Merge pull request #1897 from solgenomics/topic/encode_passwords3
[sgn.git] / mason / markers / locations.mas
1 <%doc>
3 =head1 NAME
5 /markers/locations.mas - a Mason component displaying information about map locations of markers
9 parameters 
11 =over 5
13 =item *
15 $marker - a CXGN::Marker object.
18 =back
20 =head1 AUTHOR
22 Lukas Mueller <>
24 =cut
26 </%doc>
28 <%args>
29 $marker
30 </%args>
32 <%perl>
33 use CXGN::Cview::MapFactory;
34 use CXGN::Cview::ChrMarkerImage;
36 my $locations_html = '';
37 my $marker_name    = $marker->get_name();
38 my @displayed_locs;
39 my @displayed_pcr;
41 #if we have some experiments, and they are an arrayref, and there is at least one location in them
42 my $experiments = $marker->current_mapping_experiments() || [];
44 if (    $experiments
45     and @{$experiments}
46     and grep { $_->{location} } @{$experiments} )
48     my $count = 1;
49     for my $experiment ( @{$experiments} ) {
51 #make sure we have a location before we go about showing location data--some experiments do not have locations
52         if ( my $loc = $experiment->{location} ) {
54 #make sure we haven't displayed a location entry with the same location ID already
55             unless ( grep { $_ == $loc->location_id() } @displayed_locs ) {
56                 push( @displayed_locs, $loc->location_id() );
57                 if ( $count > 1 ) {
58                     $locations_html .= '<br />';
59                 }
60                 $locations_html .=
61 '<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr>';
63                 #make a section detailing the location
64                 my $protocol = '';
65                 my $pcr      = $experiment->{pcr_experiment};
66                 my $rflp     = $experiment->{rflp_experiment};
67                 $protocol = $experiment->{protocol};
68                 unless ($protocol) {
69                     if ($pcr) {
70                         $protocol = 'PCR';
71                     }
72                     elsif ($rflp) {
73                         $protocol = 'RFLP';
74                     }
75                     else {
76                         $protocol = '<span class="ghosted">Unknown</span>';
77                     }
78                 }
80                 #make a link to the map this marker can be found on
81                 my $map_version_id = $loc->map_version_id();
82                 my $lg_name        = $loc->lg_name();
83                 my $position       = $loc->position();
84                 my $subscript      = $loc->subscript();
85                 $subscript ||= '';
86                 my $map_url = '';
87                 my $map_id  = '';
89                 my $dbh         = $marker->{dbh};
90                 my $map_factory = CXGN::Cview::MapFactory->new($dbh);
91                 my $map =
92                   $map_factory->create( { map_version_id => $map_version_id } );
93                 if (!$map) {
94                   print "map_version_id = $map_version_id could not be instantiated\n"; 
95                   next;
96                 }
97                 my $map_name = $map->get_short_name();
98                 if ($map_version_id) {
99                     $map_id = $map->get_id();
101                     if (    $map_id
102                         and $map_name
103                         and defined($lg_name)
104                         and defined($position) )
105                     {
106                         $map_url =
107 "<a href=\"/cview/$map_version_id&amp;chr_nr=$lg_name&amp;cM=$position&amp;hilite=$marker_name$subscript&amp;zoom=1\">$map_name</a>";
108                     }
109                 }
110                 else {
111                     $map_url =
112                       '<span class="ghosted">Map data not available</span>';
113                 }
114                 my $multicol = 1;
115                 my $width    = "300px";
116                 if ( $subscript and $multicol > 1 ) { $multicol++; }
117                 my @locations = (
118                     '__title' =>
119 "<b>Map:</b> $map_url&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;",
120                     '__tableattrs' => "width=\"$width\"",
121                     '__multicol'   => $multicol,
122                     'Map version'  => $map_version_id." (location: ".$loc->location_id().")",
123                     'Chromosome'   => $loc->lg_name(),
124                     'Position    ' => sprintf( '%.2f', $loc->position() )." ".$map->get_units(),
125                     'Confidence'   => $loc->confidence(),
126                     'Protocol'     => $protocol
127                 );
128                 if ($subscript) {
129                     push( @locations, ( 'Subscript' => $subscript ) );
130                 }
131                 $locations_html .= '<td width = "25%">';
132                 $locations_html .=
133                   CXGN::Page::FormattingHelpers::info_table_html(@locations);
134                 $locations_html .= '</td>';
135                 $locations_html .= '<td align="center">';
136                 ####$map_factory = CXGN::Cview::MapFactory->new($dbh);
137 ####### my $map=$map_factory->create({map_version_id=>$map_version_id});
138 ####### my $map_version_id=$map->get_id();
140                 my $hilite_name = $marker_name;
141                 if ($subscript) {
142                     $hilite_name .= $subscript;
143                 }
144                 my $chromosome = CXGN::Cview::ChrMarkerImage->new(
145                      "", 240, 150, $dbh, $lg_name, $map, $hilite_name,
146                      $c->get_conf("basepath"),  $c->get_conf('tempfiles_subdir')."/cview",
147                  );
148                 my ( $image_path, $image_url ) =
149                   $chromosome->get_image_filename();
150                 my $chr_link =
151 qq|<img src="$image_url" usemap="#map$count" border="0" alt="" />|;
152                 $chr_link .= $chromosome->get_image_map("map$count");
153                 $chr_link .= '<br />' . $map_name;
154                 $count++;
155                 $locations_html .= '<br />';
156                 $locations_html .= $chr_link;
157                 $locations_html .= '</td></tr></table>';
160 #if we have a pcr experiment that was used to map this marker to this location, make a section for this experiment's data
161                 if ( $pcr
162                      and !grep { $_ == $pcr->pcr_experiment_id() }
163                      @displayed_pcr )
164                   {
165                     $locations_html .=
166                       '<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr>';
167                     my $pcr_bands    = $pcr->pcr_bands_hash_of_strings();
169                     my %pcr_bands_by_name = ();
170                     my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT organism.species || ' ' || FROM public.stock JOIN public.organism USING(organism_id) WHERE stock_id=?");
172                     foreach my $p (keys %$pcr_bands) { 
174                       $sth->execute($p);
175                       $pcr_bands_by_name{($sth->fetchrow_array)} = $pcr_bands->{$p};
176                     }
179                     my $digest_bands = $pcr->pcr_digest_bands_hash_of_strings();
181                     my %pcr_digest_bands_by_name = ();
182                     foreach my $p (keys %$digest_bands) { 
183                       $sth->execute($p);
184                       $pcr_digest_bands_by_name{($sth->fetchrow_array)} = $digest_bands->{$p};
185                     }
188                     my $pcr_bands_html =
189                       CXGN::Page::FormattingHelpers::info_table_html(
190                                                                      __border => 0,
191                                                                      __sub    => 1,
193                                                                      %pcr_bands_by_name,
194                                                                     );
195                     my $digest_bands_html =
196                       CXGN::Page::FormattingHelpers::info_table_html(
197                                                                      __border => 0,
198                                                                      __sub    => 1,
199                                                                      %pcr_digest_bands_by_name,
200                                                                     );
201                     my $mg = '';
202                     if ( $pcr->mg_conc() ) {
203                       $mg = $pcr->mg_conc() . 'mM';
204                     }
205                     my $temp = '';
206                     if ( $pcr->temp() ) {
207                         $temp = $pcr->temp() . '&deg;C';
208                     }
209                     $locations_html .= '<td>';
210                     my $fwd = $pcr->fwd_primer()
211                       || '<span class="ghosted">Unknown</span>';
212                     my $rev = $pcr->rev_primer()
213                       || '<span class="ghosted">Unknown</span>';
214                     my $enz = $pcr->enzyme()  || 'unknown enzyme' ;
215                     my $additional_enzymes = $pcr->additional_enzymes();
216                     my $dcaps = $pcr->dcaps_primer();
217                     $temp ||= '<span class="ghosted">Unknown</span>';
218                     $mg   ||= '<span class="ghosted">Unknown</span>';
219                     my $digest_title = "Digested band sizes (using $enz)";
221                     unless ($digest_bands_html) {
222                         $digest_title      = '&nbsp;';
223                         $digest_bands_html = '&nbsp;';
224                     }
226                     ### TODO ###
227                     my ( $dcaps_left, $dcaps_right );
229                     if ($dcaps) {
230                       $dcaps_left  = "dCAPS primer (5'-3')";
231                       $dcaps_right = "<span class=\"sequence\">$dcaps</span>";
232                     }
233                     ###########
234                     my $pcr_seq = $pcr->get_sequences;
236                     my ($aspe, $aspe_primers);
237                     $aspe_primers = join ('<BR>' ,  @{ $pcr_seq->{ASPE_primer} }  ) if  $pcr_seq->{ASPE_primer}  ;
238                     if ($aspe_primers) {
239                       $aspe = "ASPE primers (5'-3')";
240                       $aspe_primers = "<span class=\"snp\">$aspe_primers</span>"
241                     }
242                     my ($snp, $snp_nuc);
243                     $snp_nuc = join ('<BR>' ,  @{ $pcr_seq->{SNP} }  ) if  $pcr_seq->{SNP}  ;
244                     if ($snp_nuc) {
245                       $snp = "SNP nucleotide";
246                       $snp_nuc = "<span class=\"snp\">$snp_nuc</span>"
247                     }
248                     my ($three_prime, $seq3);
249                     $seq3 = join ('<BR>' ,  @{ $pcr_seq->{three_prime_flanking_region} }  ) if  $pcr_seq->{three_prime_flanking_region}  ;
250                     if ($seq3) {
251                       $three_prime = "3' flanking region";
252                       $seq3 = "<span class=\"assay\">$seq3</span>"
253                     }
254                     my ($five_prime, $seq5);
255                     $seq5 = join ('<BR>' ,  @{ $pcr_seq->{five_prime_flanking_region} }  ) if  $pcr_seq->{five_prime_flanking_region}  ;
256                     if ($seq5) {
257                       $five_prime = "5' flanking region";
258                       $seq5 = "<span class=\"assay\">$seq5</span>"
259                     }
260                     my ($indel, $indel_seq);
261                     $indel_seq = join ('<BR>' ,  @{ $pcr_seq->{indel} }  ) if  $pcr_seq->{indel}  ;
262                     if ($indel_seq) {
263                       $indel = "Indel";
264                       $indel_seq = "<span class=\"indel\">$indel_seq</span>"
265                     }
266                     $locations_html .= '<br />';
267                     $locations_html .=
268                       CXGN::Page::FormattingHelpers::info_table_html(
269                         '__title' =>
270 "PCR data&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=\"tinytype\">Exp. ID "
271                           . $pcr->pcr_experiment_id()
272                           . "</span>",
273                         "Forward primer (5'-3')" =>
274                           "<span class=\"sequence\">$fwd</span>",
275                         "Reverse primer (5'-3')" =>
276                           "<span class=\"sequence\">$rev</span>",
277                         $dcaps_left                     => $dcaps_right,
278                        'Accessions and product sizes'  => $pcr_bands_html,
279                         $digest_title                   => $digest_bands_html,
280                         'Enzymes'                       => $additional_enzymes,
281                         'Approximate temperature'       => $temp,
282                         'Mg<sup>+2</sup> concentration' => $mg,
283                         '__multicol'                    => 3,
284                         '__tableattrs'                  => "width=\"100%\"",
285                       ) if ($protocol ne 'SNP');
286                     my ($snpdb_format, $snpdb);
287                     if ($snp_nuc) {
288                       $snpdb = "SNPdb format";
289                       my @fives = @{ $pcr_seq->{five_prime_flanking_region} } ;
290                       my @threes = @{ $pcr_seq->{three_prime_flanking_region} } ;
291                       my @snps  =  @{ $pcr_seq->{SNP} };
292                       for my $i ( 0 .. (scalar( @snps ) -1 ) ) {
293                         my $snp_string =  $snps[$i] ;
294                         my $formatted = "[" . substr($snp_string, 0, 1) . "/" . substr($snp_string, -1) ."]";
295                         my $five_p = $fives[$i];
296                         my $three_p = $threes[$i];
297                         $snpdb_format .= $five_p . $formatted ."<BR />" .  $three_p . "<BR />";
298                       }
299                     }
300                     $locations_html .=
301                       CXGN::Page::FormattingHelpers::info_table_html(
302                         '__title' =>
303 "Assay data&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class=\"tinytype\"></span>",
304                        $five_prime       => $seq5,
305                        $three_prime       => $seq3,
306                        $snpdb => $snpdb_format,
307                        $aspe  => $aspe_primers,
308                        $snp   => $snp_nuc,
309                        $indel => $indel_seq,
310                        '__multicol'    => 2,
311                       '__tableattrs'   => "width=\"100%\"",
312                       ) if $aspe || $indel || ($protocol eq "SNP");
313                     $locations_html .= '</td></tr></table>';
314                     push( @displayed_pcr, $pcr->pcr_experiment_id() )
315                   }
316             }
317         }
318     }
321 </%perl>
323 <&| /page/info_section.mas, title=>'Mapped locations', collapsible=>1, collapsed=>0 &>
324   <% $locations_html %>
325 </&>