replace empty fixture with one that works.
[sgn.git] / lib / SGN / Controller / solGS /
1 package SGN::Controller::solGS::gebvPhenoRegression;
3 use Moose;
4 use namespace::autoclean;
6 use File::Slurp qw /write_file read_file/;
7 use JSON;
8 use Math::Round::Var;
9 use Statistics::Descriptive;
12 BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller' }
15 sub check_regression_data :Path('/solgs/check/regression/data/') Args(0) {
16 my ($self, $c) = @_;
18 my $args = $c->req->param('arguments');
19 $c->controller('solGS::Utils')->stash_json_args($c, $args);
21 my $trait_id = $c->stash->{'trait_id'};
22 $c->controller('solGS::Trait')->get_trait_details($c, $trait_id);
24 $self->get_regression_data_files($c);
26 my $ret->{exists} = undef;
28 my $gebv_file = $c->stash->{regression_gebv_file};
29 my $pheno_file = $c->stash->{regression_pheno_file};
31 if(-s $gebv_file && -s $pheno_file)
33 $ret->{exists} = 1;
36 $ret = to_json($ret);
38 $c->res->content_type('application/json');
39 $c->res->body($ret);
44 sub get_regression_data_files {
45 my ($self, $c) = @_;
47 my $pop_id = $c->stash->{training_pop_id};
48 my $trait_abbr = $c->stash->{trait_abbr};
49 my $cache_dir = $c->stash->{solgs_cache_dir};
51 $c->controller('solGS::Files')->model_phenodata_file($c);
52 my $phenotype_file = $c->stash->{model_phenodata_file};
54 $c->controller('solGS::Files')->rrblup_training_gebvs_file($c);
55 my $gebv_file = $c->stash->{rrblup_training_gebvs_file};
57 $c->stash->{regression_gebv_file} = $gebv_file;
58 $c->stash->{regression_pheno_file} = $phenotype_file;
63 sub get_heritability {
64 my ($self, $c, $pop_id, $trait_id) = @_;
66 $c->controller('solGS::Trait')->get_trait_details($c, $trait_id);
68 $c->controller('solGS::Files')->variance_components_file($c);
69 my $var_comp_file = $c->stash->{variance_components_file};
71 my ($txt, $value) = map { split(/\t/) }
72 grep {/SNP heritability/}
73 read_file($var_comp_file, {binmode => ':utf8'});
75 return $value;
80 sub get_additive_variance {
81 my ($self, $c, $pop_id, $trait_id) = @_;
83 $c->controller('solGS::Trait')->get_trait_details($c, $trait_id);
85 $c->controller('solGS::Files')->variance_components_file($c);
86 my $var_comp_file = $c->stash->{variance_components_file};
88 my ($txt, $value) = map { split(/\t/) }
89 grep {/Additive genetic/}
90 read_file($var_comp_file, {binmode => ':utf8'});
92 return $value;
97 sub get_regeression_data :Path('/solgs/get/regression/data/') Args(0) {
98 my ($self, $c) = @_;
100 my $args = $c->req->param('arguments');
101 $c->controller('solGS::Utils')->stash_json_args($c, $args);
103 my $trait_id = $c->stash->{'trait_id'};
104 $c->controller('solGS::Trait')->get_trait_details($c, $trait_id);
106 $self->get_regression_data_files($c);
108 my $gebv_file = $c->stash->{regression_gebv_file};
109 my $pheno_file = $c->stash->{regression_pheno_file};
111 my @gebv_data = map { $_ =~ s/\n//; $_ } read_file($gebv_file, {binmode => ':utf8'});
112 my @pheno_data = map { $_ =~ s/\n//; $_ } read_file($pheno_file, {binmode => ':utf8'});
114 @gebv_data = map { [ split(/\t/) ] } @gebv_data;
115 @pheno_data = map { [ split(/\t/) ] } @pheno_data;
117 my @pheno_values = map { $_->[1] } @pheno_data;
118 shift(@pheno_values);
119 shift(@gebv_data);
120 shift(@pheno_data);
122 my $stat = Statistics::Descriptive::Full->new();
123 $stat->add_data(@pheno_values);
124 my $pheno_mean = $stat->mean();
126 my $round = Math::Round::Var->new(0.01);
128 my @pheno_deviations = map { [$_->[0], $round->round(( $_->[1] - $pheno_mean ))] } @pheno_data;
130 my $pop_id = $c->stash->{'training_pop_id'};
131 my $heritability = $self->get_heritability($c, $pop_id, $trait_id);
133 my $ret->{status} = undef;
135 if (@gebv_data && @pheno_data)
137 $ret->{status} = 1;
138 $ret->{gebv_data} = \@gebv_data;
139 $ret->{pheno_deviations} = \@pheno_deviations;
140 $ret->{pheno_data} = \@pheno_data;
141 $ret->{heritability} = $heritability;
145 $ret = to_json($ret);
147 $c->res->content_type('application/json');
148 $c->res->body($ret);
153 sub begin : Private {
154 my ($self, $c) = @_;
156 $c->controller('solGS::Files')->get_solgs_dirs($c);
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