replace empty fixture with one that works.
[sgn.git] / lib / SGN / Controller /
1 package SGN::Controller::GenotypeProtocol;
3 use Moose;
4 use Data::Dumper;
5 use Try::Tiny;
6 use SGN::Model::Cvterm;
7 use Data::Dumper;
8 use CXGN::Trial::Folder;
9 use CXGN::Genotype::Protocol;
10 use File::Basename qw | basename dirname|;
11 use File::Spec::Functions;
12 use File::Slurp qw | read_file |;
15 BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller'; }
17 has 'schema' => (
18 is => 'rw',
19 isa => 'DBIx::Class::Schema',
20 lazy_build => 1,
23 sub _build_schema {
24 shift->_app->dbic_schema( 'Bio::Chado::Schema', 'sgn_chado' )
27 sub protocol_page :Path("/breeders_toolbox/protocol") Args(1) {
28 my $self = shift;
29 my $c = shift;
30 my $protocol_id = shift;
31 my $schema = $self->schema;
33 if (!$c->user()) {
35 my $url = '/' . $c->req->path;
36 $c->res->redirect("/user/login?goto_url=$url");
38 } else {
40 my $protocol = CXGN::Genotype::Protocol->new({
41 bcs_schema => $schema,
42 nd_protocol_id => $protocol_id
43 });
45 my $display_observation_unit_type;
46 my $observation_unit_type = $protocol->sample_observation_unit_type_name;
47 if ($observation_unit_type eq 'tissue_sample_or_accession') {
48 $display_observation_unit_type = 'tissue sample or accession';
49 } else {
50 $display_observation_unit_type = $observation_unit_type;
53 my $marker_info_keys = $protocol->marker_info_keys;
54 my $assay_type = $protocol->assay_type;
55 my @marker_info_headers = ();
56 if (defined $marker_info_keys) {
57 foreach my $info_key (@$marker_info_keys) {
58 if ($info_key eq 'name') {
59 push @marker_info_headers, 'Marker Name';
60 } elsif (($info_key eq 'intertek_name') || ($info_key eq 'facility_name')) {
61 push @marker_info_headers, 'Facility Marker Name';
62 } elsif ($info_key eq 'chrom') {
63 push @marker_info_headers, 'Chromosome';
64 } elsif ($info_key eq 'pos') {
65 push @marker_info_headers, 'Position';
66 } elsif ($info_key eq 'alt') {
67 if ($assay_type eq 'KASP') {
68 push @marker_info_headers, 'Y-allele';
69 } else {
70 push @marker_info_headers, 'Alternate';
72 } elsif ($info_key eq 'ref') {
73 if ($assay_type eq 'KASP') {
74 push @marker_info_headers, 'X-allele';
75 } else {
76 push @marker_info_headers, 'Reference';
78 } elsif ($info_key eq 'qual') {
79 push @marker_info_headers, 'Quality';
80 } elsif ($info_key eq 'filter') {
81 push @marker_info_headers, 'Filter';
82 } elsif ($info_key eq 'info') {
83 push @marker_info_headers, 'Info';
84 } elsif ($info_key eq 'format') {
85 push @marker_info_headers, 'Format';
86 } elsif ($info_key eq 'sequence') {
87 push @marker_info_headers, 'Sequence';
90 } else {
91 @marker_info_headers = ('Marker Name','Chromosome','Position','Alternate','Reference','Quality','Filter','Info','Format');
94 my $protocol_vcf_details_cvterm_id = SGN::Model::Cvterm->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'vcf_map_details', 'protocol_property')->cvterm_id();
95 my $protocolprop_rs = $schema->resultset('NaturalDiversity::NdProtocolprop')->find({'nd_protocol_id' => $protocol_id, 'type_id' => $protocol_vcf_details_cvterm_id});
96 my $map_details_protocolprop_id;
97 if ($protocolprop_rs) {
98 $map_details_protocolprop_id = $protocolprop_rs->nd_protocolprop_id();
101 $c->stash->{protocol_id} = $protocol_id;
102 $c->stash->{protocol_name} = $protocol->protocol_name;
103 $c->stash->{protocol_description} = $protocol->protocol_description;
104 $c->stash->{markers} = $protocol->markers || {};
105 $c->stash->{marker_names} = $protocol->marker_names || [];
106 $c->stash->{header_information_lines} = $protocol->header_information_lines || [];
107 $c->stash->{reference_genome_name} = $protocol->reference_genome_name;
108 $c->stash->{species_name} = $protocol->species_name;
109 $c->stash->{create_date} = $protocol->create_date;
110 $c->stash->{sample_observation_unit_type_name} = $display_observation_unit_type;
111 $c->stash->{marker_type} = $protocol->marker_type;
112 $c->stash->{marker_info_headers} = \@marker_info_headers;
113 $c->stash->{assay_type} = $protocol->assay_type;
114 $c->stash->{map_details_protocolprop_id} = $map_details_protocolprop_id;
115 $c->stash->{template} = '/breeders_toolbox/genotyping_protocol/index.mas';
120 sub pcr_protocol_genotype_data_download : Path('/protocol_genotype_data/pcr_download/') Args(1) {
121 my $self =shift;
122 my $c = shift;
123 my $file_id = shift;
124 my $sp_person_id = $c->user() ? $c->user->get_object()->get_sp_person_id() : undef;
125 my $metadata_schema = $c->dbic_schema('CXGN::Metadata::Schema', undef, $sp_person_id);
126 my $file_row = $metadata_schema->resultset("MdFiles")->find({file_id => $file_id});
127 my $file_destination = catfile($file_row->dirname, $file_row->basename);
128 my $contents = read_file($file_destination);
129 my $file_name = $file_row->basename;
131 $c->res->content_type('Application/trt');
132 $c->res->header('Content-Disposition', qq[attachment; filename="$file_name"]);
133 $c->res->body($contents);