Merge pull request #3661 from solgenomics/topic/fix_logins
[sgn.git] / sgn_test.conf
1 # Database configs
2 dbhost breedbase_db
3 dbname db
4 dbuser postgres
5 dbpass postgres
7 # Server configuration
8 production_server 0
9 debug 1
10 main_production_site_url http://localhost
12 # Species options
13 supportedCrop   Cassava
14 preferred_species Manihot esculenta
16 # Ontology options
17 composable_cvs trait,attribute,tod,toy
18 composable_cvs_allowed_combinations Image|trait+attribute+tod+toy
19 composable_cvterm_delimiter |
20 composable_cvterm_format concise
21 composable_tod_root_cvterm "Image Pre-Process Type|ISOL:0000021"
22 composable_toy_root_cvterm "time of year|TIME:0000005"
23 trait_ontology_db_name CO
24 onto_root_namespaces  GO (Gene Ontology), PO (Plant Ontology), SO (Sequence Ontology), PATO (Phenotype and Trait Ontology)
25 trait_variable_onto_root_namespaces CO (Cassava Ontology), COMP (Composed Variables)
26 allow_observation_variable_submission_interface 1
27 onto_root_namespaces  GO (Gene Ontology), PO (Plant Ontology), SO (Sequence Ontology), PATO (Phenotype and Trait Ontology), UO (Units), CASSTISS (Cass tissues), ISOL (Imagesol), G2F (G2F), TIME (Time), SGNSTAT (SGNSTAT)
29 project_name "breeDBase"
31 # Login options
32 disable_login 0
33 default_login_janedoe 0
34 require_login 0
36 # BrAPI options
37 brapi_require_login 1
38 brapi_GET any
39 brapi_POST any
40 brapi_PUT any
41 brapi_OPTIONS any
43 # slurm config
44 backend Slurm
46 # web server user
47 www_user www-data
48 www_group www-data
50 # Directory configs
51 clear_tempfiles_on_restart  1
52 rootpath /home/production/cxgn
53 basepath /home/production/cxgn/sgn
54 homepage_files_dir        /home/production/cxgn/sgn/static/
55 static_datasets_path      /home/production/SGN_data/public
56 image_dir                 images/image_files
57 cluster_shared_tempdir  /tmp/production/SGN-site/
58 solgs_dir /home/production/tmp/solgs/__USERNAME__
59 vigs_db_path             /export/prod/blast/databases/current/vigs/
60 vigs_default_db          Nicotiana_benthamiana_v0.4.4
61 trial_download_logfile /tmp/production/trial_download_log
62 archive_path /home/production/archive
63 image_path images/image_files_test
64 tempfiles_base /home/production/tmp/breedbase-site
65 static_content_url  /static_content
66 static_content_path /home/production/public/static_content
67 cache_file_path /home/production/cache
68 r_qtl_temp_path /home/production/tmp/solqtl___USERNAME__
69 submit_dir                /home/production/public/submit-uploads
70 blast_path                ""
71 blast_db_path             /home/production/blast/databases/current
72 ftpsite_root              /home/production/public
73 jbrowse_path              /jbrowse_cassavabase/?data=data/json
75 # Genotyping server options
76 genotyping_facilities None,Cornell IGD,DArT,Intertek,BGI
77 genotyping_server_token
78 genotyping_server_host
79 genotyping_server_username NULL
80 genotyping_server_password NULL
81 default_genotyping_protocol GBS ApeKI genotyping v4
83 <Controller::Cview>
84     cview_default_map_id 1
85 </Controller::Cview>
86 cview_db_backend Cassava
88 #Homepage controller customization
89 homepage_display_phenotype_uploads 0
92 solyc_conversion_files /home/production/solcyc_conversion_files/tomato_unigenes_solyc_conversion_annotated.txt
94 <View::Mason>
95 #   add_comp_root /home/production/cxgn/sweetpotatobase/mason
96 #   add_comp_root /home/production/cannabase/mason
97     add_comp_root /home/production/cxgn/cassava/mason
98 #   add_comp_root /home/production/cxgn/nelsonlab/mason
99 #   add_comp_root /home/production/cxgn/cassbase/mason
100 #   add_comp_root /home/production/cxgn/musabase/mason
101 #   add_comp_root /home/production/cxgn/yambase/mason
102 #   add_comp_root /home/production/cxgn/citrusgreening/mason
103 </View::Mason>
105 <DatabaseConnection sgn_test>
106   dsn dbi:Pg:host=localhost;dbname=cxgn
107   user web_usr
108   password postgres
109   search_path public
110   search_path sgn
111   search_path annotation
112   search_path genomic
113   search_path insitu
114   search_path metadata
115   search_path pheno_population
116   search_path phenome
117   search_path physical
118   search_path tomato_gff
119   search_path biosource
120   search_path gem
121 </DatabaseConnection>
124 #ODK Services
125 odk_crossing_data_service_name ONA
126 odk_crossing_data_service_url
127 odk_crossing_data_service_username seedtracker
128 odk_crossing_data_service_password Seedtracking101
129 odk_crossing_data_form_name BTractTest
130 odk_crossing_data_test_form_name NULL
131 odk_crossing_data_separate_wishlist_by_location 1
132 odk_phenotyping_data_service_name NULL
133 odk_phenotyping_data_service_url
134 odk_phenotyping_data_service_username SMAPUSER
135 odk_phenotyping_data_service_password SMAPPASS
136 crontab_file NULL
137 crontab_log_filepath NULL
140 noaa_ncdc_access_token DLPxdOEIwKyoiMSuQMRYrtMaiIUpNAwk
142 identifier_prefix BB
144 cluster_host breedbase_web