fix merge conflict
[sgn.git] / db / 00051 /
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
4 =head1 NAME
8 =head1 SYNOPSIS
10 mx-run ThisPackageName [options] -H hostname -D dbname -u username [-F]
12 this is a subclass of L<CXGN::Metadata::Dbpatch>
13 see the perldoc of parent class for more details.
17 This patch cleans up system cvterms terms that are
18 1. not being used
19 2. confusing
20 3. are used in the wrong context (e.g. stock_relationship cvterm used in the nd_experimentprop table)
22 This subclass uses L<Moose>. The parent class uses L<MooseX::Runnable>
24 =head1 AUTHOR
26 Naama Menda<>
30 Copyright 2010 Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research
32 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
33 it under the same terms as Perl itself.
35 =cut
38 package FixRedundantCvterms;
40 use Moose;
41 use Bio::Chado::Schema;
42 use Try::Tiny;
44 extends 'CXGN::Metadata::Dbpatch';
47 has '+description' => ( default => <<'' );
48 This patch will do the following:
49 1. Set cv_id = nd_experiment_property for the cvterm cross_name
50 2. Update the type_id of nd_experiment rows to cross_experiment where the type_id = cross , and then obsolete this stock_relationship cross cvterm
51 3. Create a new term called cross_relationship cv= stock_relationship to be used
52 in the stock_relationship table instead of the term cross_name which now
53 has a nd_experiment_property cv and is used as type_id in nd_experimentprop
54 this is important for making CVterms uniform and less room for errors when using these
56 has '+prereq' => (
57 default => sub {
58 [],
62 sub patch {
63 my $self=shift;
65 print STDOUT "Executing the patch:\n " . $self->name . ".\n\nDescription:\n ". $self->description . ".\n\nExecuted by:\n " . $self->username . " .";
67 print STDOUT "\nChecking if this db_patch was executed before or if previous db_patches have been executed.\n";
69 print STDOUT "\nExecuting the SQL commands.\n";
70 my $schema = Bio::Chado::Schema->connect( sub { $self->dbh->clone } );
72 my $coderef = sub {
73 my $cvterm_rs = $schema->resultset("Cv::Cvterm");
74 my $cv_rs = $schema->resultset("Cv::Cv");
76 #############
78 #############1
79 my $nd_experiment_property_cv = $cv_rs->find_or_create( { name => 'nd_experiment_property' } ) ;
81 my $cross_name_cvterm = $cvterm_rs->find(
83 name => 'cross_name' ,
84 });
85 if ($cross_name_cvterm) {
86 print "UPDATING cv_id of cvterm cross_name to nd_experiment_property\n";
87 $cross_name_cvterm->update( { cv_id => $nd_experiment_property_cv->cv_id } ) ;
89 ###############2
91 my $cross_experiment_cvterm = $cvterm_rs->create_with(
93 name => 'cross_experiment',
94 cv => 'experiment_type',
95 } ) ;
97 my $nd_experiment_rs = $schema->resultset("NaturalDiversity::NdExperiment")->search(
99 '' => 'cross'
102 join => 'type',
103 } );
104 if ( $nd_experiment_rs->count ) {
105 print "UPDATING nd_experiment with type_id = cross to type_id = cross_experiment\n";
106 $nd_experiment_rs->update( { type_id => $cross_experiment_cvterm->cvterm_id } );
108 ### OBSOLETE name of cross cvterm cv = stock_relationship
109 my $cross_cvterm = $cvterm_rs->find(
111 '' => 'cross',
112 '' => 'stock_relationship',
115 join => 'cv' ,
116 } );
117 if ( $cross_cvterm ) {
118 print "UPDATING term cross cv= stock_relationship to name = OBSOLETE_cross. No one should use this term. There is a cross term with stock_type cv\n";
119 $cross_cvterm->update( { name => 'OBSOLETE_cross' } ) ;
121 ##################3
123 my $cross_relationship_cvterm = $cvterm_rs->create_with(
125 name => 'cross_relationship' ,
126 cv => 'stock_relationship',
127 } ) ;
129 my $stock_relationship_rs = $schema->resultset("Stock::StockRelationship")->search(
131 '' => 'cross_name',
132 } ,
133 { join => 'type', }
135 if ( $stock_relationship_rs->count ) {
136 print "UPDATING stock_relationships with type = cross_name to new cvterm = cross_relationship. You should not use the term cross in stock_relationship. It should be only a stock.type \n";
137 $stock_relationship_rs->update( { type_id => $cross_relationship_cvterm->cvterm_id } );
140 ###################
141 if ($self->trial) {
142 print "Trial mode! Rolling back transaction\n\n";
143 $schema->txn_rollback;
144 return 0;
146 return 1;
150 try {
151 $schema->txn_do($coderef);
153 } catch {
154 die "Load failed! " . $_ . "\n" ;
158 print "You're done!\n";
163 ####
164 1; #
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