seedlot upload with accession synonyms. seedlot upload works to update existing seedlots
[sgn.git] / lib / SGN / Controller / BreedersToolbox /
2 package SGN::Controller::BreedersToolbox::Trial;
4 use Moose;
6 use File::Basename;
7 use File::Slurp qw | read_file |;
8 use URI::FromHash 'uri';
10 use CXGN::Trial::TrialLayout;
11 use CXGN::BreedersToolbox::Projects;
12 use SGN::View::Trial qw/design_layout_view design_info_view trial_detail_design_view/;
13 use CXGN::Trial::Download;
14 use CXGN::List::Transform;
15 use CXGN::List::Validate;
16 use CXGN::List;
17 use JSON;
19 BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller'; }
22 sub trial_init : Chained('/') PathPart('breeders/trial') CaptureArgs(1) {
23 my $self = shift;
24 my $c = shift;
25 my $trial_id = shift;
27 $c->stash->{trial_id} = $trial_id;
28 print STDERR "TRIAL ID = $trial_id\n";
30 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema("Bio::Chado::Schema");
31 $c->stash->{schema} = $schema;
32 my $trial;
33 eval {
34 $trial = CXGN::Trial->new( { bcs_schema => $schema, trial_id => $trial_id });
36 if ($@) {
37 $c->stash->{template} = 'system_message.txt';
38 $c->stash->{message} = "The requested trial ($trial_id) does not exist";
39 return;
41 $c->stash->{trial} = $trial;
44 sub old_trial_url : Path('/breeders_toolbox/trial') Args(1) {
45 my $self = shift;
46 my $c = shift;
47 my @args = @_;
48 my $format = $c->req->param("format");
49 $c->res->redirect('/breeders/trial/'.$args[0].'?format='.$format);
52 sub trial_info : Chained('trial_init') PathPart('') Args(0) {
53 #print STDERR "Check 1: ".localtime()."\n";
54 print STDERR "TRIAL INIT...\n\n";
55 my $self = shift;
56 my $c = shift;
57 my $format = $c->req->param("format");
58 #print STDERR $format;
59 my $user = $c->user();
60 if (!$user) {
61 $c->res->redirect( uri( path => '/solpeople/', query => { goto_url => $c->req->uri->path_query } ) );
62 return;
65 $c->stash->{user_can_modify} = ($user->check_roles("submitter") || $user->check_roles("curator")) ;
67 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema', 'sgn_chado');
68 my $trial = $c->stash->{trial};
69 my $program_object = CXGN::BreedersToolbox::Projects->new( { schema => $schema });
71 if (!$program_object->trial_exists($c->stash->{trial_id})) {
72 $c->stash->{message} = "The requested trial does not exist or has been deleted.";
73 $c->stash->{template} = 'generic_message.mas';
74 return;
77 $c->stash->{trial_name} = $trial->get_name();
79 my $trial_type_data = $trial->get_project_type();
80 $c->stash->{trial_type} = $trial_type_data->[1];
81 $c->stash->{trial_type_id} = $trial_type_data->[0];
83 $c->stash->{planting_date} = $trial->get_planting_date();
85 $c->stash->{harvest_date} = $trial->get_harvest_date();
87 $c->stash->{trial_description} = $trial->get_description();
88 $c->stash->{trial_phenotype_files} = $trial->get_phenotype_metadata();
89 $c->stash->{assayed_traits} = $trial->get_traits_assayed();
91 my $location_data = $trial->get_location();
92 $c->stash->{location_id} = $location_data->[0];
93 $c->stash->{location_name} = $location_data->[1];
95 my $breeding_program_data = $program_object->get_breeding_programs_by_trial($c->stash->{trial_id});
96 $c->stash->{breeding_program_id} = $breeding_program_data->[0]->[0];
97 $c->stash->{breeding_program_name} = $breeding_program_data->[0]->[1];
99 $c->stash->{year} = $trial->get_year();
101 $c->stash->{trial_id} = $c->stash->{trial_id};
103 $c->stash->{has_col_and_row_numbers} = $trial->has_col_and_row_numbers();
104 $c->stash->{has_plant_entries} = $trial->has_plant_entries();
105 $c->stash->{has_subplot_entries} = $trial->has_subplot_entries();
106 $c->stash->{has_tissue_sample_entries} = $trial->has_tissue_sample_entries();
107 $c->stash->{phenotypes_fully_uploaded} = $trial->get_phenotypes_fully_uploaded();
109 $c->stash->{hidap_enabled} = $c->config->{hidap_enabled};
110 $c->stash->{has_expression_atlas} = $c->config->{has_expression_atlas};
111 $c->stash->{expression_atlas_url} = $c->config->{expression_atlas_url};
112 $c->stash->{main_production_site_url} = $c->config->{main_production_site_url};
113 $c->stash->{site_project_name} = $c->config->{project_name};
114 $c->stash->{sgn_session_id} = $c->req->cookie('sgn_session_id');
115 $c->stash->{user_name} = $c->user->get_object->get_username;
117 if ($trial->get_folder) {
118 $c->stash->{folder_id} = $trial->get_folder()->project_id();
119 $c->stash->{folder_name} = $trial->get_folder()->name();
122 my $design_type = $trial->get_design_type();
123 $c->stash->{design_name} = $design_type;
125 # print STDERR "TRIAL TYPE DATA = $trial_type_data->[1]\n\n";
127 if ($design_type eq "genotyping_plate") {
128 $c->stash->{plate_id} = $c->stash->{trial_id};
129 $c->stash->{genotyping_facility} = $trial->get_genotyping_facility;
130 $c->stash->{genotyping_facility_submitted} = $trial->get_genotyping_facility_submitted;
131 $c->stash->{genotyping_facility_status} = $trial->get_genotyping_facility_status;
132 $c->stash->{genotyping_plate_sample_type} = $trial->get_genotyping_plate_sample_type;
133 if ($trial->get_genotyping_plate_format){
134 $c->stash->{genotyping_plate_format} = $trial->get_genotyping_plate_format;
136 if ($format eq "as_table") {
137 $c->stash->{template} = '/breeders_toolbox/genotyping_trials/format/as_table.mas';
139 else {
140 $c->stash->{template} = '/breeders_toolbox/genotyping_trials/detail.mas';
143 elsif ($design_type eq "treatment"){
144 $c->stash->{template} = '/breeders_toolbox/treatment.mas';
146 else {
147 $c->stash->{template} = '/breeders_toolbox/trial.mas';
150 if ($trial_type_data->[1] eq "crossing_trial"){
151 print STDERR "It's a crossing trial!\n\n";
152 $c->stash->{template} = '/breeders_toolbox//cross/crossing_trial.mas';
155 print STDERR "End Load Trial Detail Page: ".localtime()."\n";
160 sub trait_info :Path('/breeders/trial') Args(3) {
161 my ($self, $c, $trial_id, $trait_txt, $trait_id) = @_;
163 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema', 'sgn_chado');
165 my $trial_name = $schema->resultset("Project::Project")
166 ->search( {'me.project_id' => $trial_id})
167 ->single
168 ->name;
170 $c->stash->{trial_name} = $trial_name;
172 my $trait_name = $schema->resultset("Cv::Cvterm")
173 ->search({'me.cvterm_id' => $trait_id})
174 ->single
175 ->name;
177 $c->stash->{trial_id} = $trial_id;
178 $c->stash->{trial_name} = $trial_name;
180 $c->stash->{trait_id} = $trait_id;
181 $c->stash->{trait_name} = $trait_name;
183 $c->stash->{template} = '/breeders_toolbox/trial_trait.mas';
186 ##DEPRECATED by /breeders/trials
187 sub trial_tree : Path('/breeders/trialtree') Args(0) {
188 my $self = shift;
189 my $c = shift;
192 $c->stash->{template} = '/breeders_toolbox/trialtree.mas';
196 #For downloading trial layout in CSV and Excel, for downloading trial phenotypes in CSV and Excel, and for downloading trial phenotyping spreadsheets in Excel.
197 #For phenotype download, better to use SGN::Controller::BreedersToolbox::Download->download_phenotypes_action and provide a single trial_id in the trial_list argument, as that is how the phenotype download works from the wizard page, the trial tree page, and the trial detail page for phenotype download.
198 sub trial_download : Chained('trial_init') PathPart('download') Args(1) {
199 my $self = shift;
200 my $c = shift;
201 my $what = shift;
202 my $schema = $c->dbic_schema('Bio::Chado::Schema', 'sgn_chado');
204 my $user = $c->user();
205 if (!$user) {
206 $c->res->redirect( uri( path => '/solpeople/', query => { goto_url => $c->req->uri->path_query } ) );
207 return;
210 my $format = $c->req->param("format") || "xls";
211 my $data_level = $c->req->param("dataLevel") || "plot";
212 my $timestamp_option = $c->req->param("timestamp") || 0;
213 my $trait_list = $c->req->param("trait_list");
214 my $search_type = $c->req->param("search_type") || 'fast';
216 my $trial = $c->stash->{trial};
217 if ($data_level eq 'plants') {
218 if (!$trial->has_plant_entries()) {
219 $c->stash->{template} = 'generic_message.mas';
220 $c->stash->{message} = "The requested trial (".$trial->get_name().") does not have plant entries. Please create the plant entries first.";
221 return;
224 if ($data_level eq 'subplots' || $data_level eq 'plants_subplots') {
225 if (!$trial->has_subplot_entries()) {
226 $c->stash->{template} = 'generic_message.mas';
227 $c->stash->{message} = "The requested trial (".$trial->get_name().") does not have subplot entries.";
228 return;
232 my $selected_cols = $c->req->param('selected_columns') ? decode_json $c->req->param('selected_columns') : {};
233 if ($data_level eq 'plate'){
234 $selected_cols = {'trial_name'=>1, 'acquisition_date'=>1, 'plot_name'=>1, 'plot_number'=>1, 'row_number'=>1, 'col_number'=>1, 'source_observation_unit_name'=>1, 'accession_name'=>1, 'dna_person'=>1, 'notes'=>1, 'tissue_type'=>1, 'extraction'=>1, 'concentration'=>1, 'volume'=>1, 'is_blank'=>1};
236 my $selected_trait_list_id = $c->req->param('trait_list_id');
237 my @selected_trait_names;
238 my @trait_list;
239 if ($selected_trait_list_id){
240 my $list = CXGN::List->new({ dbh => $c->dbc->dbh, list_id => $selected_trait_list_id });
241 @selected_trait_names = @{$list->elements()};
242 my $validator = CXGN::List::Validate->new();
243 my @absent_traits = @{$validator->validate($schema, 'traits', \@selected_trait_names)->{'missing'}};
244 if (scalar(@absent_traits)>0){
245 $c->stash->{template} = 'generic_message.mas';
246 $c->stash->{message} = "Trait list is not valid because of these terms: ".join ',',@absent_traits;
247 return;
249 my $lt = CXGN::List::Transform->new();
250 @trait_list = @{$lt->transform($schema, "traits_2_trait_ids", \@selected_trait_names)->{transform}};
253 my @treatment_project_ids;
254 my $treatments = $trial->get_treatments();
255 foreach (@$treatments){
256 push @treatment_project_ids, $_->[0];
259 if ($trait_list && $trait_list ne 'null') {
260 @trait_list = @{_parse_list_from_json($trait_list)};
263 my $plugin = "";
264 if ( ($format eq "xls") && ($what eq "layout")) {
265 $plugin = "TrialLayoutExcel";
267 if (($format eq "csv") && ($what eq "layout")) {
268 $plugin = "TrialLayoutCSV";
270 if (($format eq "xls") && ($what =~ /phenotype/)) {
271 $plugin = "TrialPhenotypeExcel";
273 if (($format eq "csv") && ($what =~ /phenotype/)) {
274 $plugin = "TrialPhenotypeCSV";
276 if (($format eq "xls") && ($what eq "basic_trial_excel")) {
277 $plugin = "BasicExcel";
279 if ( ($format eq "intertekxls") && ($what eq "layout")) {
280 $plugin = "GenotypingTrialLayoutIntertekXLS";
283 my $trial_name = $trial->get_name();
284 my $trial_id = $trial->get_trial_id();
285 my $dir = $c->tempfiles_subdir('download');
286 my $temp_file_name = $trial_id . "_" . "$what" . "XXXX";
287 my $rel_file = $c->tempfile( TEMPLATE => "download/$temp_file_name");
288 $rel_file = $rel_file . ".$format";
289 my $tempfile = $c->config->{basepath}."/".$rel_file;
291 print STDERR "TEMPFILE : $tempfile\n";
293 my $download = CXGN::Trial::Download->new({
294 bcs_schema => $schema,
295 trial_id => $c->stash->{trial_id},
296 trait_list => \@trait_list,
297 filename => $tempfile,
298 format => $plugin,
299 data_level => $data_level,
300 search_type => $search_type,
301 include_timestamp => $timestamp_option,
302 treatment_project_ids => \@treatment_project_ids,
303 selected_columns => $selected_cols,
304 selected_trait_names => \@selected_trait_names,
307 my $error = $download->download();
309 if ($format eq 'intertekxls'){
310 $format = 'xls';
313 my $file_name = $trial_id . "_" . "$what" . ".$format";
314 $c->res->content_type('Application/'.$format);
315 $c->res->header('Content-Disposition', qq[attachment; filename="$file_name"]);
317 my $output = read_file($tempfile);
319 $c->res->body($output);
323 sub _parse_list_from_json {
324 my $list_json = shift;
325 my $json = new JSON;
326 if ($list_json) {
327 my $decoded_list = $json->allow_nonref->utf8->relaxed->escape_slash->loose->allow_singlequote->allow_barekey->decode($list_json);
328 #my $decoded_list = decode_json($list_json);
329 my @array_of_list_items = @{$decoded_list};
330 return \@array_of_list_items;
332 else {
333 return;