack,
28 Suzanne M. Royer,
29 Song-Bin Chang,
30 Lindsay A. Shearer,
31 Byung Dong Kim,
32 Sung-Hwan Jo,
33 Cheol-Goo Hur,
34 Doil Choi,
35 Chang-Bao Li,
36 Jiuhai Zhao,
37 Hongling Jiang,
38 Yu Geng,
39 Yuanyuan Dai,
40 Huajie Fan,
41 Jinfeng Chen,
42 Fei Lu,
43 Jinfeng Shi,
44 Shouhong Sun,
45 Jianjun Chen,
46 Xiaohua Yang,
47 Chen Lu,
48 Mingsheng Chen,
49 Zhukuan Cheng,
50 Chuanyou Li,
51 Hongqing Ling,
52 Yongbiao Xue,
53 Ying Wang,
54 Graham B. Seymour,
55 Gerard J. Bishop,
56 Glenn Bryan,
57 Jane Rogers,
58 Sarah Sims,
59 Sarah Butcher,
60 Daniel Buchan,
61 James Abbott,
62 Helen Beasley,
63 Christine Nicholson,
64 Clare Riddle,
65 Sean Humphray,
66 Karen McLaren,
67 Saloni Mathur,
68 Shailendra Vyas,
69 Amolkumar U. Solanke,
70 Rahul Kumar,
71 Vikrant Gupta,
72 Arun K. Sharma,
73 Paramjit Khurana,
74 Jitendra P. Khurana,
75 Akhilesh Tyagi,
76 Sarita,
77 Parul Chowdhury,
78 Smriti Shridhar,
79 Debasis Chattopadhyay,
80 Awadhesh Pandit,
81 Pradeep Singh,
82 Ajay Kumar,
83 Rekha Dixit,
84 Archana Singh,
85 Sumera Praveen,
86 Vivek Dalal,
87 Mahavir Yadav,
88 Irfan Ahmad Ghazi,
89 Kishor Gaikwad,
90 Tilak Raj Sharma,
91 Trilochan Mohapatra,
92 Nagendra Kumar Singh,
93 Dóra Szinay,
94 Hans de Jong,
95 Sander Peters,
96 Marjo van Staveren,
97 Erwin Datema,
98 Mark W.E.J. Fiers,
99 Roeland C.H.J. van Ham,
100 P. Lindhout,
101 Murielle Philippot,
102 Pierre Frasse,
103 Farid Regad,
104 Mohamed Zouine,
105 Mondher Bouzayen,
106 Erika Asamizu,
107 Shusei Sato,
108 Hiroyuki Fukuoka,
109 Satoshi Tabata,
110 Daisuke Shibata,
111 Miguel A. Botella,
112 M. Perez-Alonso,
113 V. Fernandez-Pedrosa,
114 Sonia Osorio,
115 Amparo Mico,
116 Antonio Granell,
117 Zhonghua Zhang,
118 Jun He,
119 Sanwen Huang,
120 Yongchen Du,
121 Dongyu Qu,
122 Longfei Liu,
123 Dongyuan Liu,
124 Jun Wang,
125 Zhibiao Ye,
126 Wencai Yang,
127 Guoping Wang,
128 Alessandro Vezzi,
129 Sara Todesco,
130 Giorgio Valle,
131 Giulia Falcone,
132 Marco Pietrella,
133 Giovanni Giuliano,
134 Silvana Grandillo,
135 Alessandra Traini,
136 Nunzio D\'Agostino,
137 Maria Luisa Chiusano,
138 Mara Ercolano,
139 Amalia Barone,
140 Luigi Frusciante,
141 Heiko Schoof,
142 Anika J&ouml;cker,
143 R&eacute;my Bruggmann,
144 Manuel Spannagl,
145 Klaus X.F. Mayer,
146 Roderic Guig&oacute;,
147 Francisco Camara,
148 Stephane Rombauts,
149 Jeffrey A. Fawcett,
150 Yves Van de Peer,
151 Sandra Knapp,
152 Dani Zamir,
153 and Willem Stiekema
154 (2009)
155 A Snapshot of the Emerging Tomato Genome Sequence
156 Plant Gen. 2:78-92; doi:10.3835/plantgenome2008.08.0005
157 <li>Todesco S., Campagna D., Levorin F., D\'Angelo M., Schivaon R., Valle G., Vezzi A.<br />PABS: An online platform to assist BAC-by-BAC sequencing projects. (2008) BioTechniques 44:60-64.</li>
158 <li>Amalia Barone, Maria Luisa Chiusano, Maria Raffaella Ercolano, Giovanni Giuliano, Silvana Grandillo, and Luigi Frusciante.<br >Structural and Functional Genomics of Tomato. (2008) International Journal of Plant Genomics, vol. 2008</li>
159 <li>S.-B. Chang, L.K. Anderson, J.D. Sherman, S.M. Royer, and S.M. Stack. <br /><i>Predicting and testing physical locations of genetically mapped loci on tomato pachytene chromosome</i> (2008) Genetics 176: 2131-2138.</li>
160 <li>Kahlau S, Aspinall S, Gray JC, Bock R. <br />
161 <i>Sequence of the tomato chloroplast DNA and evolutionary comparison of solanaceous plastid genomes.</i><br />
162 J Mol Evol. 2006 Aug;63(2):194-207. Epub 2006 Jul 7. <a href=";cmd=Retrieve&amp;dopt=AbstractPlus&amp;query_hl=16&amp;itool=pubmed_docsum&amp;list_uids=16830097">PubMed</a></li>
163 <li>Peters SA, van Haarst JC, Jesse TP, Woltinge D, Jansen K, Hesselink T, van Staveren MJ, Abma-Henkens MH, Klein-Lankhorst RM. (2006)<br />
164 <i>TOPAAS, a tomato and potato assembly assistance system for selection and finishing of bacterial artificial chromosomes.</i><br />
165 Plant Physiol. 2006 Mar;140(3):805-17.
166 <a href=";cmd=Retrieve&amp;dopt=AbstractPlus&amp;query_hl=16&amp;itool=pubmed_docsum&amp;list_uids=16524981">PubMed</a></li>
167 <li>Wang Y, Tang X, Cheng Z, Mueller L, Giovannoni J, Tanksley SD.<br />
168 <i>Euchromatin and pericentromeric heterochromatin: comparative composition in the tomato genome.</i><br />
169 Genetics. 2006 Apr;172(4):2529-40. Epub 2006 Feb 19. <a href=";cmd=Retrieve&amp;dopt=AbstractPlus&amp;query_hl=16&amp;itool=pubmed_docsum&amp;list_uids=16489216">PubMed</a>
170 </li>
171 <li>Wang Y, van der Hoeven RS, Nielsen R, Mueller LA, Tanksley SD.<br />
172 <i>Characteristics of the tomato nuclear genome as determined by sequencing undermethylated EcoRI digested fragments.</i><br />
173 Theor Appl Genet. 2005 Dec;112(1):72-84. Epub 2005 Oct 6. <a href=";cmd=Retrieve&amp;dopt=AbstractPlus&amp;query_hl=16&amp;itool=pubmed_docsum&amp;list_uids=16208505">PubMed</a></li>
174 <li>Mueller LA, Solow TH, Taylor N, Skwarecki B, Buels R, Binns J, Lin C, Wright MH, Ahrens R, Wang Y, Herbst EV, Keyder ER, Menda N, Zamir D, Tanksley SD.<br />
175 <i>The Sol Genomics Network: a comparative resource for Solanaceae biology and beyond.</i><br />
176 Plant Physiol. 2005 Jul;138(3):1310-7.
177 <a href=";cmd=Retrieve&amp;dopt=AbstractPlus&amp;query_hl=16&amp;itool=pubmed_docsum&amp;list_uids=16010005">PubMed</a></li>
178 <li>Budiman MA, Mao L, Wood TC, Wing RA.<br />
179 <i>A deep-coverage tomato BAC library and prospects toward development of an STC framework for genome sequencing.</i><br />
180 Genome Res. 2000 Jan;10(1):129-36.
181 <a href=";cmd=Retrieve&amp;dopt=AbstractPlus&amp;query_hl=16&amp;itool=pubmed_docsum&amp;list_uids=10645957">PubMed</a> </li>
182 <li>Areshchenkova T, Ganal MW.<br />
183 <i>Long tomato microsatellites are predominantly associated with centromeric regions.</i><br />
184 Genome. 1999 Jun;42(3):536-44.
185 <a href=";cmd=Retrieve&amp;dopt=AbstractPlus&amp;query_hl=16&amp;itool=pubmed_docsum&amp;list_uids=10382301">PubMed</a></li>
186 <li>Peterson DG, Lapitan NL, Stack SM.<br />
187 <i>Localization of single- and low-copy sequences on tomato synaptonemal complex spreads using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH).</i><br />
188 Genetics. 1999 May;152(1):427-39.
189 PMID: 10224272 </li>
190 <li>Peterson DG, Price HJ, Johnston JS, Stack SM. <br />
191 <i>DNA content of heterochromatin and euchromatin in tomato (Lycoperiscon esculentum) pachytene chromsosomes.</i><br />
192 Genome, 1996. 39:299-315.</li>
193 <li>Xu J, Earle ED. <br />
194 <i>High resolution physical mapping of 45S (5.8S, 18S and 25S) rDNA gene loci in the tomato genome using a combination of karyotyping and FISH of pachytene chromosomes.</i><br />
195 Chromosoma. 1996 Jun;104(8):545-50.
196 <a href=";cmd=Retrieve&amp;dopt=AbstractPlus&amp;query_hl=16&amp;itool=pubmed_docsum&amp;list_uids=8662247">PubMed</a></li>
197 <li>Zhong XB, Hans de Jong J, Zabel P.<br />
198 <i>Preparation of tomato meiotic pachytene and mitotic metaphase chromosomes suitable for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH).</i><br />
199 Chromosome Res. 1996 Jan;4(1):24-8.
200 <a href=";cmd=Retrieve&amp;dopt=AbstractPlus&amp;query_hl=16&amp;itool=pubmed_docsum&amp;list_uids=8653264">PubMed</a></li>
201 <li>Sherman JD, Stack SM.<br />
202 <i>Two-dimensional spreads of synaptonemal complexes from solanaceous plants. VI. High-resolution recombination nodule map for tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum).</i><br />
203 Genetics. 1995 Oct;141(2):683-708.
204 <a href=";cmd=Retrieve&amp;dopt=AbstractPlus&amp;query_hl=16&amp;itool=pubmed_docsum&amp;list_uids=8647403">PubMed</a></li>
205 <li>Arumuganathan K and Earle E.<br />
206 <i>Estimation of nuclear DNA content of plants by flow cytometry.</i><br />
207 Plant Mol Biol Rep. 9:208-218.</li>
208 </ul>
210 [<a href="mailto:sgn-feedback\">Contact us</a> to add a publication]
214 $page->footer();