2 package CXGN
7 CXGN::Phenotypes::TrialPhenotype - an object to handle retrieving of trial phenotype and field information.
11 my $phenotypes_heatmap = CXGN::Phenotypes::TrialPhenotype->new(
16 my @phenotype = $phenotypes_heatmap->get_trial_phenotypes_heatmap();
32 use SGN
33 use List
::MoreUtils qw
| :all
36 BEGIN { extends
'Catalyst::Controller'; }
39 isa
=> 'Bio::Chado::Schema',
56 sub get_trial_phenotypes_heatmap
58 my $schema = $self->bcs_schema;
59 my $trial_id = $self->trial_id;
60 my $trait_id = $self->trait_id;
61 my $rep_type_id = SGN
->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'replicate', 'stock_property')->cvterm_id();
62 my $block_number_type_id = SGN
->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'block', 'stock_property')->cvterm_id();
63 my $plot_number_type_id = SGN
->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'plot number', 'stock_property')->cvterm_id();
64 my $row_number_type_id = SGN
->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'row_number', 'stock_property')->cvterm_id();
65 my $col_number_type_id = SGN
->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'col_number', 'stock_property')->cvterm_id();
66 my $plot_type_id = SGN
->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'plot', 'stock_type')->cvterm_id();
67 my $accession_type_id = SGN
->get_cvterm_row($schema, 'accession', 'stock_type')->cvterm_id();
70 stock_id
=> 'plot.stock_id',
71 trial_id
=> 'project.project_id',
72 trait_id
=> 'cvterm.cvterm_id',
73 row_number
=> 'row_number.value::int',
74 col_number
=> 'col_number.value::int',
76 plot_number
=> 'plot_number.value::INT',
77 block_number
=> 'block_number.value',
78 phenotype_value
=> 'phenotype.value',
79 phenotype_id
=> 'phenotype.phenotype_id',
80 plot_name
=> 'plot.uniquename AS plot_name',
81 accession_name
=> 'accession.uniquename',
82 from_clause
=> " FROM stock as plot JOIN stock_relationship ON (plot.stock_id=subject_id)
83 JOIN cvterm as plot_type ON (plot_type.cvterm_id = plot.type_id)
84 JOIN stock as accession ON (object_id=accession.stock_id AND accession.type_id = $accession_type_id)
85 LEFT JOIN stockprop AS rep ON (plot.stock_id=rep.stock_id AND rep.type_id = $rep_type_id)
86 LEFT JOIN stockprop AS block_number ON (plot.stock_id=block_number.stock_id AND block_number.type_id = $block_number_type_id)
87 LEFT JOIN stockprop AS col_number ON (plot.stock_id=col_number.stock_id AND col_number.type_id = $col_number_type_id)
88 LEFT JOIN stockprop AS row_number ON (plot.stock_id=row_number.stock_id AND row_number.type_id = $row_number_type_id)
89 LEFT JOIN stockprop AS plot_number ON (plot.stock_id=plot_number.stock_id AND plot_number.type_id = $plot_number_type_id)
90 JOIN nd_experiment_stock ON(nd_experiment_stock.stock_id=plot.stock_id)
91 JOIN nd_experiment ON (nd_experiment_stock.nd_experiment_id=nd_experiment.nd_experiment_id)
92 LEFT JOIN nd_experiment_phenotype ON (nd_experiment_phenotype.nd_experiment_id=nd_experiment.nd_experiment_id)
93 LEFT JOIN phenotype USING(phenotype_id)
94 LEFT JOIN cvterm ON (phenotype.cvalue_id=cvterm.cvterm_id)
95 LEFT JOIN dbxref ON (cvterm.dbxref_id = dbxref.dbxref_id)
96 LEFT JOIN db USING(db_id)
97 JOIN nd_experiment_project ON (nd_experiment_project.nd_experiment_id=nd_experiment.nd_experiment_id)
98 JOIN project USING(project_id)",
101 my $select_clause = "SELECT DISTINCT ".$columns{'stock_id'}.", ".$columns{'plot_name'}.", ".$columns{'accession_name'}.", ".$columns{'plot_number'}.", ".$columns{'block_number'}.", ".$columns{'rep'}.", ".$columns{'row_number'}.", ".$columns{'col_number'}.", ".$columns{'phenotype_value'}.", ".$columns{'phenotype_id'}."";
103 my $from_clause = $columns{'from_clause'};
105 my $order_clause = " ORDER BY 7, 8, 4 ASC";
106 my $numeric_regex = '^-?[0-9]+([,.][0-9]+)?$';
107 my $numeric_regex_2 = '/^\s*$/';
111 if ($trial_id && $trait_id){
112 push @where_clause, " (". $columns{'trait_id'}." in ($trait_id) OR ". $columns{'trait_id'}." is NULL )";
113 #push @where_clause, $columns{'trait_id'}." in ($trait_id)";
114 push @where_clause, "plot.type_id in ($plot_type_id)";
115 push @where_clause, $columns{'trial_id'}." in ($trial_id)";
116 #push @where_clause, " (". $columns{'phenotype_value'}." ~\'$numeric_regex\' OR ". $columns{'phenotype_value'}." is NULL )";
117 push @where_clause, $columns{'phenotype_value'}." ~\'$numeric_regex\' ";
120 my $where_clause = " WHERE " . (join (" AND " , @where_clause));
121 my $q = $select_clause . $from_clause . $where_clause . $order_clause;
123 my $h = $schema->storage->dbh()->prepare($q);
126 my (@col_No, @row_No, @pheno_val, @plot_Name, @stock_Name, @plot_No, @block_No, @rep_No, @msg, %results, @phenoID);
128 while (my ($id, $plot_name, $stock_name, $plot_number, $block_number, $rep, $row_number, $col_number, $value, $pheno_id) = $h->fetchrow_array()) {
129 if (!$row_number && !$col_number){
131 $row_number = $block_number;
132 }elsif ($rep && !$block_number ){
136 my $plot_popUp = $plot_name."\nplot_No:".$plot_number."\nblock_No:".$block_number."\nrep_No:".$rep."\nstock:".$stock_name."\nvalue:".$value;
137 push @
$result, {plotname
=> $plot_name, stock
=> $stock_name, plotn
=> $plot_number, blkn
=>$block_number, rep
=>$rep, row
=>$row_number, col
=>$col_number, pheno
=>$value, plot_msg
=>$plot_popUp, pheno_id
=>$pheno_id} ;
138 push @col_No, $col_number;
139 push @row_No, $row_number;
140 push @pheno_val, $value;
141 push @plot_Name, $plot_name;
142 push @stock_Name, $stock_name;
143 push @plot_No, $plot_number;
144 push @block_No, $block_number;
146 push @phenoID, $pheno_id;
147 push @msg, "plot_No:".$plot_number."\nblock_No:".$block_number."\nrep_No:".$rep."\nstock:".$stock_name."\nvalue:".$value;
150 # my ($min_col, $max_col) = minmax @col_No;
151 # my ($min_row, $max_row) = minmax @row_No;
152 # my (@unique_col,@unique_row);
153 # for my $x (1..$max_col){
154 # push @unique_col, $x;
156 # for my $y (1..$max_row){
157 # push @unique_row, $y;
161 if ($col_No[0] == ""){
163 $false_coord = 'false_coord';
164 my @row_instances = uniq
165 my %unique_row_counts;
166 $unique_row_counts{$_}++ for @row_No;
168 for my $key (keys %unique_row_counts){
169 push @col_number2, (1..$unique_row_counts{$key});
171 for (my $i=0; $i < scalar(@
$result); $i++){
172 @
$result[$i]->{'col'} = $col_number2[$i];
173 push @col_No, $col_number2[$i];
177 my ($min_col, $max_col) = minmax
178 my ($min_row, $max_row) = minmax
179 my (@unique_col,@unique_row);
180 for my $x (1..$max_col){
181 push @unique_col, $x;
183 for my $y (1..$max_row){
184 push @unique_row, $y;
187 my $trial = CXGN
188 bcs_schema
=> $schema,
189 trial_id
=> $trial_id
191 my $data = $trial->get_controls();
193 #print STDERR Dumper($data);
196 foreach my $cntrl (@
{$data}) {
197 push @control_name, $cntrl->{'accession_name'};
199 #print STDERR Dumper(\@$result);
200 #print STDERR Dumper(\@plot_No);
205 pheno
=> \
206 plotName
=> \
207 stock
=> \
215 unique_col
=> \
216 unique_row
=> \
217 false_coord
=> $false_coord,
218 phenoID
=> \
219 controls
=> \
221 print STDERR
"Search End:".localtime."\n";
222 #print STDERR Dumper($result);