replace empty fixture with one that works.
[sgn.git] / lib / SGN / Controller /
1 =head1 NAME
3 SGN::Controller::ITAG - actions related to ITAG things
5 =cut
7 package SGN::Controller::ITAG;
8 use Moose;
9 use namespace::autoclean;
11 use CXGN::ITAG::Release;
13 BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller' }
17 =head2 list_releases
19 Public path: /itag/list_releases
21 List ITAG bulk file releases available for download.
23 =cut
25 sub list_releases :Path('/itag/list_releases') :Args(0) {
26 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
28 my $itag = $c->enabled_feature('ITAG')
29 or $c->throw_404('ITAG site feature not available');
31 $c->stash->{itag_releases} = [ CXGN::ITAG::Release->find( dir => $itag->releases_base ) ];
33 $c->stash->{template} = '/itag/list_releases.mas';
34 $c->forward('View::Mason');
37 =head2 list_release_files
39 Public path: /itag/release/<releasenum>/list_files
41 List the downloadable files in a specific ITAG release.
43 =cut
45 sub list_release_files :Chained('get_release') :PathPart('list_files') :Args(0) {
46 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
48 $c->stash->{template} = '/itag/list_release_files.mas';
52 =head2 download_release_file
54 Public path: /itag/release/<releasenum>/download/<file_key>
56 Download a specific file from an ITAG release. Requires C<name>,
57 C<email>, and C<organization> GET or POST vars to be provided in the
58 request, and sends an email to the configured C<bugs_email> address
59 reporting the download (including the name, email, and organization).
61 =cut
63 sub download_release_file :Chained('get_release') :PathPart('download') :Args(1) {
64 my ( $self, $c, $file_tag ) = @_;
66 # get and validate the name, email, and organization from the post data
67 my $name = $c->req->params->{name};
68 # $name && length($name) > 5
69 # or $c->throw( public_message => 'Must provide both your first and last name, at least 6 letters in total length, to download ITAG bulk files.', is_client_error => 1 );
70 my $email = $c->req->params->{email};
71 # $email && $email =~ /^[^@]+@[^@]+$/
72 # or $c->throw( public_message => 'Must provide a real email address to download ITAG bulk files.', is_client_error => 1 );
74 my $organization = $c->req->params->{organization};
76 # stash them for the reported_download action
77 $c->stash->{download_info} = {
78 name => $name,
79 email => $email,
80 organization => $organization,
83 $c->stash->{download_filename} = $c->stash->{itag_release}->get_file_info( $file_tag )->{file};
85 $c->forward( '/download/reported_download' );
89 # chaining root for fetching a specific ITAG release. will 404 if the release is not found.
90 # URL format: /itag/release/2/<rest of the chain>
91 sub get_release :Chained('/') :PathPart('itag/release') :CaptureArgs(1) {
92 my ( $self, $c, $releasenum ) = @_;
94 my $itag = $c->enabled_feature('ITAG')
95 or $c->throw_404('ITAG site feature not available');
97 # get and stash the itag release object, throwing if not found
98 ($c->stash->{itag_release}) = CXGN::ITAG::Release->find(
99 releasenum => $releasenum,
100 dir => $itag->releases_base,
102 or $c->throw_404("Release not found");