same brapi germplasm-search for get and post
[sgn.git] / mason / solgs / population.mas
1 <%args>
3 $pop_id
4 $show_data => 1;
5 $traits_form
6 $all_traits_file
7 $no_traits_selected
8 $project_name
9 $project_desc
10 $stocks_no
11 $markers_no
12 $traits_no
13 $uploaded_reference=>''
14 $owner=>''
15 $protocol
16 $acronym
18 </%args>
20 <%perl>
22 #my $submit_new = qq | <a href="/submit/intro">Submit GS population</a> |;
24 </%perl>
26 <& /util/import_javascript.mas, classes => ["solGS.solGS"] &>
29 <br />
30 <br />
32 <& /page/page_title.mas, 
33    title => "Select one or more traits from training population \"$project_name\" to build a GS model and predict GEBVs for."
36 <&| /page/info_section.mas, 
37     collapsible => 1, 
38     collapsed   => 0, 
39     title       => "Training population summary",
40   &>
42  <& population/summary.mas,
43     project_id   => $pop_id,
44     project_name => $project_name,
45     project_desc => $project_desc,
46     stocks_no    => $stocks_no,
47     markers_no   => $markers_no,
48     traits_no    => $traits_no,
49     owner        => $owner,
50     protocol     => $protocol,
51     uploaded_reference => $uploaded_reference
52  &>
54 </&>
56 % if ($show_data) 
60 <&| /page/info_section.mas, 
61       collapsible => 1, 
62       collapsed   => 0, 
63       title       => "Traits"
66 <& population/select_traits.mas, 
67      pop_id             => $pop_id,
68      traits_form        => $traits_form,
69      all_traits_file    => $all_traits_file,
70      no_traits_selected => $no_traits_selected,
71      uploaded_reference => $uploaded_reference
74 </&>
77 <& population/correlation.mas, 
78      pop_id  => $pop_id,
81 <& population/acronym.mas,
82    acronym => $acronym,
86 % else
89 <&| /page/info_section.mas, 
90     collapsible => 1, 
91     collapsed   => 0, 
92     title       => "Data Accessibility",
93   &>
95 <p>This is private data.</p>
97 </&>
101  <input type="hidden" id="population_id" value="<% $pop_id %>" />