added sol100 and chado cvterm pages to validate_all.t
[sgn.git] / cgi-bin / community / feature /
1 use strict;
2 use CXGN::Page;
3 my $page=CXGN::Page->new('kjb_lab.html','html2pl converter');
4 $page->header('Bradford Lab');
5 print<<END_HEREDOC;
7 <div>
8 <p dir="ltr" style="text-align: center"><span style=
9 "font-weight: bold"><span style="font-size: 14pt">The Bradford
10 Lab</span></span></p>
12 <p dir="ltr" style="text-align: center"><img src=
13 "/static_content/community/feature/kjb_lab_people.jpg" alt="" /></p>
15 <p dir="ltr" style="text-align: center">Dr. Bradford's group as
16 of fall 2003.<br />
17 From left to right: Sunitha Gurusinghe (postdoc), Andres
18 Schwember (MS student), Dr. Kent Bradford, Jason Aryris (Ph.D.
19 student), Peetambar Dahal (Staff Research Associate), and Derek
20 Bewley (sabbatical visitor).</p>
22 <p dir="ltr" style="text-align: left">&nbsp;</p>
24 <p dir="ltr" style="text-align: left">Dr. Kent J. Bradford is a
25 professor of the Department of Vegetable Crops and Weed
26 Science, founder and director of the Seed Biotechnology Center,
27 UC Davis.</p>
29 <p dir="ltr" style="text-align: left">Dr. Bradford's research
30 interests are focused on seed biology, including:</p>
32 <ol>
33 <li>modeling of germination in seed populations,</li>
35 <li>genetics, molecular biology and biochemistry of seed
36 germination and dormancy,</li>
38 <li>seed quality, enhancement and longevity, and</li>
40 <li>Seed Biotechnology Center.</li>
41 </ol>
43 <p dir="ltr" style="text-align: left">Dr. Bradford's group uses
44 tomato seeds as their experimental system to investigate the
45 biochemical and molecular mechanisms controlling germination
46 and dormancy. Their research has focused on cell wall
47 hydrolases that might degrade the endosperm cell walls. They
48 have found and investigated a number of genes involved in this
49 process, such as LeMAN2, LeMAN1, LeXET4, GluB, Chi9, and
50 LeEXP4, LeXPG1, LVA-P1, LeEXP8 and LeEXP10. An intriguing
51 recent discovery was the gene LeSNF4 &mdash; a subunit of a
52 protein kinase, regulated by ABA &mdash; which is involved in
53 sugar-sensing and metabolic regulation. Work in this area is
54 continuing with the support of NSF and USDA-NRICGP grants.</p>
56 <p dir="ltr" style="text-align: left">For more information,
57 please visit the Dr. Bradford's <a href=
58 "">website</a>
59 at UC Davis.</p>
60 </div>
62 $page->footer();