1 # Managing Field Trials
3 To view trial details on the database, click on the "Field Trials" link under the "manage" menu on the toolbar.
5 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
6 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/image290.png')
9 Clicking on the "Field Trials" link will bring you to the "Manage Trials" page. On this page, trials are organized according to their breeding programs. To access trial details, click on the + icon next to your breeding program.
11 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
12 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/image153.png')
15 Trials can be placed directly in their breeding program. Alternatively, they can be organized by using folders within each breeding program. Clicking on trial name will take you directly to the trial details page.
17 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
18 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/image279.png')
23 Trial detail page displays important information about individual trial including breeding program, location, year, description of the trial, design, and any files associated with that trial.
25 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
26 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/trial_detail_page_start.png')
29 The "Navigator" section on the trial detail page allows easy access to all aspects of your trial. This section contains subsections for printing labels for your plots or plants, recording phenotypes, viewing your trial layout or design, viewing phenotypes for this trial, or conducting analyses.
31 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
32 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/trial_detail_page_navigator.png')
35 The "transplanting date" field feature will only be shown if it has a value. To add a transplanting date after creating a trial, change the show_transplanting_date parameter from 0 to 1 in the SGN config file. As a result, you will be able to add a date under the transplanting date field by clicking the "Edit Trial Details" on the trial detail page.
37 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
38 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/add_transplanting_date.png')
43 Only users with the account status of "submitter" may create trials. To learn how to change your account status from "user" to "submitter" visit the \@ref(managing-your-account) page.
47 - To add a trial, all of your accessions should already exist in the database before you begin to design a trial. If you have accessions that are not in the database, see the instructions for adding accessions .
49 - Breeding program and location for your trial should also exist in the database. If you need to add breeding program and/or location to the database, see instructions for adding breeding program and location in the “Managing Breeding Programs” and “Managing locations” respectively.
51 On the “Manage Trials” page, there are three alternative methods for you to add new trials: by using “Add Trial” form, “Upload Trial” form, or “Add Multi-location Trial” form.
53 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
54 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/trial_create_manage_trials.png')
57 ### Adding a trial by using “Add Trial” form
59 #### Step 1. Begin the "Design new trial" workflow {-}
61 Click on “Design New Trial” to begin.
63 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
64 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/trial_create_open_form.png')
67 The first step in this workflow is an introduction that looks like:
69 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
70 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/trial_create_form_1.png')
73 Here it gives information about what is required for a trial, including that to create a new trial, you need to create a list of the accessions that you would like to use in the trial. Lists can be viewed, created, and modified with the "**lists**" tool at the upper right of the screen. For more information on lists, click [*here*](#working-with-lists).
75 #### Step 2. Enter "Trial Information" {-}
77 On this screen you need to enter basic information about the trial, such as breeding program and location(s). You must also select a design type, such as Complete Block Design. The design is important because it influences how your genotypes are distributed and randomized over the trial. You must first click validate before proceeding to the next step.
79 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
80 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/trial_create_form_2.png')
83 #### Step 3. Enter "Design Information" {-}
85 On this screen you need to specify a list of accessions to use in the experiment. This list must be a valid list of accessions. You must also specify all required design information, such as number of blocks in this case.
87 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
88 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/trial_create_form_3.png')
91 #### Step 4. Enter "Field Map Information" (Optional) {-}
93 On this screen you can specify how the row and column numbers will be generated for the plots in the trial. The row and column number represent a relative position of the plot in the field. If you are not exactly sure of how you will plant the plots in the field or you have an irregular (non-rectangular) layout, you can skip this step for now. This information can be added on the Trial Detail Page once the trial is saved in the database in order to reflect exactly how the plots were planted in the field.
95 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
96 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/trial_create_form_4.png')
99 #### Step 5. Custom Plot Naming (Optional) {-}
101 On this screen it is possible to change the format in which plot names will be generated for your trial. It is recommended to skip this step and just use the format generated by the database by default.
103 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
104 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/trial_create_form_5.png')
107 #### Step 6. Review Designed Trial {-}
109 On this screen you can review the trial that the database has generated.
111 You will see a graphical representation of the trial. The numbers on the squares represent the plot_number of each plot and on mouse hover you can see further information about the plot.
113 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
114 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/trial_create_form_6_top.png')
117 You will also see a table representation of all the plots and their information. If you want to redo the randomization, you can click the "Redo Randomization" button.
119 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
120 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/trial_create_form_6_middle.png')
123 At the bottom there is a brief summary of the trial followed by two buttons.
125 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
126 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/trial_create_form_6_bottom.png')
129 #### Step 7. Add Field Management Factors to your design (Optional) {-}
131 You can add Field Management Factors by clicking "Add Field Management Factor(s) to Design". Clicking this opens a dialog to name your factor. You can name this to account for fertilizer or watering regime or inoculation or anything else. This is optional and can be added from the trial detail page afterwards.
133 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
134 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/add_management_factor_name_dialog.png')
137 Click "Continue" and a dialog will appear where you can specify plots for which the factor was applied. There is a select all button also.
139 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
140 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/add_management_factor_dialog.png')
143 #### Step 8. Saving new trial in the database {-}
145 Once you are done reviewing the trial you can click "Confirm" to save the generated trial into the database. Once the trial has saved you will see the final completion screen:
147 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
148 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/trial_create_form_7.png')
151 ### Adding a trial from an uploaded file
153 If you already have trial design layout in a spreadsheet, you can add your trial into the database by using “Upload Trial” form. To access “Upload Trial” form, click on “Upload Existing Trial(s)” button on the “Manage Trials” page.
155 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
156 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/manage_trials.png')
159 When you click "Upload Existing Trial(s)" you will see the following workflow. Notice that there are 5 numbered sections to the workflow.
163 The first step is to understand what the format of the trial upload is. It is important to understand that the field layout represents plots in the experiment. Each plot has a globally unique plot_name, a sequential plot_number that is unique in the trial (but not globally unique. e.g. 101, 102, 103 for three separate plots), an accession_name representing what genotype is planted in that plot, and a block_number representing design replication. Each plot can be thought of as having a row_number and a column_number representing the relative position of the plot in a grid (e.g. the top left plot is row 1 column 1 following by row 1 column 2). Each plot can be planted with an amount of seed from a seedlot, where the seedlot_name represents the specific seed packet that was used, and num_seed_per_plot and weight_gram_seed_per_plot represent amount that were transferred from the seedlot_name to the plot_name. Treatments (management factors) can be applied onto plots using additional column names in your file, where a 1 represents if the factor was applied to the plot and an empty cell means it was not applied.
165 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
166 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/manage_trials_upload_trial_1.png')
169 This information and more can be found by clicking "Information about file format", which shows the following:
171 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
172 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/manage_trials_upload_trial_template.png')
176 ##### Minimum File requirements {-}
178 - All accession names in the file must exist in the database. See adding accessions for more information.
180 - The uploaded file should be XLS or XLSX file format (NOT CSV).
182 - The first row (header) must contain the column names: plot_name accession_name plot_number block_number is_a_control rep_number range_number row_number col_number seedlot_name num_seed_per_plot weight_gram_seed_per_plot
186 | **plot\_name** | **accession\_name** | **plot\_number** | **block\_number** | **is\_a\_control** | **rep\_number** | **range\_number** | **row\_number** | **col\_number** | **seedlot\_name** | **num\_seed\_per\_plot** | **weight\_gram\_seed\_per\_plot** |
187 |----------------|---------------------|------------------|-------------------|--------------------|-----------------|-------------------|-----------------|-----------------|-------------------|--------------------------|-----------------------------------|
188 | 2018plot1 | my_accession1 | 101 | 1 | 1 | | | | | | | |
189 | 2018plot2 | my_accession2 | 201 | 2 | | | | | | | | |
190 | 2018plot3 | my_accession2 | 102 | 1 | | | | | | | | |
191 | 2018plot4 | my_accession1 | 202 | 2 | 1 | | | | | | | |
193 ##### File validation {-}
195 - In case of errors in the uploaded file such as missing or invalid data, a window will appear listing the specific errors in the file that must be corrected before a successful upload.
197 ##### Uploading a trial with Field Management Factors {-}
199 - You can upload a trial with field management factor(s) by adding additional column(s). The column header will be the factor e.g. fertilizer, watering regime, inoculation, etc. and the values in these columns will be either 1 or empty, indicating that the factor was applied to the plot or not.
203 Once you feel that your experiment field layout is in the right format, click on to the Next Step. You will see the following form which must be filled in completely:
205 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
206 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/manage_trials_upload_trial_2.png')
209 The trial name must be globally unique in the database. Please try to follow standard naming conventions for your group.
211 First you need to validate the form, and then you can click "Upload Trial".
215 In the case where you have uploaded an experiment using accession_names that are not already present in the database, you will be taken to this screen. If the accession_names in your file are all already in the database, this step will be skipped.
216 The reason it is necessary for your accessions to be in the database before you can add a trial using them is that a single accession can be used among many trials and therefore must exist as a separate entity in the database; because of this it is also very important to be careful about adding wrongly duplicated accession_names into the database. From this screen it is possible to make a new list with the missing accession_names and then click "Add Accessions to the database" to immediately resolve the issue. Once all your accessions are in the database, click to move to the Next Step.
218 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
219 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/manage_trials_upload_trial_3.png')
224 In the case where you have uploaded an experiment using seedlot_names that are not already present in the database, you will be taken to this screen. If the seedlots in your file are all already in teh database, this step will be skipped.
225 The reason it is necessary for your seedlots to be in the database before you can add a trial using them is that a ginel seedlot can be used among many trials and therefore must exist as a separate entity in the database. From this screen it is possible to add the missing seedlots; you can either upload an XLS or XLSX file to add many at once or you can add them one by one. Once all your seedlots are in the database, click to move to the Next Step.
227 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
228 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/manage_trials_upload_trial_4.png')
233 If there are any other errors with your file, such as if the plot_names are not globally unique in the database or your plot_numbers are not unique in your trial or row_number is not an integer or any other error, you will see the errors listed in the red box. It is up to you to correct these errors in your file. Simply open up the file you selected earlier in Excel and correct the issues and then save the file. Then you can click "Submit Trial" and it will resubmit it for you. You can continue to edit your file here and submit as many times as you need until it is accepted.
235 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
236 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/manage_trials_upload_trial_5.png')
239 #### Completion screen {-}
241 Whether you were lucky enough to submit your trial successfully on Step 2 or if you tried many times on Step 5, once your trial has been saved in the database you will see the following screen:
243 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
244 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/manage_trials_upload_trial_6.png')
248 ### Multi-location trials
250 To add multi-location trials, simply select the multiple locations while using the 'Add Trial' form.
252 This will create a separate trial for each selected location, but they will share the same design and will be grouped in a single folder.
254 By default each trial design will have a fresh randomization, but if desired you may check the "Use same randomization for all locations" option.
257 ### Email alert for multiple trial design upload
259 When uploading multiple trials from a file, you have the option to receive email notifications by clicking the "Email Alert" checkbox. By default, the system will use the email address associated with your account, but you have the option to enter a different email address if you prefer. After submitting, the upload process runs in the background, allowing you to continue using the interface without interruptions. Once the process completes, you will receive an email with the upload results.
261 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
262 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/multiple_trial_upload_with_email.png')
265 ### Viewing Plot Layout and Trait HeatMap
267 #### Viewing plot layout
269 In the "Field Layout Tools and Phenotype Heatmap" section of a Trial Detail page, the trial physical layout is displayed by default. The relative position of the plots will be displayed based on the row and column positions given to the plots during the trial creation or upload steps. The plots are color-coded based on the plot's rep and block numbers and whether or not it is used as a check. Hover the mouse over the plot to see details about a specific plot.
271 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
272 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/fieldmap_trial_layout.png')
275 If there is more than one trial grown in the same physical field, the trial layouts of all of the trials can be shown together if the trials share these properties:
278 <li>Each trial has the same <strong>year</strong></li>
279 <li>Each trial has the same <strong>location</strong></li>
280 <li>The <strong>location type</strong> of the trials' location is set to <strong>Field</strong></li>
281 <li>The <strong>row</strong> and <strong>column</strong> positions of all of the plots (across the related trials) don't overlap. For example, trial #1 starts at row 1 and trial #2 starts at row 10.</li>
284 When these conditions are met and you check the "Select Trials in Same Field" checkbox, the plots from all of the related trials will be displayed on the same field layout. The plots will be color-coded by trial. The planting order and harvest order downloads will include the plots from all of the displayed trials in the order in which the plots occur in the field.
286 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
287 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/fieldmap_multi_trial_layout.png')
290 #### Viewing plot layout for multiple trials
294 #### Tracking plot images on fieldMap {-}
296 Plot images can be seen on fieldMap if a plot is associated to any image.
298 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
299 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/fieldmap_plot_image.png')
302 To view plot image(s), click on a plot, a dialog will appear.
304 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
305 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/fieldmap_view_plot_image.png')
308 On the appeared dialog, click on View plot images. To see more images if a plot has more that 2 images, click on See more images... Medium size of an image can be viewed by clicking on an image.
310 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
311 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/fieldmap_display_plot_image.png')
315 #### Viewing assayed trait heatmap {-}
317 Phenotype heatmap can be viewed by selecting a specific assayed trait from the selectbox drop-down. Mousing over the plots, highlights the plot in green and also displays the plot's field information including the selected trait's phenotype value.
319 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
320 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/heatmap_assayed_trait_view.png')
323 #### Suppressing Plot Phenotype {-}
325 Clicking on a plot on the heatmap would display a dialog that has a button for suppressing a plot phenotype value for a given trait. A suppressed plot value can be excluded during trial analysis and phenotype download.
327 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
328 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/trial_detail_page_suppress_phenotype.png')
331 ### Adding additional information in the “Trial Detail” page
333 After you added a new trial to the database, you can edit trial details or add more information for that trial through the“Trial Detail” page.
335 #### Uploading Physical Trial Layout {-}
337 You can upload physical trial layout by clicking on the “Upload trial coordinates” button on the “Trial Detail” page.
339 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='75%', fig.align='center'}
340 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/image332.png')
343 Please check file format carefully. You can find file format information by clicking on the “Spreadsheet format” on the “Upload trial coordinates” window.
345 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
346 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/image340.png')
351 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
352 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/image190.png')
355 #### Physical Trial Layout File requirements {-}
357 - All plot names in the file must exist in the database.
359 - The uploaded file should be tab delimited (txt).
361 - The first row (header) must contain the column names
365 | plot\_name | row\_number | col\_number |
366 |------------|-------------|-------------|
371 Select the trial layout coordinates file that you want to upload for this trial, then click “OK” button to upload the file.
373 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
374 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/image79.png')
377 The following message is displayed after the coordinates are uploaded.
379 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='50%', fig.align='center'}
380 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/image276.png')
383 The field layout can be viewed by clicking on the “Trial Heatmap Section” to see a drop-down of the field map.
385 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
386 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/heatmap_default_display.png')
389 #### Downloading Field Map Spreadsheet {-}
391 Field map spreadsheet can be downloaded if the trial has field coordinate (row and column numbers) uploaded for it plots.
392 To download, click on the Download FieldMap Layout link on the Trial Heatmap section.
394 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
395 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/field_map_download_link.png')
398 A dialog will appear, click on the submit button to download.
400 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
401 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/field_map_download_dialog.png')
404 Click to view downloaded spreadsheet.
406 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
407 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/field_map_download_spreadsheet.png')
410 #### Editing Physical Trial Layout {-}
412 “Usage Help” link contains information on how to edit physical trial layout.
414 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='75%', fig.align='center'}
415 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/image332.png')
418 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
419 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/image319.png')
422 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
423 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/image317.png')
426 There are three different options for editing trial layout:
428 - Replacing plot accession by clicking on the plot in the layout.
430 - Replacing trial accession by using “Edit Field Map” link.
432 - Substituting plot accessions by using “Edit Field Map” link.
434 When you move a cursor over a plot on the trial layout, information for that plot appears.
436 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='75%', fig.align='center'}
437 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/image320.png')
440 To edit a specific plot, clicking on that plot. Entering new accession on the “Replace Plot Accession” form, then clicking on “Replace Plot Accession” button.
442 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
443 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/image262.png')
446 To replace an accession (in every plot/plant of that accession), clicking on “Edit Field Map” button.
448 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
449 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/image173.png')
452 On the “Edit Field Map” window, clicking on “Replace Accession” button.
454 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
455 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/image87.png')
458 Selecting any accession that you want to replace and entering your new accession, then clicking “Replace Trial Accession” button.
460 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
461 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/image85.png')
464 You can switch plot accessions between any two plots by clicking on “Substitute Accession” button.
466 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
467 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/image162.png')
470 On the “Substitute Plot Accession” form, selecting the two plots that you want to switch, then clicking on the “Substitute Plot Accession” button.
472 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
473 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/image282.png')
476 ### Downloading the Trial Layout from the “Trial Detail” page
478 Click on "Download Layout" on the Trial Detail page.
480 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
481 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/image348.png')
484 The trial layout includes all information regarding the observation units in the experiment. The observation units can be plots, plants, or subplots. The trial layout can include trial design information such as the block_number and rep_number. It can also include physical map information such as the row_number and col_number, if that information is available for the trial.
485 The trial layout also includes information regarding treatments that have been applied in the field.
486 Optionally, the layout can give information regarding accession's global performance for a list of traits.
488 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
489 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/image347.png')
492 ### Adding Plant Entries To Your Trial
494 After you added a new trial to the database you can choose to add plant entries to your trial. Adding plant entries enables plant level phenotyping. It is generally better to enter data at the plant level into the database because it is always possible to calculate plot level phenotypes from the individual plant data.
496 Plant entries can be added to your trial in two ways:
497 1) Automatically generated by the database. The only input required is the number of plants per plot.
498 2) Uploaded in an XLS or XLSX file. This allows you to specifically name your plant entries.
500 These two options are available in the "Plant Entries" section on the Trial Detail Page, as shown in the screen shot below.
502 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
503 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/trial_detail_page_add_plant_entries.png')
506 #### Automatically Generate Plant Entries {-}
508 Clicking on "Add plant entries" opens the following dialog box. The only input required is the number of plants per plot. This will create plant entries that are named as a concatenation of the plot_name and the plant's index number e.g. plot_name_plant_1
510 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
511 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/trial_detail_page_add_plant_entries_autogenerated.png')
514 #### Upload Plant Entries {-}
516 Alternatively, you can choose to upload an XLS or XLSX file that contains the names of the plant entries. Clicking on "Upload plant entries" opens the following dialog box.
518 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
519 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/trial_detail_page_add_plant_entries_upload.png')
522 Clicking on "Spreadsheet format" will give you information about the XLS or XLSX file to upload. Clicking this will open the following dialog box.
524 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
525 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/trial_detail_page_add_plant_entries_upload_info.png')
528 This shows you that the files requires the header to contain "plot_name" and "plant_name". The plot_name must exist in the database already and the plant_name must be unique in the database.
530 Along with the file, you must specify "number of plants per plot". This is intended to be the total number of plants that were plants. If the file you upload shows three plants in one plot and four plants in another plot, that is fine.
532 ### Adding Tissue Sample Entries To Your Trial
534 Some trials require tissue samples to be collected from plants in a field trial. The database will generate these tissue sample identifiers for you and will maintain all relationships with the plant, plot, accession, etc. To begin, go to the Design section of a trial's detail page and open the "tissue sample entries" section.
535 Please note that tissue samples are directly related to plants, therefore your trial requires plants before you can add tissue samples.
537 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
538 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/manage_trials_tissue_sample_default.png')
541 When you click on "Add tissue sample entries" you will see a dialog where you specify the number of tissue samples you require per plant. Once you have specified how many tissues samples, you can give specific words to distinguish samples, such as "root" or "stem", as seen below.
543 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
544 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/manage_trials_tissue_sample_create.png')
547 Once you have added tissue sample entries they will appear in the design section of the trial as seen below.
549 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
550 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/manage_trials_tissue_samples.png')
553 Each tissue sample has a detail page where you can add information about the sample, such as if it is in transit or in storage somewhere.
555 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
556 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/manage_trials_tissue_sample_detail.png')
559 The related stocks section near the bottom of this detail page displays the relationships between all stocks, including tissue samples.
561 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
562 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/manage_trials_tissue_sample_related_stock.png')
565 ### Uploading GPS Coordinates For Plots
567 You can upload GPS coordinates for the plots in your trial. There is a link on the Trial Detail Page as shown below.
569 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
570 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/trial_detail_page_add_plot_gps.png')
573 Clicking on this link will bring up the following dialog.
575 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
576 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/trial_detail_page_add_plot_gps_dialog.png')
579 Here you can upload an XLS or XLSX file. To see information on the format of the file that should be uploaded, click on "Spreadsheet format". This will bring up the following dialog.
581 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
582 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/trial_detail_page_add_plot_gps_upload_info.png')
585 This dialog tells you that the file must be XLS or XLSX and must contain: plot_name WGS84_bottom_left_x WGS84_bottom_left_y WGS84_bottom_right_x WGS84_bottom_right_y WGS84_top_right_x WGS84_top_right_y WGS84_top_left_x WGS84_top_left_y
586 The GPS coordinates should be WGS84 format and specify a four-pointed polygon around the plot.
588 ### Uploading Additional Files To Trial
590 It may be of interest to you to upload additional documents, images, or recordings to your trial. To do this, scroll down to the "Uploaded Additional File" section on the trial detail page. From here you can view and download any of these additional files.
592 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
593 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/trial_upload_additional_file.png')
596 To upload an additional file, click on the "Upload Additional Files" link. A dialog will appear where you simply select your desired file. For information, you can click "Upload information" to see the following message.
598 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
599 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/trial_upload_additional_file_info.png')
602 ### Deleting Trial Data
604 To delete a trial data, click on the "Delete trial data" section. There are links to delete traits, layout and trial entry data.
606 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
607 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/trial_detail_page_delete_trait1.png')
610 To delete assayed trait data, click on "Delete trait data" link. On the appeared dialog, confirm deletion by clicking on the "Select Traits For Deletion" button, then select one or more traits to delete from the trial.
612 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
613 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/trial_detail_page_delete_trait2.png')
616 ```{r echo=FALSE, out.width='95%', fig.align='center'}
617 knitr::include_graphics('assets/images/trial_detail_page_delete_trait3.png')
620 To delete trial layout data, click on the "Delete layout data" link. Confirm deletion on the appeared dialog.
622 To Delete trial entry, click on "Delete trial entry" link. Confirm deletion on the appeared dialog.