Change select all checkbox to a button. Button remains disabled when no seedlots...
[sgn.git] / mason / tools / available_seedlots.mas
1 <& /util/import_javascript.mas, classes => ['jquery','d3.d3v4Min'] &>
2 <form id="available-seedlots">
3   <table class="table table-hover table-bordered">
4     <thead>
5       <tr>
6         <th rowspan="2" style="text-align: center;">Accessions</th><th colspan="7" style="text-align: center;">Seedlots</th>
7       </tr>
8       <tr>
9         <th style="text-align: center;"><button id="selectallaccessions" type="button" disabled>Select/Deselect All</button></th>
10         <th style="text-align: center;">Breeding Program</th>
11         <th style="text-align: center;">Seedlot Name</th>
12         <th style="text-align: center;">Contents</th>
13         <th style="text-align: center;">Seedlot Location</th>
14         <th style="text-align: center;">Count</th>
15         <th style="text-align: center;">Weight(g)</th>
16       </tr>
17     </thead>
18   </table>
19 </form>
20 <script type="text/javascript">
21   (function(global){
22     var mainFormSelector = "#available-seedlots";
23     var d3 = global.d3v4;
24     var ex = {};
26         const selectall_button = document.getElementById('selectallaccessions'); 
27     const seedlot_form = document.getElementById('available-seedlots');
28     function selectAllAccessions(event){
29                 var seedlot_checkboxes = seedlot_form.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"]:not(#selectallaccessions):not(:disabled)');
30                 var any_checked = false;
31                 seedlot_checkboxes.forEach(function(checkbox){
32                         if (checkbox.checked == true){
33                                 any_checked = true;
34                         }
35                 });
36                 seedlot_checkboxes.forEach(function(checkbox){
37                         checkbox.checked = !any_checked;
38                 });
39     }
40     selectall_button.addEventListener('click', selectAllAccessions);
42     ex.build_table = function(accession_names, list_type){
43       jQuery('#working_modal').modal('show');
44           selectall_button.setAttribute('disabled', 'true'); //Reset the checkbox if looking at a different list
45       jQuery.ajax({
46         type: 'POST',
47         url: '/ajax/accessions/possible_seedlots',
48         data: {'names': accession_names, 'type': list_type},
49         dataType: "json",
50         success: function(response) {
51           _build_table(accession_names,response.seedlots,response.synonyms);
52                   var seedlot_checkboxes = seedlot_form.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"]:not(#selectallaccessions):not(:disabled)');
53                   if (seedlot_checkboxes.length > 0){
54                         selectall_button.removeAttribute('disabled');
55                   }
56           jQuery('#working_modal').modal('hide');
57         },
58         error: function(response) {
59           jQuery('#working_modal').modal('hide');
60           console.log(response);
61           alert("Something went wrong in the available-seedlots AJAX call. See console for more information.")
62         }
63       });
64     };
65     ex.get_selected = function(){
66       return jQuery(mainFormSelector).serializeArray();
67     };
68     var empty_placeholder = new Object();
69     function _build_table(accession_list,seedlot_obj,synonyms){
70       console.log(seedlot_obj);
71       synonymized = {};
72       for (var acc_uname in seedlot_obj) {
73         if (seedlot_obj.hasOwnProperty(acc_uname)) {
74           var name;
75           if (accession_list.indexOf(acc_uname)>-1){
76             name = acc_uname;
77           } else {
78             for (var i = 0; i < synonyms[acc_uname].length; i++) {
79               if (accession_list.indexOf(synonyms[acc_uname][i])>-1){
80                 name = synonyms[acc_uname][i];
81                 break;
82               }
83             }
84           }
85           synonymized[name] = seedlot_obj[acc_uname];
86         }
87       }
88       var row_data ={
89         return {'name':acc,'seedlots':synonymized[acc]?synonymized[acc]:[]};
90       });
91       var table ="table");
92       var groups = table.selectAll("tbody").data(row_data,function(d){return;});
93       groups.exit().remove();
94       var newGroups = groups.enter().append("tbody");
95       var newInitRows = newGroups.append("tr");
96       newInitRows.append("th").classed("as-acc-name",true)
97         .style("text-align","center")
98         .style("vertical-align","middle");
99       var allGroups = newGroups.merge(groups);
100"border-top","2px solid #999")
102         .attr("rowspan",function(d){return Math.max(1,d.seedlots.length);})
103         .text(function(d){return;});
104       var optionRows = allGroups.selectAll("tr")
105         .data(function(d){
106           return d.seedlots.length>0 ? d.seedlots : [empty_placeholder];
107         });
108       optionRows.exit().remove();
109       newOptionRows = optionRows.enter().append("tr");
110       allOptionRows = newOptionRows.merge(optionRows);
111       var optionRowCells = allOptionRows.selectAll("td").data(function(d){
112           if (d==empty_placeholder){
113             return ['<input disabled type="checkbox">'," ","No Available Seedlots"," "," "," "," "]
114           }
115           var cells = [];
116           cells.push('<input value="'+d.seedlot[0]+'" name="'+d.seedlot[0]+'" type="checkbox">');
117           cells.push(d.program);
118           cells.push('<a href="/breeders/seedlot/'+d.seedlot[1]+'">'+d.seedlot[0]+'</a>');
119           cells.push('<a href="/stock/'+d.contents[1]+'/view">'+d.contents[0]+'</a>');
120           cells.push(d.location);
121           cells.push(d.count);
122           cells.push(d.weight_gram);
123           return cells;
124         });
125       var newOptionRowCells = optionRowCells.enter().append("td");
126       optionRowCells.exit().remove();
127       var allOptionRowCells = newOptionRowCells.merge(optionRowCells);
128       allOptionRowCells.html(function(d){return d;});
129"td") //select the checkbox cells
130         .style("text-align","center")
131         .style("vertical-align","middle");
132     };
133     global.available_seedlots = ex;
134   }(window));
135 </script>