3 SGN::Controller::JavaScript - controller for serving minified
8 package SGN
10 use namespace
11 use Moose
16 use Fcntl
19 use List
::MoreUtils qw
/ uniq first_index /;
21 BEGIN { extends
'Catalyst::Controller' }
25 js_include_path
=> SGN
29 my $inc = subtype as
30 coerce
$inc, from
'Defined', via
{ [$_] };
32 has
'js_include_path' => (
43 Serve a single (minified) javascript file from our js path.
48 my ( $self, $c, @args ) = @_;
50 my $rel_file = File
->catfile( @args );
52 # support caching with If-Modified-Since requests
53 my $full_file = File
->catfile( $self->js_include_path->[0], $rel_file );
54 my ( $modtime ) = (stat( $full_file ))[9];
55 $c->throw_404 unless $modtime && -f _
57 my $ims = $c->req->headers->if_modified_since;
58 if( $ims && $modtime && $ims >= $modtime ) {
59 $c->res->status( RC_NOT_MODIFIED
62 $c->stash->{js
} = [ $rel_file ];
63 $c->forward('View::JavaScript');
70 =head2 resolve_javascript_classes
74 sub resolve_javascript_classes
75 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
77 my $files = $c->stash->{js_classes
80 my @files = uniq @
$files; #< do not sort, load order might be important
85 # if prototype is present, move it to the front to prevent it
86 # conflicting with jquery
87 my $prototype_idx = first_index
{ /Prototype$/i } @files;
88 if( $prototype_idx > -1 ) {
89 my ($p) = splice @files, $prototype_idx, 1;
93 # add in JSAN.use dependencies
94 @files = $self->_resolve_jsan_dependencies( \
@files );
96 $c->stash->{js_uris
} = \
99 ########## helpers #########
101 sub _resolve_jsan_dependencies
102 my ( $self, $files ) = @_;
103 local $_; #< stupid JSAN writes to $_
105 # resolve JSAN dependencies of these files
106 my $jsan = $self->new_jsan;
107 for my $f (@
$files) {
114 has _jsan_params
=> ( is
=> 'ro', isa
=> 'HashRef', lazy_build
=> 1 );
115 sub _build__jsan_params
117 my $inc_path = $self->js_include_path;
118 die "multi-dir js_include_path not yet supported" if @
$inc_path > 1;
119 my $js_dir = $inc_path->[0];
120 -d
$js_dir or die "configured js_include_path '$js_dir' does not exist!\n";
127 JSAN
->new( %{ shift->_jsan_params } );