3 You can download phenotype, trial meta-data, pedigree, GBS genotype and GBS genotype QC files from the database to your computer by using “Lists”. To download, clicking on “Download” in the “Manage” menu.
5 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
6 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/image255.png')
9 For each category, you can select a list of accessions from your “Lists” to download their phenotypes, pedigree, GBS genotype, GBS genotype QC. In the case of downloading trial meta-data, you would provide a list of trials, while for downloading phenotype and GBS genotype QC, you can also use a list of trials or traits.
11 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
12 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/trial_meta_data_download.png')
15 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
16 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/image287.png')
19 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
20 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/image182.png')