5 tree_browser/index.pl - the script controlling the tree browser tool
17 Lukas Mueller <lam87@cornell.edu>
25 use CGI qw
/ -compile :standard /;
27 use File
::Temp qw
/ tempfile tempdir /;
32 use CXGN
::FormattingHelpers qw
/ page_title_html info_section_html/;
34 use CXGN
::Identifiers qw
| identifier_url identifier_namespace
35 use CXGN
36 use CXGN
::Param qw
/ hash2param hash2hiddenpost /;
38 use CXGN
39 use CXGN
40 use CXGN
42 use CXGN
43 use CXGN
46 use CatalystX
54 my $page = CXGN
->new( "SGN Tree Browser", "Lukas" );
56 our ($align_temp_show, $newick_temp_show, $example_show, $native_commands) =
57 $page->get_encoded_arguments(qw
/align_temp_show newick_temp_show example_show native_commands/);
60 $action, $tree_string,
64 $tree_style, $show_blen,
66 $reroot, $show_orthologs,
67 $show_species, $collapse_single_species_subtrees,
68 $show_standard_species,
69 $use_html_path, $show_skip_form,
70 $align_format, $align_seq_data,
71 $align_temp_file, $align_type,
72 $hide_alignment, $tree_from_align,
73 $show_sigpep, $show_domains,
74 $stored_genes, $family_nr,
77 = $page->get_encoded_arguments(
78 "action", "tree_string",
79 "file", "shared_file",
82 "tree_style", "show_blen",
84 "reroot", "show_orthologs",
85 "show_species", "collapse_single_species_subtrees",
86 "show_standard_species",
87 "use_html_path", "show_skip_form",
88 "align_format", "align_seq_data",
89 "align_temp_file", "align_type",
90 "hide_alignment", "tree_from_align",
91 "show_sigpep", "show_domains",
92 "stored_genes", "family_nr",
95 my $tree_string_param = $tree_string; #keep track of provided param
97 $height = 50 if ( $height =~ /^\d+$/ && $height < 50 );
99 $show_domains = 1 unless ( $show_domains =~ /^(1|0)$/ && $show_domains == 0 );
104 "shared_file" => $shared_file,
109 "tree_style" => $tree_style,
110 "show_blen" => $show_blen,
115 "align_format" => $align_format,
116 "align_temp_file" => $align_temp_file,
117 "align_type" => $align_type,
118 "hide_alignment" => $hide_alignment,
119 "tree_from_align" => $tree_from_align,
120 "show_sigpep" => $show_sigpep,
121 "show_domains" => $show_domains,
122 "stored_genes" => $stored_genes,
123 "show_orthologs" => $show_orthologs,
124 "show_species" => $show_species,
125 "collapse_single_species_subtrees" => $collapse_single_species_subtrees,
128 our $HTML_ROOT_PATH = $c->path_to->stringify;
129 our $DOC_PATH = $c->tempfiles_subdir('align_viewer');
130 our $PATH = $c->path_to( $DOC_PATH );
132 our $CMD_QUICKTREE = $c->config->{cluster_shared_bindir
133 our $CMD_SREFORMAT = $c->config->{cluster_shared_bindir
134 $CMD_QUICKTREE = "quicktree" unless ( -x
135 $CMD_SREFORMAT = "sreformat" unless ( -x
137 unless ( !$align_temp_show || $align_temp_show =~ /\// ) {
138 $align_temp_show = $PATH . "/" . $align_temp_show;
140 unless ( !$newick_temp_show || $newick_temp_show =~ /\// ) {
141 $newick_temp_show = $PATH . "/" . $newick_temp_show;
143 if ($use_html_path) {
144 $align_temp_show = $HTML_ROOT_PATH . $align_temp_show;
145 $newick_temp_show = $HTML_ROOT_PATH . $newick_temp_show;
149 #Copy newick/alignment to temp files based on family information:
150 if ( !( -f
( $PATH . "/" . $align_temp_file ) && -f
( $PATH . "/" . $file ) )
154 my $family_basedir = "/data/prod/public/family/$i_value";
155 unless ( -d
$family_basedir ) {
156 input_err_page
( $page,
157 "No current family build corresponds to an i_value of $i_value" );
159 unless ( -f
"$family_basedir/pep_align/$family_nr.pep.aligned.fasta" ) {
160 input_err_page
( $page, "Alignment was not calculated for this family" );
162 unless ( -f
"$family_basedir/newick/$family_nr.newick" ) {
163 $tree_from_align = 1;
167 #Make new temporary alignment and newick files
168 my $tmp_fh = File
172 $file = $tmp_fh->filename();
175 system "cp $family_basedir/newick/$family_nr.newick $file";
178 my $tmp_fh = File
182 $align_temp_file = $tmp_fh->filename();
185 `cp $family_basedir/pep_align/$family_nr.pep.aligned.fasta $align_temp_file 2>/dev/stdout`;
188 # 'show_skip_form' is a url parameter of unknown function, but it seems to have to do
189 # something with the combined tree/alignment view
191 if ($show_skip_form) {
193 #Copy files to real temp directory
194 my $temp_fh = File
198 open( FH
, $newick_temp_show );
200 $content .= $_ while <FH
202 print $temp_fh $content;
203 $file = $temp_fh->filename;
205 $temp_fh = File
->new( DIR
=> 0 );
207 open( FH
, $align_temp_show );
209 $content .= $_ while <FH
211 print $temp_fh $content;
212 $align_temp_file = $temp_fh->filename;
216 unless ( $align_temp_file =~ /\// ) {
217 $align_temp_file = $PATH . "/" . $align_temp_file;
220 if ( $align_seq_data ne '' ) {
221 $align_tmp_fh = File
226 $align_temp_file = $align_tmp_fh->filename;
227 $align_seq_data =~ s/\>\;/\>/g;
228 $align_seq_data =~ s/\<\;/\</g;
229 $align_seq_data =~ s/\&\#124;/\|/g;
230 print $align_tmp_fh "$align_seq_data";
233 # Convert the input file into fasta if it is clustal
235 if ( $align_format eq 'clustalw' ) {
236 my $align_temp_file_fasta = $align_temp_file . ".fasta";
237 convert_clustal_fasta
( $align_temp_file, $align_temp_file_fasta );
239 # continue with the converted file...
241 $align_temp_file = $align_temp_file_fasta;
244 if ( -f
$align_temp_file ) {
245 my ( $align_seq_count, $align_max_lengthh ) =
246 fasta_check
( $align_temp_file, $page )
249 if ( $align_format eq "clustalw" && $align_temp_file && !$align_seq_data ) {
250 my $align_temp_file_fasta = $align_temp_file . ".fasta";
251 convert_clustal_fasta
( $align_temp_file, $align_temp_file_fasta );
252 $align_temp_file = $align_temp_file_fasta;
253 $align_format = "aligned_fasta";
256 #print STDERR "Done checking some file stuff\n";
258 #### Construct Alignment ##############################################
259 my $alignment = CXGN
268 $instream = Bio
->new( -file
=> $align_temp_file, -format
=> 'fasta' );
269 while ( my $in = $instream->next_seq() ) {
270 my $seq = $in->seq();
274 $fasta_hash{$id} = $seq;
275 my $member = CXGN
282 eval { $alignment->add_member($member); };
283 $@
and input_err_page
( $page, $@
287 #print STDERR "Done defining alignment...\n";
289 if ($tree_from_align) {
290 input_err_page
( $page, "No alignment file" ) unless ( -f
$align_temp_file );
291 my @sre = `$CMD_SREFORMAT stockholm $align_temp_file`;
293 # input_err_page($page, "sreformat command: $CMD_SREFORMAT");
294 input_err_page
( $page,
295 "Utility \"sreformat\" didn't work, or no alignment" )
297 my $sre_temp_fh = File
->new( DIR
=> 1 );
298 print $sre_temp_fh $_ foreach (@sre);
299 my $sre_temp = $sre_temp_fh->filename;
300 my @newick = `$CMD_QUICKTREE -kimura $sre_temp`;
301 input_err_page
( $page,
302 "Program \"quicktree\" didn't work, or no alignment" )
305 $tree_string .= $_ foreach (@newick);
306 $sre_temp_fh->close();
309 # create a new Tree_browser object which will handle most of the stuff
311 my $browser = CXGN
313 #print STDERR "Done creating tree browser object..\n";
315 $browser->set_temp_dir($PATH);
317 my $temp_dir = $browser->get_temp_dir();
319 # check to see if we have a preset tree that we should show
323 CXGN
->new( $page->path_to("data/asterids.newick.txt") );
325 my $plants_tree = $plants_file->get_tree();
326 $tree_string = $plants_tree->get_root()->recursive_generate_newick();
328 my $new_root = $plants_tree->get_node_by_name($preset);
330 $ops = "s" . $new_root->get_node_key();
334 #print STDERR "Done dealing with presets...\n";
336 # get an upload object to upload a file, copy the
337 # file to a temp location
339 use CatalystX
qw( $c );
340 my $upload = $c->req->upload($file);
342 my ( $temp_fh, $temp_file ) =
343 File::Temp::tempfile( "tree-XXXXXX", DIR => $temp_dir );
345 # print STDERR "upload: [$upload] <br>";
346 if ( defined $upload ) {
347 my $upload_fh = $upload->fh();
348 while (<$upload_fh>) {
356 #print STDERR "Uploading file $temp_file...\n ";
358 my $tree_file = CXGN::Phylo::File->new($temp_file);
359 my $tree_obj = $tree_file->get_tree();
361 $tree_string = $tree_obj->get_root()->recursive_generate_newick();
363 #print STDERR "TREE STRING= $tree_string\n";
367 if ( $shared_file =~ /\/\./ ) {
368 $page->error_page( 'Invalid file location.',
369 "Invalid file location: $shared_file" );
371 my $shared_data_path = $c->config->{'static_datasets_path'};
372 my $shared_data_url = $c->config->{'static_datasets_url'};
373 $shared_file =~ /^$shared_data_url\/cosii\/[\w\-\/]+\.\d\.ml\.tre$/
374 or $page->error_page( "Invalid file location",
375 "Invalid file location: $shared_file" );
376 $title = $shared_file;
377 $shared_file =~ s/$shared_data_url//;
378 my $filename = $shared_data_path . $shared_file;
379 my $tree_file = CXGN::Phylo::File->new($filename);
380 my $tree_obj = $tree_file->get_tree();
383 $tree_string = $tree_obj->get_root()->recursive_generate_newick();
387 #print STDERR "Done with shared file...\n";
388 # for now, the species tree is just hard-coded:
390 my $species_tree_newick = "(chlamydomonas[species=Chlamydomonas_reinhardtii]:1,
391 (physcomitrella[species=Physcomitrella_patens]:1,(selaginella[species=Selaginella_moellendorffii]:1,
392 (loblolly_pine[species=Pinus_taeda]:1,(amborella[species=Amborella_trichopoda]:1,
393 ((date_palm[species=Phoenix_dactylifera]:1,((foxtail_millet[species=Setaria_italica]:1,
394 (sorghum[species=Sorghum_bicolor]:1,maize[species=Zea_mays]:1):1):1,
395 (rice[species=Oryza_sativa]:1,(brachypodium[species=Brachypodium_distachyon]:1,
396 (wheat[species=Triticum_aestivum]:1,barley[species=Hordeum_vulgare]:1):1):1):1):1):1,
397 (columbine[species=Aquilegia_coerulea]:1,
398 ((((((((((tomato[species=Solanum_lycopersicum]:1, potato[species=Solanum_tuberosum]:1):1,
399 eggplant[species=Solanum_melongena]:1):1, pepper[species=Capsicum_annuum]:1):1,
400 tobacco[species=Nicotiana_tabacum]:1):1, petunia[species=Petunia]:1):1,
401 sweet_potato[species=Ipomoea_batatas]:1):1,
402 (arabica_coffee[species=Coffea_arabica]:1,robusta_coffee[species=Coffea_canephora]:1):1):1,
403 snapdragon[species=Antirrhinum]:1):1,
404 ((sunflower[species=Helianthus_annuus]:1,lettuce[species=Lactuca_sativa]:1):1,
405 carrot[species=Daucus_carota]:1):1):1,(grape[species=Vitis_vinifera]:1,
406 ((eucalyptus[species=Eucalyptus_grandis]:1,
407 ((orange[species=Citrus_sinensis]:1, clementine[species=Citrus_clementina]:1):1,
408 ((cacao[species=Theobroma_cacao]:1,cotton[species=Gossypium_raimondii]:1):1,
409 (papaya[species=Carica_papaya]:1,(turnip[species=Brassica_rapa]:1,
410 (salt_cress[species=Thellungiella_parvula]:1,(red_shepherds_purse[species=Capsella_rubella]:1,
411 (arabidopsis_thaliana[species=Arabidopsis_thaliana]:1,arabidopsis_lyrata[species=Arabidopsis_lyrata]:1):1)
412 :1):1):1):1):1):1):1,
413 (((peanut[species=Arachis_hypogaea]:1,
414 ((soy[species=Glycine_max]:1,pigeon_pea[species=Cajanus_cajan]:1):1,
415 (medicago[species=Medicago_truncatula]:1,lotus[species=Lotus_japonicus]:1):1):1):1,
416 (hemp[species=Cannabis_sativa]:1,
417 (((apple[species=Malus_domestica]:1,peach[species=Prunus_persica]:1):1,
418 woodland_strawberry[species=Fragaria_vesca]:1):1, cucumber[species=Cucumis_sativus]:1):1):1):1,
419 ((castorbean[species=Ricinus_communis]:1,cassava[species=Manihot_esculenta]:1):1,
420 (poplar[species=Populus_trichocarpa]:1,flax[species=Linum_usitatissimum]:1):1):1):1):1):1):1):1):1):1
423 #print STDERR "species tree newick: \n", $species_tree_newick, "\n";
426 CXGN::Phylo::Parse_newick->new($species_tree_newick)->parse()
427 ; #construct Parse_newick for string $newick
429 ## these aren't needed for the hard coded species tree, but may be needed if/when we allow other trees (user supplied)
430 $species_tree->set_missing_species_from_names(); # if get_species() not defined get species from name
431 $species_tree->impose_branch_length_minimum();
432 $species_tree->collapse_tree();
433 my $species_name_map = CXGN::Phylo::Species_name_map->new();
434 $species_tree->set_species_standardizer($species_name_map);
436 # the user can either submit a tree string (using the tree_string html
437 # parameter, or a temp file name is supplied with the file parameter (for
438 # clicks that are generated after the initial parsing).
439 # If we have neither, show the input form.
443 # clean the string...
444 $tree_string =~ s/\n//g;
445 $tree_string =~ s/\r//g;
447 #print STDERR "TREESTRING: $tree_string\n";
449 # because we used CXGN::Page::encoded_arguments we have to
450 # do some translation back to normal ascii
452 while ( $tree_string =~ m/(.*)\"\;(.*?)\"\;(.*)/gi ) {
454 #print "MATCHED: $2\n";
455 my $encoded = URI::Escape::uri_escape( $2, ":" );
456 $tree_string = $1 . $encoded . $3;
458 $browser->set_tree_string($tree_string);
459 $file = $browser->create_temp_file();
463 $file = File::Basename::basename($file);
464 $file = $PATH . "/" . $file unless ( $file =~ /\// );
465 $browser->set_temp_file($file);
468 $browser->set_hilite($hilite);
470 my @operations = split / /, $ops;
471 foreach my $o (@operations) {
472 $browser->toggle_node_operation($o);
475 #print("browser->get_tree_string: ", $browser->get_tree_string(), "\n");
476 if ( !$browser->get_tree_string() ) {
481 $collapse_single_species_subtrees = 0;
485 my $tree_string = $browser->get_tree_string();
486 my $parser = CXGN::Phylo::Parse_newick->new($tree_string);
487 my $tree = $parser->parse();
490 my $error = $parser->get_error();
492 "SGN tree browser error",
493 "This does not seem to be a legal Newick formatted tree.<br />Error possibly near highlighted token:<br />$error"
496 $tree->impose_branch_length_minimum()
497 ; # impose the default minimum branch length (0.0001),
498 # because zero branch lengths can lead to leaves getting lost during rerooting.
499 $tree->set_show_species_in_label(1);
501 if ( @{ $alignment->{members} } ) {
502 $tree->set_alignment($alignment);
505 $tree->set_line_color( 150, 150, 150 );
507 $title = "Untitled Tree";
509 $tree->set_name($title);
510 $tree->set_show_species_in_label($show_species);
511 $tree->set_show_standard_species($show_standard_species);
513 # $tree->set_line_color(0, 200, 0);
514 $tree->set_missing_species_from_names();
515 $tree->impose_branch_length_minimum();
516 $tree->get_root()->recursive_implicit_names(); # needed?
518 $tree->set_species_standardizer($species_name_map);
519 $tree->update_label_names();
521 # species tree is already set up (check this is always true)
522 my $spec_bit_hash = $tree->get_species_bithash($species_tree);
523 $species_tree->get_root()->recursive_implicit_species();
524 $species_tree->get_root()
525 ->recursive_set_implicit_species_bits($spec_bit_hash);
527 #reroot the gene tree
528 # reroot the tree at the point which minimizes the variance of the root-leaf distances
529 #print blue_section_html("tree style: $tree_style <br> \n");
531 if ( $reroot and ( $reroot ne "Original" ) )
532 { # reroot the tree according to the selected method
535 if ( $reroot eq "MinVariance" ) {
536 @new_root_point = $tree->min_leaf_dist_variance_point();
538 elsif ( $reroot eq "Midpoint" ) {
539 @new_root_point = $tree->find_point_closest_to_furthest_leaf();
541 elsif ( $reroot eq "MinDuplication" ) {
542 @new_root_point = $tree->find_mindl_node($species_tree);
544 elsif ( $reroot eq "MaxMin" ) {
545 @new_root_point = $tree->find_point_furthest_from_leaves();
547 $tree->reset_root_to_point_on_branch(@new_root_point);
550 $tree->get_root()->recursive_implicit_names();
551 $tree->get_root()->recursive_implicit_species();
552 $tree->update_label_names();
555 # my $spec_bit_hash = $browser->get_tree()->get_species_bithash($species_tree);
557 # $species_tree->get_root()->recursive_implicit_species();
558 # #print STDERR "ccccc\n";
559 # $species_tree->get_root()->recursive_set_implicit_species_bits($spec_bit_hash);
561 # $browser->get_tree()->get_root()->rs
562 # $browser->get_tree()->get_root()->recursive_set_implicit_species_bits($spec_bit_hash);
563 # $browser->get_tree()->get_root()->recursive_implicit_names(); # this is needed, but why?
565 # $browser->get_tree()->get_root()->recursive_set_speciation($species_tree);
566 # $browser->get_tree()->get_root()->recursive_hilite_speciation_nodes($species_tree);
569 # $tree->get_root()->recursive_set_leaf_species_count();
570 # $tree->get_root()->recursive_set_leaf_count();
571 if ($collapse_single_species_subtrees) {
572 $tree->collapse_unique_species_subtrees()
573 ; # this seems to be causing problems
574 $tree->get_root()->recursive_implicit_names()
575 ; # this is needed, but why?
576 $tree->get_root()->recursive_implicit_species();
578 if ($show_orthologs) {
580 $tree->get_root()->recursive_implicit_names()
581 ; # this is needed, but why?
582 $tree->get_root()->recursive_implicit_species();
584 # print STDERR "root implicit species: ", join(";", ($tree->get_root()->get_implicit_species())), "\n";
585 $tree->get_root()->recursive_set_implicit_species_bits($spec_bit_hash);
587 $tree->update_label_names();
589 #### handle possible trifurcation at root
591 $tree->get_root()->speciation_at_this_node($species_tree);
593 # print "root_spec: $root_spec \n";
594 if ( $root_spec < 0 )
595 { # if trifurcation at root, reroot to one of the neighboring branches
596 # if this will yield a speciation at root...
597 my $cn = ( $tree->get_root()->get_children() )[ $root_spec + 3 ];
598 my $bl = $cn->get_branch_length();
599 $tree->reset_root_to_point_on_branch( $cn, 0.5 * $bl );
600 $tree->get_root()->recursive_implicit_names();
601 $tree->get_root()->recursive_implicit_species();
603 ->recursive_set_implicit_species_bits($spec_bit_hash);
605 #### end of handling trifurcation at root
607 $tree->get_root()->recursive_set_speciation($species_tree);
608 $tree->get_root()->recursive_hilite_speciation_nodes($species_tree);
611 # $tree->set_line_color(100, 100, 0);
612 $tree->set_hilite_color( 100, 200, 200 );
614 $tree->show_newick_attribute("species");
616 # $tree->set_hilite_color(150, 0, 200);
618 $browser->set_tree($tree);
620 # $page->message_page("tree_style, reroot: [$tree_style], [$reroot]\n");
622 # initialize the layout object
624 my $layout = CXGN::Phylo::Layout_left_to_right->new($tree);
626 # initialize an approprate layout object
629 $layout->set_top_margin(20);
630 $layout->set_bottom_margin(20);
632 # $layout->set_image_height(400);
633 $layout->set_image_width(700);
634 $tree->set_layout($layout);
636 #Highlight domains, utilize stored genes if possible to eliminate
637 #database querying time. Eval used for whole operation, since
638 #none of it is critical for the viewer
642 my $filepath = $stored_genes;
643 $filepath = $PATH . "/" . $stored_genes
644 unless ( $stored_genes =~ /\// );
645 $genes = retrieve $filepath if ( -f $filepath );
648 ; #we will always store to a new file, so this one must go!
650 $genes = $alignment->highlight_domains($genes)
651 if ( $show_domains && !$hide_alignment );
652 my $storetemp = File::Temp->new( DIR => $PATH, UNLINK => 0 );
653 my $storefile = $storetemp->filename;
654 store( $genes, $storefile ) if ref $genes eq "HASH";
655 $stored_genes = File::Basename::basename($storefile);
656 $PARAM{stored_genes} = $stored_genes;
659 my @nodes = $tree->get_all_nodes();
662 foreach my $m ( @{ $alignment->{members} } ) {
663 my $name = $m->get_id();
669 foreach my $n (@nodes) {
670 my $key = $n->get_node_key();
671 my $file = File::Basename::basename( $browser->get_temp_file() );
672 $align_temp_file = "" if ( $align_temp_file =~ /\/$/ );
673 my $align_temp_name = File::Basename::basename($align_temp_file);
675 # my $link_tail = "&hilite=$key\&height=$height&file=$file&action=display&term=$term&title=$urlencode{$title}&style=$style&show_blen=$show_blen&align_temp_file=$align_temp_name&align_type=$align_type&hide_alignment=$hide_alignment";
676 $PARAM{align_temp_file} = $align_temp_name;
677 $PARAM{file} = $file;
679 # if the node is hidden, we generate a link that will unhide it if you click on it!
680 # (we remove the node from the node_operations list)
682 my @ops = $browser->get_node_operations();
684 for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @ops ; $i++ ) {
685 if ( $ops[$i] =~ /^h$key$/i ) {
689 my $tooltip = $n->get_tooltip();
691 $tooltip = "Node " . $n->get_node_key() . ": " . $n->get_label()->get_name();
694 # my $tooltip = "Node " . $n->get_node_key();
695 my $model = $n->get_attribute("model");
697 $tooltip .= ", Model: " . ucfirst($model);
700 $n->set_tooltip($tooltip);
707 ops => ( join "+", @ops )
715 if ( $n->is_leaf() ) {
717 if ( !$n->get_label()->get_link() ) {
718 my $name = $n->get_label()->get_name();
719 my $link = identifier_url($name);
721 #print STDERR "Name: ".$n->get_name()." LINK: ".$link."\n";
723 $n->get_label()->set_link($link);
725 my $ns = identifier_namespace($name);
726 if ( $ns && $ns =~ /(sgn_u)|(tair_gene_model)/ ) {
727 my ( $gene, $annot );
730 #print STDERR "Before Gene->new...\n";
731 $gene = CXGN::Tools::Gene->new($name);
733 # print STDERR "After Gene->new...\n";
734 $annot = $gene->getAnnotation();
735 $annot = HTML::Entities::encode($annot);
738 $n->get_label()->set_tooltip($annot) if $annot;
744 # adjust the label colors if there is a link. internal links are blue,
745 # while external links are purple.
747 if ( $n->get_label()->get_link() ) {
748 $n->get_label()->set_line_color( 0, 0, 255 );
750 if ( $n->get_label()->get_link() =~ /^\s*http/ ) {
751 $n->get_label()->set_line_color( 200, 0, 200 );
756 } # end of foreach my $n (@nodes) loop
758 # if a search was performed, hilite the results
761 $browser->get_tree()->search_label_name("$term")
762 ; # search_node_name("$term");
763 foreach my $n (@search_nodes) {
764 $n->get_label()->set_hilite(1); #
765 $n->get_label()->set_hilite_color( 255, 200, 85 );
768 $browser->play_back_operations();
770 # hilite the node if the node is still in the tree (may have disappeared due to subtree etc)
772 if ( $hilite && $tree->get_node($hilite) ) {
773 $tree->get_node($hilite)->set_hilited(1);
775 $tree->set_hilite_color( 140, 60, 60 );
777 # initialize an appropriate renderer and render the image
779 my $renderer = undef;
781 # deal with the tree_style
783 if ( !$tree_style ) { $tree_style = "straight"; }
784 if ( $tree_style eq "round" ) {
785 $renderer = CXGN::Phylo::PNG_round_tree_renderer->new($tree);
787 elsif ( $tree_style eq "angle" ) {
788 $renderer = CXGN::Phylo::PNG_angle_tree_renderer->new($tree);
790 else { $renderer = CXGN::Phylo::PNG_tree_renderer->new($tree); }
792 $renderer->set_show_branch_length($show_blen);
801 foreach my $model ( sort { $models{$b} <=> $models{$a} } keys %models ) {
802 my $color_array = shift @model_colors;
803 $renderer->hilite_model( $model, $color_array ) if $color_array;
806 $renderer->hide_alignment() if ($hide_alignment);
807 $tree->set_renderer($renderer);
811 $browser->recursive_manage_labels( $browser->get_tree()->get_root() );
812 $tree->get_root()->recursive_propagate_properties();
814 my $DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 400;
818 my $image_height = $DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
819 if ( $height =~ /stretch/i ) {
820 $tree->get_renderer()->set_font( GD::Font->Small() );
821 $image_height = $tree->get_unhidden_leaf_count() * 12;
822 if ( $image_height > $DEFAULT_HEIGHT ) {
823 $height = $image_height;
826 $height = $DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
829 $layout->set_image_height($height);
831 my $unique = "_" . time() . $$;
833 my $new_align_temp_fh = File::Temp->new(
837 my $new_align_temp = $new_align_temp_fh->filename;
838 my $new_hilite_temp_fh = File::Temp->new(
842 my $new_hilite_temp = $new_hilite_temp_fh->filename;
846 foreach my $n ( $tree->get_leaf_list ) {
848 #alignment member stuff:
850 my ( @mem_color, @hilite_color, @label_color, @label_hilite_color );
852 { # alignments shown with alternating darker and lighter colors...
853 @mem_color = ( 60, 60, 140 );
854 @hilite_color = ( 140, 60, 60 );
855 @label_color = ( 80, 80, 120 );
856 @label_hilite_color = ( 120, 80, 80 );
859 @mem_color = ( 20, 20, 110 );
860 @hilite_color = ( 110, 20, 20 );
861 @label_color = ( 20, 20, 60 );
862 @label_hilite_color = ( 60, 20, 20 );
865 my $key = $n->get_name();
866 my $m = $id2mem{$key};
868 $n->set_alignment_member($m);
869 if ( $n->get_hilited ) {
870 $m->set_color(@hilite_color);
871 print $new_hilite_temp_fh ">$key\n" . $fasta_hash{$key} . "\n";
872 $n->get_label()->set_text_color(@label_hilite_color)
873 unless $hide_alignment;
876 $m->set_color(@mem_color);
877 $n->get_label()->set_text_color(@label_color)
878 unless $hide_alignment;
880 print $new_align_temp_fh ">$key\n" . $fasta_hash{$key} . "\n";
884 my $end_value = $alignment->get_end_value();
886 # add the process id to the file name of the image to create
887 # a unique filename, so that the image is re-loaded every time
888 # it is clicked (required by Explorer).
891 $tree->render_png( ( $browser->get_temp_file() ) . "$unique.png" );
893 my $filename = File::Basename::basename($file);
894 my $temp_url = "/documents/tempfiles/align_viewer/${filename}$unique.png";
896 # print "filename: $filename, temp url: $temp_url \n";
901 my $align_filename = File::Basename::basename($align_temp_file);
902 print page_title_html(
903 qq|<a href="?align_temp_show=$align_filename&newick_temp_show=$filename">Tree browser:</a> |
904 . $tree->get_name() );
906 print $renderer->get_html_image_map( "tree_image_map", $new_align_temp,
907 $new_hilite_temp, $align_type );
909 my $file_for_link = File::Basename::basename( $browser->get_temp_file() );
911 my $node_operations = join( " ", $browser->get_node_operations() );
912 my $new_rotated_node_operations =
913 join( " ", $node_operations, ( "r" . $browser->get_hilite() ) );
914 my $new_hidden_node_operations =
915 join( " ", $node_operations, ( "h" . $browser->get_hilite() ) );
916 my $new_set_root_node_operations =
917 join( " ", $node_operations, ( "s" . $browser->get_hilite() ) );
918 my $new_reset_root_operations =
919 join( " ", $node_operations, ( "t" . $browser->get_hilite() ) );
921 my $active_if_hilite_button = "";
922 my $not_show_blen = !$show_blen;
923 my $not_show_orthologs = !$show_orthologs;
924 my $not_collapse_single_species_subtrees =
925 !$collapse_single_species_subtrees;
926 my $not_show_species = !$show_species;
928 # my $not_root_min_var = !$root_min_var;
930 $active_if_hilite_button = "disabled";
932 my $not_hide_alignment = !$hide_alignment;
934 my $active_if_changed_button = "disabled";
935 if ( $hilite || $ops ) {
936 $active_if_changed_button = "";
940 #print STDERR "Tree_style: $tree_style\n";
941 my ( $round_selected, $angle_selected, $straight_selected ) =
943 if ( $tree_style =~ /round/i ) {
944 $round_selected = "selected=\"selected\"";
945 $angle_selected = "";
946 $straight_selected = "";
948 if ( $tree_style =~ /angle/i ) {
949 $round_selected = "";
950 $angle_selected = "selected=\"selected\"";
951 $straight_selected = "";
953 if ( $tree_style =~ /straight/i ) {
954 $round_selected = "";
955 $angle_selected = "";
956 $straight_selected = "selected=\"selected\"";
960 $original_selected, $midpoint_selected, $minvar_selected,
961 $mindl_selected, $maxmin_selected
962 ) = ( "", "", "", "", "" );
963 if ( $reroot =~ /Midpoint/i ) {
964 $midpoint_selected = "selected=\"selected\"";
966 elsif ( $reroot =~ /MinVariance/i ) {
967 $minvar_selected = "selected=\"selected\"";
969 elsif ( $reroot =~ /MinDuplication/i ) {
970 $mindl_selected = "selected=\"selected\"";
972 elsif ( $reroot =~ /MaxMin/i ) {
973 $maxmin_selected = "selected=\"selected\"";
976 $original_selected = "selected=\"selected\"";
979 my $smaller_height = int( $height * 0.7 );
980 my $larger_height = int( $height * 1.3 );
982 my $not_show_domains = 0;
983 $not_show_domains = 1 unless $show_domains;
985 my $blen_text = "Show Branch Length";
986 $blen_text = "Hide Branch Length" if $show_blen;
987 my $align_text = "Hide Alignment";
988 $align_text = "Show Alignment" if $hide_alignment;
989 my $domain_text = "Hide Domains";
990 $domain_text = "Show Domains" unless $show_domains;
991 my $show_species_text = "Hide species";
992 $show_species_text = "Show species" unless $show_species;
994 # my $root_min_var_text = "Reroot (Min Var)";
995 # $root_min_var_text = "Original Root" if $root_min_var;
996 my $ortho_text = ($show_orthologs) ? "Hide Orthologs" : "Show Orthologs";
997 my $collapse_single_species_text =
998 ($collapse_single_species_subtrees)
999 ? "Uncollapse 1-species subtrees"
1000 : "Collapse 1-species subtrees";
1002 unless ( $tree->get_alignment() ) {
1006 $domain_text = "" if $hide_alignment;
1008 my $param_reset = hash2param( \%PARAM, { ops => "", hilite => "" } );
1009 my $param_rotate = hash2param(
1013 ops => $new_rotated_node_operations
1017 my $param_hide = hash2param(
1021 ops => $new_hidden_node_operations
1025 my $param_prune_to_subtree = hash2param(
1028 height => "stretch",
1029 ops => $new_set_root_node_operations
1033 my $param_set_as_root = hash2param(
1036 action => "reset_root",
1037 ops => $new_reset_root_operations
1041 my $param_unselect = hash2param( \%PARAM, { hilite => "" } );
1042 my $param_align_toggle =
1043 hash2param( \%PARAM, { hide_alignment => $not_hide_alignment } );
1044 my $param_domain_toggle =
1045 hash2param( \%PARAM, { show_domains => $not_show_domains } );
1046 my $param_blen_toggle =
1047 hash2param( \%PARAM, { show_blen => $not_show_blen } );
1048 my $xxxxxx = $show_orthologs;
1049 my $param_orthologs_toggle =
1050 hash2param( \%PARAM, { show_orthologs => $not_show_orthologs } );
1051 my $param_collapse_toggle = hash2param(
1054 collapse_single_species_subtrees =>
1055 $not_collapse_single_species_subtrees
1059 # $page->message_page("xxxxxx, show ortho, std spec: ", "[$xxxxxx], [$show_orthologs], [$show_standard_species]<br>");
1060 my $param_show_species_toggle =
1061 hash2param( \%PARAM, { show_species => $not_show_species } );
1063 # my $param_reroot = hash2param(\%PARAM, { reroot => $reroot });
1065 my ( $param_smaller, $param_larger, $param_autosize ) =
1066 map { hash2param( \%PARAM, { height => $_ } ) }
1067 ( $smaller_height, $larger_height, "stretch" );
1069 my $param_input_tree_style = hash2hiddenpost( \%PARAM, {}, ["tree_style"] );
1070 my $param_input_reroot = hash2hiddenpost( \%PARAM, {}, ["reroot"] );
1072 my $param_input_term = hash2hiddenpost( \%PARAM, {}, ["term"] );
1074 my $original_link = qq|<a href="?$param_reset"><< See Original Tree</a> |;
1076 if ( $upload || $tree_string_param || !$node_operations );
1083 my $treestyle_str = <<EOH;
1085 <form id="tree_style_form" style="margin-bottom:0; margin-top:0;font-size:1.0em">
1086 <table width="100%">
1088 <td style="font-size:1.1em" width="$w1" >Tree Style: </td>
1090 <select name="tree_style" onchange="document.getElementById('tree_style_form').submit(); return false">
1091 <option value="round" $round_selected>curve</option>
1092 <option value="angle" $angle_selected>straight</option>
1093 <option value="straight" $straight_selected>corner</option>
1097 <input type="submit" value="Change" />
1098 $param_input_tree_style
1106 my $reroot_str = <<EOH;
1108 <form id="reroot_form" style="margin-bottom:0; margin-top:0;font-size:1.0em">
1109 <table width="100%">
1111 <td width="$w1">Reroot: </td>
1113 <select name="reroot" onchange=" document.getElementById('reroot_form').submit(); return false; ">
1114 <option value ="Original" $original_selected>original</option>
1115 <option value="Midpoint" $midpoint_selected>midpoint</option>
1116 <option value="MinVariance" $minvar_selected>minvar</option>
1117 <option value="MinDuplication" $mindl_selected>mindupl</option>
1118 <option value="MaxMin" $maxmin_selected>maxmin</option>
1122 <input type="submit" value="Change" />
1130 <!-- is this needed? seems to work just when you select new style in menu. maybe some browsers behave differently?-->
1133 my $highlight_str = <<EOH;
1135 <form style="margin-bottom:0; margin-top:0">
1138 <td><input name="term" size="10" value="$term" /></td>
1139 <td><input type="submit" value="Highlight" /> $param_input_term</td>
1146 my $show_species_str = qq|<td style
="text-align:center"> <a href
="?$param_show_species_toggle">$show_species_text</a> </td
1148 my $show_blen = <<EOH;
1149 <td style="text-align:center">
1150 <a href="?$param_blen_toggle"
1151 onMouseover="oldwindowstatus = window.status; window.status=$show_blen; return true"
1152 onMouseout="window.status=oldwindowstatus; return true">
1158 my $show_ortho = qq|<td style
="text-align:center"> <a href
="?$param_orthologs_toggle">$ortho_text</a> </td
1159 my $collapse_single_species =
1160 qq|<td style
="text-align:center"> <a href
="?$param_collapse_toggle">$collapse_single_species_text</a> </td
1162 my $imagesize_str = <<EOH;
1163 <td style="text-align:center; vertical-align:bottom">
1164 <span style="font-size:1.1em">Image Size: </span>
1165 <a style="font-size:0.90em" href="?$param_smaller">Smaller</a>
1166 <a style="font-size:1.18em" href="?$param_larger">Larger</a>
1167 <a href="?$param_autosize">AUTO</a>
1171 my $align_domain_str = <<EOH;
1172 <td colspan="2" style="text-align:center">
1173 <a href="?$param_align_toggle">$align_text</a>
1175 <a href="?$param_domain_toggle">$domain_text</a>
1180 <table width="100%">
1189 $collapse_single_species
1198 my $node_control = <<HTML;
1200 <td style="padding:10px">
1201 <div style="text-align: center">
1202 <table style="border:1px solid #922; cell-padding:5px; padding:5px;font-size:1.0em;background-color:#eee">
1204 <td><a href="?$param_unselect">X</a></td>
1205 <td><span style="font-weight:bold; color:#411">Node $hilite</span> </td>
1206 <td><a href="?$param_hide">Hide</a> </td>
1207 <td><a href="?$param_rotate">Rotate</a> </td>
1208 <td><a href="?$param_prune_to_subtree">Subtree</a> </td>
1209 <td><a href="?$param_set_as_root">Set as Root</a> </td>
1216 print $node_control if $hilite;
1220 <img style="display: block; margin: 2em auto" src="$temp_url" usemap="#tree_image_map" alt="" />
1221 <a name="bottom"> </a>
1224 # print STDERR "term: $term. param_input_term: $param_input_term \n";
1226 if ($show_orthologs) {
1228 # $species_tree->get_root()->recursive_implicit_species();
1230 # $species_tree->get_root()
1231 # ->recursive_set_implicit_species_bits($spec_bit_hash);
1232 # $browser->get_tree()->get_root()->recursive_implicit_species();
1234 # $browser->get_tree()->get_root()
1235 # ->recursive_set_implicit_species_bits($spec_bit_hash);
1236 # $browser->get_tree()->get_root()->recursive_implicit_names();
1237 # $browser->get_tree()->get_root()
1238 # ->recursive_set_speciation($species_tree);
1239 # $browser->get_tree()->get_root()
1240 # ->recursive_hilite_speciation_nodes($species_tree);
1243 $browser->get_tree()->set_line_color( 0, 200, 0 );
1244 $browser->get_tree()->set_hilite_color( 100, 200, 200 );
1246 my @leaves = $browser->get_tree->get_leaves;
1247 $browser->get_tree->set_show_standard_species($show_species);
1248 my $ortho_hilite_only = 0;
1249 my $first_cell_text = "Orthologs of  ";
1250 @leaves = sort { $a->get_name cmp $b->get_name } @leaves;
1252 foreach my $leaf (@leaves) {
1254 # next line to only show orthologs of highlighted nodes,
1255 # if any are highlighted
1256 next unless !$ortho_hilite_only
1258 || $leaf->get_label->get_hilite;
1260 my $the_name = $leaf->get_name;
1261 if ( $the_name =~ /([^{|]+)/ ) {
1263 } # i.e. trim off everything from the first pipe or { on
1264 $first_cell_text = "";
1266 td
( $first_cell_text ),
1267 td
( "$the_name:    "),
1268 td
( join( ",  ", sort $leaf->collect_orthologs_of_leaf ) ),
1271 $ostring = table
1273 $browser->get_tree->show_newick_attribute("speciation");
1274 $browser->get_tree->show_newick_attribute("species");
1275 my $newick_string = $browser->get_tree->generate_newick();
1277 print info_section_html
1278 title
=> 'Ortholog pairs',
1279 contents
=> $ostring,
1280 collapsible
=> 'true',
1286 if ( $hilite && ( $height > ( $DEFAULT_HEIGHT + 200 ) ) ) {
1287 $node_control =~ s/href="(.*?)"/href="$1#bottom"/ig;
1288 print $node_control;
1299 print page_title_html
("Tree browser");
1301 my $submit_preset = "";
1302 my $align_preset = "";
1303 if ( -f
$align_temp_show ) {
1304 open my $af, '<', $align_temp_show or die "$! opening '$align_temp_show'";
1306 $align_preset .= $_;
1310 my $newick_preset = "";
1311 if ( -f
$newick_temp_show ) {
1312 open my $nf, '<', $newick_temp_show or die "$! opening '$newick_temp_show'";
1314 $newick_preset .= $_;
1318 my $title_preset = "";
1319 #print STDERR "Debug marker 702\n";
1321 if ($example_show) {
1322 $title_preset = "Arabidopsis Family Example";
1323 if( open my $af, '<', "$HTML_ROOT_PATH/cgi-bin/tools/tree_browser/data/example_align_preset.txt" ) {
1325 $align_preset .= $_;
1327 $submit_preset ||= "View Tree and Alignment";
1329 else { $align_preset = "Example File Not Found" }
1330 if( open my $nf, '<', "$HTML_ROOT_PATH/cgi-bin/tools/tree_browser/data/example_newick_preset.txt" ) {
1332 $newick_preset .= $_;
1336 $newick_preset = "Example File Not Found";
1339 print table
({ style
=> 'margin: 0 auto'},
1340 Tr
( td
( 'Enter a tree in',
1341 a
( {href
=> 'http://evolution.genetics.washington.edu/phylip/newicktree.html'},
1344 a
( {href
=> '?example_show=1'},
1345 'Show Me an Example',
1351 hidden
( 'action', 'display'),
1354 dd
( -id
=> 'title_box',
1357 -value
=> $title_preset,
1361 dd
( -name
=> 'tree_string',
1362 -id
=> 'tree_string_box',
1365 -value
=> $newick_preset,
1368 dt
('Optional Alignment'),
1369 dd
( {class => 'boxbgcolor5'},
1371 radio_group
( -name
=> 'align_type',
1372 -labels
=> { nt
=> 'Nucleotide',
1375 -values => [qw
[ nt pep
1380 radio_group
( -name
=> 'format',
1381 -values => [qw
[clustalw fasta
1382 -labels
=> { clustalw
=> 'CLUSTAL alignment',
1383 fasta
=> 'Fasta (Gapped)',
1385 -default => 'fasta',
1388 div
( 'Input Sequences:' ),
1391 document.getElementById('tree_submit').value = document.getElementById('align_seq_data_box').value ? 'View Tree and Alignment' : 'View Tree';
1394 -name
=> 'align_seq_data',
1395 -id
=> 'align_seq_data_box',
1398 -value
=> $align_preset,
1403 CGI
::reset( -value
=> 'Clear form',
1405 document.getElementById('align_seq_data_box').value =
1406 document.getElementById('tree_string_box').value =
1407 document.getElementById('title_box').value = '';
1412 -id
=> 'tree_submit',
1413 -value
=> $submit_preset || "View Tree",
1423 #Alignment-Related Subroutines ###############################################
1426 my ( $file, $page, $n ) = @_;
1427 my ($filename) = $file =~ /([^\/]+)$/;
1430 my $instream = Bio
->new( -file
=> $file, -format
=> 'fasta' );
1431 my $entry = $instream->next_seq();
1432 unless ( $entry && $entry->id && $entry->seq ) {
1433 input_err_page
( $page, "FASTA needs IDs and Sequences [$filename]" );
1436 $maxlen = length( $entry->seq );
1437 $entry = $instream->next_seq;
1439 # print STDERR "Checking sequence number $count in $file...\n";
1440 unless ( $entry && $entry->id && $entry->seq ) {
1441 input_err_page
( $page, "FASTA must have at least two valid sequences" );
1444 $maxlen = length( $entry->seq ) if length( $entry->seq ) > $maxlen;
1445 while ( $entry = $instream->next_seq() ) {
1446 unless ( $entry->id && $entry->seq ) {
1447 input_err_page
( $page, "Every entry must have ID AND sequence" );
1449 $maxlen = length( $entry->seq ) if length( $entry->seq ) > $maxlen;
1452 return ( $count, $maxlen );
1455 sub convert_clustal_fasta
1456 my $clustal_file = shift;
1457 my $fasta_file = shift;
1459 my $in = Bio
1460 -file
=> $clustal_file,
1461 -format
=> 'clustalw'
1463 my $cl_out = Bio
1464 -file
=> ">$fasta_file",
1468 while ( my $aln = $in->next_aln() ) {
1469 $aln->set_displayname_flat();
1470 $cl_out->write_aln($aln);
1478 # spaces-> and /n-><br>
1481 $string =~ s/ / /g;
1482 $string =~ s/\n/<br>/g;
1487 # >=2 whitespace characters -> go to next cell to right
1489 my $instring = shift;
1490 $instring =~ s/^\s*//; # remove leading whitespace.
1491 $instring =~ s/\s*$//; # remove trailing whitespace
1492 my $outstring = qq|<table width
="100%" border
1493 $outstring .= $instring;
1494 $outstring =~ s!\n!</td></tr><tr><td>!g; # /n -> new row
1496 s!\s{2,}!</td><td>!g; # >= 2 of any whitespace char -> new cell
1497 $outstring .= "</td></tr></table>";
1501 sub input_err_page
1502 my $input_err_page = shift;
1503 my $err_message = shift;
1504 $input_err_page->header();
1505 print page_title_html
("Combined Tree/Alignment Error");
1506 print "$err_message<br><br><a href=\"index.pl\">Start over</a><br>";
1507 $input_err_page->footer();
1512 # this one will have col headings ortholog group, leaf names, leaf species, agrees with species tree (distance)
1513 sub oglist_html_table
1514 my $browser = shift;
1515 my $tree = $browser->get_tree();
1517 my $cell_spacer = "</td><td>";
1518 my $row_end = "</td></tr>";
1519 my $oglstring = "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" ><tr><td>";
1522 . $cell_spacer . "Names"
1526 . "Matches species tree?"
1532 if ( scalar @oglist == 0 ) {
1533 $oglstring .= "<tr><td>No ortholog groups found.$row_end";
1536 foreach my $o (@oglist) {
1538 # print STDOUT "ZZZ tree copy root qrfd: [", $o->get_tree()->get_root()->get_attribute("qRF_distance"), "] [", $o->get_tree()->get_root()->get_attribute("subtree_leaves_match"), "]<br>\n";
1540 $o->get_ortholog_tree()->get_root()->recursive_implicit_species();
1542 $o->table_row_string(); # this can have multiple rows...
1543 #Use a non-greedy quantifier here!!
1544 while ( $og_row_string =~ m/<tr><td>([a-z]*)_(.*?)$cell_spacer/ ) {
1546 s{<tr><td([a-z]*)_(.*?)$cell_spacer}{<tr><td>$ognumber$1$cell_spacer$2$cell_spacer}
1549 my $implname = $2; #this is ", " separated
1550 $implname =~ s/,\s*/\t/g; # make it space separated
1552 my ( $key, $node ) =
1553 $tree->node_from_implicit_name_string($implname);
1555 my @ops = $browser->get_node_operations();
1561 ops
=> ( join "+", @ops )
1564 my $lnkstr = "<a href=\"$link\">";
1566 s{<tr><td>($ognumber$ogletter)?$cell_spacer}{<tr><td>$lnkstr$1$cell_spacer}
1570 $oglstring .= $og_row_string;
1574 $oglstring .= "</table>";