add addiitional refresh option for all views except genoview
[sgn.git] / mason / page / detail_page_2_col_section.mas
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19 $has_subplot_entries => undef
20 $has_tissue_sample_entries => undef
21 $has_expression_atlas => undef
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23 $site_project_name => undef
24 $sgn_session_id => undef
25 $user_name => undef
26 $main_production_site_url => undef
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28 $hidap_enabled => undef
29 $location_name => undef
30 $country_name => undef
31 $breeding_program_name => undef
32 $breeding_program_id => undef
33 $year => undef
34 $trial_type => undef
35 $design_name => undef
36 $planting_date => undef
37 $harvest_date => undef
38 $trial_description => undef
39 $folder_name => undef
40 $folder_id => undef
41 $plot_width => undef
42 $plot_length => undef
43 $field_size => undef
44 $field_trial_is_planned_to_be_genotyped => undef
45 $field_trial_is_planned_to_cross => undef
46 $identifier_prefix => undef
47 $genotyping_facility => undef
48 $management_factor_date => undef
49 $management_factor_type => undef
50 $trial_stock_type => undef
51 $trial_stock_count => undef
52 $trial_owner => undef
54 #Specific to stock detail page
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56 $stockref => {}
57 $stockprops => undef
58 $edit_privs => undef
59 $editable_stock_props => undef
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70 $dbh => undef
71 $trait_ontology_db_name => undef
72 $pubs => undef
73 $cvterm_add_uri => undef
74 $referer => undef
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78 $protocol_name => undef
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80 $marker_names => []
81 $header_information_lines => []
82 $reference_genome_name => undef
83 $species_name => undef
84 $create_date => undef
85 $sample_observation_unit_type_name => undef
86 $marker_type => undef
88 #Specific to drone run detail page
89 $drone_run_date => undef
90 $id_extension => undef
92 #Specific to analysis detail page
93 $analysis_metadata => undef
94 $for_analysis_page => undef
95 $data_level => undef
97 $program_id => undef
98 $program_name => undef
100 #Specific to analysis model detail page
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102 $model_name => undef
103 $model_description => undef
104 $model_properties => {}
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107 $model_files => {}
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153                         <div class="panel panel-default">
154                             <div class="panel-body">
156 % if ($info_section_id eq 'pheno_heatmap'){
157                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/trial/phenotype_heatmap.mas, trial_id => $trial_id, data_level => $data_level &>
158 % } #End pheno_heatmap
159 % if ($info_section_id eq 'trial_design_section'){
160                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/trial/design_section.mas, trial_id => $trial_id, trial_name => $trial_name, has_subplot_entries => $has_subplot_entries, has_plant_entries => $has_plant_entries, has_tissue_sample_entries => $has_tissue_sample_entries, design_name => $design_name, trial_stock_type => $trial_stock_type &>
161 % } #End trial_design_section
162 % if ($info_section_id eq 'trial_detail_traits_assayed'){
164 % if ($has_expression_atlas) {
165                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/trial/export_trial_to_expression_atlas.mas, trial_id => $trial_id, trial_name=>$trial_name, expression_atlas_url=>$expression_atlas_url, site_project_name=>$site_project_name, sgn_session_id=>$sgn_session_id, user_name=>$user_name, main_production_site_url=>$main_production_site_url &>
166 % }
168                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/trial/phenotype_summary.mas, trial_id => $trial_id, trial_stock_type => $trial_stock_type &>
170 % } #End trial_detail_traits_assayed
171 % if ($info_section_id eq 'compute_derived_traits'){
172                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/trial/derived_trait.mas, trial_id => $trial_id &>
173 % } #End compute_derived_traits
174 % if ($info_section_id eq 'trial_upload_files'){
175                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/trial/files_section.mas, trial_id => $trial_id, trial_phenotype_files => $trial_phenotype_files, trial_stock_type => $trial_stock_type, for_analysis_page => $for_analysis_page &>
176 % } #End trial_upload_files
177 % if ($info_section_id eq 'trial_analysis_tools'){
180                                 <!-- analysis tools on saved measurements -->
181                                <& /breeders_toolbox/trial/saved_measurement_analysis.mas,
182                                      trial_id => $trial_id
183                                 &>
184                                 <!-- Phenotypic correlation analysis -->
185                                 <& /solgs/tools/correlation/correlation.mas,
186                                     corre_pop_id => $trial_id
187                                 &>
189                                 <& /solgs/tools/anova/analysis.mas,
190                                     trial_id => $trial_id
191                                 &>
193                                  <!-- Population structure analysis PCA -->
194                                 <& /solgs/tools/pca/analysis.mas,
195                                     trial_id => $trial_id
196                                   &>
198                                 <!-- Clustering -->
199                                 <& /solgs/tools/cluster/analysis.mas,
200                                     trial_id => $trial_id
201                                   &>
203                                 <!-- kinship and inbreeding-->
204                                 <& /solgs/tools/kinship/analysis.mas,
205                                     trial_id => $trial_id
206                                 &>
209                                   <& /tools/heritability/heritability.mas,
210                                     trial_id => $trial_id
211                                 &>
213                                 <& /solgs/population/trait_acronyms.mas,
214                                   trial_id => $trial_id
215                               &>
217 % if ($c->req->base =~ /sweetpotatobase/) {
218                                 <& /tools/qualityControl/qualityControl.mas,
219                                     trial_id => $trial_id
220                                 &>
221 % }
223 % if ($hidap_enabled) {
224                                 <& /hidap/hidap_trial_link.mas, main_production_site_url=>$main_production_site_url, program => $breeding_program_name, folder => $folder_name, trial => $trial_name &>
225 % }
226 % } #End trial_analysis_tools
227 % if ($info_section_id eq 'trial_weather_data'){
228                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/trial/weather.mas, location => $location_name &>
229 % } #End trial_weather_data
230 % if ($info_section_id eq 'trial_jbrowse_data'){
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232 %} #End trial_jbrowse_data
233 % if ($info_section_id eq 'trial_linkage_section'){
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235                                     <& /breeders_toolbox/trial/field_trial_from_field_trial_linkage.mas, trial_id => $trial_id, trial_type => $trial_type, trial_name=>$trial_name &>
236                                 </&>
237                                 <&| /page/info_section.mas, title => 'Field Trial to Genotyping Plate Linkage', id => 'genotyping_trial_from_field_trial_section', collapsible => 1, collapsed => 1 &>
238                                     <& /breeders_toolbox/trial/genotyping_trial_from_field_trial_linkage.mas, trial_id => $trial_id, trial_type => 'field_trial' &>
239                                 </&>
240                                 <&| /page/info_section.mas, title => 'Field Trial to Crossing Experiment Linkage', id => 'crossing_trial_from_field_trial_section', collapsible => 1, collapsed => 1 &>
241                                     <& /breeders_toolbox/trial/crossing_trial_from_field_trial_linkage.mas, trial_id => $trial_id, trial_type => 'field_trial' &>
242                                 </&>
243 %} #End trial_linkage_section
244 % if ($info_section_id eq 'trial_deletion_section'){
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246                                     <& /breeders_toolbox/trial/trial_deletion.mas, trial_id => $trial_id  &>
247                                 </&>
248 %} #End trial_deletion_section
249 % if ($info_section_id eq 'trial_data_agreement_section'){
250                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/data_agreement.mas, trial_id => $trial_id &>
251 % } #End trial_data_agreement_section
253 % if ($info_section_id eq 'stock_additional_info_section'){
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256 % if ($info_section_id eq 'stock_trials_section'){
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258 % } #End stock_trials_section
259 % if ($info_section_id eq 'stock_traits_section'){
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261 % } #End stock_traits_section
262 % if ($info_section_id eq 'stock_genotypes_section'){
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268                                 </&>
270                                 <& /pedigree/stock_pedigree_string.mas, stock_id => $stock_id &>
271 % } #End stock_pedigree_section
272 % if ($info_section_id eq 'stock_related_stock_section'){
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278                                 <&| /page/info_section.mas, title=>"Images of This Stock(" .  scalar(@$image_ids)  . ")", collapsible=>1, collapsed=>0 &>
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284                                 </&>
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286 % if ($info_section_id eq 'stock_sequencing_status_section'){
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288 % } #End stock requencing status section
289 % if ($info_section_id eq 'stock_literature_annotation_section'){
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293 % foreach my $publication ( @$pubs  ) {
294   <& /chado/publication.mas, pub=>$publication &>
295     <br >
296 % }
298                                 </&>
300                                 <&| /page/info_section.mas, id   => 'stock_ontology', title=>"Ontology annotation (" . $stockref->{ontology_count} . ")" &>
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302                                     trait_db_name => $trait_ontology_db_name,
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304                                     object_name   => "stock",
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306                                     ontology_url  => "/stock/$stock_id/ontologies/",
307                                     reference_uri => "/stock/$stock_id/references/",
308                                     evidence_with_uri => "/stock/$stock_id/evidences/",
309                                     show_form     => $is_owner  &>
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312 % if ($info_section_id eq 'stock_jbrowse_section'){
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314 % } #End stock_jbrowse_section
315 % if ($info_section_id eq 'stock_comments_section'){
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317 % } #End stock_comments_section
318 % if ($info_section_id eq 'stock_delete_section'){
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320 % } #End stock_delete_section
323 % if ($info_section_id eq 'manage_tissue_samples_field_trials'){
324                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/tissue_samples/field_trials_with_tissue_samples.mas &>
325 % } #End manage_tissue_samples_field_trials
326 % if ($info_section_id eq 'manage_tissue_samples_genotyping_trials'){
327                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/tissue_samples/genotyping_trials.mas &>
328 % } #End manage_tissue_samples_genotyping_trials
329 % if ($info_section_id eq 'manage_tissue_samples_sampling_trials'){
330                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/tissue_samples/sampling_trials.mas &>
331 % } #End manage_tissue_samples_sampling_trials
332 % if ($info_section_id eq 'trial_details'){
333                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/trial/trial_details.mas, trial_id=>$trial_id, trial_name=>$trial_name, breeding_program_name=>$breeding_program_name, breeding_program_id=>$breeding_program_id, location_name=>$location_name, country_name=>$country_name, year=>$year, trial_type=>$trial_type, planting_date=>$planting_date, harvest_date=>$harvest_date, trial_description=>$trial_description, folder_name=>$folder_name, folder_id=>$folder_id, identifier_prefix=>$identifier_prefix, plot_width=>$plot_width, plot_length=>$plot_length, field_size=>$field_size, field_trial_is_planned_to_be_genotyped=>$field_trial_is_planned_to_be_genotyped, field_trial_is_planned_to_cross=>$field_trial_is_planned_to_cross, trial_stock_type => $trial_stock_type, trial_stock_count => $trial_stock_count, trial_owner => $trial_owner &>
334 % } #End trial_details
335 % if ($info_section_id eq 'stocks_search_graphical_filtering'){
336                                 <& /search/stocks_graphicalfiltering.mas &>
337 % } #End stocks_search_graphical_filtering
338 % if ($info_section_id eq 'genotyping_data_project_details'){
339                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/genotyping_data_project/details.mas, trial_id=>$trial_id, trial_name=>$trial_name, breeding_program_name=>$breeding_program_name, breeding_program_id=>$breeding_program_id, location_name=>$location_name, year=>$year, trial_description=>$trial_description, identifier_prefix=>$identifier_prefix, genotyping_facility => $genotyping_facility &>
340 % } #End genotyping_data_project_details
341 % if ($info_section_id eq 'genotyping_data_project_protocols'){
342                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/genotyping_data_project/protocols.mas, trial_id=>$trial_id &>
343 % } #End genotyping_data_project_protocols
344 % if ($info_section_id eq 'genotyping_data_project_data'){
345                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/genotyping_data_project/genotype_data.mas, trial_id=>$trial_id &>
346 % } #End genotyping_data_project_data
347 % if ($info_section_id eq 'identifier_generation_list'){
348                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/identifier_generation/list_identifier_generation.mas &>
349 % } #End identifier_generation_list
350 % if ($info_section_id eq 'management_factor_details'){
351                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/trial/management_factor_details.mas, trial_id=>$trial_id, trial_name=>$trial_name, trial_description=>$trial_description, year=>$year, management_factor_type=>$management_factor_type, management_factor_date=>$management_factor_date &>
352 % } #End management_factor_details
353 % if ($info_section_id eq 'management_factor_design'){
354                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/trial/design_section_management_factor.mas, trial_id => $trial_id, trial_name => $trial_name, has_subplot_entries => $has_subplot_entries, has_plant_entries => $has_plant_entries, has_tissue_sample_entries => $has_tissue_sample_entries, design_name => $design_name &>
355 % } #End management_factor_design
357 % if ($info_section_id eq 'genotyping_protocol_details'){
358                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/genotyping_protocol/details.mas, protocol_id => $protocol_id, protocol_name => $protocol_name, protocol_description => $protocol_description, marker_names => $marker_names, header_information_lines => $header_information_lines, reference_genome_name => $reference_genome_name, species_name => $species_name, create_date => $create_date, sample_observation_unit_type_name => $sample_observation_unit_type_name, marker_type => $marker_type &>
359 % } #End genotyping_protocol_details
360 % if ($info_section_id eq 'genotyping_protocol_markers'){
361                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/genotyping_protocol/markers.mas, protocol_id => $protocol_id &>
362 % } #End genotyping_protocol_markers
363 % if ($info_section_id eq 'genotyping_protocol_genotype_data'){
364                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/genotyping_protocol/genotype_data.mas, protocol_id => $protocol_id &>
365 % } #End genotyping_protocol_genotype_data
366 % if ($info_section_id eq 'genotyping_protocol_delete_genotype_data') {
367                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/genotyping_protocol/delete_genotype_data.mas, protocol_id => $protocol_id &>
368 % }
369 % if ($info_section_id eq 'pcr_based_genotyping_markers'){
370                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/genotyping_protocol/pcr_markers.mas, protocol_id => $protocol_id &>
371 % } #End pcr_based_genotyping_markers
372 % if ($info_section_id eq 'pcr_genotyping_protocol_genotype_data'){
373                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/genotyping_protocol/pcr_genotype_data.mas, protocol_id => $protocol_id, marker_names => $marker_names &>
374 % } #End pcr_genotyping_protocol_genotype_data
378 % if ($info_section_id eq 'crossingtrial_details'){
379                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/cross/crossingtrial_details.mas, trial_id=>$trial_id, trial_name=>$trial_name, breeding_program_name=>$breeding_program_name, breeding_program_id=>$breeding_program_id, location_name=>$location_name, country_name=>$country_name, year=>$year, planting_date=>$planting_date, harvest_date=>$harvest_date, trial_description=>$trial_description, folder_name=>$folder_name, folder_id=>$folder_id, identifier_prefix=>$identifier_prefix &>
380 % } #End crossingtrial_details
382 % if ($info_section_id eq 'crosses_in_crossingtrial_section'){
383                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/cross/crosses_in_crossingtrial.mas, trial_id=>$trial_id &>
384 % } #End crosses_in_crossingtrial_section
386 % if ($info_section_id eq 'additional_info_crossingtrial_section'){
387                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/cross/cross_additional_info_crossingtrial.mas, trial_id=>$trial_id &>
388 % } #End additional_info_crossingtrial_section
390 % if ($info_section_id eq 'cross_properties_crossingtrial_section'){
391                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/cross/cross_properties_crossingtrial.mas, trial_id=>$trial_id &>
392 % } #End cross_properties_crossingtrial_section
394 % if ($info_section_id eq 'progenies_in_crossingtrial_section'){
395                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/cross/progenies_in_crossingtrial.mas, trial_id=>$trial_id &>
396 % } #End progenies_in_crossingtrial_section
398 % if ($info_section_id eq 'seedlots_from_crossingtrial_section'){
399                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/cross/seedlots_from_crossingtrial.mas, trial_id=>$trial_id, breeding_program_name=>$breeding_program_name, breeding_program_id=>$breeding_program_id, locations_by_program_json=>$locations_by_program_json &>
400 % } #End seedlots_from_crossingtrial_section
402 % if ($info_section_id eq 'crossing_trial_from_field_trial_section'){
403                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/trial/crossing_trial_from_field_trial_linkage.mas, trial_id => $trial_id, trial_type => 'crossing_trial' &>
404 % } #End crossing_trial_from_field_trial_section
406 % if ($info_section_id eq 'marker_set_summary_section'){
407                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/markers/marker_set_summary.mas &>
408 % } #End marker_set_summary_section
410 % if ($info_section_id eq 'crossing_experiment_deletion_section'){
411                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/cross/crossing_experiment_deletion.mas, trial_id => $trial_id  &>
412 %} #End crossing_experiment_deletion_section
414 % if ($info_section_id eq 'intercross_section'){
415                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/cross/intercross_file_info.mas, trial_id => $trial_id  &>
416 %} #End intercross_section
418 % if ($info_section_id eq 'progeny_search_section'){
419                                 <& /search/cross/progeny_search_section.mas &>
420 %} #End progeny_search_section
422 % if ($info_section_id eq 'cross_search_section'){
423                                 <& /search/cross/cross_search_section.mas &>
424 %} #End cross_search_section
426 % if ($info_section_id eq 'manage_nirs_main'){
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428 % } #End manage_nirs_main
430 % if ($info_section_id eq 'manage_sequence_metadata'){
431     <& /tools/sequence_metadata/manage_sequence_metadata_main.mas &>
432 % } #End manage_smd_main
434 % if ($info_section_id eq 'manage_drone_imagery_main'){
435                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/drone_imagery/raw_image_section.mas &>
436 % } #End manage_drone_imagery_main
438 % if ($info_section_id eq 'manage_drone_imagery_generate_plot_polygons_section'){
439                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/drone_imagery/generate_plot_polygons_section.mas, id_extension=>$id_extension &>
440 % } #End manage_drone_imagery_generate_plot_polygons_section
441 % if ($info_section_id eq 'manage_drone_imagery_generate_plot_polygons_standard_process_raw_images_section'){
442                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/drone_imagery/generate_plot_polygons_standard_process_raw_images_section.mas, id_extension=>$id_extension &>
443 % } #End manage_drone_imagery_generate_plot_polygons_standard_process_raw_images_section
444 % if ($info_section_id eq 'manage_drone_imagery_generate_plot_polygons_standard_process_raw_images_section_ground_control_points'){
445                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/drone_imagery/generate_plot_polygons_standard_process_raw_images_section_ground_control_points.mas &>
446 % } #End manage_drone_imagery_generate_plot_polygons_standard_process_raw_images_section_ground_control_points
447 % if ($info_section_id eq 'manage_drone_imagery_standard_process_generate_plot_polygons_section'){
448                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/drone_imagery/generate_plot_polygons_standard_process_section.mas &>
449 % } #End manage_drone_imagery_standard_process_generate_plot_polygons_section
450 % if ($info_section_id eq 'drone_run_project_details'){
451                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/drone_imagery/drone_run_details.mas, trial_id=>$trial_id, trial_name=>$trial_name, trial_description=>$trial_description, identifier_prefix=>$identifier_prefix, drone_run_date=>$drone_run_date &>
452 % } #End trial_details
453 % if ($info_section_id eq 'analysis_details'){
454                                 <& /analyses/analysis_details.mas, trial_id=>$trial_id, trial_name=>$trial_name, trial_description=>$trial_description, breeding_program_name=>$breeding_program_name, breeding_program_id=>$breeding_program_id, year=>$year, identifier_prefix=>$identifier_prefix, trial_stock_type => $trial_stock_type, analysis_metadata=>$analysis_metadata &>
455 % } #End analysis_details
456 % if ($info_section_id eq 'analysis_page_analysis_tools'){
457                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/trial/correlation_workflow.mas, trial_id => $trial_id, is_analysis => 1 &>
459                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/trial/time_series_accessions_workflow.mas, trial_id => $trial_id, data_level=>'analysis_instance' &>
461                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/trial/accession_rank_workflow.mas, trial_id => $trial_id, data_level=>'analysis_instance' &>
463                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/trial/genotype_comparison_workflow.mas, trial_id => $trial_id, data_level=>'analysis_instance' &>
464 % }
465 % if ($info_section_id eq 'model_details'){
466                                 <& /analyses/model_details.mas, trial_id=>$trial_id, trial_name=>$trial_name, analysis_metadata=>$analysis_metadata &>
467 % } #End analysis_details
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470 % } #End analysis_model_details
471 % if ($info_section_id eq 'model_analyses'){
472                                 <& /analyses/model_detail_page_analyses_section.mas, model_id => $model_id &>
473 % } #End model_analyses
474 % if ($info_section_id eq 'analytics_protocol_details'){
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479 % } #End analytics_protocol_result_files
480 % if ($info_section_id eq 'model_deletion_section'){
481                                 <&| /page/info_section.mas, title=>'Delete model', subtitle=>'<font color="red" role="">Deletion cannot be undone</font>', collapsed=>1, collapsible=>1 &>
482                                     <& /analyses/model_deletion.mas, model_id => $model_id  &>
483                                 </&>
484 % } #End model_deletion_section
485 % if ($info_section_id eq 'manage_file_share_dump'){
486                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/file_share/file_dump_share_files.mas &>
487 % } #End manage_file_share_dump
489 % if ($info_section_id eq 'program_location_section'){
490                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/program/program_locations.mas, program_id => $program_id &>
491 % } #End program_location_section
492 % if ($info_section_id eq 'program_project_section'){
493                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/program/program_project_section.mas, program_id => $program_id &>
494 % } #End program_project_section
495 % if ($info_section_id eq 'program_stock_section'){
496                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/program/program_stock_section.mas, program_id => $program_id &>
497 % } #End program_stock_section
498 % if ($info_section_id eq 'program_phenotype_section'){
499                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/program/traits.mas, program_id => $program_id, collapse_phenotypes_section => 0 &>
500 % } #End program_phenotype_section
501 % if ($info_section_id eq 'program_product_profile_section'){
502                                 <& /breeders_toolbox/program/product_profile.mas, program_id => $program_id, collapse_phenotypes_section => 0 &>
503 % } #End program_product_profile_section
505 % if (!$info_section_id){
506                                 <p>No section specified! Main content goes here!</p>
507 % }
509                             </div>
510                         </div>
511                     </&>
512                 </div>
513             </div>
514         </div>
515     </div>
516 </div>