4 my $build = SGN::Build->new(
7 create_makefile_pl => 'passthrough',
9 module_name => 'SGN::Context',
11 # current version of our core libraries distribution
12 dist_version => '0.1',
13 dist_author => 'Lukas Mueller',
14 dist_abstract => 'The code and content behind the Sol Genomics Network main website, http://solgenomics.net',
16 recursive_test_files => 1,
19 'Class::MethodMaker' => 0,
22 'Parse::Deb::Control' => 0,
26 'Test::WWW::Mechanize' => 0,
27 'Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst' => '0.50',
28 'Test::WWW::Selenium' => 0,
29 'Test::MockObject' => 0,
35 'IPC::System::Simple' => 0, #< required for autodie :all
36 'Bio::Chado::Schema' => '0.08100',
37 'Bio::Root::Version' => '1.006001',
38 'Bio::GMOD::Blast::Graph' => '0.01',
39 'Bio::Graphics::FeatureFile' => 0,
41 'Catalyst::Runtime' => '5.80024',
42 'Catalyst::Controller::CGIBin' => '0.029',
43 'Catalyst::Controller::REST' => 0,
44 'Catalyst::Action::RenderView' => 0,
45 'Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication' => 0,
46 'Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles' => 0,
47 'Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader' => 0,
48 'Catalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple' => 0,
49 'Catalyst::View::Bio::SeqIO' => 0,
50 'Catalyst::View::Email' => 0,
51 'Catalyst::View::Download::CSV' => 0,
52 'Catalyst::View::HTML::Mason' => 0,
53 'Catalyst::View::JavaScript::Minifier::XS' => '2.100000',
54 'CatalystX::GlobalContext' => 0,
58 'Data::Visitor::Callback' => 0,
60 # Remove the following dep when XML::Atom is fixed to depend on it and released
61 'DateTime::TimeZone' => '1.31',
62 'DateTime::Format::Flexible' => 0,
64 'DBIx::Connector' => 0,
69 'Number::Bytes::Human' => '0.07',
71 'GD::Graph::Map' => 0,
72 'GD::Graph::points' => 0,
75 'HTML::Entities' => 0,
78 'HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath' => 0,
81 'JSAN::ServerSide' => '==0.06',
85 'Lingua::EN::Inflect' => 0,
87 'LWP::UserAgent' => 0,
88 'Mail::Sendmail' => 0,
89 'Math::Round::Var' => 0,
92 'Module::Build' => '0.36',
94 'Module::Pluggable::Object' => 0,
96 'MooseX::Declare' => 0,
97 'MooseX::Method::Signatures' => '0.30',
98 'MooseX::Types::Path::Class' => 0,
99 'MooseX::Types::URI' => 0,
100 'MooseX::Singleton' => 0,
101 'Number::Format' => 0,
102 'namespace::autoclean' => 0,
103 'SOAP::Transport::HTTP' => 0,
104 'Statistics::Descriptive' => 0,
108 'Test::WWW::Mechanize' => 1.3,
109 'Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst' => 0,
110 'Text::ParseWords' => 0,
111 'Tie::Function' => 0,
112 'Tie::UrlEncoder' => 0,
117 'URI::FromHash' => 0,
118 'XML::Generator' => 0,
122 'WWW::Mechanize::TreeBuilder' => 0,
126 $build->create_build_script;