check file name
[sgn.git] / mason / solgs / search / selection_populations.mas
1 <%doc>
3 displays selection populations one can apply the model on.  If predicted output exists for a
4 selection population, a link to the output is displayed.
6 </%doc>
8 <%args>
10 $result => ''
11 $selection_prediction_download
12 $training_pop_analyzed_traits
13 $training_pop_id
14 $training_pop_name
15 $selection_pop_id
16 $selection_pop_name => ''
17 $list_of_prediction_pops => ''
18 $selection_pop_analyzed_traits => ''
20 </%args>
22 <%perl>
24 my $title;
26 if ($c->req->path =~ /solgs\/traits\/all\/population/) {
27     $title = 'Predict GEBVs of a selection population using the models';
28   } else {
29  $title = 'Predict GEBVs of a selection population using the model';
32 </%perl>
35 <& /util/import_javascript.mas, classes => ["solGS.solGS", "solGS.Dataset", "jquery.dataTables", "solGS.selectionPopulations",  "solGS.ajaxAutocomplete"] &>
36 <& /util/import_css.mas, paths => ['/documents/inc/datatables/jquery.dataTables.css'] &>
38 <&| /page/info_section.mas,
39     collapsible => 1,
40     collapsed   => 0,
41     title       => $title,
44   <div  id="selection_pops_div">
45     <div id="search_div" class="form-inline">
46     <input  type="text"
47             class="form-control"
48             placeholder="search for a trial"
49             size="30" id="population_search_entry"/>
51     <button type="submit"
52             class="btn btn-success"
53             id="search_selection_pop">
54       <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"></span>
55     </button>
56     <div  id="form-feedback-search-trials" style="color:red"> </div>
57   </div>
59   <div id="selection_pops_message"  class="message"></div>
60   <& /solgs/spinner/spinner.mas &>
62   <div id="selection_pops_result" style="padding: 20px 0px 20px 0px;display:none;">
63     <table class="table" id="selection_pops_table" style="text-align:left;">
64       <thead>
65         <tr>
66           <th>Selection population</th>
67           <th>Description</th>
68           <th>Year</th>
69           <th>More details</th>
70           <th>View GEBVs</th>
71         </tr>
72       </thead>
73   </table>
74   </div>
76   <& /solgs/search/list_type_selection_population.mas &>
77 </div>
78 </&>